Do Ghosts exist?

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
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Lots of people talk about paranormal activity and say they have seen ghost, but i have never seen any types of spirits in my life. I mean, i have been the the Winchester Mystery house and i didn't see any ghost except for a freaky looking house. But then again, maybe im just one of the "lucky" people who have never had to experience something so terrifying as a Ghost. But if there are "Ghosts" i think that they don't have a contious mind and are aware that they are dead. Because if they were aware of their situation i think that they would openly try to communicate with us. Instead of just randomly appear once and while, i think they would make themselves visible all day. Hell, if i were a ghost i would constantly try to talk with anybody that i come into contact.
I think it depends on whether or not you WANT them to exist.
If you think they do, chances are you'll see the odd occurence every now and then.

Personally, I wouldn't doubt the existence of spirits.
But after 150 years of being somewhat technologically advanced with video cameras we still don't ahve any undeniable proof that they exist.
Same with god, it's imposibble to prove that they exist or they don't, so we might as well forget about the whole mess.
we dont have evidence that can prove beyond reasonable doubt that they dont exist ... that however doesnt mean that they do exist so i guess the purpose of this thread is pretty hmmm ....useless lol .
unelss you consider that whole evp thing.
Of course with this thread we can't prove anything, but i was hoping to get somesort of dicussion going on...
ghosts are just a figment of everybody's imagination........
if u believe in them then your brain searches for something to classify as a ghost....
such as hearing a wierd noise in the dark........
people who believe in them classify it as a ghost but people who know they arnt real classify it as something more logical..........
:dozey: Maybe, but I am more on the no side. I mean how many people have died in the past, we're talking in the billions. How rare are Ghost encounters? EXTREMELY rare. I mean with those numbers i'd expect to see several ghosts a day, shoot. About those paranormal things that do happen... maybe it's some rip in the Law of Physics or something.
I have a very similar outlook on time travel (to the past anyway). Considering the infinate period of time that is the future, if a method to travel back in time was created at some point, wouldn't we have seen somebody from the future by now?
JFry said:
I have a very similar outlook on time travel (to the past anyway). Considering the infinate period of time that is the future, if a method to travel back in time was created at some point, wouldn't we have seen somebody from the future by now?

That or the second we find time travel the sun explodes and kills us all hence no travel was made.
No ghosts for me - although I cannot technically prove that they don't exist, I cannot also prove that giant purple unicorns exist either. I'd ask Mr.Randi for a categorical answer, though.
just look at the enfield case in England if you want an idea on what can happen. Its not that i believe in ghost's, it more along the lines that there are inexplicable phenomena that occur outside our vibrational wave length, for instance, electrical current is essentially a ghost like potential until it has enough energy to manifest in an observable form. Then you can question what we are made of fundementally is energy, what is the background energy that creates our DNA, that defines our appearance, .. some call it the Etheric body, others call it the life force, and others the spirit. I have to assume that we dont understand enough to say for sure, but the clues are there.
yeh :). but, isnt it all usually the case of out of sight out of mind.
I beileve in ghosts because I

And I beileve in aliens because Ive seen a ufo before, and the universe is so big the chance of other life somewhere is small, even if its just small cells or somthing.
i don't know, ghosts are talked about so much and there aren't any real, hard evidence, i mean everything in our world has a purpse to it, what's ghost's purpse is they exist?
UFO's yes, but ghosts, nada. I do not believe that we have no undying part.
Burn said:
I beileve in ghosts because I

And I beileve in aliens because Ive seen a ufo before, and the universe is so big the chance of other life somewhere is small, even if its just small cells or somthing.
Did you take a photo? I believe alien life exists elsewhere in the universe, but all the stuff about UFOs is bs.
Adabiviak said:
I cannot also prove that giant purple unicorns exist either.

WTF dude, there's one grazing in my back yard as we speak!
UFO's do exist.
anything that flies and is not identified is a UFO :p
I don't really know or care if ghosts exist or not.
Gunner said:
No dragons either.

Forums don`t exist either. In fact, the post you are reading now is just a figment of your imagination.
Greatgat said:
UFO's yes, but ghosts, nada. I do not believe that we have no undying part.

so the physical is all that exist's in our narrow perception of things in the universe.. im not one to rule it out, but surely you cant be that ignorant if you realise that our sensory perceptions and technology cant explain what the universe is, and where it came from.. it cant come from nothing, so how can any transformation of energy simply cease to exist. We cant explain our own DNA only what it looks like and what strands do. its energetic program being controlled from elsewhere, somewhere we simply cant see or understand at the moment.
I know they don't exsist but I still hate walking through pitch black hallways at night. =(
I have strange occurances of seeing strange light deformations out of the corner of my eye usually located on walls or certain objects. I can never see them directly because when I look at them they are not there. But I don't belive they are Ghosts I just think i'm going insane.
JellyWorld said:
Did you take a photo? I believe alien life exists elsewhere in the universe, but all the stuff about UFOs is bs.

