DOOM 3 went gold .

Wow. How ignorant people can be. Let's not get this thread closed, shall we?
No, unfortinatly its this again... *Gives marksmanHL2 :) a icecream*
I'll wait for the reviews cuz besides the creepy atmosphere and great graphics this game doesnt bring anything new to the table...and after watching the first HL2 e3 demo, all games are ho-hum in comparison. But I could be horribly wrong and it could be one of the best games ever...but I'll wait to see the fan reaction before I buy
I remember a guy called, Doom3>Hl2 or something like that. It was hilarious.
We argued about how stupid he was to say Doom III was better than Half-Life 2 when those games haven't even come out yet. Most of his points were conspiring against him.
CptStern said:
I'll wait for the reviews cuz besides the creepy atmosphere and great graphics this game doesnt bring anything new to the table...and after watching the first HL2 e3 demo, all games are ho-hum in comparison. But I could be horribly wrong and it could be one of the best games ever...but I'll wait to see the fan reaction before I buy

I hate to be on the other side of the fence here, but what exactly does HL2 bring to the table that's new -- at this point, anyway?

Tredoslop said:
I remember a guy called, Doom3>Hl2 or something like that. It was hilarious.
We argued about how stupid he was to say Doom III was better than Half-Life 2 when those games haven't even come out yet. Most of his points were conspiring against him.

Yep. Doom3>HL2 was EvilEwok/EvilEwok2.0/Pseudonym/many many MANY other names. Each time he was banned, he saw it as an invitation to come back. Quite comical, really :LOL:
Shuzer said:
I hate to be on the other side of the fence here, but what exactly does HL2 bring to the table that's new -- at this point, anyway?

a engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, killer AI etc.

not a lot has been revealed about the setting of doom3 except a mars spacestation which by it's very nature must be small and cramped; a lot of corridors and small rooms. I'm tired of linear games. I really dont know what to expect out of doom so I'll reserve my final judgement till the game is released
CptStern said:
a engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, killer AI etc.

not a lot has been revealed about the setting of doom3 except a mars spacestation which by it's very nature must be small and cramped; a lot of corridors and small rooms. I'm tired of linear games. I really dont know what to expect out of doom so I'll reserve my final judgement till the game is released

I'm not arguing that HL2 will be good, or have alot of features. But what exactly is it bringing to the proverbial gaming table that's new? We've seen all the said features as they are now in other games, sadly.
CptStern said:
a engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, killer AI etc.

Sounds Like Tribes 2 or Planetside ... or any other FPS

Everyone gives the promise of engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, and killer AI and then they all let us down. If anyone will not let us down though it will be Valve. But to be honest HL2 is not offering anything new ... maybe improved but not new.
Not going to bash HL2 or anything, because I want it as much as Doom 3 and STALKER and FEAR, but most games feature "a engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, killer AI etc."
Eywanadi said:
Sounds Like Tribes 2 or Planetside ... or any other FPS

Everyone gives the promise of engrossing story, vehicles, huge maps, and killer AI and then they all let us down. If anyone will not let us down though it will be Valve. But to be honest HL2 is not offering anything new ... maybe improved but not new.

we've mostly seen this in multiplayer games....HL2 actually gives you a reason to drive the vehicles unlike most games that throw it in as an added feature.
CptStern said:
we've mostly seen this in multiplayer games....HL2 actually gives you a reason to drive the vehicles unlike most games that throw it in as an added feature.

Far Cry has clever use of vehicles. In fact the hand glider is currently my all-time favorite vehicle in any computer game.

As much as people want to call HL2 revolutionary, you really can't. HL2 is more a big evolutionary step for first person shooters. Some thing with Doom 3, it is an evolutionary for first person shooters.

TBH, I was getting tired of all these multiplayer focused games. Thank goodness for games like Far Cry, and hopefully Doom 3 and HL2.
Well, the site can now be disregarded. Those jackasses just put up what is supposed to be Carmack's new .plan update, but what it really is, is an old .plan update from 98, around the release period of Quake 2. Bunch of ****ing lameasses.
blahblahblah said:
Far Cry has clever use of vehicles. In fact the hand glider is currently my all-time favorite vehicle in any computer game.

As much as people want to call HL2 revolutionary, you really can't. HL2 is more a big evolutionary step for first person shooters. Some thing with Doom 3, it is an evolutionary for first person shooters.

TBH, I was getting tired of all these multiplayer focused games. Thank goodness for games like Far Cry, and hopefully Doom 3 and HL2.

the vehicles in far cry were for the most part rather badly implemented. I mean you couldnt exactly drive anywhere but on the road. I do agree that the hang glider was excellent although it was under used. I may be wrong but I dont think doom3 will be revolutionary in terms of gameplay, graphics yes but not gameplay
CptStern said:
we've mostly seen this in multiplayer games....HL2 actually gives you a reason to drive the vehicles unlike most games that throw it in as an added feature.

But that is just it, we do not yet know this!

We can not tell from what we have seen of the videos that vehicles will add to the game play. I remember several Tribes 2 videos that made me think the vehicles were alot more than they ended up being. You can manipulate videos to show off the good and hide the bad ... we will not know untill the game ships.

