Do you believe in, like, aliens?

Do you believe in aliens?

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Apr 26, 2006
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Do you think they exist? And if so, do you think so of these UFO sightings have some credence?
I beleive. From ancient civlizations to our latest eras they ahve been cropping up throughout our history. Ancient civilizations disseaprering overnight. Heavenly Light. Drawings of humniod creatures in African caves, heck, an entire religon based around extra-terrsitials. Even the Bibal has refrences (and gods childeren saw these creature's women were fair and made love with the strangers). All religons have some things that could be interpreted as UFO activity. I'm just wandering if you guys do? And if they don't, it is going to be a very lonely universe.
BTW a note on goverment conspiracies, after War of the Worlds was broadcasted on the radio in america, there was mass panic, people fleeing the streets and rediying shotguns in final defiance. If this is what happens when a story is read, what about if real aliens were announced? What would happan?

EDIT: BTW oublic poll. No secrets! :p
Yes, but I think the chances of us ever meeting them are zero
there is obviously some kind of other lifeform, aka 'alien' but the actual meeting of them is slim for many reasens.
Got any proof at all?
I imagine other life does exist somewhere.
The known universe is so vast( 140 billion galaxies) and unexplored, its hard to imagine there not being other lifeforms. I don't think we've made "contact" just yet, but who knows? It could happen.
What the hell is 'Absitivly' meant to be? Poll is pretty poor on options, i think there are almost certainly other examples of life out there, where the conditions are right, but they are likely to extremely different, perhaps still single-cellular organisms. Life will tend to adapt to huge degrees, so any examples of extremophiles will be more than likely i reckon. Look at some of the conditions things adapt to on this planet!

I think we are the most evolved, but no where near finding extra-terrestrial life.
Then how do you explain lights and discs over Eypgt in the 15th century?
An encryption of a machine on a Plengue tomblid?
Bizzare objects over Nuremburg, Germany April 14th 1561?
A zeplinn sighted over California four years before the zeplinn was invernted?
A massive object hitting the dirt at Roswell?
Crop circles? Kids cannot make some of the things that have been seen.
Odd aircraft spotted over Japan soon after the Atomic bombings?
Frigtening pictures of creatures that ahve not been sighted ion this world as of yet?

What the hell is 'Absitivly' meant to be? Poll is pretty poor on options, i think there are almost certainly over examples of life out there, where the conditions are right, but they are likely to extremely different, perhaps still single-cellular organisms. Life will tend to adapt to huge degrees, so any examples of extremophiles will be more than likely i reckon. Look at some of the conditions things adapt to on this planet!

I think we are the most evolved, but no where near finding extra-terrestrial life.

I meant sentient :p And absitivly was just me messing around with absouloutly.
Then how do you explain lights and discs over Eypgt in the 15th century?
An encryption of a machine on a Plengue tomblid?
Bizzare objects over Nuremburg, Germany April 14th 1561?
A zeplinn sighted over California four years before the zeplinn was invernted?
A massive object hitting the dirt at Roswell?
Crop circles? Kids cannot make some of the things that have been seen.
Odd aircraft spotted over Japan soon after the Atomic bombings?
Frigtening pictures of creatures that ahve not been sighted ion this world as of yet?
Lots of that is made up, co-incidence and wishful thinking. (drugs also have an effect)
I meant sentient :p And absitivly was just me messing around with absouloutly.
For your own good use this site, it will help you i promise!
Then how do you explain lights and discs over Eypgt in the 15th century?
An encryption of a machine on a Plengue tomblid?
Bizzare objects over Nuremburg, Germany April 14th 1561?
A zeplinn sighted over California four years before the zeplinn was invernted?
A massive object hitting the dirt at Roswell?
Crop circles? Kids cannot make some of the things that have been seen.
Odd aircraft spotted over Japan soon after the Atomic bombings?
Frigtening pictures of creatures that ahve not been sighted ion this world as of yet?

