Dissappointments with Oblivion?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Now these are just my opinions, obviously, but I'd like you to post yours too.

1. What the **** is with me stealing an item and MAGICALLY getting a bounty on my head, and everyone knowing I've stolen it.
2. What the **** is with me killing a person in a city and MAGICALLY everyone knows about it.
3. What the **** is with the faces which Bethesda obviously didn't put alot of work into.
4. What the **** is with the awful UI!:laugh:

In the end, I feel if they had kept say the way people knew of murder and theft etc in Morrowind(IIRC), like only way one'd known if you had stolen, would be if you tried to sell back the item to the original shopkeeper and also the Morrowind UI, whilst not perfect, gave you far more detailed information and better overviews off the game.

In the end, it's not a bad game, far from it, it's a great game IMO, but as a sequel to both Daggerfall and Morrowind, it feels like it has lost quite a bit of it's depth and greatness, and if it weren't for the beautiful graphics, revamped combat and the better quests, I probably wouldn't be getting this.:)
So... can you still steal from houses without people knowing?
Gargantou said:
4. What the **** is with the awful UI!:laugh:

In the end, I feel if they had kept say the way people knew of murder and theft etc in Morrowind(IIRC), like only way one'd known if you had stolen, would be if you tried to sell back the item to the original shopkeeper and also the Morrowind UI, whilst not perfect, gave you far more detailed information and better overviews off the game.
1. What the **** is with me stealing an item and MAGICALLY getting a bounty on my head, and everyone knowing I've stolen it.
2. What the **** is with me killing a person in a city and MAGICALLY everyone knows about it.
3. What the **** is with the faces which Bethesda obviously didn't put alot of work into.
4. What the **** is with the awful UI!

1.Learn to steal shit nub, I've stolen from many houses at night and never had a magic bounty show up, unless I was caught

2.Same as above, learn to plan out your murders

3.I love the faces, so random, but sure, I guess at times they look a bit odd

4.I love the UI, it tells you all the basics and has a nice little compass, the menus are a bit complicated and non-descriptive, but the HUD is nice
I've got a feeling, its so complicated with the murder system that noone should see you enter the shop before the murder takes place, you really do have to stealth it the whole way... which sounds pretty interesting.

Either that or they bugged the AI up :P
I don't like how the people smile at you while talking in the most serious moments. Example:

Guy: The Emperor was killed! *smiles*

Also, if you grab anything (with Z) people think you are stealing it. I HATE that.
In the end, I feel if they had kept say the way people knew of murder and theft etc in Morrowind(IIRC), like only way one'd known if you had stolen, would be if you tried to sell back the item to the original shopkeeper and also the Morrowind UI, whilst not perfect, gave you far more detailed information and better overviews off the game.

Am I the only one that had a problem with understanding this sentence? ;P

I have yet to play the game, so I'll see how much of a pain these issues are.
Gargantou said:
1. What the **** is with me stealing an item and MAGICALLY getting a bounty on my head, and everyone knowing I've stolen it.
2. What the **** is with me killing a person in a city and MAGICALLY everyone knows about it.
3. What the **** is with the faces which Bethesda obviously didn't put alot of work into.
4. What the **** is with the awful UI!:laugh:
1. Stealth > you bitch.
2. See #1
3. You're just spoiled from Half-Life 2.
4. Like StardogChampion said, Xboxified. It's not that bad, it's just less intuitive than the UI in Morrowind was. Get over it.
I can't remember if morrowind had an eyeball that would open or close depending on your stealth level... or is that Thief?

Morrowind you couldn't let them see you commiting the crime. And if they saw you, they would say something under their breath. If a guard was nearby he would confront you. Some shopkeepers were not so tolerant and would attack you immediately.

if you did get away with stealing something, you could never sell it back to them or else you would be caught.. right? They would take the item back or report the crime if you refused or something?

I usually just snuck around and killed and disposed of the body; then it was my shop. Dead people don't tell anybody shit.

Um, but there was like a cheap way in Morrowind to do this:

You steal the cheapest item in the store. They see you stealing it and they attack you, which is a really bad idea for them becuase they are no match. You kill them almost instantly ( In self-defense since they attacked; not a crime ), or let them hit you for a while for amusement (Im the Juggernaut Bitch! ) Now you only have to pay the guard for the price of the stolen item, and you are off the hook.

