Don't you just love crappy roads and drivers?


Jun 7, 2009
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So I went for a little drive today, made a turn into a residential street and slowed it down to 25, the speed limit. Next thing I know, theres some big ass Chevy truck riding up my ass. Maybe ten minutes later, he turns away and some other Ford Explorer comes right up behind me. My car has newer springs so it sits fairly low, plus I have a front lip so when I go over speed bumps/speed humps I have to go 5-10 MPH to avoid scratching the lip/bumper. The truck behind me pulls up on my left, floors the gas and cuts me off.

Coming back home, some handicap in a Toyota Camry decides to be right on me, while I'm going 20 (cop watching for speeders around the corner) and starts turning his lights off and on. I pass the cop and accelerate to 30, but he stays on me the whole time. The road becomes friggin pothole mania so I slow down to avoid them (aftermarket rims will bend if you hits a pothole) and this ****ing guy blares his horn. So yeah, shitty pothole filled roads and people who have to drive up your ass suck

I hate angry drivers, but then I'm also guilty of doing it myself sometimes so it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. I'd never drive dangerously though.

You should have let the third driver overtake you and get caught by the police.
I hate angry drivers, but then I'm also guilty of doing it myself sometimes so it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. I'd never drive dangerously though.

You should have let the third driver overtake you and get caught by the police.

He had plenty of room to go around, and I really wanted him to, but I guess its easier to ride up someones ass and blare the horn.
You should have let the third driver overtake you and get caught by the police.

I've done that before. There was a police van round the corner with a speed gun and everyone was slowing down flashing their hazard lights to warn of them, just then this guy in a BMW starts honking at me and gesturing out his window, i pull slightly to the side and waved him on. The next thing i a saw he was pulled over with a police man by his window, so i gave a friendly honk i as drove pass.
I've done that before. There was a police van round the corner with a speed gun and everyone was slowing down flashing their hazard lights to warn of them, just then this guy in a BMW starts honking at me and gesturing out his window, i pull slightly to the side and waved him on. The next thing i a saw he was pulled over with a police man by his window, so i gave a friendly honk i as drove pass.

That's just too awesome.

If I ever have some guy riding my ass for any reason, I slow down. If they want to go 5mph faster and get to their destination 10 seconds quicker, then by all means, leave earlier. You're not going to speed and put me in a dangerous situation by tailgating me.
If I ever have some guy riding my ass for any reason, I slow down. If they want to go 5mph faster and get to their destination 10 seconds quicker, then by all means, leave earlier. You're not going to speed and put me in a dangerous situation by tailgating me.

I like doing the same, except I jam on my brakes for a second to scare the shit out of the person.
Brake checking, the best way to say **** off.
i'd love to have a neon sign that could light up and say "BACK THE **** OFF" with the push of a button.
That's just too awesome.

If I ever have some guy riding my ass for any reason, I slow down. If they want to go 5mph faster and get to their destination 10 seconds quicker, then by all means, leave earlier. You're not going to speed and put me in a dangerous situation by tailgating me.

...then move over. I can't stand it when two cars are driving side-by-side blocking traffic and going slower than I want to be going and neither of them have the god damn intelligence to speed up for 3 seconds so I can pass. I'm not a speed demon, I barely ever go over 75mph, but don't sit there being a stubborn prick and then have the nerve to try and brake check somebody.

My friend will be blocking traffic, then when people get to close he starts to slow down. He's a ****ing self-centered ass hole, "I'm the most important person on the road, and because I have the power to control the speed of traffic behind me, I'm going to use it to inconvenience everybody else all because I don't want to move over for some guy who wants to drive faster than me."

I always move over for speeders because I want to create the best traffic flow that I can and because by putting speeders in front of me I'm less likely to be pulled over for speeding.
...then move over. I can't stand it when two cars are driving side-by-side blocking traffic and going slower than I want to be going and neither of them have the god damn intelligence to speed up for 3 seconds so I can pass.

why is this relevant?

