Doom 3 Plot: See Half-Life 1

What game are you referring to? Be specific.

Edit: ah yes, there was some text in Doom 1 talking about this...

Stan R.

Subz said:
teleportation gone wrong has been since doom1 like waaaaaay b4 halflife1

give it up. j00 is teh owned!!

dont worry even gabe newell got own3d. "omFG im t3h Hax0r3d MY SOURCE c0d3 OH NOEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
KagePrototype said:
You needn't worry, the alpha is just the E3 2002 content, so it's ok. :)

I'm talking about the beta :) (couldn't help myself). Wanted to see how it runs.
lazicsavo said:
I'm talking about the beta :) (couldn't help myself). Wanted to see how it runs.

Oh. well, in which case, BURN! :flame: :flame:

:P It doesn't matter anyway, there were cut scenes in E3 2002. :)
lazicsavo said:
I'm talking about the beta :) (couldn't help myself). Wanted to see how it runs.

Of Doom3?

That was stolen, unoptimized content from over 2 years ago that was never meant to be played on any machine but the one it was demoed on. I would not under any circumstances base the performance/requirements off of the beta. That's the main reason Carmack was unhappy about the leak. He didn't want people to get the wrong idea about how the game runs.

Of course, if you ran the alpha (not a beta, hell not even really an alpha) at a good FPS, it's a pretty good bet you'll handle the real game just fine.
omfg 2 more weeks. the bfg was damn sweet!

those 2 huge hell knights look tough.
Soundwave said:
Of Doom3?

That was stolen, unoptimized content from over 2 years ago that was never meant to be played on any machine but the one it was demoed on. I would not under any circumstances base the performance/requirements off of the beta. That's the main reason Carmack was unhappy about the leak. He didn't want people to get the wrong idea about how the game runs.

Of course, if you ran the alpha (not a beta, hell not even really an alpha) at a good FPS, it's a pretty good bet you'll handle the real game just fine.

Really, I know it was wrong, and I assure I was just squinting at the fps in the top right corner, but even at high it was around 40 fps and droped down to 25 once the zombies started to turn up (high as in not ultra).
That's what he's talking about, but it's been named Beta at most places around the net that have it.
Subz said:

you missed the part about the evil scientist, the ancient mars race (not demon), and the soul cube.

Dont be so ignorant next time.

and if anything hl1 stole doom1's storyline. Besides it is a remake isn't it? Doom3 will be a great game, as will hl2. i am SURE the doom3 SP story wont matter too much as the hl1 story wasn't too stellar either. its more of the experience.


Now lets all stop comparing the 2 games otherwise God will smite both Gabe Newell and John Carmack and we will have NOTHING to play until F.E.A.R or DNF come out

KagePrototype said:
Hell, I didn't even know there was a beta, just an alpha. :|

Hell, eh? Oh so punny! ha...

Anyhow, there was ONE release. The leaked E3 2002 build of D3. It's pretty crap by today's standards. The "beta 2," or whatever the "new" release was called, was simply the alpha leak repackaged, added an installer, with some stuff fixed.
I think we've come to an agreement. HL2 story goooooood. Doom3 story gooooood. Comparing before playing. Baaaaaaad.
Amen. But that teleportation effect could have been more original.

That, and Doom sucks Half-Life's toes :) :) :)

Stan R.

lazicsavo said:
I think we've come to an agreement. HL2 story goooooood. Doom3 story gooooood. Comparing before playing. Baaaaaaad.
lazicsavo said:
I think we've come to an agreement. HL2 story goooooood. Doom3 story gooooood. Comparing before playing. Baaaaaaad.
Stan even sigged you lazicsavo :thumbs:
Subz said:

you missed the part about the evil scientist, the ancient mars race (not demon), and the soul cube.

Dont be so ignorant next time.

and if anything hl1 stole doom1's storyline. Besides it is a remake isn't it? Doom3 will be a great game, as will hl2. i am SURE the doom3 SP story wont matter too much as the hl1 story wasn't too stellar either. its more of the experience.

