Do younger gamers expect too much?

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
I'm 32. That means I was leaving school just as many of the people posting here were being born. Or even conceived!

Anyhow, I see many threads arguing about the graphics in HL2, and for the life of me I can't understand why so many people get obsessed with this. I remember playing Space Invaders in my local arcade machine, when I needed a box to see the screen. I remember being flabbergasted by the coloured aliens, and not being bothered that much when I realised it was just coloured sellophane strips glued to the back of the plastic shield that protected the screen. What was important was that shooting aliens was fun.

I went right through the ranks, Commodore PET, Vic-20, Tandy TRS-80, C64, Amiga, 486, Pentium, Pentium2, AMD K5, etc etc. Anyone here remember playing Ultima Underworlds 1 and 2? Remember the tiny little screen you moved around in, the rest of the view being taken up by icons and chat windows?

Those who think that graphics matter, please, take it from somebody who has been playing games a great deal longer than you. They don't. What matters is playability. Thats the essence of a game. Football matches would look great if naked page-3 models were playing, but the game itself would be crap, and after a while nobody would pay to see it. Computer games are just the same. You can have as much bling on the screen as you like, but if it doesn't play well, it will very quickly become forgotten.

From the look of the Binks I've seen, it seems that Valve also realise this, and have provided HL2 with graphics that look 'great', not 'ground-breaking'. From the reviews garnered, it also seems that HL2 plays better than anything that has preceded it, hence the high scores.

When you're in a firefight with several combine, and a huge strider, with explosions going off all around you, and your npc mates dying, trust me, if you're looking at shadows or clipping errors, you're not really playing the game for fun.
When you're in a firefight with several combine, and a huge strider, with explosions going off all around you, and your npc mates dying, trust me, if you're looking at shadows or clipping errors, you're not really playing the game for fun.
100% right
OMG.. not that firefight again..
IM 21 BTW..

Those who think that graphics matter, please, take it from somebody who has been playing games a great deal longer than you. They don't. What matters is playability.

As a designer.. i think that graphics matter..(for me)
but as you say.. playability is key.. it's a GAME after all..

and that history lesson was just great.. :|
Excelent piece!

I'm 14, and I don't think you could say I expect to much..
Your right on the mark, graphics don't really matter (but if you play something as old as Half-Life me for instance, I kind of lose interest cause of the oldness of it) it's the gameplay that counts. Like Doom 3 or Far Cry both have amazing graphics, but they were both disapointing (in my opinion)

I don't care about those stupid graphics problems.

Someone will probably mod them out anyways.
IM 21 BTW..
Shania Twain wanted to come over to my house tonight, but I turned her down.

Anyway, graphics are important in many respects, but it is about 75% gameplay.
She said:
OMG.. not that firefight again..
What firefight??

I agree whole heartedly. Younger gamers do expect too much, and graphics are a small part compared to gameplay.

Nicely written.
Centipede use to be my favorite video game. :)

But although story and gameplay always come first, I still regard graphics as quite important. I think part of this stems from the fact that I use to map a lot for HL1 so it's difficult for me to look at a game and see anything beyond that brushwork here and that entity over there.
20 here, and yea, I don't notice clipping errors often...if I play it long enough, maybe... Like UT2k4 I've spotted some errors, but thats like, 100+ hours gameplay....
Graphics are only important to the game as a tool for immersing the player into it, anything beyond that is ultimately pointless. It's like a plugin for a program.
good point but how would the aliens die if they were cellophane taped to the screen protecter thingy
i dun really care about graphics, like i think half life and cs are great games and i have been playing then for a long time

btw im 13
No, the original space invaders was black and white, but the screen had coloured strips glued to it. Primitive, but still jolly good fun!
Being 28 myself, I remember the days of CGA graphics on computers (along with text-based adventures and old-style arcade games)...but I also remember a great many of those games very fondly because the programmers put so much into the game itself. Frankly, while I am amazed by the advancements in graphics (I was STUNNED by the realism attained in Doom3), I still expect much more gameplay than some younger gamers seem to.