I'm not a speed demon, I barely ever go over 75mph, but don't sit there being a stubborn prick and then have the nerve to try and brake check somebody.

nerve? I think the douche bag tailgating somebody driving safely has more "nerve".
why is this relevant?

(highway driving)
Because the only times people tailgate you are if:
-You or somebody else is blocking traffic
-You're driving in the passing lane

nerve? I think the douche bag tailgating somebody driving safely has more "nerve".

So if you aren't going to match their speed and they're not going to match yours...and you have the power to resolve the situation and you choose to either not fix it or exacerbate the situation by brake checking...suddenly they have more nerve? Too many drivers make themselves feel vindicated by saying "oh oh but I'm going the speed limit". That's fine, drive the speed limit, but don't do it in such a way that you hinder the progress of other drivers.

I get really upset over traffic. The main highway in my town is 55mph, and people lazily cruise along at 45mph and nobody will move over for somebody who wants to drive 55mph. Some days it will take 30 seconds or more before the 2 cars in front of me will achieve even 45mph. It's just mind-numbing how these people live their day to day lives, lazily drifting around town in their RX400, completely oblivious or unresponsive to the people around them. "Somebody wants to drive the speed limit? That's preposterous! Only street racers use more than 15% of their throttle!"
Tailgaters are the single greatest source of anger while driving for me. I am not a slow driver; I usually drive between the limit and about 5 over because for me, the risk of getting a ticket is not worth the small amount of time saved by excessively speeding. But even when I'm going 5 over I still get tailgaters. Just last week I was driving home at night, I came to a stretch of road that is a prime spot for speed traps because it is perfectly straight for about 1/2 of a mile on a slight decline. So I'm going 50 when the limit is 45, and then a pickup comes up and starts tailgating me very aggressively. He was so close I couldn't even see his headlights. What's baffling is that the road turns into a passing zone because it is so straight for so long, yet he just sits there on my bumper. To hell with him though, technically I was being generous by going 50.
Whenever I see someone catching up on me i usually get out of the way and let them pass like xcellerate, but If I see someone going like 90 mph I have fun purposely blocking them. And even if i do let them pass I usually catch up to them anyway. Stupid f*ckers.
...then move over. I can't stand it when two cars are driving side-by-side blocking traffic and going slower than I want to be going and neither of them have the god damn intelligence to speed up for 3 seconds so I can pass. I'm not a speed demon, I barely ever go over 75mph, but don't sit there being a stubborn prick and then have the nerve to try and brake check somebody.

My friend will be blocking traffic, then when people get to close he starts to slow down. He's a ****ing self-centered ass hole, "I'm the most important person on the road, and because I have the power to control the speed of traffic behind me, I'm going to use it to inconvenience everybody else all because I don't want to move over for some guy who wants to drive faster than me."

I always move over for speeders because I want to create the best traffic flow that I can and because by putting speeders in front of me I'm less likely to be pulled over for speeding.

Way to assault me with a story you apparently don't have hte full info about. 2 lane road, 35mph speed limit, I'm already going 40. I'm not going to pull to the side of the road for him. I'll slow down. way to go. *clap*
i hate it when people honk when they should just wait for 2 seconds. last night coming home on a lunch break i was taking a right out of the parking lot, and a car ahead of me turned right and i looked left to see the traffic coming to a stop so now without even looking at the green light i go and the asshole behind me lays on his horn while i'm leaving the parking lot. its like dude, i'm all ready halfway down the road and your way back in my rear view mirror, why do you even need a fuking horn??

another annoyance is peoples distance between cars. all you need to do is see the back of someones tires when stopped (not 2 football fields), so if someone needs to get in the far right or left lanes they can go easily especially on a slow day. most of the time NY state drivers are shit, but when i went to Toronto, Canada for a vacation i quickly realized that those people are the worst on the planet i have seen. every mile there was an accident to the side of the road and no one looks over their shoulders. its like everyone is a machine looking forward, never yielding
So if you aren't going to match their speed and they're not going to match yours...and you have the power to resolve the situation and you choose to either not fix it or exacerbate the situation by brake checking...suddenly they have more nerve? Too many drivers make themselves feel vindicated by saying "oh oh but I'm going the speed limit". That's fine, drive the speed limit, but don't do it in such a way that you hinder the progress of other drivers.