I'd like Wolfenstein get more credit for being an early fps.
its always doomdoomdoomdoomdoom.
well deserved but a tiny nod would be nice.
Doom3 is using some storytelling elements from HL but what story-orientated game today doesn't? As for actual plot, video games and specifically FPS's (or comic books for that matter) have never been considered as containing very orginal or creative plots in the first place. Usually the plots are just an excuse to get to the fighting and explosions while progressing through levels that get increasingly harder. HL's plot was loosely based on a short story by Stephen King.
It's not that anyone is ripping anyone else off, it's that there are only so many ways that you can create a conflict in your game (a plausible one) in which your game character can kill everything else off (invasions being something easy and still pretty cool) because for a long time killing everything off was the whole point to an FPS (that and finding keys). HL had the government cover-up in it that I'm not sure is in the original doom or D3.
I am not even going to dignify this kid's post with a detailed reply. Let life teach him its lessons.

The Terminator said:
Oh man, there is this game, that totally ripped off wolfenstein, called doom. It's like the same thing with monsters and things like that instead of nazis. And it is just such a rip off. And then there is this game called half life that is such a rip off of doom, that it's just horrible, and there is no tomorrow. We should all just play wolfenstein untill the end of time, at least it was ORIGINAL!!! But now you got all these games coming out every month, where you can walk around in first person, and shoot bad guys, just like that old game called wolfenstein, that almost no one remembers any more. They are all just ripping off that ancient game. Point is, features that are taken from a different game, a popular game, don't make the game a rip off. They are part of video game evolution, if people like you (whoever said doom3 is a rip of hl) were actually right, we'd still be looking at big ass squares that made up characters, and we woudn't have half life, and many many other great games. Think before you speak, it's not THAT hard to seem smart at least, just don't say stupid bullshizzle. :rolleyes:
i'm anticipating doom 3, as i have it pre-ordered, coming to me on august 3rd. but im actually scared to play the game. is anyone else feeling this way? I heard people actually saw parts and were like "thats so wrong." that leaves a scary feeling in the pit of my stomach. im literally going to be scared to just play the game, is that a good experience? i cant ever tell if i actually enjoy having the shit scared out of me or, i LOVE eerie scenes and seeing dead people and destroyed enviornments and whatever other scenes they come up with, its really interesting, yet incredibly scary, so i cant tell if i like being scared or not...someone help me distiguish the difference :(
if your too scared to actually play it, check if you have balls.
guinny said:
i'm anticipating doom 3, as i have it pre-ordered, coming to me on august 3rd. but im actually scared to play the game. is anyone else feeling this way? I heard people actually saw parts and were like "thats so wrong." that leaves a scary feeling in the pit of my stomach. im literally going to be scared to just play the game, is that a good experience? i cant ever tell if i actually enjoy having the shit scared out of me or, i LOVE eerie scenes and seeing dead people and destroyed enviornments and whatever other scenes they come up with, its really interesting, yet incredibly scary, so i cant tell if i like being scared or not...someone help me distiguish the difference :(
Got it pre-ordered as well and i hope it does scare the crap outta me. This guy, who is an arachnaphobe, posted a thread on saying how he won't be able to play the game because the trities (spider things with human heads). It's great :)
Doom 3 is going to Rock my Socks, and then it will steal them and run away. Which means i'll have to fork out another 10 bucks for socks. F*ck
It is damn similar I gotta say, and noone better call call me ignorant. Granted, the story is still different somewhat, I wonder if there is a living person who's gonna play Doom3 for it's completely worn out story line anyway? I know I won't, it's a game that is pretty much self admitted that it's story is utter tosh, hopefully when I buy the game the game play and general experience will blind me to the crap story.
P Meister Flex said:
ummm doom came out before hl1 chief

Yes, and the idea of *secret military bases doing teleportation experiments and something gone wrong* has been around way before most of us where born. Half-Life however took the idea, added tons more to it, and presented itself in a very immersive manner.
Can you stop putting your quotes below your statment?

Like people who put the answer before the question in the Valve thread.

stanr said:
My first FPS was Ultima Underworld, thank you very much.

Stan R.
Though , HL1 wasn't all that original , the thing about it is how the story was unfolded to the player and kept you wanting to know more.

