Doom III Reviewed by PC Gamer 94%

How can they review it when it hasn't even come out yet?
Guys its still not on the net as of 12:20 EST aka its time to sleep so we can wake up and see it... It isnt here now but its a very good site for doom3 info and will be hopefully posting the doom3 article transcript as soon as they them selvs get the info.
this may have already been answered in the thread but i was wondering how much hard drive space doom3 requires
Pressure said:
Isn't it illegal to copy the article?

Its a german site so if they post the article i really doubt they would care about the legality of a american news paper number one.... And number 2 i belive they can post it aslong as its a transcript aka quote the whole article..... "We at pcgamer gave doom3 a 94% bla bla bla" as said by mark hammel of pc gamer... LOL

Just wanted to ad that since im going to sleep id just like to mention one last time that it is a bit weird that they suggested useing a radeon 9800 pro in the article "aka" what we know from the shacknews posts. Its also a bit stange that these covers are the only thing on the internet. The big sites that dont give a rats about copy rights are asking for anyone to send them these scans. As you can tell by me saying this, in the 5 hrs that its been on the big wide internet no one has sent scans into any sites and all the information that is floating around sounds so made up that its not even funny. PCgamer doesnt even have any info relateing to this issue.

Im not saying its false but i would rather be wrong and see the scans than have everyone all ticked off to find out that this is bogus. Please please!!! Prove me wrong. I want to read it just as bad as you all do.
Well, if this is real or not, who knows. There's definitely enough information to support it being REAL..

We know that PC Gamer had a Doom 3 preview promised for months in this issue.
Doom 3's supposed August 3rd date.
Me being super cool.
So the biggest POS of the year Far Cry, gets 95%

And Doom 3 gets 94%.

Hmm. I'll certainly wait for more reviews and users forum posts before getting that game. The fact that they gave far cry that high makes me a little cautious.
Shuzer said:
Me being super cool.

[SARCASM]Me being super cool.[/SARCASM]

Mr-Fusion said:
So the biggest POS of the year Far Cry, gets 95%

And Doom 3 gets 94%.

Hmm. I'll certainly wait for more reviews and users forum posts before getting that game. The fact that they gave far cry that high makes me a little cautious.

They just fell for the lovely graphics in the end, like many other people did. Easily wowed people.
This is really awsome news. Anything above 90% from PC Gamer is a really positive review. Quit whining that it scored 1 less percentage point than Far Cry. I mean, did you expect Doom 3 to get 1000% or something? It's one measly percentage point.
ShadowFox said:
Magazines get advanced copies of games.

This is true. Although I don't think I've ever seen a magazine get a copy of an upcoming game THIS early. I mean, Doom 3's still like 2 months away right? Or am I wrong?
Doom 3 is about a month away. I'd expect a gold announcement in the next 7 days.
DarkStar said:
This is true. Although I don't think I've ever seen a magazine get a copy of an upcoming game THIS early. I mean, Doom 3's still like 2 months away right? Or am I wrong?
Isn't it planned for early next month?

Mr-Fusion said:
So the biggest POS of the year Far Cry, gets 95%

And Doom 3 gets 94%.

Hmm. I'll certainly wait for more reviews and users forum posts before getting that game. The fact that they gave far cry that high makes me a little cautious.
I think they were going on it being the best fps to come out this year so far.
If DOOM3 and HL2( assuming they are as good as we hope) came out first, Far Cry wouldn't get over 90%
DarkStar said:
This is true. Although I don't think I've ever seen a magazine get a copy of an upcoming game THIS early. I mean, Doom 3's still like 2 months away right? Or am I wrong?

No its like a month away, in early August I believe. Either way the quicker they get copies out to critics to mags and such, more people will feel confident about buying the game when it hits shelves.
mchammer75040 said:
No its like a month away, in early August I believe. Either way the quicker they get copies out to critics to mags and such, more people will feel confident about buying the game when it hits shelves.

