Do you think the GAMEPLAY will be similar to HL1


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
I have just started playing Half Life again for probably the 5th time in anticipation of the impending release of the sequel. I started to compare what i have seen of HL2 with what i was playing.

Half Life 1 has a lot of....puzzles (for lack of a better word) for example in blast pit where u have to do a few different job in order to complete an ultimate objective (flaming that monster, i forget its name). And near the end of Unforseen Consequences where gordon has to jump across a whole heap of boxes without fallin...that type of stuff. (There are many more but i know you know what im talking about). Do you think we will see that type of thing in the sequel.

This also made me realise that for those that have steered clear of HL2 previews, spoilers, etc we really dont know AT ALL what we are in stall for in the sequel, and we probably think we know a lot more than we do.

I would like HL2 to stick relatively closely to the original method of gameplay because that is what made HL1 such a success. The thing that will ultimately change this fact will probably be the advances in AI, physics and graphics technology but Valve, like no other, KNOW how to make a great, all round FPS and thats all, really, we need to know.

Half Life 2 - July 2 :cool:
Valve feels confident that they have made a much better game then Half Life, so I expect everything from graphics to AI, gameplay and story to be much better. Half Lifes gameplay was good for 1998 but thesedays you need alot more to be a great succes. The gaming community wants originality and a more challenging gameplay, so Half Life² MUST do better at that part then Half Life
I agree with Evil and i admit that i didnt even think about the whole competition factor because i have also believe that Valve/Half Life hasn't had any.

Half Life was great in its gameplay for 1998 because nothing like it had really been achieved successfully. Now that 6 years has passed and games like Far Cry and Call of Duty are setting precedents in the FPS genre, Half Life 2 will have to step up to new gameplay elements which i believe it will do, whilst still keeping the 'feel' of the Half Life experience. At least i hope so anyway.

Half Life 2 - July 2
The physics will add quite a bit of depth to the gameplay, so much so that it's tough to compare, but yeah, it will have that old school flava. ;-)
All I know is that I can't seem to stop playing the original after I re-installed it a couple days back...
HL2 will have similar puzzles like HL1 had. This was discussed a bit in the Doug Lombardi interview movie. Ie. Doug mentions a scene where you have to get in a crane, move some crates somehow while being shot at, to get forward :]
i'm more interested in the story and plot than anything else about the game, but it will have a fair share of blasting and puzzle solving, just look at traptown, all those secrets of 'nading crates to fall on people and so on, i think the maps will be riddled with little nifty things like that that'll advantage you in combat.
I think that puzzles will remain, but they'll change and be affected by the elements like increased realism in physics, and stuff. Like, for example, the rollermines in the various previews. One could argue that they are a form of puzzle, but they're nothing like what we saw in HL1. I expect we'll see a lot of stuff like that: familiar but evolved.

For a gamer like HL2 to have basic jumping puzzles and push-this-switch-pull-that-lever stuff would be bad, but I expect to see variatioons on the theme. If you watch the traptown video, the latter part where gordon has to deal with the combine soldiers by using the grenade to blow that tank's supports... or when he has to shoot the wire restraining the pipe hanging from the crane... they'e not 'puzzles' in the strictest sense of the word, but getting the job done some other way would be very very hard or even impossible. in that sense, such gameplay events or procedures could be called puzzles. This guy kinows what im talking about:

i'm more interested in the story and plot than anything else about the game, but it will have a fair share of blasting and puzzle solving, just look at traptown, all those secrets of 'nading crates to fall on people and so on, i think the maps will be riddled with little nifty things like that that'll advantage you in combat.
I think the Puzzles will remain the same toobut i think they'll be a bit more challenging and have a great impact on story line

And there is traps in the levels according to Gabe, so it will be fun dodging all the traps ppl or enemies throw at u and trying to work them out :) cant w8 any longer!!!
Half Lifes gameplay was good for 1998 but thesedays you need alot more to be a great succes.

That is NOT true...
KurtCobain: In your sig the German version has to be Doug "Keine Lüge, sondern Marketing" Lombardi.
Babelfish needs some improvement. ;D
The gameplay in HL2 does not have to be better then HL just because it wos made in 1998, the gameplay in HL1 wos ahead of its time, hence why its won around 50 game of the year's and is still winning website 'best Title' awards to this day
Sars said:
Half Life 2 - July 2 :cool:

Lol, I stick with that...

I think that the gameplay will be fairly similar, with all the puzzles and stuff, but with the introduction of vehicules, it will never be the same.
I dont consider HL2 as another game trying to beat and improve over every other game out there, I see it as a game trying to extend and improve on the original, and if the combat itself is the same, with all the new animation, graphics, physics, vehicles etc, it should be damn good, i still play half-life so bleh :O im just bias
I dont think HL2 will be similar. Battles will be, but the puzzles need to be a lot more sophisticated for the current generations of FPS's. Yeah, I think the key word when describing the HL2 gameplay will be 'sophisticated'.
I think you have to go with what sold the first game...what made HL1 so great?

