Do you own a cell phone

Do you own a cell phone

  • Yes

    Votes: 97 77.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • I plan on getting one

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • other

    Votes: 4 3.2%

  • Total voters
Lol @ all the people with Razrs. Such a shite phone. I sold mine after a few weeks.

My sexeh beast:

I don't understand how people can live without one at this point. I'd rather lose my wallet than my phone. It never leaves my body. It's like a baby, but far more important.
Ah, no. It's bad enough that I have a home phone.

Actually, the best system I can think of would involve me having only a cell phone that I'd carry everywhere but would keep at a very low volume. I could judge whether the call was of inexpressable importance without even getting up, and the caller could just leave a message if I declined to answer (which I would do about 90% of the time).

Having a phone at all makes people think they're allowed to intrude upon my life at any time during the day. It's stupid.
Ah, no. It's bad enough that I have a home phone.

Actually, the best system I can think of would involve me having only a cell phone that I'd carry everywhere but would keep at a very low volume. I could judge whether the call was of inexpressable importance without even getting up, and the caller could just leave a message if I declined to answer (which I would do about 90% of the time).

Having a phone at all makes people think they're allowed to intrude upon my life at any time during the day. It's stupid.

Yeah, I agree. *hacks raeven's hard drive*






Then what would be the point of having it?

The trick is to not give anybody your number.
Well, if you don't want anyone to reach you, you turn it off. It's as simple as that.
Well, if you don't want anyone to reach you, you turn it off. It's as simple as that.
I don't mind people trying to reach me. I mind people trying to reach me by letting my phone ring ten times, hanging up, and then calling again, as if it wasn't crystal clear after the FIRST call that I am either uninterested in or unable to answer the phone!

As if nobody on Earth understands basic telephonic manners anymore.

Perhaps I'm biased because telephone ringers hurt my ears. Which, of course, is another reason I'd like a cell phone better: I can pick a nice, soft, deep tone instead of that infernal demonic racket that every home phone uses.
Nope. I mooch off my friends. I do plan to get one soon, though.
No I don't have one and I don't plan on buying one in the foreseeable future. I would rather have sulfuric acid pored over my eyes then buy a cell phone. In an emergency when a cell phone would really be useful, more then often you can't get a signal:dozey: , so what good is it.
No I don't have one and I don't plan on buying one in the foreseeable future. I would rather have sulfuric acid pored over my eyes then buy a cell phone. In an emergency when a cell phone would really be useful, more then often you can't get a signal:dozey: , so what good is it.
Maybe it's like that in Romania, but here in the UK it's something like 99% coverage. It's very hard to be somewhere where theres no signal.

To the people that say having a phone lets people interrupt you whenever they want ... my phone is set to silent and only vibrates on messages/rings ... I can live with that. Answering/Replying is only optional.
some garbage blah blah

Yeah, that's EXACTLY what mobile users do. All of us.

Seriously, if you're that bothered about what other people are doing, you're seriously fscking lame.
You don't have to get a cell phone, but you do need to get a life.
I can't live without my mobile phone it's become an integral part of my life.
Whenever i'am busy i just put it on silent or switch it off it never bothers me.
No i dont need one i talk to my 60" TV ALL DAY LONG LOL J/K. For those who get in line at the SUBWAY<-- restaurant) Get out of line and talk you bastards . I want to look like jerry .
I have a cell. It's on vibrate most of the time unless I'm expecting a call and don't want to miss it. The only part about a cell phone that bothers me is when I forget it at home but I had planned on using it while I was out. =p
I have a cell. It's on vibrate most of the time unless I'm expecting a call and don't want to miss it. The only part about a cell phone that bothers me is when I forget it at home but I had planned on using it while I was out. =p

I sewed mine to my arm so I never forget it. Seriously, get yourself a needle and some thread and try it some time. It will change your life.
I sewed mine to my arm so I never forget it. Seriously, get yourself a needle and some thread and try it some time. It will change your life.


I just realized you were joking!!!

Yes. I just got a new one recently. I never use it though.
yes, it's shite. Which means it's cheap. Which means it's good.

All of you. Change to Samsung or I will shoot joo all when we annex your pitiful countries! MWHAHAHAHAHAhhahhaha....ha.


Anyways, I have a Samsung DC-200.
I have gay ol' Verizon. Gay phones, Gay Prices... GREAT NETWORK! Under a family plan with my parents, my GF and myself. Bill is around $200 a month.

I have the LG VX9800 right now. The next phone I am planning to get is the Samsung SCH-a990.
Yeah, but I never actually bought one. My first one was given to me when a friend upgraded, but it was pretty crap so I barely used it (a free cellphone is still a free cellphone though). Recently upgraded to a semi-modern one when mum got a 2 for 1 deal on her phone, so got that one free too :)

Generally just use it to SMS family members and a couple friends.
I love my phone, I want to buy a new one soon though :)

I like being in contact with my friends.. I can't actually understand why some of you people are so anti-social...

Unless your a person that owns and/or runs a business and needs to be reached every couple of minutes you're nothing more than Douchebag.Your ring tone is not clever and nobody likes to hear it.It's a phone and not a ****ing boombox.Wearing your bluetooth headset in your ear when your not using it does not look cool and nobody is impressed.It’s incredibly distracting to try to talk to somebody who has this cyborg-type device hanging from his head and u just look plain stupid wearing that thing.Talkin on the cellphone when you’re waiting in line somewhere....
(1) Nobody in line wants to hear your conversation and (2) when you get the the counter you have to put someone on hold, and it’s usually the poor person working at the register. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen somebody have the person at the register wait until they finish their phone call before ordering; it’s SICK! You’re really not that important.
Well said tbh. Not to mention when you're console gaming with a few friends, and someone's phone keeps going off every few minutes. They invariably want the game paused for them each time until they finish the call, and although everyone else is sitting there in awkward silence you know that you're all thinking: "Twat." You can play on with them still on the phone but then the person has a convenient excuse when they lose, which is perhaps even more irritating.

People using them to play music on the bus, people talking on them in the cinema...gah, all mobiles do is piss me off.
God I hate ringtones. I just use the standard ring ring. Because everyone else uses stupid ones of recorded sounds that are like white noise coming from the tiny speaker, I find mine instantly recognisable.
Motorola ROKR E1 :cool:

I love my phone, I want to buy a new one soon though :)

I like being in contact with my friends.. I can't actually understand why some of you people are so anti-social...

QFT. But it is a gaming forum, certainly not all and I know for a fact not everyone that posted with a negative view on phones is like this, but a lot of users here are young kids who are kind of nerdy- even if they have a good number of friends they keep to themselves outside of school and such and mostly cruise the net.

I have friends like that who are cool at school but will never do shit with me or other friends aside from school- I can't stand to stay at home all the time or out of contact with other friends.

Actually, the best system I can think of would involve me having only a cell phone that I'd carry everywhere but would keep at a very low volume. I could judge whether the call was of inexpressable importance without even getting up, and the caller could just leave a message if I declined to answer (which I would do about 90% of the time).
.... all cell phones made in like the past 5 years do that. It's basic features (ring volume, ignore call or answer, voicemail, service standard Caller ID, etc)
yes i do own one a nokia 6610i-is a little old....:hmph:
I work for a cell phone company (T-Mobile USA), so yes.

I have a SDA. And I often visit the forums on it as well. In fact, I'm ON IT RIGHT NOW.
Song Ericsson > Everything else
SE FTW. I do mobile games for a living and Sony Ericsson is the best of all of them, both in processor speed and in bugless behavior. Too bad I have Verizon and can't have one of their phones. Instead I have the very solid, very bricklike LG VX8000.