Doom 3. Latest News


Aug 20, 2003
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Online Penition to stop the release of doom3:

Some people wishes to stop the release of doom 3 since it contains satanistic symbols. There has started an online petition containg the following text...
Read more.
To: U.S. Congress
Doom 3 will contain satanistic sympols witch our precious youth will see! Some claims that they look more forward to doom 3 than the second coming of Jesus Christ. The madness and violence must stop NOW! Don't let ID Software ever release doom 3 or it won't be long before we'll have a youth full of devil woreshippers and another columbine highschool situation.

DOOM3 Multiplayer Info:
GameSpy just posted a short interview with Robert Duffy about different aspects of DOOM3's multiplayer part.

Just shown on TechTV!!! Shows new BFG gun, new monsters, A MUST SEE!!!

have fun.
That vid was better then both e3 trailers, now I want it twice as bad!!!

/EDIT: thats the first time I've seen john carmack, how old is he? He doesn't look like he's finished high school.

my hype died down for this game a while ago, and even the gone gold announcement didnt bring it back, but that video did! :D. thank you! it's amazing !!!!!

EDIT: lmao @ that petition. imagine the publisher saying im sorry we cant release your game because of this petition. i take it whoever made that doesnt see how rediculous it is. this game's going to make so much money its unbelievable. almost everyone who knows about it wants it.

the eagles - life in the fast lane
How pathetic is that petition ? :|, anyways awsome vid!! :D

I love thie bit where that zombie is bitch slapping you around the face, looks so realistic
rofl its funny cause i captured that and like 10 mins later it was posted everywhere, just more proof how big this game is, also it goes on to say that they will be working on something new.
ooops didn`t see it was posted here. amaaaazing vid by the way!!

the video link isn't working!!!

i need doom!!!

fix it!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


you are my god.

i am now going to form a major religion around you where people will come from around the world, just to get a glimpse of your magnificance.

i'm easy to please, just a little doom 3 and hl2 media here and there.
relax man the petition is fake and even if it wasn't the u.s. congress would take one look at the comments on the signatures and throw it out immidiatly.
I was more scared about the news article on "violence in video games" with the Half-life 2 zombie picture. Maybe that's why Gabe opted for a "T" rating for HL2?

boy, that D3 video looks good!...but most of the enemies seem to just walk towards you stupidly like the zombies, the animations look awesome though!
lans said:
.but most of the enemies seem to just walk towards you stupidly like the zombies,
Well, they are zombies, after all. :E
ray_MAN said:
Well, they are zombies, after all. :E

I mean the hell knight, spiders and cherub. :dozey:

They are demons, not zombies.
lans said:
but most of the enemies seem to just walk towards you stupidly like the zombies, the animations look awesome though!

Well they fight in hand to hand combat so...
CB | Para said:
Well they fight in hand to hand combat so...
plus they are from hell, and so do not know fear. and it fits, because carmack already stated that DOOM3 wont have an advanced AI because the game doesnt need it.
The second link does'nt work...i wanna see this new vid...need new vid NOW!! :(
That petition is hilarious. Especially the signatures.

Anyway that TechTV video is pretty cool. :)
*Is trying really, really hard to resist the urge to download that TechTV footage*

Sucks, but I decided once I saw the PCGamer pics that that would be it as far as spoiling info :/
brink's said:
That vid was better then both e3 trailers, now I want it twice as bad!!!

/EDIT: thats the first time I've seen john carmack, how old is he? He doesn't look like he's finished high school.

He's in his late 20s/30s I believe. Dunno if he finished high school but the man's a bonafied programming genius.
That was by far the best footage yet. I love Tech TV!
Soundwave said:
He's in his late 20s/30s I believe. Dunno if he finished high school but the man's a bonafied programming genius.
He finished high school. You should all read Masters of Doom. It is a great book it explains the life of John Carmack, John Romero, and id Software. Oodles of fun. :D
Wow, that video is amazing. They should make that video the official trailer. What impressed me the most was the character animations.

Just search around at some doom3 fan sites. I stumbled across it quite easily.
I like how the organic parts of the demons practically disintegrate, leaving only the mechanical parts. Cool stuff.
blahblahblah said:
Wow, that video is amazing. They should make that video the official trailer. What impressed me the most was the character animations.

Just search around at some doom3 fan sites. I stumbled across it quite easily.

The animation was pretty amazing - that marine's facial expression looked almost as good as valve's facial expression tech - pretty impressed.
Carmack's the guy behind binary space partition architecture, having coded the doom (2.5d) and quake engines. Curiously though, he didn't think the skeletal animation system produced by valve was anything important. He also coded the doom3 engine off a heavily modified quake3 core, and did the shadowing stuff, the whole bit. Used a clever technique too. Go google 'Carmack's Reverse'.
FictiousWill said:
Carmack's the guy behind binary space partition architecture, having coded the doom (2.5d) and quake engines. Curiously though, he didn't think the skeletal animation system produced by valve was anything important.

Carmack also happend to be the same guy who said "Story in a game is just like a story in a porn film - it's there but not required." In the end, Carmack had to given into the rest of the industry and had to make a proper story-based version of his game (Doom 3).

So what might not be important for him, is prolly more important to the industry.
Yep, Carmack engines are all about licensing. They finally clued into the fact that they could make more money by producing a really good first game.
LOL. id software has always made more money through their games than their engines. It's a myth that id just produces techdemos and makes their money on engines, they make their money through their games which have all been hits.

And what he said about the story is completely true. You make it out to sound like he is anti-story driven games and is too stupid to realize story is important. That isn't the case. He is just saying the main focus of a FPS is not the story, it is the way the game plays. Pong had no story. All he is saying is that like a pr0n flick, a story isn't really required. It can have one, but it's not very necessary. And he's right.