Do you have any irrational fears?

show me te research!!!!

O yea i cant watch alien films they scare me to no end, aswell as ghosts specially when my dog stats yowling and stuff im like shiiit :hmph:

but the most irrational thing is my dog, its scared of paint brushes and feathers :D


You may have heard that "daddy-long-legs are the most poisonous spiders in the world, but their fangs are too small to bite humans." This is a widespread myth. It has even been presented as a fact on televised nature programs. Daddy-long-legs are not actually spiders, and they do not have venom glands. For details about this myth, take a look at this webpage from the University of California Entomology Department.

In the old days, it was believed that you could use daddy-long-legs to find your lost cattle. When you wanted to know which direction the herd had wandered to, you could pick up a daddy-long-legs by all of the legs but one, and the free leg would point in the direction of the cattle (or so it was believed).

Another myth from the old days: if you kill a daddy-long-legs, it will rain the next day.

A poisonous myth
There is an urban legend claiming that the daddy longlegs is the most poisonous spider in the world, only its fangs are too small to bite a human, and is thus not actually dangerous. This is untrue on several counts. First, of course, phalangids are not spiders. Many species don't have any poison glands at all. Of those that do, the venom appears to be far less toxic than that of a black widow spider. The size of the fangs varies by species, of course, but even those with relatively long fangs do not bite humans (or other large creatures).
aww :P

Pld on grabbing the research

did you knwo my nextdoors neughbours cat used to always go for butterfliesw when ever it saw one it would jsut be liek meowoomm
and after it had eaten it it would get all dopey and high cos of the toxins on the wings of the butterflly

It weas so hilarious to watch it woblling about once it climbed up our ornamental pear tree and fell out :P
Toffee said:
Raziaar is right about what he said, mind you. Its sick to drug innocent animals just hoping to get a laugh of it.

Again, it sat their of it's own free will. What makes it so innocent?

Okay, I'm dropping it.
Toffee said:
Raziaar is right about what he said, mind you. Its sick to drug innocent animals just hoping to get a laugh of it.

I don't recall saying that happened. Spliff would always climb up on the couch of his own free will, and walk off with no apparent ill effect. His owners didn't treat it as a source of amusement, either. It was people from outside the household that found it mildly amusing. His owners were more along the lines "Yeah, he's a fan, like us.".

Raziaar said:
Well, regarding the harvestman, its still yet unclear if its that poisonous are not. Some say that they indeed are not that poisonous at all, except maybe mildly, and others that proclaim that it does in fact contain the most potent venom on earth.

When I lived in alaska, we had no spiders, but loads of harvestmen(daddy long legs), and I entertained the belief that they are the most poisonous things in the world but can't really bite to release it, however nowadays, I don't believe that anymore after doing some more research on them.

Raziaar said:


You may have heard that "daddy-long-legs are the most poisonous spiders in the world, but their fangs are too small to bite humans." This is a widespread myth. It has even been presented as a fact on televised nature programs. Daddy-long-legs are not actually spiders, and they do not have venom glands. For details about this myth, take a look at this webpage from the University of California Entomology Department.

In the old days, it was believed that you could use daddy-long-legs to find your lost cattle. When you wanted to know which direction the herd had wandered to, you could pick up a daddy-long-legs by all of the legs but one, and the free leg would point in the direction of the cattle (or so it was believed).

Another myth from the old days: if you kill a daddy-long-legs, it will rain the next day.

Here in Australia, "Daddy Long Legs" are actually spiders of the family Pholcidae, so that's probably the "Daddy Long Legs " that the myth, incredibly popular here in Australia, was based on. Though their toxicity is unknown, they've never recordedly bitten anyone, and do indeed have very small fangs. They're actually very pleasant and useful spiders, being rather placid and also being a predator of other, more troublesome spiders, including the dangerous Redback spider.

