DOOM 3 went gold .

x84D80Yx said:

yeah thats gotta be the reason :rolleyes: :upstare:

I didn't say the entire reason, but yes, I'd say it's a good chance that they want the game out before Half-Life 2, to get the sales from the people who will only be buying one. Is that so hard to believe?
Soundwave said:
I didn't say the entire reason, but yes, I'd say it's a good chance that they want the game out before Half-Life 2, to get the sales from the people who will only be buying one. Is that so hard to believe?

i didnt say it was your entire reason either lol, it just sounded that way.

Soundwave said:
Regardless, it's good news if true, and it shows that I was exactly right in my assumptions that Id was merely waiting to get some more concrete release date info on Half-Life 2 so they could plan accordingly and release it a bit ahead of Valve.

sounded like you were determined to say you were exactly correct but left out the entire reason?

im not one to nitpick, but why cant id release the game because it happens to be done? why would they postpone? or release a buggy game earlier?
Well I didn't mean it as in that's the full reason, just that it had some influence in deciding on the exact release window.

I'm sure the game is complete, I wasn't trying to say that they were releasing an imcomplete version. They were just waiting on deciding a specific date until they had an idea of when their main competition's product would come out.
I can't wait! Wow! I am so happy! :D I just changed my desktop to Doom 3. :D
Soundwave said:
I'm sure the game is complete, I wasn't trying to say that they were releasing an imcomplete version. They were just waiting on deciding a specific date until they had an idea of when their main competition's product would come out.

thats what i mean tho, i dont get your logic. why cant they just release a game because its done, period?

i dont see any reason why they would wait almost a month and a half to release it if they are done already. we are not even sure if its gold yet.

nobody from id has even talked about half life 2 in any way. i think they just want to get the game on the shelves, when its done.
iamaelephant said:
I'm so sick of people bitching about "Doom 3 look like plastic" have you ever seen the bloody HL2 HDR video? Looks like absolute crap! At least id can get it right.

Also, the f*cking game is actually coming out. Have fun waiting, fanboys, I'm gonna be playing a quality video game while you all wait for August, then September, and before you know it it's December and HL2 isnt out yet. It will happen.

I'm going to buy doom 3, it looks awesome. The same is true for HL2.

Sorry If this sounds rude, but you need to get off your ass and spend the next 5 years on making a game, and then you'll know how it would feel when someone calls your hardwork as crap. Any valve employ would be deeply discouraged if they heard someone like you, so do us a favour, cut the crap and leave this forum.If this makes me fanboy in your book, let it be, I couldn't be bothered.

If I was in valve, I'd never contribute in making a game for an ungrateful bastard like you. I'm very sorry for the profanity - but you don't deserve any better.
thehunter1320 said:
causes cancer, allows life for plants and animals, keeps people's skin an odd brownish color, and (in given conditions) is an excuse to stay inside!

Now I know! hehe.

On a more serious note: "imacomplete****wad" stop trolling the boards.
Feath said:
I'm suprised you know that, consider that neither of are out yet.

Ignore him, he just wants to piss people off.
Taking a quick relook on elephant's post, I think the first paragraph in his post was sarcastic (atleast, the comment about the HDR, looked to be in rebutle to people's unimaginative means of bashing D³). It's hard to tell, though.
I dunno, I don't sense any revolutions coming from it, will wait for the reviews.

I mean, he can't carry a gun and a flashlight in the same hand, well, even today we have flashlights into rifles, and a pistol just takes one hang right? I dunno, the gameplay mechanic doesn't seem very well thought out....
Shuzer said:
Taking a quick relook on elephant's post, I think the first paragraph in his post was sarcastic (atleast, the comment about the HDR, looked to be in rebutle to people's unimaginative means of bashing D³). It's hard to tell, though.

Nar, I just think hes an idiot to be fair. :p
Sprafa said:
I dunno, I don't sense any revolutions coming from it, will wait for the reviews.

I mean, he can't carry a gun and a flashlight in the same hand, well, even today we have flashlights into rifles, and a pistol just takes one hang right? I dunno, the gameplay mechanic doesn't seem very well thought out....

Last I checked, the flashlight is part of his helmet
Sprafa said:
I dunno, I don't sense any revolutions coming from it, will wait for the reviews.

I mean, he can't carry a gun and a flashlight in the same hand, well, even today we have flashlights into rifles, and a pistol just takes one hang right? I dunno, the gameplay mechanic doesn't seem very well thought out....

I have the same fear, normally I like games with torches on at the same time while guns at the ready, but doom 3's new approach to realism might make it more tricky as it would make shooting in an emergency hard, might get frustrating if ID is not able to pull this off properly. I'm really hoping ID does a good job, this is the first tme they're actully taking care of a SP instead of MP, and more importantly a story.
Shuzer said:
Last I checked, the flashlight is part of his helmet

Recent previews state that you cannot have your flashlight and weapon out at the same time. as far as I can tell, everyone who played with this feature liked it. Either you keep your weapon out, but you're in near pitch darkness, or get your flashlight out, but with no defence. makes it scarier you see. :)

I'm assuming it's easy to swap back and forth when needed, like having a flashlight button that toggles it on and off, as well as removing whatever weapon you have equipped.
Shuzer said:
Last I checked, the flashlight is part of his helmet

Nope, either a scientist carries the torch while you shoot. So his life is valuable, but if he dies, you can only carry the torch or a weapon at a time.

