Does God Exist?

You certainly were had. See a psychiatrist.
Miracles happen all the time, but I still don't trust the bastard.
Pfffft, what a one hit wonder.

Not really. I mean we have absolutely no idea how long the universe has existed for. In fact, the pre-big bang universe could've been a million times older than the post big bang universe.

After so many uncountable years of existence, it's only natural for at least one planet to have a substance that can sustain life. It's also only natural for a planet to have a plentiful supply of this substance. This planet so happens to be Earth, and Earth so happens to have tons of water, and water creates a suitable environment for life to exist in.

So to be exact, it's probably a gazillion trillion billion hit wonder.
Water... Universe.

Does anybody else get the feeling that these retarded ass corporations selling bottled water would love to be able to sell authentic water from distant parts of the universe? They'll tout it as miraculous and extraordinary, but really it's just the same old water. It may have different dissolved minerals(or not), but it's the same old water.

But bottled water is so hip! Packaging up our most precious natural resource and selling it for outrageous amounts of money is the coolest thing to do.
Alright, alright.

Yes, I do believe in God/Jesus/the whole shabang. I grew up in a Christian household but I didn't start actively walking my faith until I was in my mid-teens. Over time I came to discover God more and more (his love, the unlimited forgiveness he offers, etc.), and that coupled with God's movements in my personal life ('miracles'), and tripled with the personal testimonies of others, I was had.

substitute someone else and it sounds a little crazy

Yes, I do believe in Santa/helper elves /the whole shabang. I grew up in a Santarian household but I didn't start actively walking my faith until I was in my mid-teens. Over time I came to discover Santa more and more (his love, the unlimited forgiveness he offers, etc.), and that coupled with Santa's movements in my personal life ('miracles'), and tripled with the personal testimonies of others, I was had.

your sounds equally as ridiculous as the santa thing but we're just supposed to accept it as someone's faith without question. really I couldnt care less if people worshipped either but dont expect me to accept it as truth either or even respect the more ridiculous aspects of religion

disclaimer: jet porkins I'm not singling you out just using your statement as an example of why people believe what they believe. it's usually tenous or abstract reasoning which can be used to pretty much justify the existance of anything and everything
My parents always ask me why I don't believe in god... I say why do you believe? And they say because they just know.


and they always try to get me to reconsider and start putting faith in it, and saying shit like well, if you really thought about it, and if you analyzed it... Analyze what? all the NOTHING that's happening? I have thought about it, and that's why I don't believe. You're the ones who haven't thought about it, hence why you're still running around in church like a bunch of sheeple.
Hang on, what are you saying about Santa?! :eek:
OH SHI ...not too worry Santa's safe and sound and he's still coming on christmas eve .....btw what does this soaking rag smell like? I think it smells like chloroform, what do you think?

I've actually have had to do this with my son (except the chloroform bit) because our stupid christian neighbour's son kept insisting Christmas is about baby jesus and santa isnt real. churchy people are absolutely no fun
This may just be me being me, but I actually feel like never believing in Father Christmas has meant that I still love Christmas as much as I did when I was little.
Okay, so according to most of the adults I knew as a child (Especially one teacher in my school) Christmas was about "celebrating Jesus' birth, not about giving presents". So of course when I realised that Christmas really was all about presents and excessive eating, it only made my enjoyment of the day grow.

How cool is it that we're still celebrating a pagan winter feast, albeit in the guise of Secular Hedonism Day?

My parents always ask me why I don't believe in god... I say why do you believe? And they say because they just know.


and they always try to get me to reconsider and start putting faith in it, and saying shit like well, if you really thought about it, and if you analyzed it... Analyze what? all the NOTHING that's happening? I have thought about it, and that's why I don't believe. You're the ones who haven't thought about it, hence why you're still running around in church like a bunch of sheeple.
Exactly, my brother beat my ****ing ass if I refused to go with him to church... :rolleyes:

My Mom only just stopped asking me if I'd ever come to church a few years ago. It took like 25 years of "**** naw" to get them to stop inviting me.

I must have been 7 when I was told that "yes, it's true - God sees everything and everything, he's everywhere watching over me." to know - this is some mother****ing bullshit.

And when I'm drunk, I could actually kill myself with my own hands, which scares the shit out of me. This is why people believe in God. Because they are pants shittingly terrified.
I'm kind of afraid how my family would react if I made it known flat out that I was not religious. It just seems to be like an "assumed" thing. You're in this family, you're religious. At gatherings "saying grace" is done, and there's no getting around it. Everybody is called to come eat and eating will not proceed until it's done.

