Does my mod sound good?

Oct 28, 2006
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Not sure if this is the right place, but I just got XSI and I'm getting ready to mod. I thought up a pretty good thing, and I want to know how you people would feel to playing it. It's essentially an alternate universe of the Half Life alternate universe.:rolling: It's kind of some creepy "nEW wORLD oRDER, omg! HAX0RZ! TIN FOIL HATZ! 1984!!!!" mod. I intend there to be 3 episodes. I'm currently beginning to work on episode 2 of it (Yea, I know, big rip off of the Star Wars style :hmph: )

Theme(very long):

The world is very different. Way back at Black Mesa, Freeman actually DID stop the problem, for the time being. The Government used high frequency EMPs and likewise technology to close the portal storm over Black Mesa. After the nuke, all surviving members, victims(zombies), and alien left behinds were moved into the Area 51 Research Facility of the government.
Following the incident at Black Mesa, the Government became very interested in the Portal tech they were developing. They always had been, what with the competition between Aperture and Black Mesa, but now that someone had successfully teleported massive chunks of alien life to Earth, they wanted to use it to teleport massive armies across the world. The reason? The War on terror was beginning, and the ability to transport massive troop numbers to any part of the Earth instantly wherever terrorists were would be most beneficial. But there was a much more sinister plan in the shadows of the world. Breen had lost his deal with the combine, and now had no means of reaching them. He "advised" the gov to make him in charge of a new sector at Area 51 devoted to the continual research into Black Mesa tech. But his was not the only "Behind the scenes" plan. The War on terror was becoming a miserable failure in some parts, while a complete success in others. Sadly, only the miserable failures made it on TV. The Bushies are about to leave office after 8 years, and they intend to make it out with the next administration continuing on "The Plan". The 1st Bush Started "it", the first Clinton strengthened "it", and the second Bush put the brickwork in to found "it".

== \/ This is now the future(2010ish) \/ ==

The "it" was a North American Union. The second Clinton (yea, she becomes president in this mod :hmph: ) now has created it. The war on terror has been declared over with the assassination of Osama and the abandonment of Iraq. Now, using the war as a motive, the gov pushes for the North American Union as means to "prevent another 9/11". It is established, with the anger of most Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians. However, during the border rearrangement for the new Union, a few terrorists slipped in from Mexico's South border. The plan to "avenge the Great Lion", or Osama. Many things begin to go down. Many people have their own shadowy intentions that are all headed on a collision course for each other. Breen's plan is cut short as funding for the new teleporter project is cut to create the NAU (North American Union hence forth shall be NAU). The "men behind the curtain" of this NAU are now having their plans compromised by their own greed. These people want money and power, and nothing more. With oil pumping in from Mexico and Canada, cheap labor from Mexico, and the combined military powers of the 3 nations, they now intend to make the NAU a powerhouse of the Earth. Those terrorists mentioned earlier, however, become the needle in a hay stack for them. They begin attacks on the west coast. They, however, unintentionally empower the NAU. New laws are passed to take more control. Eventually, however, the gov is forced to hold an emergency senate meeting to deal with the threat, as it is getting out of hands. This is exactly what the terrorists were waiting for. They smuggle in a suitcase nuke, and send it East, to DC. During the senate meeting, most members of the gov are present. A few senators don't show up as protest to the pro-dictator-like policy. Obviously, they blow up the capitol during the meeting, killing of pretty much the entire government in one big swoop. The after effects are the crumbling of the NAU, and a decent into civil war. The entire line of succession is all dead and radioactive dust. It just so happens those senators who survive decide to take over the gov. Being originally against the NAU, they enact a pro-democratic gov. However, a general who was in the executive branch of the gov. decides to say that he should inherit the presidency, as well as leadership over the NAU. The senate and the General have a political clash, and it leads to death and destruction. The senators are rounded up and killed by the General's army. However, a friend of the senate, another General, takes over some forces on the East coast, and blatantly denies the other General's leadership. The Dictator General takes over the West Coast, and Engages the Democratic General. The Civil War had begun. Canada joins the Western General, and invades the East Coast. Mexico joins the East General, and invades the South West. All hell brakes lose. Meanwhile, a bunch of other hell happens to the rest of the world, as the power vacuum of the NAU establishes an Asian Union, who engages the Euro Union.