No I didnt have a camera on me.
my friends aunt said she got a picture of a ghost on here cellophone., i havn't seen it though.
Well, I'm torn on the subject. Being a rational, educated, generally scientific guy, I know that, due to lack of evidence, they shouldn't exist. But that's not stopped some undenyably crazy stuff happen to me over the years.

There was this one time in the middle of a school holiday, back in the days I was at school, that I woke up at something like 10AM, and it was pelting with rain. Basically, my entire family except my mother had decided to go out swimming - leaving me and my ma home alone. So, I threw on some clothes, and headed down the stairs to get some breakfast (my mum was watching crappy daytime telly). After I finished, I decided to go get a book from the bookcase in my room.

Odd, the bedroom door had closed. So, I opened it.

And all over my room were extinguished matches. Absolutely everywhere. The place stunk of burnt sulphur. I checked beneath my sheets - more matches. In my underwear drawer - more matches. Behind the curtains, in the wardrobrobe - everywhere. All burnt out.
This caused me to freak out a little, so I checked under the bed (but shortly after, ran back downstairs because it got really weird crawling underneath my bed in a thin layer of matches, and I could have sworn I heard someone else's deep breathing)

Took me and my mother ages to clear the place up. We eventually found a rather large pile of empty matchboxes underneath the head of my bed. And to this day, we can't explain what happened.

So, I'm with Burn on this one. I know I shouldn't believe, but I just do.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, I'm torn on the subject. Being a rational, educated, generally scientific guy, I know that, due to lack of evidence, they shouldn't exist. But that's not stopped some undenyably crazy stuff happen to me over the years.

There was this one time in the middle of a school holiday, back in the days I was at school, that I woke up at something like 10AM, and it was pelting with rain. Basically, my entire family except my mother had decided to go out swimming - leaving me and my ma home alone. So, I threw on some clothes, and headed down the stairs to get some breakfast (my mum was watching crappy daytime telly). After I finished, I decided to go get a book from the bookcase in my room.

Odd, the bedroom door had closed. So, I opened it.

And all over my room were extinguished matches. Absolutely everywhere. The place stunk of burnt sulphur. I checked beneath my sheets - more matches. In my underwear drawer - more matches. Behind the curtains, in the wardrobrobe - everywhere. All burnt out.
This caused me to freak out a little, so I checked under the bed (but shortly after, ran back downstairs because it got really weird crawling underneath my bed in a thin layer of matches, and I could have sworn I heard someone else's deep breathing)

Took me and my mother ages to clear the place up. We eventually found a rather large pile of empty matchboxes underneath the head of my bed. And to this day, we can't explain what happened.

So, I'm with Burn on this one. I know I shouldn't believe, but I just do.

-Angry Lawyer
Oh man I'm still laughing from that. Best. Ghost. Ever.

I love funny ghost stories. Scary ones are so cliche. Pranks are awesome, real or not, the stories make me laugh.
Danimal said:
I know they don't exsist but I still hate walking through pitch black hallways at night. =(
Same here, the only place I see ghosts in is my hallway at night. I never see them when its daylight though.
I've never seen a UFO though, but I do believe there is a such thing aliens. If theres a UFO then theres gonna be an alien right? Since aliens fly them..
my friend over the internet saw a UFO before, she lives in California, her and her friend were sitting on a fence and a UFO hovered right over them, some believed her, some didnt. I did of course.
My friend was scared half to death when he thought he saw a ghost. Damn scared. Froze in place.
Yeah, I believe in ghosts.

Hell, to boot, I wanna come back as one, but not to haunt stuff or anything. Just a wandering, observing ghost. Ever see City of Angels? Kinda like that concept. I just wanna be able to wander the Earth at my own will without being seen and observe people. Heck, it'd probably be pretty fun.
Sober said:
Yeah, I believe in ghosts.

Hell, to boot, I wanna come back as one, but not to haunt stuff or anything. Just a wandering, observing ghost. Ever see City of Angels? Kinda like that concept. I just wanna be able to wander the Earth at my own will without being seen and observe people. Heck, it'd probably be pretty fun.

Man, City of Angels was an AWESOME film.

Still, if I were to become a ghost, I'd do a lot of haunting. Haunting people is great.

-Angry Lawyer