So I think they will be very similar with added stuff and improvements (graphics, physics, AI etc). But I expect a very strong story, very strong gameplay, very strong AI....the rest is gravy.

It's the same with id. Look at how their games have been built and why they have been a success. Code master Carmack with his engine and then kill or be killed gameplay with very little story and not much more than that...BUT....that's not a knock, it's what has made them a LOT of cash so why change it and risk losing the core audience?

I expect nothing radically different in HL2 than was in HL1...but I expect improvements on the formula. And that's all I would want anyway..I loved HL1 and if they stray too far away from that game, than I expect they will have less success.

Similar to HL1, but with a lot more "WTF?" thrown in.
I think it will be even suprisingly as amazing as HL was back in 98
Sars said:
I have just started playing Half Life again for probably the 5th time in anticipation of the impending release of the sequel. I started to compare what i have seen of HL2 with what i was playing.

1 :Half Life 1 has a lot of....puzzles (for lack of a better word) for example in blast pit where u have to do a few different job in order to complete an ultimate objective (flaming that monster, i forget its name). And near the end of Unforseen Consequences where gordon has to jump across a whole heap of boxes without fallin...that type of stuff. (There are many more but i know you know what im talking about). Do you think we will see that type of thing in the sequel.

2: This also made me realise that for those that have steered clear of HL2 previews, spoilers, etc we really dont know AT ALL what we are in stall for in the sequel, and we probably think we know a lot more than we do.

3: I would like HL2 to stick relatively closely to the original method of gameplay because that is what made HL1 such a success. The thing that will ultimately change this fact will probably be the advances in AI, physics and graphics technology but Valve, like no other, KNOW how to make a great, all round FPS and thats all, really, we need to know.

Half Life 2 - July 2 :cool:

I think you answered your own question (Piece 1) with piece 3.

Also, the puzzles is something that sells HL2. Doom is a shitgame thanks to a lot of things, but the graphics is not one of them. Anyway, I donno what else to say, rofl, sorry.
I hope it will be like HL1 + Insane physics and better everything.

In HL, I'm always trying to wedge doors open and knock stuff unto people, and build barricades, but, unless you have a lot of crates, that usually doesn't work very well.
Gameplay will probably be quite similar (as many have said) but I think it will be because of the weapons. So many of HL1's weapons are returning. Eg, the crowbar. Personally I feel that Gordon could have gotten a more efficient melee weapon than the crowbar again. After all, the crowbar made sense to have in the original because of the setting. Big accident, lots of scary shit happening and you need to improvise with your arsenal. I think Gordon would be able to get his hands on some better weapons this time round, like a baton rather than a crowbar.

But then again, weapons like the manipulator and all those unannounced alien guns will probably change the gameplay as well. We have already seen the impact of pheremones (sp?)
You have no idea what gordon will get. And I'll bet you $10 he'll get an electric stunbaton.
I think HL2's gameplay will have the core HL1 gameplay but with a lot more options and possibilities. If you really wanted, I'm sure you could play through HL2 with the same gameplay as HL1 if you didn't use the physics and other ideas. Who would do that though? ;)

Although I'm sure because of the physics and other aspects, the puzzles can be on a larger scale but nothing completely different from HL1's thinking.
Moveable brushes against manipulated physical objects. I don't think it's going to be the same.
the thing half life2 really needs to do to make it as revolutionary as hl1 was back in '98 would probably just make it so that there are soo many surprises in the game and soo many wierd situations where the common fps player is expected to uncommon things in an fps, that it'll bring back the magic of hl1
The puzzles will be a big part of it and the physics will dove tail nicely into many of them I suspect. The game was always going to be more than a straight shooter.
I really want to see story/plot become a real factor in the gameplay rather than disjointed missions/quests stuck together with a plot. I also want characters to have an effect on the things we do (it was Sheepfactory who made me notice that physics traps would seem like a toy if it weren't for atmosphere, characters and plot to make it a cohesive part of the journey... like in Omega Man). The environment and NPC's in it should be more responsive to the player so authentic feeling car/foot chases, ambushes/traps, dramatic scenes, escape/rescue sequences, movie-like stunts... (anything besides the mundane gunfights) can be done. I not only want good AI, but different and unique AI (ant lions smell and hunt in packs, soldiers are organized and can use physics to their advantage, etc...). I want physics to be fully used in combat....
There are a lot of things that I want that HL1 did not have and for me it would be a dissappointment if HL2 were similar (gameplay-wise).
It better play like Half-Life or else whats the point of a sequel. Since the time of its release, no shooter has beaten half-life (including the critically lauded Metroid Prime).

One thing this game is going to have that HL1 really didn't is a story. The first half-life's story was basic 'escape from the aliens' filler, just presented in a new way. This game looks like it actually has a story and has created a hal-life universe of sorts. I can't wait for the story and its presentation, the gameplay will obviosuly be top-notch. If Valve can pull that off it will have something really original, not a graphics powerhouse, but a good story in an FPS. But we'll have to see.