It's not entirely thought out, but there's a whole other 10 years after all that. I don't want to give away how it all connects and the mystery behind the storyline after this, so that's it. Essentially, you wake up as Gordon in 2020ish. Gman says his plans got totally messed up and that your "Contract" need to be changed with his "Associates".

Most of the original leaders from this back story die off and a whole bunch of crap happens. But like Half life 2, that is meant as a mystery to be found out during game play.

So, what do ya thinks about my very longly worded mod's back story?
Mods that change the story make me wonder why...why...WHY people screw with things Valve does.
Well, it's kind of mixing real life with the HL story line, I could cut it out all together, but then It may not have the (maybe) failed 7 hours war.

Wouldn't you like to FINALLY vrs a mortar synth or something?
That seems so different from HL's story that linking them doesn't seem nessisary. It would probably just be more interesting to have new characters (plus it would save the inevitable bad imitation of the g-ma's voice that would have to be in the mod).
Mods that change the story make me wonder why...why...WHY people screw with things Valve does.

If they didn't, why would they mod the game at all..? The franchise would die ALOT faster if people didn't "screw" with the original thing.
That seems so different from HL's story that linking them doesn't seem nessisary. It would probably just be more interesting to have new characters (plus it would save the inevitable bad imitation of the g-ma's voice that would have to be in the mod).

Well, without revealing more, nation X (Can't say what the x is) conquers the USA, and uses a second resonance cascade to spread a xen infestation all over the south west and divide and conquer the US. rebels can't do much if they got a 3rd of the nation infested with Xen aliens. I guess it's a play on Command and Conquer with tiberium used in much the same way, but it's just awesome like that. + it cuts down on thinking if I can just have the old characters from hl2 in different positions in a different timeline.

I's just a mod. Haven't thought it all out yet. I Drew some concept art of mine a while back, maybe I'll post it. Just wanted to get people's opinion on it.
I like the idea. I am a total mod/sdk n00b. I'd like to see the finished product
Well, without revealing more, nation X (Can't say what the x is) conquers the USA, and uses a second resonance cascade to spread a xen infestation all over the south west and divide and conquer the US. rebels can't do much if they got a 3rd of the nation infested with Xen aliens. I guess it's a play on Command and Conquer with tiberium used in much the same way, but it's just awesome like that. + it cuts down on thinking if I can just have the old characters from hl2 in different positions in a different timeline.

I's just a mod. Haven't thought it all out yet. I Drew some concept art of mine a while back, maybe I'll post it. Just wanted to get people's opinion on it.
So Iraq uses a suicide resonance cascade to infest the US with aliens? :p
No. Why and how could Iraq invade the US???? Think about it. Who is rising to power and hates us, and plays dirty? Better yet, what group of Nations.

Aw what the hell, I'll just say that there are 3 major players in the world in this mod. Weather or not they all still exist or not is not yet decided, but they are:
1) Asian Union(China, Russia, Iran, United Korea, Syria, Pakistan, India, etc)
2) The North American Union(USA, Mexico, Canada)
3) The European Union (current union members + a few)

Kind of a play on 1984's Oceania, East Asia, and Eurasia, but I have certain surprises in stored. Lets just say democracy is dead in this mod's world.
I like the idea. I am a total mod/sdk n00b. I'd like to see the finished product

I too am a noob. I'm learning as I go. My motivation is that I think it may look good on a college application to say I build a game.
College application? They look at your SAT, GPA, and community service hours, and that's it.
No. Why and how could Iraq invade the US???? Think about it. Who is rising to power and hates us, and plays dirty? Better yet, what group of Nations.

Aw what the hell, I'll just say that there are 3 major players in the world in this mod. Weather or not they all still exist or not is not yet decided, but they are:
1) Asian Union(China, Russia, Iran, United Korea, Syria, Pakistan, India, etc)
2) The North American Union(USA, Mexico, Canada)
3) The European Union (current union members + a few)

Kind of a play on 1984's Oceania, East Asia, and Eurasia, but I have certain surprises in stored. Lets just say democracy is dead in this mod's world.
I was only kidding with the Iraq thing. Also, I don't see the Asian Union getting along very well, especially China and Russia.
You really need to concentrate on writing if you want to make a story driven mod. This kind of mod would require less coding and art talent, but more voice acting and, probably, texturing.