Oh, and by the way, your Harvestmen are completely non-venomous.
They're so much freakier than spiders in the sense that when they travel, they usually travel in the dozens. At least in alaska they did. There'd be small ones, and towering gangly ones skittering all over the earthen ground around the house.
I have a fear of being drafted to war, I know it may never happen... But just th fact I could die very easily on the battle field :|

I am also afraid of the dark at a small extent... Especially after playing Doom 3 all day and having to walk thorugh my house in the dark at 1 am.
I have a fear of heights. But I dont believe its a phobia simply because I am only afraid of very high heights.... and thats perfectly rational! :P
I have a fear of crap crawling in my ear. One time a roach got in there... never want to experience it again. So I usally sleep with pillows over my face or sheets. Sometimes Ill hear like a little noise and ill wakeup.. it really sucks not being able to goto sleep something because of your imagination :( But I used to have a fear for the dark but that only succumbs me when im home alone and its about 9 pm or later.
Every since i was bitten by a spider (gave me a huge rash down my arm and shoulder blade. Spiders officially hate me (seems that way) they drop on me, yesterday, i had to get rid a huntsman and when i got near it, it started to drop down on its web of the ceiling, and walk towards me...:|, also last year as i went outside, just as i got to the porch, a spider jumped on my head. The only spider i like are daddy long legs, bcause they're so placid and help to kill flys
Spiders! Thats why those black headcrabs and zombies freak me out in HL2
ComradeBadger said:
I have a very rational fear of gimps.

The leatherbound gimps, or the people who have sucky ass characters in MMORPGS? lol
When i walk over bridges and such I get scared because I want to jump off it.
I literally have this conversation in my head
"Jumping off this would be fun"
"It would kill me"
"No it won't, find out"
Which is about the point I start getting scared
Kommie said:
When i walk over bridges and such I get scared because I want to jump off it.
I literally have this conversation in my head
"Jumping off this would be fun"
"It would kill me"
"No it won't, find out"
Which is about the point I start getting scared

I've had that happen to me before when I was younger.
Raziaar said:
The leatherbound gimps, or the people who have sucky ass characters in MMORPGS? lol
Leatherbound ones :|

And I had that bridge thing when I was ickle too :)
Quoted wrong person =/

I have the urge to open doors while in the caar along the highway and jump out, just to see if i can roll and live. At that point i lock the door..
We used to have this freaky looking hollow tree stump thing out on our driveway when I was younger that I was deathly afraid of since it was filled with spiders. Really sucked getting a ball stuck in there...
I'm afraid of vampires.

But that's not irrational...
None that I can think of.

My roomate hates it when people point at him for extended periods of time...kinda strange.
lol, get a pitcure of Uncle Sam pointing and put it everywhere he goes ^^
Surgery and dissections scare me beyond belief. I get all jittery and light-headed, like I'm going to faint if I continue watching. It's not even the gore that gets me, it's the cutting. It just completely freaks me.

I dislike being in enclosed or small areas, but it's no phobia. I'm just a tall guy.

Pretty much everything else (Clowns, heights, planes, spiders etc) I'm cool with.
I used to be scared of ghosts untill i realised they, well anything paranormal, just dont exist. Apart from that, some bugs and i dont really like heights but i dunno if it would count as a phobia.
hands ..... whenever i put a part of my body in a place where i can no longer see it im scared a hand or something will touch it ..not realy grab it but just touch ...thats a freaky thought if u think about it ....ex: keeping ur legs under ur computer desk at night ..... putting ur hand in the lil heater thing to put it on ....

also i second the whole water ,afraid of the dark and spider thing i have a pattern in which i put off the lights at night i put one of and then run to the next one thats on and so on .... and when i start thinking "hmm is there a face in that window " i just try not to look or call someone . weird i know

also recently i found a centipede in my shower and i was like this is canada and i live on the 14th flower how the hell is a centipede gonna get in my shower :S ........ that kinda gets me when im in imagine urself in the shower and alll of a sudden the water stops and the lil water that surround ur ankles drains of theres a small drip and then the whole tub fills with centipedes .....
mindless_moder said:
that kinda gets me when im in imagine urself in the shower and alll of a sudden the water stops and the lil water that surround ur ankles drains of theres a small drip and then the whole tub fills with centipedes .....
OK, out of this whole thread, that gave me the scariest image :x :(

