DOOM 3 went gold .

Rupertvdb said:
i hate that idea in Doom3, having the flashlight as a goddman separate 'weapon' is just plain dumb, a super space marine having to wander round without a gun waving a mag lite at evil things...pfft

yeah its kind of a etchy idea, but you gotta admit youll be scared as **** when a Hell Knight comes charging at you and all you have to use is a flash light. better keep your ammo in good supply :smoking:
Shuzer said:
I'm not arguing with that. I don't follow Doom 3 very closely, and you've all taught me something I didn't know about it.

But still, I could've sworn I saw a screenshot like the one I'm referring to.. someone MUST know what I'm talking about! All I remember is the marine is a greenish tint, I believe, and he's got a full face helmet on.. and, you can see the beam of light the flashlight is creating

Nah, you must just be going crazy and seeing things. :)
Schuzer I'm pretty sure I know what pic you are talking about, well maybe. The only thing is, in the pic I am thinking of the marine is holding the flashlight in his hands. Oddly enough I cannot find this pic anywhere anymore, but it sure sounds like the one you described.
Soundwave said:
Schuzer I'm pretty sure I know what pic you are talking about, well maybe. The only thing is, in the pic I am thinking of the marine is holding the flashlight in his hands. Oddly enough I cannot find this pic anywhere anymore, but it sure sounds like the one you described.

You may be right, but I still want to see that picture to know I'm not going insane :)
Shuzer said:
I'm going to let you in on a little secret here..

most chainsaws have plastic handles! :O :eek:

that made me laugh :LOL:

marksmanHL2 said:
Erm, why the frickin hell cant people look forward to both games and recognise that both are freaking ammazing titles!!!

(Aimed at a few people, not the majority)

Oh and I forgot to mention the... WOOTAGE!!!!!

agreed :)

this thread generally has me excited about Doom3...and now im awaiting a confirmation of gold status from ID :thumbs:

i would like to play Doom3 before HL2..simply cause to me it feels like Valve is readying for a early September i'd like to have Doom3 as soon as possible :E
Shuzer, I think it was the MP pic - now that you do mention it, I think I saw something like that on the screenshots from Quakecon @

I really recall only one though, in which there was red light coming from the top.
Yup Ians we are talking about the same one. The marine is standing/facing the screen right? With his flashlight pointed slightly upwards beyond the screen?

Maybe I'm the one going insane
Soundwave said:
Yup Ians we are talking about the same one. The marine is standing/facing the screen right? With his flashlight pointed slightly upwards beyond the screen?

Maybe I'm the one going insane

That sounds like the one I'm talking about
It's weird, that screen has disappeared from every site I've checked. I know for a fact it used to be at IGN, actually that was the first place I saw it at.
I love that pic, blows me away everytime I see it.

The pic that we are all talking about has to be from that level as well, cause I remember the reddish glowing background.
blahblahblah said:
Why? It adds to the atmosphere by making you choose the safety of light or the safety of your gun.

yeah.. i understand what u are saying.. but still.. from a storyline point of view.. a space marine not having his gun available while using the flash light? is this like the 10th century or something? :rolleyes:

anyway, yeah ur point noted, its gonna be one hellva scary game :)
Soundwave said:
I love that pic, blows me away everytime I see it.

The pic that we are all talking about has to be from that level as well, cause I remember the reddish glowing background.

Unfortunately, Gamespot only has three pics which just show that level, no marines with flashlights on helms. :(

I'm 100% it used to be on, let me search there in old threads.
I'm pretty sure this is the piuc Shuzer is talking about:

It's a great idea to limit the player to either flashlight or gun. It was added to heighten the tension and does a great job of it. It's not about being realistic, it's about making the game as frightening and build as much tension as possible. The world is dark and they rely on the darkness to carry the fear factor, so you don't know what will happen or what is ahead of you. If they had it where the flashlight could be out at all times with a gun, everyone would just have it out and never put it away. This would ruin alot of the tension the developers are trying to build. And if anything jumps out infront of you while you have the light out, you can just whack it on the nose and pull out a gun.

The flashlight effect is fooking badass too. The way it moves and the way it lights the environment is the best I have seen in a game.
YES, Devilphish, that's the one. Thanks :)
So, it wasn't attached to his helmet.. my mind just distorted it ;)
Thanks devilphish, I couldn't find that pic anywhere. Looks like my mind distorted it too, no reddish glow in the background. Damn good looking pic though
blahblahblah said:
PS - why does it look like all the screenshots from doom3world have some sort of filter on?

They're magazine scans.. :O
iamaelephant said:
I'm so sick of people bitching about "Doom 3 look like plastic" have you ever seen the bloody HL2 HDR video? Looks like absolute crap! At least id can get it right.

Also, the f*cking game is actually coming out. Have fun waiting, fanboys, I'm gonna be playing a quality video game while you all wait for August, then September, and before you know it it's December and HL2 isnt out yet. It will happen.

Everyone of your posts I have read is negative on HL2? Why the **** are you here?? No one gives a **** about your immature opinions!
Tredoslop said:
And what's amazing? Both retailers have confirmation!
We may even get a demo soon!

Where'd you hear the demo blurb? Or is it pure speculation?
And, of course both retailers have confirmation, otherwise they wouldn't have changed their dates like that ;)
Tredoslop said:
And what's amazing? Both retailers have confirmation!
We may even get a demo soon!

Not likely about the demo.

HomeLAN - What can you tell us about plans to release a demo of Doom 3 for the PC, if any?

Todd Hollenshead - Our mission in life is to get the PC game done, so we're not going to have a demo prior to going "Gold". Once "it's done" we will work on getting a demo out as soon as we can.
Doom3 set for 3rd August!

After our chat in AIM on Sunday with AC and TH i can now confirm that Doom3 will be shipping on August 3rd.

Full PC version review with over 200 in-game screenshots will be up Sunday 25th July.Plus Doom3 benchmarks from all the Nvidia G6 series of cards.
:D sweeet
Tredoslop said:
Wouldn't if I have posted a link if this wasn't a speculation?

Well, I meant, did you hear this from other forums where others were speculating? Or was it all made up by you :)
I just meant, "Holy Crap! I am excited! I hope there is a demo!".
Again, if this was true, I would've posted a link to the other forums.
I wouldn't hug all this joy to myself.
11 pages in about 5 hours ... speaks for its self

We want Doom!
This is great! I am so psyched! I even made a poem in my AIM profile. :D
I think this is the "Big" PCG Feature. The first review of Doom 3! :O If you saw the latest issue, it says it was their "earth-shattering" feature was delayed. :E
ray_MAN said:
This is great! I am so psyched! I even made a poem in my AIM profile. :D
I think this is the "Big" PCG Feature. The first review of Doom 3! :O If you saw the latest issue, it says it was their "earth-shattering" feature was delayed. :E

Really? That makes sense then, because the UK PCG editors posted on their message board a week or two ago that they were going to have a Doom3 review in the upcoming issue or whatever, but they weren't able to as expected. So perhaps that really WAS the big feature....interesting.
All signs point to "The First Review of DOOM 3". :) I never thought I would say those words.
Woohoo :)

Should help pass the time nicely till HL2.