Doom 3 Plot: See Half-Life 1

Doom3 will be re-telling the story of doom1 with a new engine

HL1 was using a modified quake1 engine so it obviously came out after doom

The stories are very similar but i doubt it was intentional

HL did a better job ov convaying the story anyway and i believe hl will do a better job of convaying the story then doom3 will
nc17 said:
Doom3 will be re-telling the story of doom1 with a new engine

HL1 was using a modified quake1 engine so it obviously came out after doom

The stories are very similar but i doubt it was intentional

HL did a better job ov convaying the story anyway and i believe hl will do a better job of convaying the story then doom3 will
just let it go.. it's no use..
Name a different way to tell a story of aliens taking over the world.

well.. they could.. like ehm.. land in space ships and zap everyone to death.. there diffrent way..
Ok gang,

I have been called a n00b (because l33t speak truly makes you the elite), an ignorant asshole (because cursing makes any sentence an intelligent argument), and a piece of shit (see above). What a classy bunch some of you are :thumbs:

Look, let's put the personal insults aside. The similarities I listed are factual.
And I really do not need to look further than the G4 preview and the official trailer, the flavour and the ideas of HL1 really come through.

Just because there was some text (!) in original Doom that might have mentioned teleportation, you cannot seriously claim it was integral to the story or that there was even much of a story to the first two Dooms.

And to the one intelligent poster talking about the evolution of games, I actually do have something to say. Evolution means a new plot and fresh ideas. Where are they? 10 years have passed since the original Doom,
and id has decided to "recycle" and "recreate." Screw that, I want something new. Especially something new that is *not* HL1.
The way HL1 nailed this story line, I figured that any game involving a science lab where teleportation experiments go wrong, folowed by zombification of scientists etc. is off the market for a good long while. I was apparently wrong.

Sure, there are details that will probably be different. I don't know what they are, I have seen too little of the game. But the backbone of the story is HL1's doppleganger, and I am glad there are other members of that see it too.

And to those of you which claim that "there is nothing new under the sun," and "all games are alike anyway," well, they really shouldn't be.

Stan R.
stanR, you have officially been owned. I did not read that stupid responce by you.

You were wrong. admit it.
[Random Thoughts]

Take a look at Doom 3. Now wait 30 seconds and go find some previous ID software games (save for Quake 3). Now wait another 30 seconds and go look at Half-Life. I think it is apparent that Doom 3 is an evolution of ID software games and that they did not rip off Half-Life.

Was there really much of a story to Half-Life? I bet I could write down the entire story off Half-Life on a cocktail napkin. What seperated Half-Life from other games was its attempt to make a lived in world full of security guards and scientists.

Evolution means small, continuous changes. An evolutionary change would be a game like Quake evolving into Quake 2.

Revolution means a large, sudden change. This would be like going from Comander Keen to Doom.

[/Random Thoughts]
I partly agree with StanR. I mean I love both games to death. But the original Doom's story wasn't like it is now. And the new differences link with some similarities to HL's story. Look neither HL's story or Doom's story is original, they both got it from somewhere else. Hell even HL2's story was ripped from Stephen King. Who cares though if Doom has a stereotypical story that belongs in the mid 80's? It's how the game tells that story that counts. By the way I highly suggest people calm down a bit, he's entitled to his opinion, I disgree with a lot of it, but it's a freakin' game. There's no use doing a hernia over someone's opinion...And that's my two cents.
There obviously isn't much point to this thread other than to watch stanr make himself look silly. Which was fun btw. :)

But why is it still here?
Enough problems with Doom3 vs HL2 threads, Why do we have to deal with Doom3 vs HL1 threads?

I've heard Doom VS Half Life comments in this thread too. It's all rather insane and pointless. Btw: If anything the Half-Lives would have similarities to the Doom's. As ID did give Valve lessons on game design, and the industry, and let them license Quake to make Half Life.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
Hell even HL2's story was ripped from Stephen King.

Because, you know, you've played HL2!
BTW, you're blurring the line of inspired by with ripped off from. Play HL2, then you can come back and tell me it's a ripped off storyline. Until then, you can't say that :)
Shuzer said:
Because, you know, you've played HL2!
BTW, you're blurring the line of inspired by with ripped off from. Play HL2, then you can come back and tell me it's a ripped off storyline. Until then, you can't say that :)

Oh, I think he was mistaken, It was HL1 who's story was ripped off from "The Mist" was it not? :) Inspired by anyway.

But i'ts natural he would choose those words, as this thread is about ripping off storylines.
RogueShadow said:
Oh, I think he was mistaken, It was HL1 who's story was ripped off from "The Mist" was it not? :) Inspired by anyway.