So basically I just go along with it. I honestly see no reason not to. I have no reason to tell them I am not religious. It doesn't bother me holding hands with them as one of them says something. If they try to get me to do religious things or go to church or anything(something I've ALWAYS hated), I will refuse. But honestly, I have no real urge for my family to know that I'm not religious. It won't change my life for the better, and it might even cause drama which I would rather avoid.

I have no qualms about offending others with my blasphemous nature, however.

EDIT: Oh and I just wanted to add... the religious nature of my dad's wife kind of angers me in the sense that the religion has really sort of change the dynamic of our family get togethers. I love going to my Uncle's and we used to do it ALL THE TIME. It's a 60 minute drive, but we'd get together all the freaking time. Not just for special occasions like holidays and birthdays. We would just go... and enjoy time spending with the cousins and stuff. I really loved it. But ever since my dad and her got married, she would have them go to church on Sunday. And thus, ever since that started, we would end up never going there on Sunday. We used to always extend the length of our weekend visits by sleeping over at their house, so we could enjoy the next day as well. But now we only ever go on Saturday. And the number of times we go has also been drastically cut down, to where we sometimes don't see each other for months. IT DRIVES ME ****ING NUTS. And I blame religion and specifically church for it. **** YOU CHURCH!
Raziaar, you need your own wheels.

The point is that I like going with my dad along with the mix. It's never the same without my dad there, or my brother.

It doesn't matter if I had the ability to go there any time I want, if my dad is always home and not visiting as well. He's like my most favorite person in life, and so it sucks to not have him there.

This isn't a transportation issue.
OK, sorry. I feel ya. I love going to my brother's house to hang out. (Shit, he's got a huge arcade) But it wouldn't be the same to go there alone.
religious people are definately lower on the intelligence totem pole (on average) than non religious people.

An Irish eye surgeon has said an "unprecedented" rise in the number of cases of an eye condition could be directly related to people staring at the sun at a holy shrine.

really these people are beyond stupid and closer to actually being brain dead
Alright, alright.

Yes, I do believe in God/Jesus/the whole shabang. I grew up in a Christian household but I didn't start actively walking my faith until I was in my mid-teens. Over time I came to discover God more and more (his love, the unlimited forgiveness he offers, etc.), and that coupled with God's movements in my personal life ('miracles'), and tripled with the personal testimonies of others, I was had.

You're seriously claiming a god intervened in your life and granted you miracles?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that your miracles are the type of miracles that can happen without supernatural aid.
DISCLAIMER: Almost all of my experience with religion is with the Roman Catholic church. I have a pretty good general knowledge about all other monotheistic religions, but I may attribute things to religions that aren't right.

I think my main problem with God, disregarding that I really have no reason to believe in him in the first place, is that I have never been presented a vision of him that doesn't make him sound like an asshole. In most religions he's presented as the guy who will send you to heaven if you live faithfully within that religion or to hell if you don't. Now, most all christian religions were founded long after Jesus Christ supposedly ascended into heaven, and even the ones that were founded pretty much directly after, were created with pretty much guesswork about what Jesus would think was chill and all. Basically, my problem is, I doubt there is a single christian denomination which gets everything right and totally makes God go "Hell yeah, these bitches are goin' to heaven". So anyway, that's a tangent. So God is all powerful and has control over all creation, but he also just needs us to spend an hour a week just chilling in a building thinking about how swell he is. He also needs us to eat his flesh and pour water on our heads and do all these things (just think of all the wonderful people who will never do a bad thing in their life, but having never had any contact with christianity, has not crossed anything off his spiritual grocery list). Why? I think if I created a sentient species in my image I'd want them to, I don't know, try to establish a productive and intelligent society and maybe not waste their time on pointless and meaningless rituals and building buildings in my honor and spending their life thinking about me. So after you finish all your spiritual to do's, what else is there? Mostly religious activity consists of sacraments, going to church, and living your life how the religion tells you to. Pretty spiritual shit maaaaaaaan. So yeah, I don't think God's a dick, just religion, and if there was a God, I would imagine he wouldn't have an official religious following.
Not really. I mean we have absolutely no idea how long the universe has existed for.
Yes we do.
In fact, the pre-big bang universe could've been a million times older than the post big bang universe.
Unlikely, everything we know suggests time started with the big bang so describing anything pre big bang using time is pointless.
After so many uncountable years of existence,
Or 13.5 to 14 billion years.
it's only natural for at least one planet to have a substance that can sustain life. It's also only natural for a planet to have a plentiful supply of this substance. This planet so happens to be Earth, and Earth so happens to have tons of water, and water creates a suitable environment for life to exist in.

