Doom 4 Announced

Quake 4 was crap, compared to alot of other fps games that came out that year. Then again, I'm more than ready to see them show off their new graphics engine with this game, and give me some hot late nights. Bring it on...
Doesn't particularly excite me. Didn't see it coming. But then it was only epic at the very beginning. Doom 3 was simply another game.
It seems that this thread is divided in two halves: one for traditional, mindless, violent, brutal killing and one for a more sophisticated story-driven gameplay.
It is so true before our eyes: Doom started it all, and Half-Life marked a turning point.

It's more like elitist bastards against normal anticipative gamers.
It's more like elitist bastards

Doom 4 just needs to be faster paced. Virus's ideas suck. Make it fast paced like Doom 2 and fill in the blanks for FPS standards.

Ought to be badass, fast, killing. Also, no ****ing dialogue. In fact, no other human characters. No marine tech bull shit. Give me a ****ing shotgun, a door to unlock, monsters, and I'm ****ing set.

This to infinity.
i really enjoyed doom 3 when i first got it. its deffinatley got atmosphere and i hope they do the same with doom 4 but rectify the repetitiveness and monster closet thing
After the absolute travesty that was Quake 4 id will need to do something pretty spectacular gameplay wise. For all the bruhaha about doom3 being a shit game, people still would bang on about the engine. Pfft there wasn't one decent game imo that used the engine, hell I can hardly think of the games that did use it, apart from Prey which tried something but it was still generic hall crawls.
I?m sure they heared the criticism and this time we will get hordes of monsters with 2 FPS...
After the absolute travesty that was Quake 4 id will need to do something pretty spectacular gameplay wise. For all the bruhaha about doom3 being a shit game, people still would bang on about the engine. Pfft there wasn't one decent game imo that used the engine, hell I can hardly think of the games that did use it, apart from Prey which tried something but it was still generic hall crawls.

Quake Wars was pretty decent.
I bought Doom 3 the first day it was released 3 years ago. I don't think i was ever so freaking disappointed before; the game was decent as a horror shooter but failed as a sequel. If they wanted to make a completely different game, why name it as a Doom? At least now it seems they realized it wasn't up to par with the originals.

And i know i can't be the only one thinking this... get Romero back for Doom 4. I know his presence isn't going to magically fill Doom 4 with win but at least i'll give the sequel much more potential.
Quake Wars was pretty decent.

I just don't get why they made it a Quake 3 with vehicles kind of game. It was so ridiculous seeing people strafejumping all over the place... just became lame.
I liked Quake Wars, but it had so much more potential. I was all excited for the game, played the Beta, was wow'd at first, then just got bored.
I just don't get why they made it a Quake 3 with vehicles kind of game. It was so ridiculous seeing people strafejumping all over the place... just became lame.

Yeah, I was disappointed too... but then I got past the deception that happened after getting sucked into the hype that it was going to be a BF2 killer and all that.

It can be fun once you get past the Quake-ness of it all.
And i know i can't be the only one thinking this... get Romero back for Doom 4. I know his presence isn't going to magically fill Doom 4 with win but at least i'll give the sequel much more potential.

You made me think now. What is Romero doing these days?
You made me think now. What is Romero doing these days?
He has started a new company named Slipgate Ironworks. As far as I can recall, he is making a new game, something like a MMO inspired by the awesomness of Half-Life 2. I remember him saying somewhere he was amazed with this game and he wants to make something similar, but somewhat World of Warcraft-like.

edit - I also think I read somewhere that Romero would like to make a true sequel to Quake 1 or remake it based on his original ideas... but I might have dreamed about it ;)

Regarding Doom 3 - I loved the game. Sure, it was dark 99% of the time, monsters kept jumping out of closets, but still it was scary as hell (I'm so freaked out while fighting Cherubs) and I never felt bored. But I played only an hour a day, if I'd try playing a few hours straight, I'd probably get too fatigued.

I'm really anticipating Doom 4. I wonder what can be done with the new idsoftware engine. I did not read this entire topic, but is this true that it's highly likely going to take place on Earth? You know, Hell on Earth and stuff.
The Doom 4 engine is so realisic, that, if you have the X-Ray vision cheat on, you can see someones internal organs and whatnot as you rape their demon/tank/Xenu/Mum.
Well, as long as it's as tweakable as the IdTech4 engine, I'll be happy with it. The game, however, we'll see about.
Well, as long as it's as tweakable as the IdTech4 engine, I'll be happy with it. The game, however, we'll see about.


I hope the game decisions they make just 'work'

I don't mean work as in it's not broken, I mean work as in - despite whatever decisions they make, the culmination of everything makes it a fun game.

Oh, and I can't wait to mess around with the game. Make some mods. It's fun.
That kind of uber-detailed rendering would put a helluva strain on today's current hardware though. And people though Crysis is rough on today's cutting-edge hardware. :upstare:

I'd imagine though whatever ID comes up with, it'll be severly optimized before it's release. Doom3 was anyways. The final product of Doom3 was probably not what the devs originally envisioned before it's release due to the constraints of commercially avaliable hardware.

Take Crysis for example. It seems the devs of that engine went all out and as a result, many people complained about the insane system requirements of the game when it was released.

It's not that the cutting-edge hardware was expensive for those that could afford it rather than it just wasn't there yet. Not surprisingly though, the newer stuff seems to be catching up with Crysis' requirements pretty fast. It won't be long until even mid-range hardware can run it on maximum settings. Just like Doom3 during the time. On that note, I can't wait to see what ID decides to do with Doom 4's engine in the final end of things.
That kind of uber-detailed rendering would put a helluva strain on today's current hardware though. And people though Crysis is rough on today's cutting-edge hardware. :upstare:

Well, one of the main reasons Crysis is so taxing on performance is because of the vastness of the game world. The game keeps track of a plethora of variables, including physically simulating many of the trees in an open world. If Doom 4 is anything like 3, it'll be more restricted to corridors without having to render a large amount of details at any given time.
Well, one of the main reasons Crysis is so taxing on performance is because of the vastness of the game world. The game keeps track of a plethora of variables, including physically simulating many of the trees in an open world. If Doom 4 is anything like 3, it'll be more restricted to corridors without having to render a large amount of details at any given time.

Maybe you remember seeing the Tech 5 demo a while ago, and they were showing off huge open areas. In fact I thought that was one of the great new things of it. Anyway yeah, I doubt Doom 4 will have physics handles on shrubbery or whatever.

I want to blow up shit on Mars surface TBH.