It really sounds like you want to make a story driven single player game, so I'll give you some tips with writing (the most important facet of even beginning this sort of thing).

Write simple, write clear. Sure, there are some fantasy buffs that go nuts over a million characters and detailed portrayals of each, but generally speaking, the simpler the better. Get a general idea for your story, what you want to convey to the audience, and cut everything that isn't 100% needed. Think of it like a good photograph- the focus of the camera is clear and sharp and you can see very plainly what it is, what the photograph is about. It's obvious, unquestionable, and stays in the viewer's mind. The background is blurred, the surrounding details aren't in focus, they are there simply to support the focus.

Blur the background, sharpen the focus.

Write smart. Is your story a political statement? An observation of the human condition? Think of what your story is before you start writing. Think of the purpose, why it's being written, and how you can relate to it. It's so much easier to write about something you know about. That's why ex-military write war stories, bar flys write about love, and statesmen write about politics.

If you think of the Half-Life universe in its simplest terms, one might say it's a war story. One might say it's about love, betrayal, good vs. evil, or the human spirit. Don't think of your story as what the front cover might look like, think of it as what your story can feel like once it's done. Will it inspire your reader, or make them laugh? Will it foreshadow darker times, or give hope to an already dark time?

If you want to start new and fresh, think of something SIMPLE. Keep it very, very, very simple. And within the confines of the art direction in Half Life 2. Give the player a reason to fight and he'll fight. Keep it interesting, keep it smart, but fundamentally, simple.
I was only kidding with the Iraq thing. Also, I don't see the Asian Union getting along very well, especially China and Russia.

Circumstances make strange benefactors. or something like that. It's a worst case scenario vision of the world. Done to death, yea, but never how I see it nor on the source engine.

Here's my logic behind it's storyline:

If the US was about to collapse, how would the world be effected? China would have no one to export to. Russia wouldn't get it's billion dollars a year from us. Iran could roam free, and Korea would obviously be united. NATO would collapse (it goes deeper into "how" in the mod). The European Union would have to stick together as one nation in order to defend itself from all of Asia. Now, why WOULD Russia or any part of Asia invade Europe? Revenge. Russia has wanted it's soviet satellites back since 1989. Iran wants to rebuild the Persian Empire, it always has. And most of Eastern Europe is a sitting duck. Seeing as that sitting duck is being annexed into the EU slowly today, one can only assume that Russia and or Iran would have to fight the EU in order to get back it's lands. The EU would never allow this, and would attack back. Likewise, it is likely that China would want in on this war for profiting, It could replace the economic crippling form a dead US by selling war machines to Russia. Russia and Iran would have oil to send to China in order to fuel it's war machines on it's front. It is also likely that Korea wants revenge on Japan for WW2. This is seen in the recent missile crisis in the Sea of Japan. So, Korea would likely seek to do to Japan what it did to Korea in WW2. China would have no problem in lending a hand to this, as more war profits would go to it.

Anywho, that's a nightmare scenario for how an Asian Union might form.

There's alot more behind the storyline, but I want some kind of mystery and I'm too tired to go into it.

and trust me Pesmerga, I've done good thinking on it. There are a few wrinkles to tone out, but it's an awesome story once you get into it. It will be single player, and maybe multilayer later on. I'd really like to have tank fights on a deathmatch or team deathmatch map.

Write smart. Is your story a political statement? An observation of the human condition? Think of what your story is before you start writing. Think of the purpose, why it's being written, and how you can relate to it. It's so much easier to write about something you know about. That's why ex-military write war stories, bar flys write about love, and statesmen write about politics.

I suppose it's all of that cramed into one.

It is, as I said, kind of like mixing the Half life storyline into real life.

