Dont Taze me Bro!, I'm sleeping


May 5, 2004
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FBI reviewing Tasering of sleeping man; no charges filed

Two North Braddock police officers won't face criminal charges for Tasering a man who was asleep at home. But the FBI will review the incident for possible civil rights violations.

Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala Jr. says county police determined Officers Gerard Kraly and Lukas Laeuricia (loo-REE'-see-uh) didn't commit a crime when they Tasered Shawn Hicks, who was sleeping on his couch.

Police came to Hicks home because they were alerted by a silent security alarm at his home about 2 a.m.

Hicks says the officers Tasered him again after he woke up and showed them ID to prove he lived at the home. Hicks' attorney says he will pursue civil action.
He was probably dreaming of terrorist activities.
I bet they could have given him a wet willy/purple nurple, atomic wedgie and stuck his finger in a glass of warm water and he wouldnt have woken up ..I guess tazers do have uses beyond starring in hilarious youtube videos featuring trigger happy police officers and whiney college students
Who wants to bet money he wasn't a rich white male?
Hicks says the officers Tasered him again after he woke up and showed them ID to prove he lived at the home.

sounds like they were looking for someone to play "tase the suspect for kicks" game that police are so fond of ..and to think back in my day all we got was baton to the groin/head
maybe he slept on his arm funny and when they asked him for identification he couldnt reach for it.

When I was in college I was woken up by a guy who was at my room to fix the internet and I slept on both of my arms so by the time i woke up, I couldnt even move them. The guy asked me to hand him something and I just looked at him with a stupid grin on my face.....god that was hilarious.
maybe he slept on his arm funny and when they asked him for identification he couldnt reach for it.

no, they tased him after he showed his ID:

Hicks says the officers Tasered him again after he woke up and showed them ID to prove he lived at the home.

When I was in college I was woken up by a guy who was at my room to fix the internet and I slept on both of my arms so by the time i woke up, I couldnt even move them. The guy asked me to hand him something and I just looked at him with a stupid grin on my face.....god that was hilarious.

.....perhaps he should have tased you ;)
I really wish there was a video with this... :(
so it was like

police1:he is sleeping?
police2:I dont know, hey show ID!
man: ya go...
police1: he moved!
police2: shock!
*police1 tazes man*
man: AAARGGG waht the fo-
police2: shock again!
*tazes again*
man: aaarg dam I am waked up! I am wa-
police2: shock!!!1
man: aaaarrffffgggg.......*start salivating*
police1: dont you think it was too much?
police2: nah was enough
police1:....*tazes man again*
God that's ****ing stupid. Police should be held accountable for misuse of the weaponry they're allowed to use when they use it improperly.

As far as I'm concerned both of those shitheads should be charged with felony assault and kicked off the force for being morons.
Who wants to bet money he wasn't a rich white male?

"My God the negro broke into the house..and hung up pictures of his family everywhere! That sick bastard..alright sprinkle alittle crack on him and lets get outta here." -Dave chappelle :D
sounds like they were looking for someone to play "tase the suspect for kicks" game that police are so fond of ..and to think back in my day all we got was baton to the groin/head

Guess they are the same part now eh.
Tasers were originally used as an alternative to firearms in order to prevent unnecessary injury and death, but these days they're being used all over the place where force wouldn't even be used normally.

QFT. So, we just need to screen out the power hungry idiots.

Oh god, should we even start? I'd almost promise that in some areas we'd loose half of the force ... Yoda would be so ultimately pissed.