Yeah it was bugged.
I'm gonna experiment some more to see how the stealth system is.
I guess I'm just spoiled by having just played a ton of Morrowind GOTY and Daggerfall, which both were deeper than Oblivion.:)
It's a great game none the less and I know my highest wish might never become true, an as deep and massive game as Daggerfall but on the Oblivion engine <3
And I stand firm on the fact that the UI is horrible and has, as someone said, been "consolified"(albeit I like to say it has rather just been dumbed down for the general retarded gamer overall).
The UI and is quite 'consolified' but I think most aspects are better than Morrowind. I thought it was silly that I could hide behind a simple pillar (strut, whatever) in a shop and use a simple telekinesis spell to yank whatever I wanted.

I think major improvements have come in the form of the world and characters in it. The voice acting and AI really bring together a sense of immersion that I didn't have in Morrowind.

I also am MUCH happier with the combat system in Oblivion than I was with Morrowind. Morrowind's system was completely without satisfaction.
Yeah, I get great satisfaction from Oblivion combat. The first time a rat lunged at me I ducked.
Yeah as I said, the biggest selling point for me off Oblivion is the revised combat system.:)
The best thing about the new combat (in my opinion anyway) is that Marksman is finally a skill that's worth having. Since I started playing, I've never been forced to use my sword in a fight. Since I've got athletics and just recently got an amulate that gives you +5 speed, I can just use sneak, stealth attack for x3 damage then backpeddal/circle strafe while staying out of its range. Light armor + sneak + athletics + marksman = for the win...blade, security and illusion can come too.

Also, the new stealth system is awsome. **SPOILER WARNING THIEF'S GUILD QUEST**

In one of the first quests for the thief's guild, you're asked to recover taxes that an Imperal guard has been collecting from the poorer areas of the Imperal City. You have to sneak into the South guard tower, into the soldier's barracks (where there are about eight guards sleeping so don't make too much noise or oh no you just woke them all up and they're attacking you), into the Captain's office, but make sure that you followed him around one day so you know he won't be there, then you have to search his room until you find the taxes and the list of people he collected from. Then it's back out of the office, back through the barracks, back out of the guard tower and back to your, thief guild quest-giver guy. (they have titles but I forget what it is at the moment)
bvasgm, I lured out a lone guard outside a inn, and got on a rock so he couldn't reach me but wouldn't go for a bow etc, I pumped about 40-50 arrows into him it seemed and he wouldn't die, but it looked ****ing hilarious.:D
This game hates:
  • Xfire
  • All other interferences

But that will probably / hopefully be patched.
Shakermaker said:
This game hates:
  • Xfire
  • All other interferences

But that will probably / hopefully be patched.
This game hates:

MY COMPUTER *sobs*;(
Same as above:

This game, no matter how Beth twists it, is very demanding on mid-range systems.
The only thing I don't like so far, is how I stole a horse, went about 2 miles away with it. Got off to talk to a guy about a quest, got back on and he attacked me for being a theif?! GRR!!
Mutley said:
The only thing I don't like so far, is how I stole a horse, went about 2 miles away with it. Got off to talk to a guy about a quest, got back on and he attacked me for being a theif?! GRR!!
yeah i got that too....

i also seem to be constantly making room in my inventory coz i cant move.:laugh:
Shakermaker said:
This game hates:
  • Xfire
  • All other interferences

But that will probably / hopefully be patched.
I'm contantly alt-tabing out of the game. It crashed maybe 1 in 15 times that I do it. Which is why you save before alt-tabing. :P
I'd say, over all, it's awesome at alt-tabing out and back in, because it's almost instant. It only takes like 3 seconds for the game to load back up when I bring it back into focus.
I like the new theft system. In morrowind, I was a mage, but I was still going around stealing everything. Here you have to be sealthy all the way if you don't want to get branded for it. Of course, that requires you to constantly double check if indeed you've been branded (I still don't completly understand why sometimes I can steal stuff and other times not).