Here's a crappy explanation of it:

HL2 Story Line ---------------------------->
My Mod |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||>
Real Life --------------------------------->

In the end, I bought XSI ($465 -or something in that range- well spent), and I feel this is the best way to use it for now. I also intend to make a few movies with it. Maybe one about the 7 hour war or something.
Korea would obviously be united. NATO would collapse (it goes deeper into "how" in the mod). The European Union would have to stick together as one nation in order to defend itself from all of Asia. Now, why WOULD Russia or any part of Asia invade Europe? Revenge. Russia has wanted it's soviet satellites back since 1989. Iran wants to rebuild the Persian Empire, it always has. And most of Eastern Europe is a sitting duck. Seeing as that sitting duck is being annexed into the EU slowly today, one can only assume that Russia and or Iran would have to fight the EU in order to get back it's lands. The EU would never allow this, and would attack back. Likewise, it is likely that China would want in on this war for profiting, It could replace the economic crippling form a dead US by selling war machines to Russia. Russia and Iran would have oil to send to China in order to fuel it's war machines on it's front. It is also likely that Korea wants revenge on Japan for WW2. This is seen in the recent missile crisis in the Sea of Japan. So, Korea would likely seek to do to Japan what it did to Korea in WW2. China would have no problem in lending a hand to this, as more war profits would go to it.

Anywho, that's a nightmare scenario for how an Asian Union might form.

Well, it looks like you didn't read my post. Also, it's obvious you devised that scenario by playing a game of Risk or something, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. N. and S. Korea united? There are few things more unlikely. Not to mention it probably has nothing to do with the mod that you want to make.

and trust me Pesmerga, I've done good thinking on it. There are a few wrinkles to tone out, but it's an awesome story once you get into it. It will be single player, and maybe multilayer later on. I'd really like to have tank fights on a deathmatch or team deathmatch map.

It's really obvious you haven't. I mean, have you *ever* written something longer than 10 pages before? And how can this possibly be a multiplayer game. You didn't completely throw yourself in a bottomless hole until you announced what your global scenario turned out to be, and now it's even worse with "tank fights". A few wrinkles to iron out? Those wrinkles are as deep as Mariana's Trench and as tall as the mountains. I'm not pulling shit out of my asshole when I advise to keep things simple, an aspect which you have taken a steaming dump on.

If you've never even opened up Hammer editor, I suggest you do so. Or, like, write a short story or something.
Alright, it's not perfect. But without a nato or US, what exactly WILL stop north from conquering the south? With China backing them, what will stop it?

As I said, it's a worst case scenario. Sure, there are many ways to divert it, but then where would my Mod be? Who says it has to follow the rules anyhow.
I have alot to go through, and it will be a LONG time before anything is suitable.

I already learned XSI, I'm learning Hammer right now, and next will be coding and GIMP (or photoshop if I save up enough). I wont even get up to making missions for another 5-6 months at least. I'm on the move at least, and we all have to start somewhere. As I stated earlier, I'm learning as I go.

I'm sure it took valve a while to realize having man hacks as civilian video games was a stupid idea too.

I might even cut any Half life things out all together and make that in another mod or something. It will develop as it goes
I just don't see that stuff happening. US and Canada uniting seems a bit weird, but possible. The Europe thing sounds likely enough, it's the most plausable of the three, but I just don't see Asia ever uniting like that. Russia and China joining forces? It just seems far-fetched. And Korea uniting wouldn't happen. We have a forum member here who's living proof of that :p
This should now really be moved to modding or something

I just don't see that stuff happening. US and Canada uniting seems a bit weird, but possible. The Europe thing sounds likely enough, it's the most plausible of the three, but I just don't see Asia ever uniting like that. Russia and China joining forces? It just seems far-fetched. And Korea uniting wouldn't happen. We have a forum member here who's living proof of that :p

Well of course not. That's why wars happen, to make things happen. In the mod, China need money due to the fact that the US doesn't exist anymore. It can't trade with Europe, because that would lead to Russia getting pissed. China and Russia kind of are united anyways.

And Korea just had a war in the mod. Obviously, with no Europe or America to help, it's all alone. And Korea and China are already pretty close.

I have to observe more though, I'm looking up things as I go. History has shown that nations love revenge. WW1 started that way,and so did WW2, why not WW3? anyway, it's already present that China would love nothing more to see us go under, but do to economic reasons, neither can do anything about each other.

The whole Idea of Asia getting united spawned after reading some articles of Russia and China uniting to help Iran. Being that this is a worst case scenario mod, they had to unite. With the US out of the way, Russia would love to get it's soviet satellites back, and China would love to extend it's money gaining any way possible. War profiteering seems the best means.

And US and Canada and Mexico ARE uniting. That spawned from many news articles and videos, this being one of them:

Yea, I waste my life away watching these things and thinking. Might as well make a mod seeing what could happen if such a union went into civil war.