So, perhaps we older gamers who grew up in the day when programmers HAD to put more story into a game to compensate for primitive (or no) graphics simply expect less from a game graphically...or maybe we expect too much from a game story/gameplay-wise.
She said:
OMG.. not that firefight again..
IM 21 BTW...

Hehe, yeah, but your age doesn't count. :p

I'm j/k, everyone's entitled to an opinion--so long as they leave the forums with mine.

I just think it's sad that people are this obsessed with graphics these days. I am fine with any graphics as long as the game is fun.
I think graphics take a fair share of importance to me. I'm not upsest with graphics and I certainly don't want a game looking like shit. :)
I absolutely agree with this thread. I'm glad that someone has finally come here to eloquently say what I've been thinking for the last through weeks

Graphics, can, however, sometimes make a game. Doom 3 is an example of this - the graphics are realistic enough to scare you. Dungeon Siege was another example - it was just point click, point click, but it didn't matter, because the entire thing was like one big fireworks show.

HOWEVER, the gameplay is number one. If HL2 has merely good graphics and OUTSTANDING gameplay, then it will be better than a photorealistic game that bores the heck out of you.
Neutrino said:
Centipede use to be my favorite video game. :)

Don't forget Missile Command and Galaga :D

Being 37 in a few weeks, I tend to agree with the original topic.

I do think graphics can make a game better, especially if the game is already good. But I don't think graphics make the game on their own.

You can have an awful game with great graphics, but the game still will be awful.

But if you add great graphics to a game which is already fun, they will make it that much better. (Which is why I would love to see someone do HL1 ..not just a port...but completely over in Source).
I played Half-Life about 6 months ago for the first time ever (as well as Deus Ex shortly after, both having similar graphic quality) and was totally immersed by both games. Graphics matter some, but nowhere near the amount that gameplay and storyline do.

-Game with ok graphics and great gameplay and storyline = Classic (such as Half-Life)

-Game with OK gameplay and storyline and great graphics = Fad-like (then drops outta the scene after a couple of months, such as Doom3)
Now the engine will live, but Doom3 won't be talked about much, IMO, as
the only revolutionary part about it was the engine--not the gameplay or storyline.
I think OLDER gamers expect to much, because most of us remember the time before games were ruined by the publishers and developers who lack that "spark" that it takes to make great games. I dont remember being dissapointed before dikatana, and now nearly everything I expect to be good sucks. Maybe its the hype machine, but I think its mostly that inspiration has taken a back seat to visuals. If you spend all of your development time getting bodies to roll down stairs realistically and none on actual story and gameplay its just not going to be all that fun to play.

The only game in recent memory I was really happy with is Rome: Total War. DAMN good game. I started playing at 8pm last night, and the next time I looked at the clock it was 5am. wow.

EDIT: yea, I guess a bunch of posts before mine said the exact same thing. woops.
That's true. And the only thing that HL2 risks (or risked, if you consider all the recent reviews) is that the physics might be the bulk of the gameplay--which we basically know is not the case.
I'm an old gamer. I'm still expecting modern games to have a decent single player and a decent multiplayer. That age has long since past and disturbs me greatly.

When one great franchise ships with 4 multiplayer maps and another franchise ships with a reconditioned mod, I think it is time to despair.

With that said, games have come a long ways. I don't feel they have become more immersive (the exception is the opening part to Doom 3), but they have become better in the way a story can be told (better graphical environments, more detailed characters). No longer do we have to pretend we are seeing a cyborg like creature (like in Quake 4), but we can actually see it.

To be honest, I have always noticed things like clipping errors. After all, 90% of your time you are walking around or recovering from a battle. That means you only spend 10% of your time engaged in some type of focused activity. That is why it is important to get rid of clipping errors, shadow bugs, and lighting bugs. The less time I spend admiring a clipping bug, the more time I can spend being immersed in the game. Not to mention that on occasional a graphical feature can be used to enhance gameplay. Doom 3 with its realistic shadows enhanced gameplay (especially when you enabled "player shadow"). It is those minor things that make games immersive.
im 18. i know what i like in games as a map/script designer here.

