Do You Use Words Like "PWN" Or "N00B" In Real Life?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Do You?

I Bet I use these words more then anyone here, ANYTIME someone doesn't know how to do something I call them a N00B, EVERYTIME I beat someone in something, I YELL PWN! Whenever me and my freinds start fighting, for some reason (CS: S ADDICT) I say "KNIVES"

Let's Here Your Stories! :D

This Was probably threaded Before but that thread is old, this is new!
Teta_Bonita said:
I say "own" alot, but not noob. Thats just geeky!

Actually, it's a term that originated in Vietnam. Not geeky to me. :D
Mainly with my main geek buddy.

For a time, me and my friends would pronounce "ROFL" and "LOL" literally just to take the piss. Then it got old and we stopped.
Sometimes, Accidentally (Seriously, Accidentally) I say The Letters - L.O.L., Forgot that in the main thread :I
I say owned a lot. Like, OOOOOO you just owneded BITCH!
Someone wrote an essay on "pwnage" in AP ENGLISH III today. Good god.

What's sad it was actually a pretty good essay itself. But he got zero because he used the word 'are.' Right after it happened .. like literally after she said 'zero' (they were read and graded out loud) the kid behind me said "he got owned"
I say own and owned quite a bit, leet sometimes, ownage is fairly common and I call my friends noobs but they're also gamers so they understand but its not like I walk up to everyone and be like "hi2u a/s/l??? k brb n00b lololol"
i say owned. i call people noobs, but not n00bs. k?
hahah....knives....the only thing i say is OMFG and PWNED and sometimes noob
I know 2 guys that do almost nothing but this. They are the kind of guys that would pay $40 for an item in Diablo 2.
Oh yeah I say Kthnxbye- Kaythanksbye. Haha it sounds funny.
bam23 said:
I know 2 guys that do almost nothing but this. They are the kind of guys that would pay $40 for an item in Diablo 2.

I told you not to tell anyone about my obession!!1 I trusted you!!
heh, Theres a video on some website, college humor maybe, of some guy on a gameshow, jeperdy or something, who bets $1337 dollers... made me crack up.
haha this is a funny question.. but i will admit that me and my friends do use these words in every day talk... thats sum funny stuff ;)
lol, yes.

Actually, i use them all sometimes because no one understands me. :p
Let's see, I say pwn, own, GG, omg, omfg, wtf, lollerskaters, and roflcopter in real life. I'm a geek. :dork:
I use pwnzer, lol, brb, leet, rofl, and teh.
I say pwn, pwned, noob, omg, lol, rofl, woot, omgwtfbbq, kaythnxbye (I actually say thnx), and pretty much all of the above word with -zor (pwnzor, noobzor, etc)
never people wil think I am crazy
hhmmmm what a good idea lol(this reminds me of pinky in pinky and brain)
i got my liscense plate for my car to read PWN 4G3. I say it all the time (pronouncing it as "poe-nage")
My flatmate uses the word noob in real life. But I don't know where he picked it up because he doesn't play any games online. At least, not until we got broadband in our flat.

In fact, he was playing this free online management game once. He'd been playing for a few days and this happened:

*Flatmate bursts into my room*
Flatmate: Come guy just called me a noob!
me: What?
Flatmate: Come see.
*Go into his room*
Flatmate: "Look, at what he says there."
Forum post about game: "Well, I'm a noob, you're a noob, we're all noobs really"
Me: "Yeah, so? You've only been playing a few days, you are a noob"
*Flatmate gives me a look of shock*
Me: You do know what it means, don't you?"
Flatmate: "No?"

He didn't actually know what noob actually meant. He just thought it was another word for "idiot".
I never say things like PWN but I always seem to say lol to people.
Top Secret said:
Actually, it's a term that originated in Vietnam. Not geeky to me. :D
Yeah, back in 'Nam we used to say it all the time.
"Man, we just got owned back there on Hill 234," we'd say. Aaah, happy times.

Wait a minute...

Anyways, I occasionally say "owned/pwned" or add "z0rz" to the end of words, but only with one friend of mine. In jest, natch.
We're cool.
I got a couple of co-workers of mine saying "Pwnd" and "nub"...there next project is lawlerskates....

true stories.
I've taken to saying "F**k the What" thanks to this forum. I guess that counts.

With enough drink inside me I'll use the word "l33t" and the occasional "pwnt", but I can't say I make a habit of it.
bam23 said:
I know 2 guys that do almost nothing but this. They are the kind of guys that would pay $40 for an item in Diablo 2.

And you think thats much?
You know how much a Korean would pay for that same item?

Hint: Multiply by at least 10
I will say "Leet" at work mainly because most of the population in that area are not used to computer lingo, so they have no freaking clue what's going on. I also say "own" on funny occasions.

Funny story, I once wrote "1337 Pwnage" on a White-board in the back room. The problem was that it was a permanent marker, and it stands there to this day. I work at Blockbuster btw.
Very, very occasionally I'll let out an "uber" or "owned", at which point one of my friends (usually Sulkdodds) slaps me.
Noob is such a good word. You'd have be crazy not to use it. Whenever someone screws up, I just say, "What a noob!" As for pwn - very rarely and only around people who know what it means.