Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
NeLi said:
This skin is lightyears ahead of the old one. There should be different colour variants to choose from tho'.

Scroll down, you have 2 styles to choose from, and Munro has also said 2 more would also be added very soon.
I don't often say much on these forums (just an avid reader) but the logo looks like something off the X Files!

Its toooo grey. Make it more half lifey!! Black, Greyish, White and yellow colours...

Without being too negative it just doesn't say Half Life. It says someone's thrown up on my screen.
I liek a darker fourm better =D

but meh if you guys liek this one i could care less
I do indeed prefere this skin, except like everyone else is saying, the spoiler tags. Fix them and I'll stick with this!
ooh, yeah, there was another variant! This style but with the blue colour scheme is great!
I can honestly say that it really is the most annoying skin ever. :\ The blue style is ok but its still annoying.
You know, the robot in the upper left (Alyx's dog) looks like a mechwarrior, not a half life 2 object.

I can honestly say that it really is the most annoying skin ever.
Quoted for emphasis
Ive been browsing in the beige skin for awhile and its hurt my eyes, the grey/blue look with white writting is much easier going on the eyes... the choice of skins is good. Im glad i could change bacl, i've only just found this little button. The Gmail ad isnt intrusive either, everytime we visit, we should all click it to give the site money... we owe it to them.
Where are my glasses?

I dont like this, or the previous theme.
How about giving us a normal theme that uses the whole screen instead of half of it?
I find it really irritating that the forum uses half my screen, making it that posts 'seem' longer, making the pages longer.
Probably the main reason I stopped browsing these forums months ago.
Glad to see the chooser lets us select the older (and in my opinion superior) blue grey color scheme. Now if we could just get rid of that space robbing left margain then the forums will be good again.
How can you not like it? Very good job in my opinion. I guess some people are afraid of change though
With the new skin in 1024x768 (I know, it's small, but I like this desktop res) The advanced edit thing kinda squeezes over the edge of the table.

Using mozilla 1.7b atm.
I don't like how the spoilers look. That black smudge just aint cool in my opinion. Everything else is awesome though.
I dont mind the new skin during the daytime, but at night it looks too damn bright! For that reason i vote 'No', as i usually visit these forums before i sleep at night.
I love the new skin in gray mode. You can change it in your profile options.
I love it, so i vote YES! Now you should make similar for the page.
I just noticed that you can go back to the default skin if your go down to the bottom bottom left hand corner. The blue version is so much better.
do we get banned if we vote no?
I like the bit on the right but the thing on the left is strange at the top.
Scheme colours are great
h4vvok said:
How can you not like it? Very good job in my opinion. I guess some people are afraid of change though
Not liking the alternative does not make someone afraid of change.
Well it doesn't bother me at all, actually I like it very much, more than previous one. It so schmooove, more than previous one but it keeps the very good functionality of the old skin.
Well the newest grey skin matches better. But it makes the gold robot look out of place in my opinion. Which is only my opinion I'm not bitc*ing.
love the original colour scheme on the new skin, looks schmick. keep it :D
Oh, now you've done it. You gave us one choice... and now we want more choices. We will never again be satisfied by the depth of customization. You should have left us in the dark with only one color scheme!
I didn't like the first new version. But, this latest version looks good to me.