But all the info i have seen for HL2 is jaw dropping for me! i really cant wait for this game.

sometimes when i read some of the nit picking and people talking bad about the game that isn't even released yet....

well what i do is... I go and watch all the binks again to show myself how fantastic this game is going to be!

i love valve and always will ;)

nice thread Parrot.
I think younger gamers don't expect too much because I am 31 and the graphics quality definately impact my opinion of a game. but.....

Younger games seem to lack appreciation for games in general.. especially the Multiplayer aspect. I used to play Doom and Duke Nukem 3d back in the day on a 14.4 modem and it took... days to get it working. When I did I enjoyed the few MINUTES of play before the connection dropped and I had to find another game. Not only did people have to know how to use their computers and how to find, get into, and play the games... they appreciated it all. Now any kid can take daddy's credit card... buy a game, install it on their emachine, connect to AOL and click Start Multiplayer and it works. If it doesnt they flame the forums and developers but then ask how to unzip a file. Gaming is too easy now!

I am impacted as well though. I used to play a game called Adventure on Atari 2600. You were a square.. (no shit) and you carried a sword (An arrow symbol) and you had items like a bridge (A H symbol) a Magnet, Chalice, and 3 colored keys. You had to retrieve the Chalice and avoid/kill three dragons. A Yellow Dragon which was easy, a Blue Dragon that was moderate and a Red dragon that was hard. All the while avoiding a bat that would steal whatever you were carrying. I played that game for months... now I could not play if for 5 minutes.. I can't play any games for months now.
Im 15 and i can realy care less about graphics being mind exploading. I rather play a fun game not somthing like doom 3 (not saying it sucked i did have fun playing it.) that was just for the effects.( a nice benchmark to test the limits of your computer tho.) but i did play some arcade games when i was little when they were around at my corner store pac-man is still fun to me. Heh i don't use a emachine i built my own and i use cable, AOL suxxors its for n00bs :p
o_0....this is one of those topics trhats just a pet peeve of mine i really think that its not the age that counts but what they have to say anywhey i dont really care about gfx i care more about content than freind says to me "why do you play DOD its so old why dont you play a good gfx game like call of duty..well the reason is DOD is just funner
I agree with Parrot of doom, graphics are great they make a good game better but they can't save a crap game. People are getting way too OTT about the "crap" graphics in HL2. I used to be a mac user (early iMacs weren't really up to much in the 3D graphics department, i played Quake 2 using software rendering) and when my brother got his 1st PC (with voodoo 3) I was blown away by HL2 - it was all smooth! none of this doom-style pixelated textures! I was happy as long as when you went close to a wall it blurred the texture :D

oh and seeing its the done thing, I'm 21 btw :)
I totally agree, the youth of today expect to much, they need to see how much gaming has developed. then they might appreciate it more.
you played HL2 on a vodoo 3 and how do you have HL2 already?
Jimmo said:
I totally agree, the youth of today expect to much, they need to see how much gaming has developed. then they might appreciate it more.
could you plz say console youth
i apreshiate good games just as mutch as you do and i understand that a good game means good gameplay not good grafixs
UndercoverBob said:
o_0....this is one of those topics trhats just a pet peeve of mine i really think that its not the age that counts but what they have to say anywhey i dont really care about gfx i care more about content than freind says to me "why do you play DOD its so old why dont you play a good gfx game like call of duty..well the reason is DOD is just funner

You know you can just use a single period when you finish a sentance, you dont need 3. A ellipsys is totally out of place as you use it, and thats a pet peve of mine.
just before i run and hide-->....<----- why does it matter homer
The thing is, WE HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME YET. So we can't judge the game by its gameplay or anything. For right now, people can nitpick whatever the hell they want. Of course the game is gonna be fun but its the internet, people will complain
Jimmo said:
I totally agree, the youth of today expect to much, they need to see how much gaming has developed. then they might appreciate it more.

Well, the quality of games hasn't been exactly spectacular as of recent. I haven't been adicted to a PC Game since Diablo 2. And I'm the type of person who enjoys playing computer games.

I don't think younger people understand what a great game is until they play. Even if they do play a classic game, they don't get the full experience because that game has aged several years.

I'm hoping HL2 will be an amazing game. Too bad it will only be amazing on the single player part of the game.