Do you like the new skin?

Do you like the new skin/theme

  • No

    Votes: 262 43.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 341 56.6%

  • Total voters
I like it, as long as the left panel will be removed.

Cause it does feel kinda tagwall like with the two panels.

The pink one was the best though :LOL:
This is the first time I have ever liked a new skin for a site...WAY TO GO GUYS!

Some points of interest:
- Add more character art or something at the top...too bland.
- Side bars(the greyish lines on the left and right) need to be more defined(Add some color to it).
- Good job!
hey i just noticed the Blur Style thingy down the bottom.

actually looks kinda nice. a LOT easier on the eyes. :)

EDIT: although it fecks with my avatar background now :/
EDIT2: oh got Blur Style is perfect. switch it over guys!!
I originally voted no. but now that I've gotten a chance to get used to it, I vote yes.
chriso20 said:
can't u do what a lot of forums do and let u pick your skin? save it to user profile on here? that'd b gd cuz then i could go back to the old one :p (as most ppl voted they liked it)

Quote from Munro: "Yep, the forums and main site will have at least 4 user-changeable styles to choose from."
I like the border outline, but the colours need to be changed in order for me to accept it.

It's visually pleasing at first (esp. the new header) but there's just so much wasted space. Maybe it looks better on res higher than 1024x768 but that's what I've got for the summer...
Blue style is too bright. Take it the blue style down 70% brightness-wise and I'm good to go. Is there a custom color-picker yet?

Here's a better blue: (I just knocked brightness/contrast in photoshop.)
Most of you guys are pretty mean - the artistic style and colour scheme is very good. Although the top banner isn't that great, it's still way better than the old skin.
I found a new bug when trying to add an attatchment, the name of the file I want to add is VERY light colored in the attatchment window, pic posted as reference. The color is ok in the reply page/window/thingy.
Dedalus said:
hey i just noticed the Blur Style thingy down the bottom.

actually looks kinda nice. a LOT easier on the eyes. :)

EDIT: although it fecks with my avatar background now :/
EDIT2: oh got Blur Style is perfect. switch it over guys!!
I think you mean BLUE style. ;)

And yes, I'm gonna use that one.
Letters said:
I think you mean BLUE style. ;)

And yes, I'm gonna use that one.

it said blur style first time i saw it! or i'm going mad :eek:
I also like it. It's a good change from the all dark colors board.
woohoo! the blue one's been darkened, all I'd like now are ads on the bottom (making the posts fit screen width) and I'm a happy camper.
Tork said:
Why not have an option to choose the skins, have like 3 or 4 of them and peps can choose it, kind of like how rage3d has one.

No, the old was much better. I can't read this one at all, too bright and white. Make some better chromatics. Pweeze?
the blue one is great.

For all those that didnt notice, there is a scroll box at the bottom of the page to change the visual style. :upstare:
I like it, it's much more radiant now, kinda dull before :thumbs:
Well, the default skin completely ****s up my avatar. You bastards, now I'm going to have to make a new one from scratch to work on both styles.

... but I like the new layout.

edit: okay, I've calmed down now...

The blue version isn't that bad though.
Complete Rewrite: Excuse this post. I have just learned that I can switch back to the old blue skin.

Thank you, Jesus.
i hate these stupid banners on the sides, i cant see nearly as much as the old layout, and choosing old skin doesnt take them awway
Hey Munro. I'm really sorry but i've not had time to read through all responses and i'm in a pub at the mo so can't go through em but i wanted to give you a massive thumbs up especially to the top left sketch. My suggestion would be to make the left and right strips a navy blue. I think this'd make reading posts much easier as there'd be less glaring grey.

Great work.