Doom 4 Announced

I'm completely apathetic about the game itself. If they released a 10-minute demo I'd be pretty dang excited to see idTech5, but still wouldn't care about Doom 4.

id, do you hear me? When there are people would would be excited by a game demo but couldn't care less about the game, you know something's wrong with your values.

QFT. I never even got to Delta Labs in Doom 3, I was that meh about the whole experience. The tech was amazing at the time though, and I'll be interested to see what they showcase with this one. I'd rather they work on pushing RAGE out the door though for now, as with the whole Mad Max vide and vehicles it looks pretty special.
-Boring gameplay. YES BOOOORING. Samon was right when saying they just left the same 10 year old gameplay mechanics and added better graphics...
Doom3 was nothing like the original other than not having a secondary firing mode. Pfft. Therefore Blaming Doom3's shortcomings on old gameplay is a moot point.

Example comparison(s):

Doom3: Four or five demons on the screen at one time.
Original Doom games: Entire screen filled with mayhem, Especially on nightmare mode.

Doom3: Prescripted AI
Original Doom games: Prescripted AI too, but at least there were enough on-screen demons to blast to compensate. The AI even seemed more intelligent in the original Doom(s), as they would use their numbers to their advantage and try to flank the player.

Doom3: Freelook mode
Original Doom games: None here. The only direction was forward. Except for Doom 64 of course. (I think. I can't remember.)

Doom3: Monster-in-the closet gameplay, (attributed to the pre-scripted AI)
Original Doom games: Screw being spooked, the player didn't have time to be spooked with all the legions zeroing in on the player's location.

Also, neither version(s) of Doom was scary to begin with. That said, ID just needs to focus more on the action and less on the cheap thrills tbh if they want D4 to be a success.

-The gore, or lack of it. YAY, I just shot an Imp with my shot gun that sounds like a Nerf gun and it vanished without shedding a drop of blood.
IIRC, HL2 has very little gore too, but then again, gore is not what HL2 was made famous for in the first place. :|
Nevertheless, the total lack of gore in Doom3 was put the nail in the coffin for me as a "Doom remake". D3 is a Doom game in name and story only tbh.
For doom 4 they should really just recreate the style and gameplay of the old doom games in 3d and forget the remake crap, just give us a sequel.
Doom3 was nothing like the original other than not having a secondary firing mode. Pfft. Therefore Blaming Doom3's shortcomings on old gameplay is a moot point.

Example comparison(s):

Doom3: Four or five demons on the screen at one time.
Original Doom games: Entire screen filled with mayhem, Especially on nightmare mode.

Doom3: Prescripted AI
Original Doom games: Prescripted AI too, but at least there were enough on-screen demons to blast to compensate. The AI even seemed more intelligent in the original Doom(s), as they would use their numbers to their advantage and try to flank the player.

Doom3: Freelook mode
Original Doom games: None here. The only direction was forward. Except for Doom 64 of course. (I think. I can't remember.)

Doom3: Monster-in-the closet gameplay, (attributed to the pre-scripted AI)
Original Doom games: Screw being spooked, the player didn't have time to be spooked with all the legions zeroing in on the player's location.

Also, neither version(s) of Doom was scary to begin with. That said, ID just needs to focus more on the action and less on the cheap thrills tbh if they want D4 to be a success.

That's a pretty narrow perception of gameplay.
I never liked Doom. Is there something wrong about me? :)
I thought Doom was only suppose to be a trilogy.

Actually, I think Doom wasn't even supposed to be a trilogy. It was supposed to end in D2.

And, well, Doom 3 was not very good but I'm not going to say "OMFG I AINT GETTING IT CUZ D3 SUCKED", I'm going to wait for more information about the game so I can see if it actually looks good or not.
That's a pretty narrow perception of gameplay.
Indeed, but who needs gameplay and story with a doom game? It's a DOOM GAME! ;) It's all about the mindless action and gore.

These things alone is not enough for many people nowadays though, but I still dig it. I have to think all day. It's nice to come home to a game every now and then that DOESN'T require me to think. :D
Well, I mean, if that's all a Doom game is ever going to be I might as well just go back and play Doom over and over, right? Because if it's not going to change is there any point or purpose to the sequels? I'd argue it needs to evolve.
Well, I mean, if that's all a Doom game is ever going to be I might as well just go back and play Doom over and over, right? Because if it's not going to change is there any point or purpose to the sequels? I'd argue it needs to evolve.
Meh, I guess that means I'm just too much of an "old skool" doom purist then. Just give it a fresh coat of paint and retain the old skool action that made it so great to begin with. (The Doom3 action and gore sucked compared to the originals.)
Indeed, but who needs gameplay and story with a doom game? It's a DOOM GAME! ;) It's all about the mindless action and gore.

