Does God Exist?


Oct 8, 2004
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Hiya guys long time no see :D. I have been lookin at a video on yourtube. Typed in 'Does god exist?' in youtube and a debate appeared named ''Thiest Vs Athiest: Does God not exist?''.

Knowing this forum, I bet this has been discussed many times and if so I apologise lol.

But nobody can actually PROVE that God exists. Wheres the evidence? Video evidence of Jesus walking on water?

I think it was just a group of middle aged middle easterns living in the deserts back many millennias ago IMO.

your thought? :D thanks
The middle east was much less desert-like only a couple of milennia ago. The region of the time is often referred to as the "Fertile Crescent" in fact.
GODDAMNIT, Kore, I ****ing hate you.

No, I really do hate you.
No kidding.
Hey Korebolter, long time no see indeed. :D

I don't really feel like contributing a whole great deal to this thread... particularly because I'm really tired and about to go to bed(yes, at noontime).

The existence or non existence of god cannot be proven or disproved, and as such it's left completely up to the individual to choose what they believe. I come from a very religious background... where I was quite the fundamentalist. These days though, I have abandoned my faith and taken a more secular approach to life because I no longer believe that god exists. It's all left me a little jaded and bitter too, especially from all the stuff I've seen and continue to see from religious people that reminded me of how I once was.
For a long time I considered myself a agnostic atheist (not believing in God because of no evidence). Recently though I realized that even with evidence I would probably believe other explanations over the existence of God (hoax, advanced technology, hallucination) which puts me firmly in the atheist category.
both science and religion both go to painstaking lengths to prove if God exists. today we are finding more and more reasons to believe more in ourselves than God but I'm still on the fence. If only you could take a look outside of our universe maybe then we'd realize something
Where the hell have you been Kore?

No, God doesn't exist.
We are all God.

God is a communist.
There is absolutely nothing in this world or universe that we have discovered would lead me to believe that there is a God. Therefore I dont.
Yes, I believe there is a God, but we can't see him - it's like one way glass, like they use in police station line-ups.

He just wants to watch us all kill each other, like when you get two fighting fish and put them in an aquarium together.

Let's make this entertaining for God, because you know what happened to the Dinosaurs.
It might not be possible to disprove that a god exists, but I think it's possible to prove that most of the gods of the various religions don't exist.
The middle east was much less desert-like only a couple of milennia ago. The region of the time is often referred to as the "Fertile Crescent" in fact.
I know the middle-east used to have much more vegetation (its where all the oil came from) but was there really that big a difference only a couple thousand years ago?
GODDAMNIT, Kore, I ****ing hate you.

No, I really do hate you.
No kidding.

I seem to remember you banning me for doing that.
I know the middle-east used to have much more vegetation (its where all the oil came from) but was there really that big a difference only a couple thousand years ago?

No, he's just being an eejit.

and no I have no idea what "eejit" means


Me - Why did you create the Universe?
God - I was bored
Me - Why did you creaste life?
God - I was lonely
I know the middle-east used to have much more vegetation (its where all the oil came from) but was there really that big a difference only a couple thousand years ago?

I blame all the goats and Mongols.

No but really, the region was far more lush back then than it is today - there's a reason agriculture originates from there!
The region is changing even more rapidly today, damming projects on the Euphrates and Tigris have hastened the change and vast areas which were previously marshland have been desertified.
Kore you twat, where in South Wales are you byt?
Where's the proof that there isn't a cube of jello in the air that I shot from a cannon 30 seconds ago about to hit me on the head? HUH?
I've got a question I will throw out there:

The definition of "god" is so subjective, it doesn't necessarily mean a deity that has created the universe, or man kind; there are deities in mythologies who did no such thing.
It also doesn't even suggest that god has to be a single living being; there are religions that believe god is in every object.

So technically, couldn't you assign "god" to anything? Couldn't you then assign "god" to something more god-like while remaining almost 100% provable? Such as money or communication?
-Surely two things that dictate our life far greater than any supernatural superstitions?
Wheres the evidence that God doesn't exist?



does that proof that god exist? no so therefore god doesnt exists
There is no god. In fact, none of you even exist - you're all just a figment of my imagination.
It is assumed to be a conscious, aware being with supernatural abilities to control things in this universe.
As far as I'm concerned there is no such thing as God.
Then by definition, you are God... Unless you go by whatever Virus says, but you can't really take what that guy says seriously.


This is @ Stardog, but I guess it applies to Krynn aswell.

Edit: Damn this thread moves fast.
heres another good question to ponder, even with all our crappy scientific analysis and equipment that may not be able to detect even half of what is out there, do you believe people have spirits?
heres another good question to ponder, even with all our crappy scientific analysis and equipment that may not be able to detect even half of what is out there, do you believe people have spirits?

No more than I would believe people have fairies in their brain, or invisible leprechauns riding on their back?
I sometimes wonder if animals think we're God or Alien.

Think of some of the things we have invented. Come on, even on the hardest scale, that's some clever shit. Wireless Telecommunications? I know when I talk into my cordless phone - if I had never seen anything like that before, I would shit myself thinking that I could talk to anyone in the world at any time from a portable device that hooks onto my ear.

How about you? You ever think that we might be Gods? We die, but in some religions Gods are mortal.