Doctor Who: Season 4

I haven't seen the series 3 Master episodes, but my friend explained them a bit to me and they sounded totally batshit.
Okay, so when in series 3 did he ever say that he could muster regeneration like powers telepathically, or gain strength from belief? He never did, it just happened, and with very little explanation after it happened either. It was poor writing and a very poor resolution to what I felt (the midget doctor) was a rather good plot element (one of the few in the 3 parter).
The only way it was forshadowed was by way of the network, not what the Doctor could actually do with it, besides, DoctorDonna has been forshadowed throughout the series has she not, which was the ultimate resolution to the plot. :)

As for the gun, it was a Red Herring, used to fool the viewers than it did the Master, the same as the Warp star and Ostahagen Key. Als, the key had more buildup thatn the Master Gun did, both proved to be useless. I think they are pretty much the same.
Not that I have a problem with this kind of story telling, only when people accept it in one case, then don't like it when it suits.

The fun factor of series 4 depended on having Davros back to his best, an amazing performance by Tate and the awesome Dalek Caan, not to mention some awesome effects work. I really didn't factor the rest of the cast returning into it.

Also, you can disagree about Freema`s acting all you like, she was dropped after series 3 as a permanent companion due to the amount of bad feedback they were getting from fans that she wasn't really working. I disagreed strongly with that until the series 3 finales when I started to tire of her one pitched whine whenever she raised her voice.
I just hope she doesn't ruin Torchwood, and never shows up in Who again.

Tate pisses all over her.

Also, I love Simms portrayal of the Master, and any scene with him in, but as a character throughout the life of who, he just does not compare to the mighty Davros for me, sorry. :)
On an unrelated topic to the argument going on, but on the subject of Doctor Who, I found this hilarious video:

It's a complete bluff of when the new series would start. I'm not sure if anyone's seen it before. I don't think it's new.
I should warn you that it contains pretty annoying (albeit funny) sequence of one of Billie Piper's first songs. You should still watch it, though. It'll be worth it!!!