Now , according to that Doom 3 "review" , the story is progressing through e-mails you get in your PDA...

Even though it's a remake of the first doom , the story is bad compared to today's standards , and just because doom 3 is a remake , we shouldn't let it pass by . It seems like ID chose to make a remake , so they wouldn't have to come up with a good and or new plot.
Whoa, I just got to this thread and I have to say, stanr you are one ignorant asshole. Doom has been around a shitload longer than Half Life, and so has the story.

And for your information, Id have hired professional writers for Doom 3. I think the storyline will surprise alot of you.
Yes it should have a good storyline.. and remaking Doom isn't due to lackadaisical behavior.

While they are remaking the original Doom, it takes place as if the original never happened. The story is for the most part completely new, as evidenced by the fact that it takes place on Mars instead of Phobos and Deimos.
Neutrino said:
Uh...didn't the original Doom 1 and 2 come out before HL1? And D3 is based on the original story, since it's a remake. So by what you're saying, wouldn't Valve be guilty of copying Doom's story and not the other way around? (Not that I think this, but I'm just pointing out the invalidity of your arguement.)

I agree with this man
Neutrino said:
Uh...didn't the original Doom 1 and 2 come out before HL1? And D3 is based on the original story, since it's a remake. So by what you're saying, wouldn't Valve be guilty of copying Doom's story and not the other way around? (Not that I think this, but I'm just pointing out the invalidity of your arguement.)

Half-life is indeed an ellaborate version of Doom, but the way the story was presented was what made people like it. I think what Stan here is saying, is that Doom 3 seems to be presented in the same way as HL.

It's definately an invalid argument, because we haven't played the darn game. So we can't reach any verdict.
I honestly dont think half life had a massively good story.

10 minutes of walking around then theres some aliens. Its not like a thriller novel or anything with an explosive climax. I think alot of people just pass if off as an awsome story because the game has been so popular, when in fact its not the game that extended its longevity, but the solid mods. I think hl2 story will be alot better though, with a more unique feel to it, rather than the 1990s standard of "timespace portal gone wrong."

Where are the games where it goes right? Then the whole game is you walking around being a scientist, moving buttons and reading research.
Heh, if Doom 3 featured a bespectacled scientist called Fordon Greeman, who worked at a big research complex called Mlack Besa when a experiment went wrong and nasty aliens popped out, aliens like headprawns attaching to scientists and turning them in zombies, then I would be inclined to agree that there were a few similarities between HL 1 and Doom 3.

When ID made Doom 1 they didn't even worry about such a thing as story and plots, they wanted to create a 3D game where the player gets to kick some, thats it. The story was quickly typed out and put on the file so those few players that wanted something to kick start thier imagination.

Now in Doom 3, ID realised that recipe wouldn't work so well these days.... they actually need to a story to make Doom 3 so they hired a professional writer to take the fragments of Doom 1 and make some intresting story.

The only thing that ID took note of and added into D3 from HL 1 was the unique ,at the time, 15 min's till you actually got into a fight gimmick.
stanr said:
Good evening gents,

You know, I was just watching the G4 clip showing some Doom3 footage,
and got more and more outraged the more I saw.

Granted, HL1 is the "Pulp Fiction" of many sci-fi stories, drawing heavily from literature. But see if you can recognize any similarities to Half-Life 1:

(a) a "mega corporation" is conducting "teleportation experiments."
(b) an "experiment goes terribly wrong, opening a portal into demon world"
(c) scientists get zombified
(d) marines fight alongside you
(e) in the end, you go to the demon world, plausibly to close off the portal

And for me, the puncture point occured when in the video, a demon teleports in in front of you and shoots a plasma bolt at you. Event the teleportation effects are similar. That's when I had the biggest flashback to a vortigaunts' first appearance in HL1. Please, id, can there be no other plotlines? Hire a writer for God's sake, someone unafraid to be original.

I would not be surprised to find G-Man in Doom 3...

Stan R.

I didnt read all the posts but yeah. Doom3 has en extended Version of the Doom1 Story .. so HL1 is like Doom1 and not Doom3 is like HL1 ;)