These things alone is not enough for many people nowadays though, but I still dig it. I have to think all day. It's nice to come home to a game every now and then that DOESN'T require me to think. :D

Sigh, this again. It really pisses me of when I see the "you missed the point of the game/movie it was all about the action not the story etc. etc." reply. I didn't miss the point of it, I knew very well that Doom was supposed to be all about the action, but for the reasons I listed earlier they pretty much shit all over the "action". So you tell me, if the action sucks in a Doom game, what exactly is left?
Doom3 was a nice game as long as you didn't want nything but blasting and sweet graphics, hope this next one will be as good.
Here's a leaked screenshot:


ok im not going to lie that was funny!

Well lets face it Quake 4 was horrible.

Ya Only thing i liked about Quake 4 were the bosses.
Sigh, this again. It really pisses me of when I see the "you missed the point of the game/movie it was all about the action not the story etc. etc." reply. I didn't miss the point of it, I knew very well that Doom was supposed to be all about the action, but for the reasons I listed earlier they pretty much shit all over the "action". So you tell me, if the action sucks in a Doom game, what exactly is left?
Did you miss my earlier post? I DID mention the action/gore in Doom3 sucked you know. :dozey: This was the main thing that really upset me about Doom3 tbh, and yeah, the weapon sounds/FX felt a little on the weak side to me too.

I enjoyed Serious Sam 2 much more than Doom3 for these reasons. SS2 was much closer to the action of the original Doom games than Doom3. It really grabs the player by the balls and never lets go. That's where the true challenge lies in FPSs, not some 5 demons/monsters/soldiers on-screen at a time with poorly scripted AI. Granted, these old FPSs had poorly scripted AI too, but it's all about the numbers man. The NUMBERS!

Also the reason why I loved the HL series gamplay. Because it's so fast paced. (though not as nearly as many on-screen enemies)

*In a passionate voice* Oh my....The destruction. The chaos.......THE ANGER! /leaves to play HL2 *again*. :D
Did you miss my earlier post? I DID mention the action/gore in Doom3 sucked you know. :dozey: This was the main thing that really upset me about Doom3 tbh, and yeah, the weapon sounds/FX felt a little on the weak side to me too.

I enjoyed Serious Sam 2 much more than Doom3 for these reasons. SS2 was much closer to the action of the original Doom games than Doom3. It really grabs the player by the balls and never lets go. That's where the true challenge lies in FPSs, not some 5 demons/monsters/soldiers on-screen at a time with poorly scripted AI. Granted, these old FPSs had poorly scripted AI too, but it's all about the numbers man. The NUMBERS!

Also the reason why I loved the HL series gamplay. Because it's so fast paced. (though not as nearly as many on-screen enemies)

Oh my....The destruction. The chaos....... THE ANGER! :D

Ew, SS2 was horse shit.

Overblown weapons, crap enemies, horribly implemented vehicles, terrible level design, and what the **** did they do to the multiplayer?!

Second Encounter > any other SS game.

Doom 3 blew my mind the first time I played it just because of the graphics... and it managed to scare me a several occasions, I didn't mind the guns and stuff because I downloaded a sweet sound pack that beefed them all up.
I really wasn't disappointed with Doom 3 or Quake 4, the darkness didn't bother me all that much because I expected it to be dark after reading a few reviews.
Quake 4, I only ever played the demo but I got a kick out of it just because it was Quake.

You guys really expect way too much from video games nowadays.
Only problem with Doom 3 was the outdated gameplay. It was an on the rails shooter with a very average B-Movie story-line. It didn't attempt one thing that was new or different from 1996/97. How about some character development (PDA's scattered around don't count)? Puzzles? Varied gameplay? I know this is DOOM we're talking about, the game that really kicked off the whole rollercoaster shooter but Id have to move with the times.
Eh, we'll see how that other iD game pans out, the racing one or whatever. That one actually looked a bit promising.
Ew, SS2 was horse shit.

For a brief second there I thought you were dissing System Shock 2, and I was about to get out the Pliers and Blowtorch and go medieval on your ass. Fortunately I managed to see past the red mist and read more. Lucky you. :dozey:

Serious Sam was ass.
For a brief second there I thought you were dissing System Shock 2, and I was about to get out the Pliers and Blowtorch and go medieval on your ass. Fortunately I managed to see past the red mist and read more. Lucky you. :dozey:

Serious Sam was ass.

Couldn't get into System Shock 2 at all because it kept crashing on me. :D

However, I loved Bioshock... so I guess that means I'd love SS2 if I could play it for more than 15 minutes.
I'm probably one of the biggest Doom fans on this forum. I beat the game dozens of times, using a mod I made that was over 1 gigabyte.