So to be exact, it's probably a gazillion trillion billion hit wonder.
your sounds equally as ridiculous as the santa thing but we're just supposed to accept it as someone's faith without question. really I couldnt care less if people worshipped either but dont expect me to accept it as truth either or even respect the more ridiculous aspects of religion

disclaimer: jet porkins I'm not singling you out just using your statement as an example of why people believe what they believe. it's usually tenous or abstract reasoning which can be used to pretty much justify the existance of anything and everything

No, I agree. I'm right there with you in that people don't choose to believe in God by rational thought.
I'm kind of afraid how my family would react if I made it known flat out that I was not religious. It just seems to be like an "assumed" thing. You're in this family, you're religious. At gatherings "saying grace" is done, and there's no getting around it. Everybody is called to come eat and eating will not proceed until it's done.

So basically I just go along with it. I honestly see no reason not to. I have no reason to tell them I am not religious. It doesn't bother me holding hands with them as one of them says something. If they try to get me to do religious things or go to church or anything(something I've ALWAYS hated), I will refuse. But honestly, I have no real urge for my family to know that I'm not religious. It won't change my life for the better, and it might even cause drama which I would rather avoid.

I have no qualms about offending others with my blasphemous nature, however.

EDIT: Oh and I just wanted to add... the religious nature of my dad's wife kind of angers me in the sense that the religion has really sort of change the dynamic of our family get togethers. I love going to my Uncle's and we used to do it ALL THE TIME. It's a 60 minute drive, but we'd get together all the freaking time. Not just for special occasions like holidays and birthdays. We would just go... and enjoy time spending with the cousins and stuff. I really loved it. But ever since my dad and her got married, she would have them go to church on Sunday. And thus, ever since that started, we would end up never going there on Sunday. We used to always extend the length of our weekend visits by sleeping over at their house, so we could enjoy the next day as well. But now we only ever go on Saturday. And the number of times we go has also been drastically cut down, to where we sometimes don't see each other for months. IT DRIVES ME ****ING NUTS. And I blame religion and specifically church for it. **** YOU CHURCH!
Wow, you actually say grace? I don't think I've met a person irl whose family actually did that. What do you say?
I went to my girlfriends house for Thanksgiving one year and [strike]they[/strike] we all held hands, and when they said grace, I just bowed my head out of respect.

Your post was awesome. I especially liked the part about the cock, and the sucking of the the girlfriend. :D
Wow, you actually say grace? I don't think I've met a person irl whose family actually did that. What do you say?

During our lunch break, me and a coworker (who is from Pennsylvania) went to a KFC here in Louisiana where we encountered a family who said grace before they ate their fried chicken. The whole time me and my friend could barely hold in laughter. Plus they were super creepy in how nice and proper they were. Like saying "Thank you mother" and "Would you like some Ketchup grandmother?"

Just not at all a group of people you'd expect to see at a KFC.
Not really. I mean we have absolutely no idea how long the universe has existed for. In fact, the pre-big bang universe could've been a million times older than the post big bang universe.

After so many uncountable years of existence, it's only natural for at least one planet to have a substance that can sustain life. It's also only natural for a planet to have a plentiful supply of this substance. This planet so happens to be Earth, and Earth so happens to have tons of water, and water creates a suitable environment for life to exist in.

So to be exact, it's probably a gazillion trillion billion hit wonder.

Theres so many things wrong with post as Ridleyrockets pointed out.

You really need to watch this, 'Universe From Nothing'. In fact I'm starting a thread on it. Ninja edit - linky.
Yes we do.

Unlikely, everything we know suggests time started with the big bang so describing anything pre big bang using time is pointless.

Or 13.5 to 14 billion years.


Like you said, everything WE KNOW suggests time started with the big bang. The problem is, we don't know very much about this universe besides our solar system and Earth.

All I'm saying is Earth is not a one hit wonder considering how many planets are out there and how long the universe has existed for. People will say "time" started with Big Bang, but that is a highly subjective opinion. Big Bang means, in simplified terms, the expansion of the universe. The time you gave (13.4 to 14. billion years) is simply the age of the universe AFTER big bang. We do not know what was before Big Bang, nor how long it has existed for.

