Doom 3 thread.


Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, since this is the "general games" section, I thought I can start a thread on Doom 3 here.

My thoughts on the game...
This is by far, *the* most atmospheric games Ive ever played. It plays on claustrophobia, and the fear of darkness.
I used to play this late at night, with lights switched off and used a pair of headphones to get the most out of the sound. Way too many times, has it caused me to jump out of my seat. I guess, those were times I forgot it was just a game.
Its amazing how lighting/shadows, dark background scores and sounds are used to create an atmosphere of terror and desolation.
The ultimate survivalist horror/sci-fi game. IMO.

It still remains my all time favourite FPS to date.

Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this.
I personally dident like it,it sort of felt restricting in want you could do...
Contrary to popular belief, I thought this game was very good! The expansion pack was also good imo.
Repetitive game and became chore like for me after a while. There's also been countless Doom 3 threads before, and the infamous. HL2 vs Doom 3 threads discussed to death D:
I Cant Wait For This Game!!!


say what?

Anyway, I really enjoyed it, I love getting freaked out/scared by movies or games (and Doom 3 did that brilliantly). I jumped so many times whilst playing :D
I jumped like three times. Then it was more of a "ghey, need moar shotgun shells" thing.

Too bad you can't go back to System Shock 2, because you will probably start crying at the graphics. That game really makes you shit your pants.
There's nothing survival horror about it. First, it's piss easy; second, it isn't even scary. Turn out the lights! Stick the enemies in lockers! There's nothing clever about the fear factor - simply generic. At times, it can become somewhat atmospheric, but that is ruined when you turn the corner and this wicked evil laughter comes screeching out of your speakers. What the ****? Lame. The level design is worse than Halo's. Sure it has a little more detail, but its repetitive and dull and does nothing for the vast majority of the game. The story is crap, the characters...even worse. The enemies...sort of good.

Overall, I thought Doom 3 was pretty poor. It was fun for the first 20 or so minutes, but the rest of the game becomes a chore.

In terms of atmosphere, it has nothing on the likes of System Shock 2 or Half-life 2.
Repetitive game and became chore like for me after a while. There's also been countless Doom 3 threads before, and the infamous. HL2 vs Doom 3 threads discussed to death D:
It was good for those who found is scarry & are into that sort of stuff.

For the rest (like myself) the only thing it was really good at was boring the hell out of you, at least until you reached the hell level, but that was short and it went back to extreme borningness rather quickly. It has to be the most repettive game I've played in the last few years; it's far worse than any of the grinding I did in World of Warcraft.

For some people it was a great game & for others it was very much not a great game.
The game was good, but far from revolutionary. I prefer playing the old school DOOM over DOOM 3 any day. Yah it did have a wonderful atmosphere, but I wasn't a fan of the tight spaces. It became VERY Repetitive and lost a lot of its fun. Story was pretty "meh" too. Mostly because there was no spider-demon lord and.........


You cannot kill the cyberdemon with regular weapons.
Pffffffff, thats retarded. Gimme a shotty and I'll gladly take that baddy down.
Doom 3 wasn't my kind of thing - mainly because it was nothing like Doom 1 or 2, which I loved, and because it was a one trick pony, relying more on cheap scares than setting any up serious atmosphere. It managed to find an awkward middle ground between the action filled original and a more tension driven title like Silent Hill - achieving neither the adrenaline rush or finding the scares it was aiming for. In the end I was a little bored.

The first few times a monster popped up I jumped, and there were some moments that had me pretty engaged, but not nearly enough.

7/10 - must try harder.
Condemned was scarier, and funner.

Doom 3 was damn repetitive, I couldn't play it anymore when I reached Delta... felt too much like a chore.
I really loved it!

But it gets 100 times better when you play coop with a friend. Try any coop mod out there, its one of the best coop experience to date. One guy gets the flash light, the other has the gun.
Agreed, it was WAAAAAAAAAAY too easy. The old DOOM was so much more fun.
You *clearly* haven't experienced System Shock 2. Doom 3 is a simple kiddie entertainment application when compared to System Shock's horror magnificence.
Funnily enough, I was playing the game this weekend at my mates house for the first time in ages. It's a good game, just way too predictable. You could probably get through the entire game on full health just as long as when you enter a room you shoot the dark areas then quickly turn around and kill the mandatory creature that has spawned/dropped/creeped up behind you.
I never finished it yet.
Scary? No.
Boring.... it's been my first time through and yeah... very predictable game.
Lawl doom 3 >_> I enjoyed my first play through, but I got it for the Xbox which had the first 2 dooms and you could play co-op, and anyone who played Doom 3 co-op would know how funny it is.