But i'ts natural he would choose those words, as this thread is about ripping off storylines.

Yeah, you're right. About it being HL1, I remembered, but forgot to mention that anyway.

ALTHOUGH YES! I agree, it's just that, I think we know less of HL2's storyline than D3's.. although, I could be wrong
/me runs realizing that this whole thread is a bit ironic
Doom is the granddaddy of all FPS games. Don't knock the Doom series you ignorant fool (not the guy above me just people in general).
On the subject of ripping off...

(The first one is The War of the Worlds)
Why is anyone knocking the Doom series or the Half-Life Series?

Without them, the FPS genre wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is today. Stop with this bickering.
Yeah, everyone knows that the Strider looks like the Wotw robots. They also remind me of the robots from that ole' skool british show 'triad'. Man that show was wacked.
I've got a question

Is anyone gonna care about the similarities when they are playing Doom 3 or HL2?

Sparta said:
I've got a question

Is anyone gonna care about the similarities when they are playing Doom 3 or HL2?


Which similarities in particular?
People are just getting restless with no good next gen games out there, when they start playing Doom 3 they don't even notice them.
stanr said:
Ok gang,

I have been called a n00b (because l33t speak truly makes you the elite

No stanr, you were called a n00b because I think that is a great way to describe your thoughts on this whole matter. My connotation of n00b is not nessecarily a negative one, it just means that I think you don't know what in the hell you're talking about.

So no, you weren't called a n00b because 1337 5p34k truly makes me the elite. You were called a n00b because, in my opinion, you made a dumbassed statement.

As for my personal feelings on X copying Y, if it's fun I'm going to play it. I don't care who ripped off what in the long run.
Six Three said:
Which similarities in particular?

The storyline (We're talking about HL1 and Doom 3) the 15 minutes at the start of Doom 3.
Also i should have said about the simliarities between The Strider and WotW robots. No one is going to give a shit about that when they are battling a strider.
and no one is going to give a shit about the similairities between HL1 and Doom 3 when they are being hunted down by a pinky demon or a HellKnight.

Both games pull inspiration from things. That doesnt make them shit.
They weren't Robots :P They were Martians in Mech Suits :S
N0N1337H41 said:
No stanr, you were called a n00b because I think that is a great way to describe your thoughts on this whole matter. My connotation of n00b is not nessecarily a negative one, it just means that I think you don't know what in the hell you're talking about.

Thank you for the clarification. Can you learn to state your disagreement without getting personal, however?
After all, you don't know my age, education, my relevance to the game development industry, or anything else about me for that matter.

I can respect that you are disagreeing with me. However, do not cling on to the mistaken impression that your opinion is more valid or important than mine, or that of any other member of this board.

Stan R.

P.S. Subz: welcome to my ignore list
Not knowing about Doom's original story. Yeah, that gives a bad impression, and does imply you don't know what your talking about.
stanr said:
And to the one intelligent poster talking about the evolution of games, I actually do have something to say. Evolution means a new plot and fresh ideas. Where are they? 10 years have passed since the original Doom,
and id has decided to "recycle" and "recreate." Screw that, I want something new.

no, not really. evolution is changing if it doesn't work, and staying the same if it does. something doesn't evolve if it's doing a great job at what it needs to do. i won't go into darwin here... but what i'm saying is id decided to retell Doom because it kick's ass. the game was awesome... many of us have fond memories of it and have always thought "man it would be so sweet to see another doom game"... id felt the same way and did it. writing a story for a video game isn't like rocket science or even writing a novel. i could have wrote the story to HL1 when I was 10. it's just the way they put you through the story. i'm sure they didn't decide to do a whole new story because they couldn't. if you were around when Doom came out you would probably feel the same, but instead to you, someone that probably didn't grow up with the series just sees the game as a rehash of old material.

and yeah, like other's have said, your statement is completely wrong. i hope it bothers you so much that you end up deciding it's not worth buying the game. people like you shouldn't be playing Doom3 anyway, you won't appreciate it for what it is supposed to be and instead whine about how it's not what you want it to be.
Just because there was some text (!) in original Doom that might have mentioned teleportation, you cannot seriously claim it was integral to the story

Apart from all those, you know, teleporting demons. You know, the ones that teleported. Oh yeah, and all those teleports you could use.

Other than that, it was hardly mentioned at all....
Pi Mu Rho said:
Apart from all those, you know, teleporting demons. You know, the ones that teleported. Oh yeah, and all those teleports you could use.

Other than that, it was hardly mentioned at all....


Shhhhh! Now your going to go and ruin his oh so meticulously structured argument by stating the obvious.