I don't care if driving the speed limit "hinders" a tailgater's progress. If they want to be pricks and pretend they own the road they can lick the underside of my scrotum. Maybe it's the Masshole in me but just because people are in separate cars it doesn't mean respect and courtesy are as well.

Oh wait, I must not be a masshole...damnit. Well, at least when I speed I make sure to stay as far from other vehicles as i can.
I am most frequently tailgated on the residential street near my house where the speed limit is 25... I hate those ****ers, but I don't "brake check" just because I don't wanna get hit. :p I'll honk my horn if they actually try to pass (yes, pass on a residential street, gonna ****in' kill somebody) or if it looks like they're going to try.

I'll also get tailgated in 55 and 60 zones even going 5 over enough to be annoying. I'll be in the passing lane passing people at a decent rate and some dick will come flying up out of nowhere forcing me get over as soon as I can (never soon enough for them, though... they want me to cut people in the right lane off I guess). Then I'll get to the 65 and 70 zones and suddenly I need to pass almost everyone just to be able to go the god damn speed limit! :LOL:
I will jump out and kill a mother****er, and I'll let you know it. Therefore, I don't ever have any problems.
I don't care if driving the speed limit "hinders" a tailgater's progress. If they want to be pricks and pretend they own the road they can lick the underside of my scrotum. Maybe it's the Masshole in me but just because people are in separate cars it doesn't mean respect and courtesy are as well.
Honestly, what is the big deal about moving over for somebody who wants to drive faster than you? It doesn't cost you anything, it only takes a few seconds, it's polite, and everybody ends up happy? Just be the bigger man damnt.

You can't change other people, so instead of saying "he shouldn't tailgate me" you need to ask yourself, "what can I do to make this situation better?" And blocking him isn't the best solution...

Way to assault me with a story you apparently don't have hte full info about.

You just touched on a sensitive subject is all, most of my friends think like a lot of people here do. If somebody tailgates them or heaven forbid flashes their lights, they'll suddenly become super-offended and at times go out of their way to inconvenience the person. Like intentionally driving next to an 18 wheeler so they can't pass.
the worst is when somebody cuts you off and then proceeds to drive really slowly, and there's no room to pass.
Honestly, what is the big deal about moving over for somebody who wants to drive faster than you? It doesn't cost you anything, it only takes a few seconds, it's polite, and everybody ends up happy? Just be the bigger man damnt.

I don't typically enjoy pulling over every time someone wants to drive faster. If they can't pass you but insist on driving 4 feet behind you it's a matter of respect. So ya, I wan't to scare the shit out of that person if it gets them off my back.

Just curious, how long have you had your license?
i have to agree with xcellerate. I don't care if they drive the speed limit, but if you're in the fast lane doing the speed limit (that's fine), but when im behind you clearly moving closer to you that means move over to the right lane and let me pass because i want to go faster than you.

It's called the passing lane, slower traffic keep right. If you're doing the speed limit and i flash my lights at you when you clearly dont get the hint, then you're either just stupid, old and drive a buick, or just plain stubborn.

But sometimes it depends on the car, some cars are little econo boxes who generally take a really long time to accelerate so i can't really complain about that.