By the way, the estimated age of the universe after Big Bang is filled with "Ifs". We made assumptions for this estimation to happen.
Like you said, everything WE KNOW suggests time started with the big bang. The problem is, we don't know very much about this universe besides our solar system and Earth.

We actually know quite a lot about this universe besides our solar system. And the age of our universe is not just some guessimation, it's based on measurements of the current rate of expansion of the universe, and then we backtracked from there. I have no idea why you're going on about pre-big bang stuff, or what "subsistence that can sustain life" means or, really, what your general argument is, but yes- there's a very big chance there's planets out there that can sustain life. In fact, there's a reasonable chance there's moons in our solar system that can sustain life, and may already have life.
My take on it. It doesn't really matter if god does or doesn't exist and we will probably never know. However humanity has the ability to discover everything to the first nano second after the universe was created. This means even if there was a god we wouldn't really need him.

So god is unnecessary.
We actually know quite a lot about this universe besides our solar system. And the age of our universe is not just some guessimation, it's based on measurements of the current rate of expansion of the universe, and then we backtracked from there. I have no idea why you're going on about pre-big bang stuff, or what "subsistence that can sustain life" means or, really, what your general argument is, but yes- there's a very big chance there's planets out there that can sustain life. In fact, there's a reasonable chance there's moons in our solar system that can sustain life, and may already have life.

You're right, it's not some guess, but it's done based on lots of ifs.

My general argument is Earth is not a one hit wonder. It's just a few pages back if you looked. I'm going on about pre big bang stuff to emphasize on the age of the universe before and after big bang. If we think about the amount of galaxies out there, coupled with the amount of time the universe has existed for, Earth is just something that was bound to happen.
Wow, you actually say grace? I don't think I've met a person irl whose family actually did that. What do you say?

Uhh... I don't say anything. It's always been my Uncle or my Dad who do it.

They just gather around in a circle all holding hands with each other, bowing their heads and then one of them(usually uncle) saying some words about god and blah blah blah. Then they all say "amen", which I typically do not, or I just mumble it so they don't question why I didn't say anything.

If I refused to do it, it would cause all sorts of needless drama. It doesn't harm me in any way doing it.

Back quite a few years before I actually become a non believer, they said grace once in a denny's... and it was the most ****ing embarrassing thing ever. Like holy shit, if you want to do it in our homes, that's ****ing fine... but it's ****ing ridiculous doing it in a public establishment. ****ing embarrassing, even when I was religious. The next time they try to do it anywhere else but in one of our homes, I will no doubt refuse.
I'm going on about pre big bang stuff to emphasize on the age of the universe before and after big bang.

Yeah but why would you bring pre-Big Bang stuff into it? What came before the Big Bang has nothing to do with the way our universe works now, so what does that have to do with the creation of life?
Yeah but why would you bring pre-Big Bang stuff into it? What came before the Big Bang has nothing to do with the way our universe works now, so what does that have to do with the creation of life?

Can be nothing, or it can be everything.

Life may have existed even before Big Bang, we don't know for sure. I'm simply saying a planet like Earth, a perfect place for sustaining life, is not really a phenomena if we consider the amount of time the universe has existed and the amount of galaxies there are in this universe.

Who knows, the universe before Big Bang could've been a billion times older than it is now. That amount of time is more than enough for something like Earth to happen. Heck, that amount of time is more than enough for something like Big Bang to happen.
Can be nothing, or it can be everything.

Life may have existed even before Big Bang, we don't know for sure. I'm simply saying a planet like Earth, a perfect place for sustaining life, is not really a phenomena if we consider the amount of time the universe has existed and the amount of galaxies there are in this universe.

Who knows, the universe before Big Bang could've been a billion times older than it is now. That amount of time is more than enough for something like Earth to happen.

Every time I see your name, I think "flaming tits".

I also don't really see why the pre-existence of the big bang really matters.

Back when I was religious and debating religion on this forum, I would always fall back to "What happened before the big bang? Something had to create the big bang." as my single biggest argument.

Oh how foolish I was.
Every time I see your name, I think "flaming tits".

Thanks, I like tits too.

And yes you're right, It doesn't matter. I'm simply emphasizing on the possible age of the pre-Big Bang universe, and how life may have existed even before then.
I was gonna say that I already posted that in this thread, but apparently I posted it in another thread.