Discuss new movie here

**explaining to Apos what i think Mr matt meant**

hes just saying that the character(gordon) in the demos is on a set course with actions preset for it so it can go thru the level.

the character will do the exact same thing just everytime the demo is recorded, the ragdoll effect and other effects can be diffrent everytime.
Aw crap, it had to come out just now...
I get like 1-2fps when trying to play ;(
Oh wait, its more like 1 sec play, then 2 sec pause...
Damn uber1337-no-more PII 233mhz!!!!!!!
/me kicks computer
Originally posted by dawdler
Aw crap, it had to come out just now...
I get like 1-2fps when trying to play ;(
Oh wait, its more like 1 sec play, then 2 sec pause...
Damn uber1337-no-more PII 233mhz!!!!!!!
/me kicks computer
someone spare this guy $300 for an upgrade?
k, thanks, gw
Hey, I found some of those vids get a bit jerky, kind of like screen tearing, download bink tools, the link is at the end of the video, just click and it should open.
When you have the program, you can then use it to open the video's and change preferences, what you want to change might be click on 'Advanced Play' and try a Blitting Style of Direct Draw, (Best quality and Fastest) and see how you go with that. By default the vids are set at Most compatible, so they aren't likly to play as well as they can.
Originally posted by PSX
someone spare this guy $300 for an upgrade?
k, thanks, gw
I have a 2400+ with a 9700 Pro, its just that the PSU is fried :)
I'm just lucky I still had this PII 233 with a Riva 128 laying around, otherwise I would have to resort to a DX4 100 with an uknown Intel card (I gave my father my old Athlon 700/GeforceDDR, so cant use that)

what you want to change might be click on 'Advanced Play' and try a Blitting Style of Direct Draw
I'm not sure that would help, considering Riva 128 most likely predates the time of direct draw, hehe. Even if it can do it (DX5 compatible maybe?), it would still be slowass... But I'll try, if I can get 10 fps without hickups I'll be happy.
Originally posted by AgentXen
My video isnt running slow. Its running at normal speed. Maybe its just your POS pc.

[Less swearing please, and don't try to circumvent the swear filter]
Suggestion: Edit the above before you get banned :)
Well, if any moderator dig through this, doubt it, they arent gods... Well, only almost :p
Originally posted by FURYweb

On a side note the guy controlling gordan cant aim for shit.

yeah i noticed that......in all the demos, its not just gordon ....its almost like they are not trying to hit each other :p
More combat that way, easy :)

On another note: I was able to obtain a whooping 20 fps!!! But sound was totally fuxed... locking it lower (around 15 fps) fixed the choppiness, but sounds also became slow, making that guy sound like a freakin monster, lol :p
I know this hasn't been mentioned for a while but the symbol on the back of the White Coat Resistance people is on a poster in Bug Bait. The poster is right at the beginning, just when you pick up the Bug Bait.

It looks like he's put on a bit of weight.
Did anyone else notice the other end of the street? When the movie starts and you are looking at barnie its towards your right... its like the end of the world and there is blue sky at ground level! Dodgy...
Originally posted by smilez
Did anyone else notice the other end of the street? When the movie starts and you are looking at barnie its towards your right... its like the end of the world and there is blue sky at ground level! Dodgy...

What am i looking for again?
I only see a wall to my right in the Bink videos. What are you talking about??
wow huge thread for this one, with the nade throwing that guy so far, its very cool, but if there was that much force applied to him to throw him so far, shouldnt he really have been gibbed? like limbs and shit fall off or whatever.....or nade very over powered, i dont know, its all in fun to see such acts of crazyness
Come to think of it, with the current ragdoll stuff, I don't think you'll see gibs in ther HL1 type of gibs (model disappears, appropriate amount/type of gibs appear in space and scatter all over the floor). alright we have the zombies geting split in half by the rotor, thing is, the models were made to break in half if they get enough force applied to that are of their body. You would also be able to chop them in half by any other means, but you can't decapitate them if the model isn't fitted out for that.

