Do you drink

Do you drink alcohol

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 56.3%
  • No, I'm too young

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • No, I don't want to

    Votes: 50 35.2%
  • No (other)

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

I personally do, and enjoy them muchly.
Underage, just starting to explore the wonders of alchohol.

Wine mainly, as that's all we have around the house ;(

Took a cup of red out last night. Not too sure what it was, as half the label was handwriten, but it had a bit of a bite to it. Didn't realise how much I had drunken till I noticed that there was a nice red stain about an inch or two above the waterline of the bottle.

I liked it :D
Often enough, and in large quantities :shh:
I drink socialibly, though for us its socialble to talk to the bouncer as he throws us out after last orders...

Beer, larger and shots of Vodka and Sambuca are my poison :D
Hehe, just had a glass of Primus, Chardonnay, and that stuff I had last night.

Primus, meh, not liking that too much. I've had the rest before.

But, me being the idiot that I am, I was too lazy to grab a new glass, so the cup of that 12% french stuff tasted kinda smokey.

Feel ready to sleep now :)
No. Don't want to. It's kinda pointless as far as I can see. I'm sure once I start it I'll think otherwise.

My poison is determined by balencing the age old equation of price vs percentage.
That calculator is shit.. it does't account for all-dayers and mixing drinks!
ComradeBadger said:
That calculator is shit.. it does't account for all-dayers and mixing drinks!


Stupid ****ing statistcis :/

According to that, wikipedia, and my drinking three glasses in fifteen mintues though, i'm in the "Excitement" stage of .09 BAC.

I call bullshit.
Aye. Too much really. Mostly a lager/beer/stout drinker, but partial to the odd spirit here and there.

Just got back from my lunch break.... 2 pints of 1664 in the blistering sunshine. Can't wait until 6:30 when I can finish the job. :p
I drink in moderation, and strictly not when i'm planning on driving anywhere.

I do tend to throw caution to the wind for birthdays and at christmas/new years eve/etc and knock back a fair few absinthes etc.
i used to drink everyday, but not anymore, i only drink when off out clubbing hardly ever goto pubs.
Yeah I drink, but mainly only beer, and mainly only nice expensive beer, which is why I don't drink that often because it's like chucking fivers in a blender.

I drink for the taste, and for the sweet dull cushion it puts between my mind and reality.
Yeah, only with my friends though, otherwise I don't bother
There should be a "yes but im under age" option :)

Yes, but i am under age.
I drink with friends at the pub socially and at parties, nothing more, i'm not a big fan of the drink. I prefer acid.

Just kidding.
I was left alone at work yesterday so I got drunk
It made helping ppl hard
Yes, sometimes, but when I do drink I always do it to excess, to make up for the times when I don;t drink... nothing like waking up missing clothing, in a place you've never been, with no recollection of the past 8 hours....

God I love the effects of alcohol
I do like a good drink, less so than when i was at university though, that was absurd.

Mainly on weekends, starting friday night. Maybe the odd drink during the week.
Yes. But it is very soldem I drink until I'm drunk. In spite of that, I never drink for the taste or as refreshing beverages. It's always for the feeling of the alcohol and the enjoyment following after, but never to a degree where I can't walk or speak correctly. I could say I'm a responsible drinker (and underage).
I don't get why someone wouldn't wanna drink...
That's like never eating a hamburger cuz you didn't want to
It's just so random
Ikerous said:
I don't get why someone wouldn't wanna drink...
That's like never eating a hamburger cuz you didn't want to
It's just so random

The first time I drank beer, I almost threw up because of the bad taste. Same think for vodka, rum or whatever the liquors.

Now that I'm used to the taste and find it quite enjoyable, I tend to drink more often. But back then, I didn't see any reasons why I should even though I knew the effects of being drunk could be amusing.
Haha, Oh ya.. I forgot people don't like the taste of beer
AntiAnto said:
The first time I drank beer, I almost threw up because of the bad taste. Same think for vodka, rum or whatever the liquors.

Now that I'm used to the taste and find it quite enjoyable, I tend to drink more often. But back then, I didn't see any reasons why I should even though I knew the effects of being drunk could be amusing.

I've never been drunk in my whole life, and I don't really plan on doing so. I drink around five beer glasses on a night out, along with some breezers.
Alcoholol destroys me D:

I can only drink incredibly sugared drinks, like bacardi breezers and crap like that. And even then I become incredibly nauseous.
Ikerous said:
Haha, Oh ya.. I forgot people don't like the taste of beer

I absolutely dispize the taste of beer no matter what the brand, they all taste shitty to me. I also hate coffee, bleah:x
Ikerous said:
Haha, Oh ya.. I forgot people don't like the taste of beer
Beer is farily nasty, save for a few (mmm.... Guinness :) )

Now, alcohol on the other hand, is pure ambrosia for the most part... especially a good cognac, brandy, or whiskey.