"Dude its okay theres no monsters left."



The game isn't all that scary though :| The only time I jumped a little was when your going down a hallway and the lights are flickering and in one of the flickers a monster appears for about a second. Caught me off guard because it was different than the usuall "Come out of floor, ceiling, door, or locker" that I started to expect after the first 20 minutes :x.
The game made me jump a number of times, no matter how predictable, but there was nothing groundbreakingly scary in there.

I did really like the environment, though. As repetative as it, trawling those corridors, I loved the Mars Research facility. Espeically at the start, when it's a laid back, calm setting with people walking around doing their jobs, etc. Some cool textures on the wall, awesome pipes twisting and turning away... all this set between places like an office or a canteen. Then you went to the Mars City Underground and that place was just AWESOME. Maintenance tunnels and walkways and COOL INDUSTRIAL STUFF just win.
Doom 3 is a lazy mans System Shock 2.

Edit: In fact, F.E.A.R. was a lot more scary than Doom 3, even if it only made me jump a few times.
Loved Doom3 cos of the audio logs...they were fuuun :D
Loved Doom3 cos of the audio logs...they were fuuun :D


"Dear Andy.

My sister caught herpes; I'm going back to Earth tomorrow. Between you and me, I'm ecstatic. Mars has become uber scary since I arrived last summer, what with all the...noises, you know the kind - the funny laugh, the groaning, the's almost like, well, I won't go there. I just want to leave.
I was with Shannon the other when she was sent to Betruger's (you know, the boss man with the funny eye) office - haven't seen her since.
Wonder what they are up to?

P.S Hope your dog is fine.

Yours, Mike Hunt."

Personally, I thought they were rather dull.
"Recording Booth" audio logs but. :( :(
The only time I jumped a little was when your going down a hallway and the lights are flickering and in one of the flickers a monster appears for about a second.
I know what your talking about. Caught me off guard to. I still pwned that ****er.
Loved DooM 3...probably because i'm such a DooM fanboy lawl....

Anyways, it did scare the sh1t out of me quite a few times even when nothing was happening lol.

What would make DooM amazing, is if DooM 4 came out and it was Hell On Earth...with new hell levels like the classic ones we saw in the old doom. Not the boring fire/brimstone crap...we need the weird ass sh1t they threw at you in the original, like pools of blood, the walls made out of stretched out faces, random bodies stuck on pikes, just really weird and twisted torture stuff.
Doom 3 didnt keep my attention span very long. Once going through all the same reptitive parts of the base, I began to wish the game was over. So I cheated to the last mission to see how much farther I had to go. Then having seen the demon-knight, I was like yeah I dont need to beat this game...

I thought Doom 3 was a good game. Not as scary as, say, F.E.A.R., but I jumped a lot. I liked the atmosphere and ambience too. Again, not the most immersive or compelling atmosphere, but I enjoyed it. I've replayed various levels in Doom 3 and ROE numerous times.

I think Doom 3 was meant to be more of a showcase for the, at the time, cutting edge shadowing that the engine was capable of. People expected the fragfest of the other Doom games and were let down. Scary? Not everyone's scared by dark rooms and this game's version of creepy and between the two, the game got its reputation.

...note to self to get System Shock working. Never played it.
Doom 3 ruled because of its sound and ambience.
In terms of action, it wasnt that different from most other FPS...i.e...Shoot holes in anything thats ugly...which of course, is a good thing for me.

The sound was brilliant. The background score, combined with the sound of machinery and the creatures really started to mess with my head. It was very disorienting at times, especially when I was low on ammo and health, running through corridors, hoping that there are medikits and ammo on the other side.

The dark ,blood splattered, semi-destroyed industrial environment also helped create the Doom 3 ambience. At one point, I had to go and destroy all dead bodies lying around, because having to crawl around them was really getting creepy. Strange, as Im hardly ever scared by games/movies etc.
The scares did get old after a while, but it still seemed to work nonetheless.

Now, some people have said that the levels were too repetitive. I partially agree. But then again, the entire game was set on a Martian researc facility, so you would be stuck indoors throughout. D3 couldnt have possibly had too much of an outdoor setting.

Im sure, the designers could have thrown in a few vehicles to drive around, and several puzzles for the player to solve just for the sake of doing so, but IMO it would break the continuity of alone-in-the-dark theme, and would become an interruption. Where does it say that the player needs to be able to do a hundred different things in a game? It all varies from game to game.