Forgot the name of the scientist.:p
KagePrototype said:
Recent previews state that you cannot have your flashlight and weapon out at the same time. as far as I can tell, everyone who played with this feature liked it. Either you keep your weapon out, but you're in near pitch darkness, or get your flashlight out, but with no defence. makes it scarier you see. :)

I'm assuming it's easy to swap back and forth when needed, like having a flashlight button that toggles it on and off, as well as removing whatever weapon you have equipped.

Sounds like ppl will get heart attacks with this feature :)
lans said:
Nope, either a scientist carries the torch while you shoot. So his life is valuable, but if he dies, you can only carry the torch or a weapon at a time.

Forgot the name of the scientist.:p

Better be a bloody big flashlight!!! :D
That sounds cool :) But, I could've sworn I saw a (recent) screenshot (in a magazine) with a flashlight attached to his helmet

Might've been a multiplayer screencap or something? I know I didn't imagine it..
x84D80Yx said:

yeah thats gotta be the reason :rolleyes: :upstare:
It's called sales, and I agree. Not only are both companies playing by ear against their competition, the other clearly wants to have the leg-up. I expect a Valve salvo response very soon if the news is indeed true.
Popular games' completion often have little to do with their release date. It's all timing. What, you never seen films released during Oscars season or a Disney ride open during the summer? Come on.

Either way, gamers win.
Smart move by ID, releasing toward the end of summer right before HL2. Think about the thousands of sales they'll make over HL2 from the casual gamers that don't know any better. "OMG, Doom 3!!! Cooool!" few weeks later "there's HL2... hmmm, got no money... ah well, i'm off to look in GAP!!".

I'll be getting Doom 3 the day it comes out.
tokin said:
yeah damn dirt is old too huh

It's just an expression :D

If anyone has any idea what screenshot/scan I'm referring to, please do point it out.. I feel like I'm going insane
Just friggen GREAT! TWO WEEKS before school starts. Well, my planned summer of gameing bliss just went down the shitter. This is just stupid, both Valve and ID releasing their biggest games RIGHT at the end of summer..... :angry: ;(
I vaguely remember seeing a movie clip where the flashligt is on and he's holding his rifle....if that means anything to you.

Also, I can't think of anyone that is so casual in buying his games that he/she doesn't think further and buys the first game out no matter what. Anyone who has to make the most of his/her allowance(sp?) will think twice before buying a game. If they don't, they're probably console gamers anyway :p .
AlCaponeXB said:
Just friggen GREAT! TWO WEEKS before school starts. Well, my planned summer of gameing bliss just went down the shitter. This is just stupid, both Valve and ID releasing their biggest games RIGHT at the end of summer..... :angry: ;(

You're probably gonna get even luckier, with the last minute delays and all, it's gonna be september 1st or something like that. It's been like that for me all my life. Fortunately, I've moved on :D
I hope you can whack things with the flashlight. That would be awesome.
Anyway it looks like I just need to wait a bit more than a exciting.
im pretty sure the flash light is going to be in his hand. at, they say you cant hold another weapon while using your flashlight, so you either use the light, use it as a weapon somehow, or your in the dark with a gun. havent heard anything about a light on a helmet.
disruptioN_ said:
I hope you can whack things with the flashlight. That would be awesome.
Anyway it looks like I just need to wait a bit more than a exciting.

Yup, you can use the flashlight as a weapon. A shoddy weapon to use against a multi-ton Hell Knight charging on you, but a weapon regardless :)
x84D80Yx said:
im pretty sure the flash light is going to be in his hand. at, they say you cant hold another weapon while using your flashlight, so you either use the light, use it as a weapon somehow, or your in the dark with a gun. havent heard anything about a light on a helmet.

Which is correct.
Soundwave said:
Yup, you can use the flashlight as a weapon. A shoddy weapon to use against a multi-ton Hell Knight charging on you, but a weapon regardless :)

Well, if it's a big Maglite, you can give some nice punches with it :)
x84D80Yx said:
im pretty sure the flash light is going to be in his hand. at, they say you cant hold another weapon while using your flashlight, so you either use the light, use it as a weapon somehow, or your in the dark with a gun. havent heard anything about a light on a helmet.

I'm not arguing with that. I don't follow Doom 3 very closely, and you've all taught me something I didn't know about it.

But still, I could've sworn I saw a screenshot like the one I'm referring to.. someone MUST know what I'm talking about! All I remember is the marine is a greenish tint, I believe, and he's got a full face helmet on.. and, you can see the beam of light the flashlight is creating
i hate that idea in Doom3, having the flashlight as a goddman separate 'weapon' is just plain dumb, a super space marine having to wander round without a gun waving a mag lite at evil things...pfft
Rupertvdb said:
i hate that idea in Doom3, having the flashlight as a goddman separate 'weapon' is just plain dumb, a super space marine having to wander round without a gun waving a mag lite at evil things...pfft

Why? It adds to the atmosphere by making you choose the safety of light or the safety of your gun.