August 13... one day short of a month (considering here, its after 12, but in some places, exactly a month)
14th where I am. muhuahuahua, Im gonna get D3 a couple of days before you!(if only, we always get stuff late down here in aus)
Dux said:
[SARCASM]Me being super cool.[/SARCASM]

That hurts, man.. ;(

I meant review, BTW, not preview.
/me jumps off a bridge
Ahem...Spetember Issue in the middle of July? I think not...
Shuzer said:
Guess this just proves D3 is done and most certainly will be out early next month as predicted

yeahhhhhh i am so pumped!!! :thumbs:

Shuzer said:
Well, if this is real or not, who knows. There's definitely enough information to support it being REAL..

We know that PC Gamer had a Doom 3 preview promised for months in this issue.
Doom 3's supposed August 3rd date.
Me being super cool.

i guess someone should email Carmack and see if the August 3rd or 13th dates have any substance to them.. any volunteers? i have no luck with emails.. mine never get answered :|
h4vvok said:
Ahem...Spetember Issue in the middle of July? I think not...

You've never subscribed to PC Gamer with a statement like that lol.
It stuff like this that makes me wish I never cancelled my sub to PC Gamer :p.
pressure you know, I could really go for a nutri-grain right about now ):
:naughty: I got your nutri-grain bar right here Babyheadcrab, right in my ass. Eat that BIIIIIIATCH! Doom III PWNZ YOUR ASS WITH AN IMP! FoO!
Contrary to what MOST of you may believe... i'm not an HL2 fanboy in the regards I won't buy or play any other FPS besides HL2. I like the prospect of Stalker even, but Doom III just didn't seem to interest nor seem like it'd pan out to be a good game for me. If it is in fact a good game, after release and I read lots of reviews(I like to be well informed, heh, by both game companies and actual players), I may pick it up. I'm not gonna make a hassle out of pre-ordering it though.
DarkStar said:

If anyone wanted to PM me some scans I wouldn't really mind.

Wouldn't that be grand :D

I'm still waiting for my copy.

Yea subscribers get their copies months in advance before they hit store shelves :D

Oh and I swear to god if someone says this is a hoax, I will beat you with a fish.....

The cover has stuff that would be in that issue. Battle for Middle Earth (Community Day) and CoD:UO which was barely talked about in one of their last issues if I remember right.. Just a screenshot and such giving a little details.... Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh and guys throw those percentages out the window! LoL They are just numbers.... Probably 2 different reviewers also... Oh and they probably really just pick a number which they think will fit. Cause some bad humor does not make you lose 6% rofl.... They are just guesstimating! :afro:

god I can't wait until I get my copy in the mail! should be this week or so.
Iced_Eagle said:
Oh and guys throw those percentages out the window! LoL They are just numbers.... Probably 2 different reviewers also... Oh and they probably really just pick a number which they think will fit. Cause some bad humor does not make you lose 6% rofl.... They are just guesstimating! :afro:

Yes it's hard to measure the unmeasurable. You just can't quantify the quality. it's impossible, thus you can't compare games among each other by the percentage they were given but you just simply compare: "I had more fun with Half-Life 2 than with FarCry, therefore HL2 is better.

I tell you, if FarCry would come out after DIII or HL2 it would receive below 90% for sure.
I should get it in the next 1-3 days if all of these people have it. :D
Doom 3 is great and everyone whining over one little review are complete idiots in my opinion. Heck I hardly pay attention to reviews, someone else can not portray how good a game is with words.

Doom 3 sounds good and looks good enough said.
Mr-Fusion said:
So the biggest POS of the year Far Cry, gets 95%

And Doom 3 gets 94%.

Hmm. I'll certainly wait for more reviews and users forum posts before getting that game. The fact that they gave far cry that high makes me a little cautious.

PCG UK gave it 92%, though.
This is great news! Any confirmation of the release date in the reviews?
I'm sure Doom 3 is an awesome game, and that it deserves that 94%, but I never trust first 'exclusive' reviews.

And this may sound silly, but I actually look more forward to the Doom 3 multiplayer than the singeplayer. All those bitching about just 4 players should stfu.