Plus Doom 3 had some cool boss fights and plenty of surprises as you play.
Remember the toilet scene? and the little girls voice? and the hallucinations?
I thought it was pretty cool.

I cant wait for Doom 4. :sniper:
Doom 3 ruled because of its sound and ambience.
In terms of action, it wasnt that different from most other FPS...i.e...Shoot holes in anything thats ugly...which of course, is a good thing for me.

The sound was brilliant. The background score, combined with the sound of machinery and the creatures really started to mess with my head. It was very disorienting at times, especially when I was low on ammo and health, running through corridors, hoping that there are medikits and ammo on the other side.

The dark ,blood splattered, semi-destroyed industrial environment also helped create the Doom 3 ambience. At one point, I had to go and destroy all dead bodies lying around, because having to crawl around them was really getting creepy. Strange, as Im hardly ever scared by games/movies etc.
The scares did get old after a while, but it still seemed to work nonetheless.

Now, some people have said that the levels were too repetitive. I partially agree. But then again, the entire game was set on a Martian researc facility, so you would be stuck indoors throughout. D3 couldnt have possibly had too much of an outdoor setting.

Im sure, the designers could have thrown in a few vehicles to drive around, and several puzzles for the player to solve just for the sake of doing so, but IMO it would break the continuity of alone-in-the-dark theme, and would become an interruption. Where does it say that the player needs to be able to do a hundred different things in a game? It all varies from game to game.

Plus Doom 3 had some cool boss fights and plenty of surprises as you play.
Remember the toilet scene? and the little girls voice? and the hallucinations?
I thought it was pretty cool.

I cant wait for Doom 4. :sniper:

I agree here, when i get into doom 3, i REALLY get into doom 3. Imo the game is best played when you RP, find out as much as you can - listen to the audio logs, read the emails, explore the little computers and what they say, etc. The atmosphere in this game wins.
i haven't played doom 3 in a long time but my memories of it remain fond ones

its not absolute amazement in terms of gameplay but you can't deny its stacked with atmosphere
I really like Doom 3, even though it was supposed to be something different (at some time in development, id was thinking about including the flashlight at all... then they liked the flashlight so much, the whole game was made around it :p).

It's the only game that really scared me. I played it only after midnight and some moments were terryfing! I was afraid to proceed in some areas, cause I knew something will be out there... or not ;)
FEAR never scarred me that much, though it had it's moments (the ending, with those demons coming out of thin air), Condemned was boring as hell, etc.

Doom 3 rocked :)
Quake 4 also rocked, but most gamers expected something Quake never was.
Now, some people have said that the levels were too repetitive. I partially agree. But then again, the entire game was set on a Martian researc facility, so you would be stuck indoors throughout.

You cannot use that logic when approaching game design, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Well, IMO they did vary the levels as much as they could within the constraints of their brief. i.e - Keeping the industrial look.

Im replaying the game right now. Its a really good game and its really atmospheric! I agree that it can be repetetive after some time but...wasnt doom1 and 2 also quite repetetive?

I think the Doom3 engine did a really good job on portraying the feeling, it really feels like you are stuck in a lab somewere on Mars. Also the TV sets and videos eveywhere displaying and talking about how they convert...stuff...into usable energy and hydrogen etc.

One of the best singelplayer experiances (note i said ONE OF, in other words, not even close to half-life2). The expansion however was quite booring, it just seemed rushed together, not much fun.

Some people say that it isnt scary at all...well everyone is different (COUGHT MESH COUGHTTTTT) so maybe the game isnt just for you. Also, it doesnt need to be scary, you can still have fun with it! Also people complain that the maps are small and dark......well DUHHH its a station on Mars were there is no oxygen on the outside. All space stuff is small and compact. It wouldnt be fun if the maps were huge and lit up...its supposed to be dark and clousterphobic (spell?).

I really like the flashlight idea too, some people complain that its bad for the gameplay when you have to lower your gun and use the flashlight. I think it adds to the realism and feeling. Yea ive heard the ducktape thing before but hey...who uses ducktape that far in the future on the most hyper tech space station ever made by humans? Im sure they have invented something better than DUCKTAPE lol. You know when you walk into a room you have the flashlight, carefully scan the area, you look behind you and see a monster, you take your shotgun and all you see is 2 red eyes and BOOM....take out your flashlight and to the gibs.

Great game