I am not trying to bash HL2 here, just making a point that everything we know about Doom 3 and HL2 basicly comes from videos. Untill reviews of both games are in everyone is just blowing smoke out of thier asses.
Shuzer said:
I'm not arguing that HL2 will be good, or have alot of features. But what exactly is it bringing to the proverbial gaming table that's new? We've seen all the said features as they are now in other games, sadly.

well, if you want to get picky, a full facial animation system that moves beyond bones, a realtime lipsynch engine for dialog, a scripted sequence blocking system that beats out all other efforts by far, characters that players care about, a physics-gun, the source engine, and the return of the G-Man.

I know there are more i've forgotten, but all of those have not been seen in any other games. ever.

don't be sad Shuzer, it's ok.
Eywanadi said:
But that is just it, we do not yet know this!

We can not tell from what we have seen of the videos that vehicles will add to the game play. I remember several Tribes 2 videos that made me think the vehicles were alot more than they ended up being. You can manipulate videos to show off the good and hide the bad ... we will not know untill the game ships.

let's just say I know the vehicles will add to the gameplay :)
STRIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on you forgot that Spiffae. Oh and the animation system for the Strider is new for games I think..
Spiffae said:
well, if you want to get picky, a full facial animation system that moves beyond bones, a realtime lipsynch engine for dialog, a scripted sequence blocking system that beats out all other efforts by far, characters that players care about, a physics-gun, the source engine, and the return of the G-Man.

I know there are more i've forgotten, but all of those have not been seen in any other games. ever.

don't be sad Shuzer, it's ok.


I kid, but yeah, you're right, the facial stuff I completely forgot about. That was what I always told people who said "HL2 brings nothing new to the table," and now look what I've become..

*Shuzer cries in the corner
*Loud crashes are heard as Thread Train tumbles over crushing Shuzer, Soundwave, and Z|insane*

@Shuzer : Its okay.... We all make mistakes somtimes... Don't let it happen again.
Everyone remember every screenshot and movie we have seen so far has been from the first 1/4 of the game ... so alot has gone unseen ... who knows what we are in store for?
Eywanadi said:
Everyone remember every screenshot and movie we have seen so far has been from the first 1/4 of the game ... so alot has gone unseen ... who knows what we are in store for?

Really? That is news to me.
Eywanadi said:
Everyone remember every screenshot and movie we have seen so far has been from the first 1/4 of the game ... so alot has gone unseen ... who knows what we are in store for?
Hell, right? :)
Shuzer said:
How long is Doom 3 supposed to be, exactly?

somewhere in the 15 (possibly 20) hour range. ID has said it will be a short game, but not nearly as short as Max Payne. That is long enough for me as long as I can skip around levels once I have beaten the game. :D
blahblahblah said:
somewhere in the 15 (possibly 20) hour range. ID has said it will be a short game, but not nearly as short as Max Payne. That is long enough for me as long as I can skip around levels once I have beaten the game. :D

I'm specualting 8 - 10 hrs for me since I really am very eager to finish games fast.
blahblahblah said:
somewhere in the 15 (possibly 20) hour range. ID has said it will be a short game, but not nearly as short as Max Payne. That is long enough for me as long as I can skip around levels once I have beaten the game. :D

i was hoping the hour range was comparable to HL2.. :(
oh well its still looking good :)

Pressure said:
I believe they said you do visit hell. Kinda like the Xen of Doom 3, havin freaky effects and all.

yeah i am excited :)
playing one of those levels 1am, lights off and everything..

can u say BOO! :LOL:
Shuzer said:
How long is Doom 3 supposed to be, exactly?

in the live interview by ign at this years E3 Tim H from id said it would take between 30-40 hours for a "normal" player to complete the game.
According to the developers, somewhere between 20 hours(shortest estimate given) and 40 hours(longest estimate given). It's hard to time because it depends so much on playing style. They put a lot into the game that you can spend a lot of time exploring if you wish, like computer hacking. There are also secondary missions you can either complete or ingore, which will affect total game length. Carmack said if you try to you can beat it in a weekend, sounds like a good length for a game these days.

And whoever said most of the screens we have seen are from 1/4 of the game is right. 90% of them look so similar because they are all from the Alpha Labs level. If I recall correctly, there are 35 different environments or levels split into 3 chapters. I suppose we will be visiting Beta Labs and Delta Labs aswell, and there are other parts of the facility we don't know about. Then we will be visiting the underground excavation areas, then hell, then who knows where else.
Well, however long it is I will be taking my sweet time to complete it. I want to get as much fun (and fear) out of it as possible.
Has anyone actually played the Doom3 Alpha unofficial demo?

Everyone that has i think will be the most terrified when they first play Doom3. If your new to it then you will be like "hey wtf lets roll on in there guns blazing" but people that have already played it will be like " not looking forward to this...."

Ive played D3 alpha and the last game that made me want to not play was SilentHill 2 on ps2...god damn!. If you think there is a truly scary game out atm then you are in for a nice surprise....this will scare you properly :smoking: It makes SilentHill 2 (for me at least) look like a kids fairy tale :angel:

I'll be buying it on day of release, 9:01am sharpish when shops open but i cant see myself playing it alone in the dark at night, definately not with my usual headphones on...ill be using speakers for sure, headphones involve you too much, sound wise that is :p
can a mod/staff member please change the thread title for now?
everytime i see this thread being replied to.. i almost forget that the game hasn't gone gold yet.. :|
After reading about this more on some other sites I'm really doubting this whole release date thing.

I still consider it vaguely possible, but without any official news from iD to back it up, I don't buy it any more.
I STILL don't see why people got scared by the D3 "alpha." It wasn't scary in the slightest, to me.