All I know is that I'm a mage and in my guild I can steal anything and sell it back to them without them complaining. Go figure.
Only real problems I have had with the game so far have been frequent crashes to the desktop. I looked up what Bethesda people have said to stabalize it but the only thing they mention is making sure you don't have any HP printer programs running in the background. Something which I don't have ever anyway. So I guess I will just have to wait for a patch before things can start to get more stable.

Also the lack of tooltips in the UI makes it difficult to learn. Once you know what everything does though it's alright.
The Mullinator said:
Only real problems I have had with the game so far have been frequent crashes to the desktop. I looked up what Bethesda people have said to stabalize it but the only thing they mention is making sure you don't have any HP printer programs running in the background. Something which I don't have ever anyway. So I guess I will just have to wait for a patch before things can start to get more stable.

Also the lack of tooltips in the UI makes it difficult to learn. Once you know what everything does though it's alright.

have you tried the new nvidia driver (if you have an nvidia card) ..also there's another fix that many people say works for them, fixes crashing for some


again, only if you have an nvidia card
heh my old card ...raziaar had decent performance with his 9800 ..till his fan died

you updated your drivers? ..chipset and display?
CptStern said:
heh my old card ...raziaar had decent performance with his 9800 ..till his fan died

you updated your drivers? ..chipset and display?
Updated everything yesterday, didn't really have an effect. I'm going to blame the problems mostly on whatever little quirks might exist with my own computer. Eventually Bethesda might patch the game in a way that will make it more stable on my computer but there doesn't seem to be much I can do right now. At least it isn't so bad, maybe every one and a half hours on average before it conks out on me, then I just need to open the game again.
After 3 and a half hours of playing here's what I don't like the most:

Quick Travel - Kind of ruins the game. Early on their's a quest where you have to escort someone to somewhere, but all you have to do is open your map and teleport, even if you haven't visited the place before. I can't see myself exploring anywhere apart from the towns if the fast travel feature is available...

No tooltips.

Stealing system seems weird - This has been talked about on page 2. I stole a horse from somewhere infront of a stable attendant and nothing was said. Later on I complete a quest then get on the horse again and 3 guys attack me, 1 of them being a quest specific character...

Can't zoom in/out of the decent map.

No minimap, just some little compass which tells you exactly where to go? *SPOILER* The first oblivion map area was ruined because of this. I didn't even explore any rooms apart from the ones the compass pointed to. I know I could if I wanted to, but it's just a timewaste when you know it's not the right direction.
StardogChampion said:
After 3 and a half hours of playing here's what I don't like the most:

Quick Travel - Kind of ruins the game. Early on their's a quest where you have to escort someone to somewhere, but all you have to do is open your map and teleport, even if you haven't visited the place before. I can't see myself exploring anywhere apart from the towns if the fast travel feature is available...

No tooltips.

Stealing system seems weird - This has been talked about on page 2. I stole a horse from somewhere infront of a stable attendant and nothing was said. Later on I complete a quest then get on the horse again and 3 guys attack me, 1 of them being a quest specific character...

Can't zoom in/out of the decent map.

No minimap, just some little compass which tells you exactly where to go? *SPOILER* The first oblivion map area was ruined because of this. I didn't even explore any rooms apart from the ones the compass pointed to. I know I could if I wanted to, but it's just a timewaste when you know it's not the right direction.

Exactly what I think. You don't need to use fast travel, but it is over tempting at times, you don't accidently walk across little caves and dungeons like you used to in Morrowind.

The stealing horse thing needs fixing. I also noticed, to get a horse without been caught, you can literally run and push the horse out the stables. The horse is like a stationary object, no animations and just slides away. Anyone else get this? lol

Zooming I agree. Tooltips too, I had to look in manual to see what the feather/shield/face coin were at start in invontory.
I only agree with the UI comment, I much prefer the origional morrowind UI, or the UI of countless other games - but it was obviously made for a console. Things like a full-screen map which shows the entire region, smaller icons so you can fit more items on the screen, etc. Perhaps someone will MOD a better UI?
why can't i attack when i'm on a horse? :frown:

that'd be the best thing ever:imu:
Picture this...

Oblivion merged with the horse mounted combat from Mount & Blade.

Raziaar said:
Picture this...

Oblivion merged with the horse mounted combat from Mount & Blade.


OMG another Mount & Blade fan! I agree, the mounted combat from M&B in Oblivion would ROCKKKK.