Plopfish: I like both things: the guys getting tossed by the grenade, and the sentry gun getting tossed by the grenade. The sentry gun makes such a cool sound when it gets tipped over. Nnnnnnice...http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/ilove/years/1997/gallery/340/jazznice.jpg
I think we are just gonna have to wait and see how much/little gibbing is possible.
No its when you turn back to pick up the gun from the guy who died.. u see the other end of the street that the combine arnt at (the end you came from) and its nothing
Originally posted by smilez
No its when you turn back to pick up the gun from the guy who died.. u see the other end of the street that the combine arnt at (the end you came from) and its nothing

I hope thats just demo-age .....that and the rubble down there looks horrible......if it even is rubble.....
sorry to be another one to find fault with this video but has anyone noticed the clipping on barneys gun at the start of the video?:eek:
still tho this game looks great.
no dude its supposed to be like that its one of those new fancy stick gun into your chest cavity holsters.... pshh

hope they fix that HEH

but I love valve and there work

man, the gun's v_model is cheap, i mean the gun in barney's hand looks like the gun model in cs, hope they will put a higher quality one
some other things I noticed

1. walk/run/crouchwalk animations seem to be a bit chopped up or in other words dont flow like real human movement

2. little box around flare combine shoots lol that ones almost comical (on large platform near the end) its got a wierd glowy box around it like theres some kind of modeling glitch or something... reminds me of what ati's drivers are doing to ut2k3 for me now..... damn ati...... ;(

EDIT: 3. no hit decals on corpses (that I could notice)
Originally posted by commando
naa i dunno. also some of the men look like errm that coloured dude in that comedy show who says "WHAT U TALKING ABOUT" the lil coloured dude. man he is so funny lol charlie brown? arrgh forgot his name
You mean Gary Coleman? He's a funny dude :-D
I like the way barneys eyes flit to the side quickly when he's talking to in the beginning, looks really life like.
Originally posted by alb1221
3. no hit decals on corpses (that I could notice)
There were on the resistance fella who gets downed by the turret. Although I couldnae see any on the Combine soldiers but maybe that's 'cause their uniforms are dark?
hmm well, maybe we will just have to wait for gabe erik or someone else at valve to answer....... or better yet wait for the game... but who wants to do that :x heehee I just want decals to look perfect when its actually released
Originally posted by alb1221

EDIT: 3. no hit decals on corpses (that I could notice)

Here's a screenshot of the hitdecal. You can clearly see it's blood.

I actually feel sorry for the poor guy, he was trying to follow Gordon.
Originally posted by Feath
Here's a screenshot of the hitdecal. You can clearly see it's blood.

I actually feel sorry for the poor guy, he was trying to follow Gordon.
You sure? Maybe he just sneezed really bad earlier?
Originally posted by Feath
Here's a screenshot of the hitdecal. You can clearly see it's blood.

I actually feel sorry for the poor guy, he was trying to follow Gordon.

You can see another on a Combine standing on the barricade platform a bit later on, too. Not so clearly, though.
man just a shot in his ass, he must still be alive, but just pretending dead so that ennemies won't shoot him no more, what an AI!!!
guys when the game is out i really dout you will look at the lil things, you will end up running for cover.

also THE 600mb movie was OUT AGES AGO, the bink vid is jus higher quility to keep us waiting.
the game has prob been SO many changes since then.

gore levels prob can be changed higher and lower....

also thew DECAL STAY like bodies, and bullets, wood and others
can prob be changed to stay, or go
One thing i noticed about thie vid.... Some people in the past have mentioned that the grenade gordon throws explodes with too much force and throws the combine soldier too far and that the guy playing the game cant aim for some reason (low fps or bad aim or whatever). Now we have the direct feed of the sequence we can see why!

When gordon first runs across the street you can see a bunch of red barrels behind the combine just to the right. Now in your typical FPS game a red barrel usually explodes when shot. Notice as gordon runs across the street he isnt firing directly at the combine but at the barrels behind him??? Then when gordon throws the grenade he throws it behind the combine in the hope of exploding those barrels. When gordon runs back to the left again you notice no more barrels? Exploded?

Im just posting this in the hope of disproving 2 points mentioned before, one of them in this thread.