My moms car is an 01 sentra automatic. Going 60-70km/h, the pedal feels really heavy like im going really fast but im not. In my GTI, the same heavy pedal feeling doesn't happen until im in 5th going like 130km/h.
I used to drive slow, I speed like a ****er now. I really should slow down cause there'll be hell to pay if I get a ticket. I do up to 5+ in some areas, 10+ in some areas (**** 35mph spots), and 15-20+ on the highway. And I've seen cops pull ****ers over too. I only go in the speed limit in the 25-30 mph neighborhoods cause I don't want to run some kid over.
i have to agree with xcellerate. I don't care if they drive the speed limit, but if you're in the fast lane doing the speed limit (that's fine), but when im behind you clearly moving closer to you that means move over to the right lane and let me pass because i want to go faster than you.

I'm not referring to highway driving.
The two things I hate the most are:

When someone busts ass to pull out from a driveway in front of you (especially when there is NO ONE behind me) and then dies. Like, what the hell right? You couldn't wait to get out there and then you're a slow ass, forcing me to either jam on my brakes or abruptly switch lanes.

When you're waiting to turn out of a driveway with a driveway right before (or after) the one you're sitting in, and you're waiting for an oncoming car to go by so you can make the turn. Right at the last moment, they flip on their turn signal and turn into the driveway right before yours. Where's the ****ing turn signal asshole? Like, you saw me waiting there. ****s.
I'm not referring to highway driving.

Thats not highway only ettiqute.

I hate the roads around where I live. All of the speed limits need to be about 10 mph faster. The main road that my street is off of has a speed limit of 45, and everyone whos halfways intelligent does 55-60mph. Its perfectly safe and comfortable. And there are turning lanes on it for what few turns there are, so there is no reason for such a low limit. And driving through town pisses me off. There are speed limit signs saying 25 and then 35 and then 25 again within 50 feet of each other. What the hell.
My car has newer springs so it sits fairly low, plus I have a front lip so when I go over speed bumps/speed humps I have to go 5-10 MPH to avoid scratching the lip/bumper.
The road becomes friggin pothole mania so I slow down to avoid them (aftermarket rims will bend if you hits a pothole)
No offence but I'd hate to drive your car.

If somebody tailgates them or heaven forbid flashes their lights, they'll suddenly become super-offended and at times go out of their way to inconvenience the person. Like intentionally driving next to an 18 wheeler so they can't pass.

Now I'll move over if I see a faster car behind me and it's safe to do so. But for whatever reason if I can't and they make a fuss, **** 'em they deserve to be inconvenienced, impatient arseholes.
When people get right up on my back bumper like douchebags, I just slow down about 10mph until they back off, then once they get the message I go back to the same speed I was at. If they turn into raging douches and start honking their horn and flashing their lights I start brake checking them or slow down even more.
I live in Edmonton Canada and I can safely say we have the worst drivers ever. Morons.
When people get right up on my back bumper like douchebags, I just slow down about 10mph until they back off, then once they get the message I go back to the same speed I was at. If they turn into raging douches and start honking their horn and flashing their lights I start brake checking them or slow down even more.

I do the same. It's so fun to piss off those people.
eight years, 3 cars, 1 ticket, 0 wrecks.

Which gti do you have? I've got a mkII 8v.

I agree with a lot of the city driving tailgating, it's stupid to tail gate somebody when there's nowhere for them to go.

MKIV 1.8t

it's got 278,000kms on it and every month theres some problem with it lol but it's still running and i love waiting until it hits the 300,000km mark then im going to save up for a mkV gti...i heard they're really really good cars and im a huge VW fanboi lol:cheers:
...then move over. I can't stand it when two cars are driving side-by-side blocking traffic and going slower than I want to be going and neither of them have the god damn intelligence to speed up for 3 seconds so I can pass.
9 times out of 10 I can see them coming up on me from really far back, and predict the amount of time before they will be up on me, so it's usually easy to stay out of their way.

Anyway, I got so sick of speeders and tailgaters, it's gotten to the point I don't even use the fast lane anymore. If there is a truck that can't get up the hill at 65 or whatever, I'll even let my speed drop down, just to avoid driving in the rage lane.

