Does anyone else find this game to be...


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
An incredible stress reliever? Honestly plugging zombies with holes has never been so satisfying. Lately, I've been playing it purely as a stress relief mechanism. The game is just so damn visceral and engaging, and for the first time Valve has perfected the impact of a bullet ripping through flesh!

Also, I think I might be psychotic.
Haha, yeah man, it's totally brilliant, as long as you're playing on a not-too-hard difficulty, an-
for the first time blizzard has perfected the impact of a bullet ripping through flesh!
D: D: D: WHAT that better be me confusing your words what.
Awkward, was reading an article about Wrath of the Lich King right before I posted this. CALM DOWN, I DON'T THINK BLIZZARD MADE L4D.

Popcap has really been drivin' home the whole visceral feeling of bullets tearing through flesh. wut?
It's scarily addictive. I have it to blame for my lack of essay.
Needs more games with peepz.
I love throwing molotovs at witches and then backpedaling for my ****ing life.