I am afraid of pretty much every insect. Even lady bugs, or butterflies. The rreeeaalllly small ones, like fruit flies, aren't scary though. It's the legs. Anything with tiny little legs, or really long skinny ones. EUEHGHGHG.
I hate how daddy long legs are just little pods, with really long and thin legs.. AHHH god, I hate it so much.

I also have a slight fear of that small object --- really huge object thing. It's really odd. I can get some weird images in my head when I am trying to fall asleep. Like I can picture something, and then suddenly "zoom out" really fast, and it becomes the smallest possible little dot.. Just lots of weird stuff. I wonder if that comes from working with graphics, and drawing so much. (Any other artists have thoughts or fears like this?)

I also fear my wrists being slit.. It's just my wrists though.. augh it's so scary. You can feel the veins there, they are so vulnerable! Why!?!? Ughhhh.

The dark is really scary too. My imagination can reaaaally get the best of me there. But it's weird, sometimes I can be in a state of total rationality, where I can just say "it's the same thing as in the day, everything in my head is impossible" and I can just walk freely without any worry what-so-ever. I wish that happened more often.

Hmm.. That's about all I can think of.

Edit: Oh, and I also have a slight fear of soft, audible static. 0_o
I hate how daddy long legs are just little pods, with really long and thin legs.. AHHH god, I hate it so much.

They're like miniature striders with extra legs :-P
I hate moths, I fear them. They dont fear me, they taunt me, fly at me, try to eat me.

Get them away!
Raziaar said:
They're like miniature striders with extra legs :-P
And LONGER legs.

The strider's body isn't so bad, because it has a natrual shape.. But the little pod balls.. eugh. They just don't belong!
Ritz said:
I hate moths, I fear them. They dont fear me, they taunt me, fly at me, try to eat me.

Get them away!

Are you made of cloth? :-P

I remember stopping one time in Washington, in a small town near the border to canada(after coming into the state from canada, was travelling down from alaska). Went to this phone booth beside a building, and there was this dim street lamp a little bit in the dead end, short alleyway beside the building. Anyways, while on the phone, I look around, and notice that the entire alleyway is covered in moths. It was like a freaking velvety covered floor of writing moths. Creepy!
lol, I would just have the urge to drop a huge flat piece of wood on all of them.

M-M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL kill kill
I was at summercamp and we had these like 6 inch white moths flying around in our cabin, and somethings I can only describe as flying cockroaches. Needless to say we rain out of pesticide that night. Kind of dumb now that I think about it cause we sprayed it all over our cabin.
We had a bunch of vampire moths at school camp once. They bite :(
Err, noticed I had a spelling error above in my previous moth post. I meant "writhing", not "writing". Yeah, writing moths. We're so educated here in the states, even our moths read and write! :-P
Ritz said:
Vampire...moths?... :(

Doesn't seem to be anything of the sorts by the name of vampire moth, not according to the search engines. Just some old movie and some other such fiction stuff.

So... don't feel too terrified :)
Forests at night, they scare me a little. Whenever im at my cabin I have to walk through them at night all the time....

It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt at the bottom of mountains that have bears, wolfs, and wild cats.
Swift said:
Forests at night, they scare me a little. Whenever im at my cabin I have to walk through them at night all the time....

It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt at the bottom of mountains that have bears, wolfs, and wild cats.

I'm with ya there. It kind of ties in to my fear of the darkness and walking around in dark buildings, like in my first post. You see, when its with buildings, I think about ghosts and demons, but when its out in the wilderness, I think about bigfoots and werewolves and natural animals like bears and wolves. Hehehe.

Irrational, I know.