Does drugs make you "cool"?

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I don't do drugs simply out of a personal choice. I have no moral, ethical, or religious (I'm an atheist) qualms with casual drug-use for fun. I mean cigarrettes and alcohol have caused way more problems in society than pot ever will, but for some reason they are still perfectly legal. Shit, there are COMMERCIALS for the stuff.

If I had a friend who was smoking pot once a weekend to chill out...hey good for him, just don't drive or anything. But if I had a friend who was addicted to herion or coke, well...I'd have to talk with him, simply out of concern.

My personal choice to not do it is simply a reservation I have about putting ANY drug in my system (caffeine, tylenol, anything). I just don't like ****in' with my body's chemistry.

My only beef is with users who try and make me feel like I'm some kind of "square" because I choose not to drink or do drugs.

To each his own, but don't give me any shit about what I choose to do, and I won't give you any shit about what you do. It's my body, so **** off!
well, i live in amsterdam... and its legal to smoke weed, and i smoke weed in the weekends :D
but... its just like playing HL², playing HL² isnt COOL, not that HL² isnt a cool game. understand ?!

(the snasberry's taste like snasberry's !! )
Dodo said:
well, i live in amsterdam... and its legal to smoke weed, and i smoke weed in the weekends :D
but... its just like playing HL², playing HL² isnt COOL, not that HL² isnt a cool game. understand ?!

(the snasberry's taste like snasberry's !! )

I'm proper jealous of u man, I must admit.
Could I ask, what are the policies of other drugs over there?
Reaktor4 said:
no it isnt
:rolleyes: lol. You really are the most anal drug advocate ever.

The guy lives in Amsterdam and yet you're correcting him on their laws.

Ok, its 'decriminalized', right? But you can walk into shops and buy the stuff, so whats the difference really.
f|uke said:
:rolleyes: lol. You really are the most anal drug advocate ever.
Im not a drug advocate, im simply a realist.
The guy lives in Amsterdam and yet you're correcting him on their laws.

Ok, its 'decriminalized', right? But you can walk into shops and buy the stuff, so whats the difference really.
To say its legal is to ignore the stupid un laws stopping them from legalising it.
Reaktor4 said:
To say its legal is to ignore the stupid un laws stopping them from legalising it.

Yeah, f**king things. It'll be a while til they change them... :(

Incidently, does anyone know the specifics of the loophole used to make cannabis in Amsterdam 'legal'?
Gargantou said:
Does drugs make you "cool"?
If you are cool, yes. If you are not cool, no. Hate to burst your bubble but doing drugs won't rescue from loserhood.

Thread necromancer, and an illegal one at that since it's now against the rules to discuss drugs here (grr).
Once again, people who that crap are retards. You ever see a stoner? you can pick them out of the crowd, their reflexes and attitude change along with school work.
Rather heavy generalization. Might I make one that's completely similar in all aspects... and say that everyone who drinks alcohol is a retard?
Pauly said:
Once again, people who that crap are retards. You ever see a stoner? you can pick them out of the crowd, their reflexes and attitude change along with school work.



What the ****, were you raised on Hollywood stereotypes?
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