If my thinking is somewhat poorly made, can you help me think up a way for this to happen? What catalyst should there be?
I shouldn't even be doing this, but:

1. Why the hell would Iran invade eastern Europe? Furthermore, the only reason Russia or China would have to "help Iran" is to counterbalance U.S. influence in the Middle East. Since the U.S. is gone for some reason in your scenario, there'd really be no reason for a Russia-China-Iran alliance. They'd be more likely to fight each other.

2. You want to explore global military/ political scenarios in a half-life mod? Try it on a Risk board first, then maybe move on to some kind of Hex format. Or possibly some kind of Warcraft mod. I don't see how you intend to address all this geopolitics stuff in the form of an FPS.

You clearly have a lot of ideas. Think about how your chosen medium is a good or bad fit for any of those ideas, then pare it down to what you can do within that framework. Just a hint, though, that the details of pan-Asian military alliances are probably not your main concern in an HL mod.

But good luck with it.
I want to make a 1984-like mod. Best way to explain 1 is that they did ally during the US. They are allied today in fact, just unofficially. Do you think we'd still be playing the word game if Iran wasn't backed by something big, say Russia and China? (Putin just visited Iran and they gave them Russian AA guns)

In the Mod, the US gets turned into the North American Union to counter act the Asian Union. Iran has had it's eyes on Eastern Europe since the Persian Empire. They don't hate the west, but their radical gov does. They want to rebuild the Persian Empire.

I just want to see how big battles would play out on source, and I've got nothing better to do with my otherwise very boring life.
How exactly do you intend to portray this ludicrous story in an FPS.
it's very messy, I know. But it will be a special opps kind of game. A few major battles every here and there.

As I said, it's ludicrous because it's worst case scenario world.

I'd really like other's opinions on how a George Orwell's 1984 three way war could become reality. Any way for it to happen?

I think if it all happened at the right time, you could create such a would. Then under certain circumstances, blow it all to hell in a big war.

I guess it's 1984, endwar, battlefield 2, Half life 2, and pinch of randomness all crammed into one.
WOW, someone finally sees the bigger picture? Thanks Azner.

Anywho, I really need a catalyst to cause the Union of Asia. I'm thinking something along the lines of the War on Terror being declared over, but then America gets attacked again, repeatedly. Thus this causes the revival of pro-offensive actions in the Middle East. Asia Unites to stand down the US, and as a result, the North American Union is made to counter balance such. Europe somehow ends up in the crossfire, and then something causes a civil war in America. Perhaps if those repeating attacks cause an emergence senate meeting. At which time, DC would be nuked by those terrorists (Funded by Russia maybe?), causing the line of succession to be killed off. Thus a civil war between the 3 nations and their people. Russia would fund it so that they could focus of Europe while the US is busy with their own problems.
Hey, PortalStormzzz, I want to test something. You can be part of my data set.

Do you support Ron Paul?

Oh, and uh, the mod. Farfetched. Just do what 1984 did and have generic factions, with few specific countries mentioned. In fact, no specific countries mentioned, just continents. It's up to the player to decide how they merged.
[..] NAU establishes an Asian Union, who engages the Euro Union.

Euro Union?... It's European Union mate hehe ;) And i don't see why EU should get in conflict with an Asian Union. They're quite far apart, and there's no territorial troubles.

Some of it sounds alright, but a bit of it also seems far fetched. The General denying orders reminds me of Strangelove for some reason hehe :)

What kind of scenery would it be in then? Removing all the magic of half-life and putting in some political "realism" doesn't sound that exciting. Unless Gordon gets his hand dirty in the technological magic? Also, think of GMan exploiting the chaos to make the humans create war machinery that ultimately results in the portal storm that should have happened.
Cyk, yes, Ron Paul number 1

Surrogate, I think I mistyped it a little. Basically, with the US involved with it's own problems, the Asian Union goes to war with the Euro Union. This being for several reasons. Russia, even today, wants it's soviet satellites back, and their pissed that they're losing them to the Euro Union. China needs a means to gain money now that the US is out of the picture. War profiteering seems the best means to do this. Iran has always wanted to rebuild the Persian Empire. The nations of the Middle East today are make believe nations created after WW2 by the Europeans. They go randomly through all kinds of ancient borders and slice and dice all through ancient peoples. The rest of Asia was forced into the union by threats of the upper powerhouse.