I meant sentient :p And absitivly was just me messing around with absouloutly.

japanise air craft were seen after the atomic bombings because the bomb dident kill all japanise, crop circles are made by 4 men, they were caught doing it, admitted and it was braudcast on tv, the zepplin over calafornia was a test subject made by the germans, 'Frigtening pictures of creatures that ahve not been sighted ion this world as of yet?' they were not real, just modified pictures. half life is a game lol.
Then how do you explain lights and discs over Eypgt in the 15th century?
An encryption of a machine on a Plengue tomblid?
Bizzare objects over Nuremburg, Germany April 14th 1561?
A zeplinn sighted over California four years before the zeplinn was invernted?
A massive object hitting the dirt at Roswell?
Crop circles? Kids cannot make some of the things that have been seen.
Odd aircraft spotted over Japan soon after the Atomic bombings?
Frigtening pictures of creatures that ahve not been sighted ion this world as of yet?
How do you explain the fact that I'm the tooth fairy?
You don't. Because its bullshit. Besides, it's not my job to explain it. It's yours. Re Burden of Proof fallacy.
Lots of that is made up, co-incidence and wishful thinking.

For your own good use this site, it will help you i promise!

So the crash at Roswell? The whole town saw it, your calling the whole town liers? Yet it could well have been a military vehicle, but if so why haven't we seen its kind around now?
What about people under hyponosis who claim of elapses in time, surgery and stuff? You can't lie uner hypnosis. :|

How do you explain the fact that I'm the tooth fairy?
You don't. Because its bullshit. Besides, it's not my job to explain it. It's yours. Re Burden of Proof fallacy.

Then get the f*** out of my thread. We having a disscussion and if you don't w to do it properly, then just leave.
:upstare: ..OOOOOhhhhh-kay

/me backs away slowly

answer to poll:

like, yes?
And unless we're some giant expariment, what would extra terrestrials have to gain from coming here and...watching us for 2thousand years?
So the crash at Roswell? The whole town saw it, your calling the whole town liers? Yet it could well have been a military vehicle, but if so why haven't we seen its kind around now?
What about people under hyponosis who claim of elapses in time, surgery and stuff? You can't lie uner hypnosis. :|
we have, ever watch that program, UFO investigation on sky? well. there was a hover craft made like that that could of crashed. the people may have lied because they were made by the army to cover it up, and the hypnosis is because there all mentally retarded. :p
So the crash at Roswell? The whole town saw it, your calling the whole town liers? Yet it could well have been a military vehicle, but if so why haven't we seen its kind around now?
What about people under hyponosis who claim of elapses in time, surgery and stuff? You can't lie uner hypnosis. :|
See everyone! Just see what an idiot he is. You can lie under hypnosis. Hell you don't know shit and are procliaiming it as fact. I'm pretty well educated on hypnosis, I can perform pretty good stage hypnosis routine and hope to become a qualified hypnotherapist. You can lie under hypnosis, and it's very easy to do so without relising it, or consiously.
Stern has found this thread, good on him. But Mecha is yet to get his reward from finding it, life isn't fair.

The Roswell crash site was dodgy. I think the likelihood is that the US were developing something and wanted to keep it quiet. 'ALIENS!' 'Erm...yeah maybe! Not a teleportable nuclear stealth bomber'.

Good idea though eh?
See everyone! Just see what an idiot he is. You can lie under hypnosis. Hell you don't know shit and are procliaiming it as fact. I'm pretty well educated on hypnosis, I can perform pretty good stage hypnosis routine and hope to become a qualified hypnotherapist. You can lie under hypnosis, and it's very easy to do so without relising it, or consiously.

The guy just wants to have a discussion about aliens, don't cut him up because both your views arn't exactly parallel. Just simply point out where he's wrong and correct him. There is no use in getting angry
See everyone! Just see what an idiot he is. You can lie under hypnosis. Hell you don't know shit and are procliaiming it as fact. I'm pretty well educated on hypnosis, I can perform pretty good stage hypnosis routine and hope to become a qualified hypnotherapist. You can lie under hypnosis, and it's very easy to do so without relising it, or consiously.

Fine, but you don't have to call me "an idiot" just because I didn't get my facts straight. I just made a thread to get opinions, and most people are giving them in a sensible manner. But you have to offend me just becuase I believe summat you don't. Its a wonder you have friends if thats the attitude you take to life.
Thanks for surrport Brink. :thumbs:
The universe is too large for us to be its only inhabitants. And personally, I think we've been visited, just because there's no proof of them NOT being here, so yeah.
The universe is too large for us to be its only inhabitants. And personally, I think we've been visited, just because there's no proof of them NOT being here, so yeah.

