Don't date Emo kids

Dec 12, 2005
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It sucks. >.< I'll tell you right off, I was a "non-emo" kid dating an "Emo" kid and it suuuuucked. Too much bullshit. Just thought I'd throw that out there, I tried it and it sucked.
Well, I figured it was common sense, but at least you learned your lesson. welcome back, trooper.
emo kids live in their own can't date can try and be friends with them..but that fails miserably....cause you won't stand all the whining.
ahahaha emo is sooooo freaking lame. your angry at the world... fine. But purposly going out of the way to make your life miserable , is juss plain stupid aahah


Why exactly did you date her in the first place. You must've had some idea that she was "emo."
losermeetsworld said:
Exxxxxxxxactly. This girl was only happy when she was UNhappy... LAME.

couldnt you tell she was going to be lame? any signs..?
Not to mention they look like shit with the disgusting smeared makeup and self chopped up haircuts that look like they got stuck in a weedwacker?

Damn I mean not only is that trend filled with idiocy, it creates ****ing UGLY people, too.
I dated her for a loooong time, and then her mom got cancer really bad and she went Emo... :-/
My mom got cancer, i turned into an asshole, used drugs, beat kids and stole stuff. But i didnt turn Emo :p
Wtf if you are dating you dont have the right to be emo. What a piece of shit
I thought it was if you were emo then you didn't have the right to date.
losermeetsworld said:
I dated her for a loooong time, and then her mom got cancer really bad and she went Emo... :-/

Hmm, I wonder why she might've become depressed. :dozey:

This society will do anything to eliminate emotion. :|
I just think don't date kids full stop is a good idea.
I have never met a stereotypical emo kid.

This is because the stereotypical emo kid does not exist.

It's also pretty stupid to hate any teenage clique-y group.
Sulkdodds said:
I have never met a stereotypical emo kid.

This is because the stereotypical emo kid does not exist.

It's also stupid to hate any teenage clique-y group.
Shut up geek

Now, racism on the other hand...SHUT UP BELGIAN!
Beerend said:
Secret nazi Sulkdodds :<

^ lol@ ^

Emo kids wouldn't be such a problem if they'd actually go THROUGH with the suicides they threaten the world with ... on their myspace blogs.

My god, that was in poor taste, even for me ... (I stand by it though)
Sulkdodds said:

secret? I think you mean Publicly Know Nazi Sulkdodds

I'm not sure If I've met the perfect stereotypicle emo kid , but I know many that come close |: (

Not exactly emo, but this girl I went to the homecoming dance with was manic depressive, she would start crying suddenly for no reason and talking about how everyone hated her. Annoying but funny as hell. Needless to say, I didn't ask her out again. It's a shame because she was hot too :|
Sulkdodds said:
Now, racism on the other hand...SHUT UP BELGIAN!
Nationality != Race

EG: If you don't like "The Japanese" that's one thing. If you don't like "Asians" that's another.