Do you shave your armpits?

Do you shave your armpits?

  • I'm a dude and I shave them

    Votes: 16 14.8%
  • I'm a dude and I don't bother

    Votes: 79 73.1%
  • I'm a chick and I shave them

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • I'm a chick and I don't bother

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 3.7%

  • Total voters
I shave every few months, because they get so hairy my deodorant doesn't make contact with my skin.
I like to shave my pits once in a while, but only because I hate the feeling of having my hairs stick together/on my arm because of the deodorant. I also have a sweating problem, and no pit hair helps.

It makes me feel more clean, I guess. I'm not a guy that looks good with any hair other than what is on my head anyhow.
I don't shave, but when I eventually do, I probably will. Armpit hair just seems useless. Why would we even need it in evolutionary terms?
next time i shave my arm pits its going to be 100%
Then why shave?

That's like if Martin Luther King Jr Jr Jr bleached himself, and I was like "Enjoy your discomfort and poison" and he turned to me and he was like "Man I'm [excuse] plus Martin Luther King Jr Jr's son."

Then I'd be like "Then why bleach?

That's like if Chewbacca Jr shaved himself, and I was like "Enjoy your pneumonia" and he turned to me and he was like "Man I'm like Ultra Warm Blooded plus I'm Chewbacca's son."

Then I'd be like "Why Shave?

That's like if Martin Luther King Jr Jr Jr bleached himself, and I was like "Enjoy your discomfort and poison" and he turned to me and he was like "Man I'm [excuse] plus Martin Luther King Jr Jr's son."

Then I'd be like "Then why bleach?

That's like if Chewbacca Jr shaved himself, and I was like "Enjoy your pneumonia" and he turned to me and he was like "Man I'm like Ultra Warm Blooded plus I'm Chewbacca's son."

Then I'd be like "Why Shave?"
I shave them. I'm not very religious about it, but when I remember to I usually do. It's the most effortless thing, and it's the only part of my body that doesn't seem to ever get irritated when I shave it. I hate the way armpit hair feels, especially when putting on deodorant.

Despite what the haters may decide to believe, I still enjoy physical relations with women.
I recently saw a image on the internets of a nude girl who clearly doesnt shave or or even trim more than maybe once a year. It didnt diminish her beauty at all in my eyes. Still really hot. Hair doesnt bother me at all.

Thus, I do not shave. Also, I once had my ass hair removed. MOST UNPLEASANT FEELING EVER. If your arm flesh slides along your torso flesh in the same way that your left butt cheek and right butt cheek slide against each other with no hair, then that is an absolutely horrible thing to do to yourself and want anyone else to do to themselves. I have no problem with women who dont want to do it, because I would never do it either.
I recently saw a image on the internets of a nude girl who clearly doesnt shave or or even trim more than maybe once a year. It didnt diminish her beauty at all in my eyes. Still really hot. Hair doesnt bother me at all.
Welcome to asian girls.
All the nude chicks/d00ds in my drawing class don't shave, but for more obvious reasons.
I don't shave or trim, but my pits aren't really that hairy.
Welcome to asian girls.

Oh speaking of, the most profound thing has happened to me vegeta. I dont know how it happened, or even how its possible after all these years... but I now sometimes find myself attracted to asian girls. They don't just creep me out anymore.

I'm thinking it just happened recently, after watching 86 episodes of the show Lost in two weeks. I think that one Korean lady has actually broken some kind of perception i've had of all asian women being weird looking robots that have no souls and are dead inside. But now I must have subconciously realized that perhaps they really are living creatures just like other women.

Could also be hollywood trickery though.
They can do marvellous things with special effects and makeup these days, and asians are known for their animatronic ingenuity.

I think they may have finally made it across the uncanny valley, though your earlier post suggested it was overgrown.
I shave mine but sometimes just trim.

I wouldn't bother except that I'm extremely sebaceous and sweat alot, so I have to cake on deodorant, and I don't like the sticky/flaky residue deodorant leaves on pit hair so I shave them. Plus, shaving your pits helps cut down on natural body odors.

What's interesting I learned a few years ago was that it once had a purpose during the primitive times of the homo-sapien when smells were used to identify potential mates as the hairs actually amplify the smell like antennae. Nowadays the smell of body odor is an obsolete function to find mates and is socially unpleasant, making pit hair obsolete and unattractive also.