I don't care if it's scary or not, I just want it to look awesome. I want monsters that look so ****ing awesome that you just don't know what the ****. Shit that is straight from Hell... that you would actually expect to see there in hell. God damnit, let me be the lead artist. I will make some monsters that form from the shadows into an unholy, terrifying monster that will make you shit your pants with joy.

evaluating Doom 3, here are some areas they need to fix

weapon upgrade parts to be found and installed (lazer sights, bigger magazines, flashlight attachments, possibly more powerful rounds etc.)
wall damage from explosions hopefully can crumble the walls a little. Not so that you can blow a hole through the wall to get to the room, but just realistic aesthetic damage.
bullet holes in metal should glow hot momentarily.
Sound effects of the monsters has to be much much better.
zombies - if they have them, need to come back alive sometimes unless you finish them off. Unpredictable.
The role of the plasma gun and BFG needs to be changed.
Weapons need to look better.
the chaingun should not sit in the center of the screen and all huge like that. should be offcenter and recoil heavily.
zombie movement much more ferocious.
Weapon sounds have to be much much much better.
need dual fire modes on all weapons - even the chainsaw.
Chainsaw - You should be able to swing it, like the zombie with the chainsaw could. Left mouse/right mouse, 2 different swings .. thinking oblivion sword swing here. Didn't like the hold attack method from previous Doom games. A good swing should take a zombie/human enemy a part - even cut them in half or head off, etc.

flashlight attached to some guns where appropriate.... flashlight moves around with recoil. intense, but claustrophobic beam.
possibly a second - shoulder mounted flashlight beam so you have two light sources, making shadows freaky.
realistic lazer sights on some guns
more outdoors areas - the toxic hazmat suit level from the expansion was awesome as hell too. more please.
more monster types and several color schemes for each monster. I don't care if it's just zombies wearing different clothes / heads, enemies should rarely look alike, unless they are a demon type - then they should have several shades / patterns of skins
music plays while level loading (like in prey) unique level loading music for each level
if reusing textures, on other levels different color schemes would be good, where applicable.
if going back to monster spawning, they need to be unpredictable locations EVERY TIME. I could kill them as soon as they spawn, since I knew where they would appear. Shotgun to the chest point blank FTW. Lame.
better weapon balance, so with skill, almost any weapon is equal. Sometimes I'd like to go around using the pistol... but if it's obsolete after the 2nd level - that is lame.
your fists should be infused with some kind of demon power, so that they are effective throughout the game as well. Either flames or blue energy - something with really cool trail effects as you swing
weapon reloading has to be better. cool animations, and realistic reload time, and loading 1 shell at a time for shotguns. also Clip should drop to the ground and stay there. reloading before the clip is empty should expend the clip.
Also, god dmanit, you don't cock the shotgun every time you equip it. It's already cocked. You cock it after finished putting shells, after firing it, and that is IT. REAL.

Basically, the game should play out differently every time you play it.

I hope they make this as realistic and mature as possible, with really creative and utterly awesome enemy types, and interesting environments.

id can turn this thing around and be back on top with a lot of work. If they love their job, it should be fun for them to show off the awesome stuff they can do.


also, tentacles. everyone loves tentacles.

parts of monsters blown off from firearms... left lying on the ground.

also, much better demon disintegration, if they go that route - I'm thinking of stuff from Blade or Buffy the vampire slayer. So you look forward to seeing the effect after you kill a demon. Every time.
Doom 4 just needs to be faster paced. Virus's ideas suck. Make it fast paced like Doom 2 and fill in the blanks for FPS standards.

Ought to be badass, fast, killing. Also, no ****ing dialogue. In fact, no other human characters. No marine tech bull shit. Give me a ****ing shotgun, a door to unlock, monsters, and I'm ****ing set.
Yeah, just read the Doom comic and then make a game of it.
I don't want a story. I don't want a semblence of a story.

I want 200 enemies on-screen at once.
I want weapons with the ability to blow up planets, and numbers of enemies to compesate as such. I want to take on a 599909123084 strong demon army with a single unlimited ammo machine gun that sounds like God. i want it to be so old school that the super computer needed to run it also needs a time machine. Realistic gibs that model every sigle organ in the body, shotguns that knock bodies back 50 metres, dual weldable chainsaws, more violence than you can poke Hitler and Bush at. If Jack Thompson wants a murder simulator, we'll give him the biggest mother %*&%*$*%^(*#)*&#)&)@#&)@)(@&*(@&^#*^@)*(&)(@&)*&#)&#)&*@&)&#)*^@#*()@king muder simulator that will ever be created. A murder simulator more realistic than real life. A murder simulator that will grab you by the mother f&*king balls from the first time you see the 9925123 foot high skyscraper/demon/tank/rocket launcher/big ****ing gun which comprises the mid level boss of level 1. A goddamned massacre of chairs which grow legs, and release little wheelie chair which attempt to claw you're freaking eyes out. No cheap scares, just forcing lead down a demonised version of Your F%$king Mum. Your ****ing Mum.
Houses from which millions of jack Thomsons run from your rampage through New York, running from you with your 50-foot long chainsaw, cutting the lil' Jackies down. Levels with a playtime of 5 years, and a Big ****ing Gun which has a barrel 60 ****ing metres wide.
I don't want a story. I don't want a semblence of a story.