And yes, the Gman will defiantly be playing some part of the master plan. One of the things it revolves around is that he failed to get the Combine to Earth, so now he's desperate, and intends to do it any means necessary. While the world is busy settling it's differences, he can slip in and o his thing. I think I mentioned somewhere here that I might add in a failed 7 hour war, where the government rebuilds the Black Mesa teleport at Area 51. Obviously, the ability to move troops instantly from place to place would be extremely useful during a civil war. Well, they blow that up and overcharge the teleporters trying to teleport an entire army. It's still being worked out, but basically, Freeman's usefulness has been compromised. The Gman's business associates seriously doubt Gman's abilities due to the fact that nothing went according to plan, so the Gman let's Freeman use on the world to help in distracting attention away for the himself to do his thing.
Well, Politics bore me. I just like big bad battles and awesome graphics with great game play. Might as well make up a world to put it into.
It's sounds good except for the story. I would like to continue to see HL2 with events that don't really happen. Makes things more mysteriosu.
Cyk, yes, Ron Paul number 1

Surrogate, I think I mistyped it a little. Basically, with the US involved with it's own problems, the Asian Union goes to war with the Euro Union. This being for several reasons. Russia, even today, wants it's soviet satellites back, and their pissed that they're losing them to the Euro Union. China needs a means to gain money now that the US is out of the picture. War profiteering seems the best means to do this. Iran has always wanted to rebuild the Persian Empire. The nations of the Middle East today are make believe nations created after WW2 by the Europeans. They go randomly through all kinds of ancient borders and slice and dice all through ancient peoples. The rest of Asia was forced into the union by threats of the upper powerhouse.

It's still European Union, not Euro Union =P Euro is the European Union currency ;)

I don't see why Asia would want to go to war with the European Union - we're far apart.

Concerning Percian empire... That's an antique empire. You're thinking the Ottoman Empire, which was defeated and divided after WW1.

You can also see from this map that Asia is very far from Europe - The middle east separates them.

Russia, wanting a new soviet union, cannot blame EU for former soviet countries joining them - It's the countries themselves that has asked to join the Union, not the other way around =P

Snooping a bit around Wikipedia, you could possibly include AU aswell - the african Union. Then the whole European continent would be divided by the European Union, Soviet Union, Asian Union, Ottoman Empire & the African Union. Damn, the world would be easier to understand if it was so plainly structured hehe =P
Euro is just short. I'm lazy.

Asia would want to go to war with Europe after they became one nation. After they destroy the North American Union (By means I want to keep a mystery in the game), they became power hungry. The already iffy relationship between the western Euros and the Eastern Asians would provide for some war motivation. Much as conspiracy guys say the presidency has been captured by global corporatist, the Asian Union would fall to the same and become corrupted. Persians have also always wanted to rebuild their old empire. You do, hopefully, know of the hatred between Saudis and Persians?

And there is the possibility, to make the game a much weirder world, that Xen may have infested the entire south of the Earth. The Asian Union would gain the masses love and admiration for building continent long suppression fields to stop the infestation. Hence, the entire south part of Earth would be no-man's land with mini wars between Xenian survivors and humans.

I'm mixing reality with sci fi. It's going to be one hell of a waky world.
F it, I'm ditching any and all related Half Life things in this mod. I just thought up a good mod to do afterwards with everything I thought of.

This mod will be about WW3 from a different view stance of the way wars happen.

That was my original idea, and I think it will rock with or without anything with Half life.

It MAY still have black mesa though. Maybe it gets besieged by the rebels as they want the secrets within to aid in their cause against the North American Union.
It's going to have Black Mesa in it, but has nothing to do with Half Life.

Well, it will have black mesa mainly because it's square flat in the middle of a possible battle in the game. I need some purpose of the battle, might as well defend Black Mesa, or assult it, depending on what the final thing will be.

So I kinda typo'd that, oh well. I's not like you'll be there for long in the mod.

I may just do that with Area 51 and cut Black Mesa out all together. That way, I have total control over my characters and everyone, not having to go by how they acted in other games.

Just got XSI, though, so my mod has lift off.
Find something more original than Black Mesa or Area 51, and create your own place in which it will occur.
Don't you need, you know, a crew for your epic? Level designers, model designers, concept artists, writers, scripters, coders, and to a lesser extent website coders and moderators?