Not like any of you "single" pro-hair nerds would know that. ;)
I shave mine but sometimes just trim.

I wouldn't bother except that I'm extremely sebaceous and sweat alot, so I have to cake on deodorant, and I don't like the sticky/flaky residue deodorant leaves on pit hair so I shave them. Plus, shaving your pits helps cut down on natural body odors.

What's interesting I learned a few years ago was that it once had a purpose during the primitive times of the homo-sapien when smells were used to identify potential mates as the hairs actually amplify the smell like antennae. Nowadays the smell of body odor is an obsolete function to find mates and is socially unpleasant, making pit hair obsolete and unattractive also.

Not like any of you "single" pro-hair nerds would know that. ;)

This.. and it looks shitty when wearing singlets which is heaps more manly than arm pit pubes.
Welcome to asian girls.

Some of us don't own a machete.

I mean, I love Asian women, much of the time, but like I said, I don't own a machete.

There's a million little snares there to trap you as well.

See this? No hair under there. Makes me aerodynamic when I fight. I can take danger.

nah, i dont shave em, but i had to say that.
As a girl, yes.

Because otherwise that's gross.

You guys do whatever the hell you want - armpit hair has never been something I think about in regards to men.
I don't know what you guys are doing so horribly wrong, but I put deodorant on before I leave for work in the AM, and I don't smell bad at all the rest of the day until I go to sleep.

Maybe you have the wrong stick/doing it wrong.
I trim my armpits, trim my pubic hair, and trim my beard. I don't like shaving really...
Deodorant goes on just fine with pit hair. I dont know what yallz talkin 'bout
This is what wiki says about the hairy pits you people have under your arms:

"Underarm Hair (also called axillary hair or armpit hair) is the composition of hair in the underarm area. This hair, as most of the other body hair, normally starts to appear at puberty and growth is usually complete by the end of teen age. The release of pheromones from the axilla at this stage of human development suggests association of armpit hair with sexuality. The positive response to olfactory stimulus in mammals and the consequent intensification of the sex drive caused by release of pheromones offers useful clues as to the purpose and importance of axillary hair in humans. It has been suggested that the hair itself acts with a natural "anti-friction" quality between the upper arm and the thorax. More importantly, armpit hair naturally wicks moisture away from the skin, which aids in keeping the skin dry enough to prevent colonization by odor producing bacteria."

This is what happens when you shave:

"It is a commonly believed myth that shaving hair will cause it to grow thicker over time.[3] There is nothing about the practice of shaving that produces new follicles for hair to grow out of; this myth most likely persists because stubble does not taper like hair that is allowed to grow long and because short hairs feel coarser than longer hairs of the same thickness. However, shaving does increase the likelihood of developing ingrown hairs. Armpit hair removal must be performed more frequently than leg shaving, as underarm hair grows faster than leg hair, and if not done consistently, stubble can appear. The armpit area can darken over a period of time and even with a close shave, a "5 o'clock shadow" may be visible. Because hair under the skin can contribute to a dark appearance of the underarm, waxing, by removing the hair from the root, can effectively reduce this darkness.[4] It has also been proven that shaving your armpits attracts other men, and there for makes you a fag. However, removing armpit hair, whether by shaving or any other method, increases the amount of moisture allowed to cling to the skin and if combined with a disturbed acid mantle caused by the use of most soaps (basic pH), may lead to increased body odor. Thus, the theory that having shaved armpit hair reduces body odor is invalid."

...just so you know.
We all get proven wrong by wiki at one point or another.
I'm not having a go at you guys, and I know you're not cereal, but would you please stop using fag/faggot as an insult? It's no better than calling someone n*gger.
People also use that other word here. I don't know if they think it makes them look edgy or funny, but it's just so... unimaginative.
I'm not having a go at you guys, and I know you're not cereal, but would you please stop using fag/faggot as an insult? It's no better than calling someone n*gger.

You're just saying that because you're a fag n*gger.

Just trim your armpit hairs it's not hard!
You're just saying that because you're a fag n*gger.

Just trim your armpit hairs it's not hard!
I do trim them. Did it today as a matter of fact. Send the hair to Mozambique to make pillows.
What girls said the don't shave? They've got to be kidding, right?

This is a forum full of guys who like to dick around.

It's more likely it's two guys doing just that.