Of course I work at home now, so I'm never late for anything. I've been there though. Unless you are just using it to pass a slower car, for the most part, if you aren't driving faster than the speed limit, stay the ****ing hell out of the fast lane. Do not cruise in the fast lane unnecessarily.

But 99% of the time I'm aware that they are trying to pass. It's obvious because if they are right behind me, then they must have been going faster than me to get there.

I can't stand when they are so impatient - they must assume I'm oblivious. No, it's just I'm not going to speed up to 80 just to get out of your way.

If I'm at least doing the speed limit, tailgaters absolutely drive me mad. It's a sliding scale though. The closer they get, the more annoyed I'll get.

What they teach you in defensive driving courses is that legally, the only thing you are permitted to do when you are being tailgated - if you can't move over - is to reduce your speed to ensure that you have a bigger following distance from the car in front of you. The other reason is so you will be able to stop in time in case of an emergency, without the tailgater hitting you.

Finally, just want to say that brake checking is a very bad idea. Just get out of the way as soon as safely possible, or slow down a few MPH to give yourself a little room. You have no idea what is going on with the tailgater. Could be their mother dying in the back seat.
****ing love them to death, that's why I live in Mississippi around a bunch of rednecks and punk ass kids who ride your ass and swerve into the other lane endangering everyone just to pass ahead of you.

Seriously, shit gets old. At least throwing the middle finger up and yelling obscenities out the window is justified for me now.
Tailgaters really piss me off. I consider myself a fairly courteous driver, if I see someone behind coming up behind me I switch lanes so they can pass. If there are people behind me that are even fairly close I will switch lanes as soon as it is convenient for me (I'm not going to get behind a car going slower than I am). To top it off, I'm generally going 5-10 miles over the limit myself.

What pisses me off is the douchebags who try and weave in between lanes, or who are just too stupid to realize that I'm driving a reasonable distance behind the person in front of me and even if I moved they would still be there. When these people tailgate me - yes, I will slow the **** down and inconvenience them as much as is conveniently possible. When some asshole tries to speed up to squeeze into the breathing room I left between me and another car, I will accelerate and block him.

Though I've been in the other situation as well, where you have two oblivious drivers forming a slow wall that no one can pass. That's infuriating, but it's far rarer than the constant barrage of douchebags that tailgate and flash their lights because everyone else on the road doesn't take drastic measures to accommodate their speeding.
When people get right up on my back bumper like douchebags, I just slow down about 10mph until they back off, then once they get the message I go back to the same speed I was at. If they turn into raging douches and start honking their horn and flashing their lights I start brake checking them or slow down even more.

This. I really hate tailgaters; not only is it damn dangerous to tailgate, most places you'll get ticketed for it. I tend to not do anything to the douche that might cause an accident though - it's not worth a crash IMO. Though I wish I could strap a paintball gun on my hood to wail on the back of the douchecar as they rudely pass me.
It's only city driving that I tend to have more problems. The highways only frustrate me when someone that should be in the right lane is sitting in the left - if you are squatting in the left lane going slow, move over because you're being rude (and you might get a ticket, at least in Texas & parts of Illinois, don't know about other places).
Every accident I've been in has been rear-endings (I was rear-ended) involving a tailgater. The first two make me smile though, because they happened when I was in my old '70s Oldsmobile (steel frame, got maybe 10m per gallon, big heavy-ass car) - the Oldsmobile had very minor frame damage from each accident, but the other car (in both accidents) was totaled. Take that you tailgating pussies.
I hate tailgaters. Not people trying to pass you in a legal fashion. *IE highway.* Every time I encounter any sort of issues like this, it's in the city. The people doing 45 down a 35. Damn straight I'm going to slow down and piss them off if they are already doing something hideously illegal. If it's the highway, it's only common sense to let the faster traffic pass you.