I want 200 enemies on-screen at once.
I want weapons with the ability to blow up planets, and numbers of enemies to compesate as such. I want to take on a 599909123084 strong demon army with a single unlimited ammo machine gun that sounds like God. i want it to be so old school that the super computer needed to run it also needs a time machine. Realistic gibs that model every sigle organ in the body, shotguns that knock bodies back 50 metres, dual weldable chainsaws, more violence than you can poke Hitler and Bush at. If Jack Thompson wants a murder simulator, we'll give him the biggest mother %*&%*$*%^(*#)*&#)&)@#&)@)(@&*(@&^#*^@)*(&)(@&)*&#)&#)&*@&)&#)*^@#*()@king muder simulator that will ever be created. A murder simulator more realistic than real life. A murder simulator that will grab you by the mother f&*king balls from the first time you see the 9925123 foot high skyscraper/demon/tank/rocket launcher/big ****ing gun which comprises the mid level boss of level 1. A goddamned massacre of chairs which grow legs, and release little wheelie chair which attempt to claw you're freaking eyes out. No cheap scares, just forcing lead down a demonised version of Your F%$king Mum. Your ****ing Mum.
Houses from which millions of jack Thomsons run from your rampage through New York, running from you with your 50-foot long chainsaw, cutting the lil' Jackies down. Levels with a playtime of 5 years, and a Big ****ing Gun which has a barrel 60 ****ing metres wide.


You must work for my games company.
For one split second, while reading my post, your mind was open to possibilties and ideas you'd never dreamt of. But it was only the beginning.

Games designers think of themselves as explorers, and yet, how little they understand the orld they live in.

The greatest videogame ever made will be vastly unlike anything in your experience. And it had nothing to do iwth building ladders out of blocks or smart plots.

It's a game of pure killing.

A game with nothing but blood dripping down your screen and forming pools.
I don't want a story. I don't want a semblence of a story.

I want 200 enemies on-screen at once.
I want weapons with the ability to blow up planets, and numbers of enemies to compesate as such. I want to take on a 599909123084 strong demon army with a single unlimited ammo machine gun that sounds like God. i want it to be so old school that the super computer needed to run it also needs a time machine. Realistic gibs that model every sigle organ in the body, shotguns that knock bodies back 50 metres, dual weldable chainsaws, more violence than you can poke Hitler and Bush at. If Jack Thompson wants a murder simulator, we'll give him the biggest mother %*&%*$*%^(*#)*&#)&)@#&)@)(@&*(@&^#*^@)*(&)(@&)*&#)&#)&*@&)&#)*^@#*()@king muder simulator that will ever be created. A murder simulator more realistic than real life. A murder simulator that will grab you by the mother f&*king balls from the first time you see the 9925123 foot high skyscraper/demon/tank/rocket launcher/big ****ing gun which comprises the mid level boss of level 1. A goddamned massacre of chairs which grow legs, and release little wheelie chair which attempt to claw you're freaking eyes out. No cheap scares, just forcing lead down a demonised version of Your F%$king Mum. Your ****ing Mum.
Houses from which millions of jack Thomsons run from your rampage through New York, running from you with your 50-foot long chainsaw, cutting the lil' Jackies down. Levels with a playtime of 5 years, and a Big ****ing Gun which has a barrel 60 ****ing metres wide.


And Doom 3 was ok as long as you switch off while playing it, wasn't scary in the slightest though. So as long as pretty much the entire battle system is revamped entirely, monsters do more interesting things other than drone towards you rambling some uninteresting shit while you shoot it, and its actually SCARY then this game could be good.

But I have my doubts.
It seems that this thread is divided in two halves: one for traditional, mindless, violent, brutal killing and one for a more sophisticated story-driven gameplay.
It is so true before our eyes: Doom started it all, and Half-Life marked a turning point.
No, we are all for mindless, brutal killing, just half of us prefer to deny it.
Or perhaps that half are mindless, brutal killers in real life, that happen to enjoy a more sophisticated story-driven gameplay, for a change.