This thread was cus I've been reading a ton of books on them lately, watching a bunch of documentarys, and stuff.
Fine, but you don't have to call me "an idiot" just because I didn't get my facts straight. I just made a thread to get opinions, and most people are giving them in a sensible manner. But you have to offend me just becuase I believe summat you don't. Its a wonder you have friends if thats the attitude you take to life.
Thanks for surrport Brink. :thumbs:
You gave an opinion based on a complete myth. Provide us zero facts for all your proof. And make outlandish claims. Provide some evidence. You've yet to post any. Got video evidence? Got evidence that what we're seeing is a UFO/Alien and not just anything else? Nope. You don't.
The universe is too large for us to be its only inhabitants. And personally, I think we've been visited, just because there's no proof of them NOT being here, so yeah.

Don't you think they would've tried to make contact? Intelligent life along with an inhabitable planet is a hard find.Youd think theyd be extatic if they found earth. Regardless if they are more advanced.
You gave an opinion based on a complete myth. Provide us zero facts for all your proof. And make outlandish claims. Provide some evidence. You've yet to post any. Got video evidence? Got evidence that what we're seeing is a UFO/Alien and not just anything else? Nope. You don't.

there isn't much proof, but you cna't prove that they haven't either.
Aliens who have technology for interstellar spaceflight are not going to fucking crash in a desert, or get spot at all when scouting.

there isn't much proof, but you cna't prove that they haven't either.

You can't prove I don't have an invisible pink devil on my right-shoulder. Fortunately, the burden of proof is with me.
there isn't much proof, but you cna't prove that they haven't either.
Proove I'm not a tooth fairy. Proove I'm not RIGHT BEHIND YOU NOW!. Don't you dare look, I'll disapear. Oh and I don't show up on cameras or in reflections. Go on, proove I'm not the tooth fairy. Wait? You can't? Well I guess I have a valid theory then... Oh Wait... I don't.
Aliens who have technology for interstellar spaceflight are not going to fucking crash in a desert, or get spot at all when scouting.

Lol. That is a good claim. But whos to say how advanced they are? Space travel is proboaly not as simple as it sounds. They're "spaceships" could just be, as you say, scouts, but maybe travel isn't all "lightspeed time!" or whatever, its proboaly very hard adn entering are atmosphere would not like "oh we'll just teleport across it!"

Proove I'm not a tooth fairy. Proove I'm not RIGHT BEHIND YOU NOW!. Don't you dare look, I'll disapear. Oh and I don't show up on cameras or in reflections. Go on, proove I'm not the tooth fairy. Wait? You can't? Well I guess I have a valid theory then... Oh Wait... I don't.

Now your just bieng silly. I PM'd you with peace, attmepting to get around your silly little claims but I guess your not goinna stop. You can't be the tooth fairy cause I killed her when I was 11. :p
You gave an opinion based on a complete myth. Provide us zero facts for all your proof. And make outlandish claims. Provide some evidence. You've yet to post any. Got video evidence? Got evidence that what we're seeing is a UFO/Alien and not just anything else? Nope. You don't.
shut the hell up dickweed, just as his opinion differs from his, you dont have to flame him. you just have no idea either, you are no scientist. and i dont see why he cant have a valid opinion if you come out with stuff like that. i bet you know nothing about hypnosis, and its all a load of bullsiht what you said. you think your smart, but YOU have nothing to back up your opinion either. so shut the hell up and stop posting on this thread, you dont have to annoy someone like piggy for having a sense of difference. :flame: :flame: :flame:
Aliens who have technology for interstellar spaceflight are not going to fucking crash in a desert, or get spot at all when scouting.

You can't prove I don't have an invisible pink devil on my right-shoulder. Fortunately, the burden of proof is with me.

How do you know its pink if its invisible.

Now your just bieng silly. I PM'd you with peace, attmepting to get around your silly little claims but I guess your not goinna stop. You can't be the tooth fairy cause I killed her when I was 11. :p
I was deadly serious. My logic is as good as yours is. Thats is however, highly flawed.
shut the hell up dickweed, just as his opinion differs from his, you dont have to flame him.
I may have been a bit mean, but I was right.
you just have no idea either, you are no scientist.
No, I'm a student.
and i dont see why he cant have a valid opinion if you come out with stuff like that.
His opinion consists of several logically fallacys, therefore, it is invalid.
i bet you know nothing about hypnosis, and its all a load of bullsiht what you said.
Wanna bet?
you think your smart, but YOU have nothing to back up your opinion either. so shut the hell up and stop posting on this thread, you dont have to annoy someone like piggy for having a sense of difference. :flame: :flame: :flame:
I don't have to back my opinion up. It's backed up by the status quo. You want to debate hypnosis with me? Feel free, but you'll come out looking like an idiot.