Doom movie

It will be cheap action fights and all that crap. I won't bother seeing it unless I see some decent reviews.
I'm looking forward to it - I quite enjoy watching mindless action movies.
Absinthe said:
It will be cheap action fights and all that crap. I won't bother seeing it unless I see some decent reviews.
Agreed, except I still probably won't see it anyway after that, even though the game is entertaining enough. And people have said that its the first movie to do the first person view behind a gun and such, but watching Shaun of the Dead again recently, they actually did it there too, know, let's not be silly.
I think it will be good, going to go see it opening day and i cant wait!
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm looking forward to it - I quite enjoy watching mindless action movies.

For some strange reason, when i read your comment it suddenly came into my head that The Rock is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Razor said:
For some strange reason, when i read your comment it suddenly came into my head that The Rock is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It's either him or Vin Diesel :sniper:

I haven't actually seen any films with The Rock in before, so it'll be interesting for me to see what he is like as an actor. Saying that, I'll probably only watch it if it gets good reviews.
Penfold_ said:
It's either him or Vin Diesel :sniper:
Sorry guys, but neither of these guys has anything even remotely close to the original and classic Conan the Barbarian under their belt, let alone 7 Mr. Olympia titles, so unfortunately, they are just 2 more lugheads.
VictimOfScience said:
Sorry guys, but neither of these guys has anything even remotely close to the original and classic Conan the Barbarian under their belt, let alone 7 Mr. Olympia titles, so unfortunately, they are just 2 more lugheads.

I agree - I don't actually like either of those two actors myself.
Penfold_ said:
It's either him or Vin Diesel :sniper:

I haven't actually seen any films with The Rock in before, so it'll be interesting for me to see what he is like as an actor. Saying that, I'll probably only watch it if it gets good reviews.

Vin Diesel is nothing on Arnie.
theSteven said:
Who else reckons it's going to be craptacullar?

If the trailer is anything to go by I will probably not go watch it. Unless off course there are desent reviews
Raziel-Jcd said:
I think it will be good, going to go see it opening day and i cant wait!

How anyone could be so exited for the doom movie is beyond me......

Looks a steaming pile of shite, I think. I mean, who calls characters..."Reaper"..."The kid"....:sleep:
I can't help it myself, I'm going to have to watch this shit - mostly because I watch any movie I can get my hands on within the first days of the opening - and I can't say I'm looking forward to Doom. It looks rather braindead, and I'm pretty damn sure that it'll be jampacked with tons of punch/one-liners that all the 13-year-olds in front of me will be laughing their asses off to.
The only thing I've watched and liked so far is one of the scenes in the trailer where a girl is running from one of the monsters because it actually looks quite chilly.
I'm also pretty amazed that they've kept the movie on PG16 or whatever it's called over there in the States *points with one finger in a random direction*.
For once I hope the "good guy" doesn't get to kiss the girl or anything like that, because every time I go watch a movie I fear that this'll happen and in the end I'm right. This DOES happen and I feel like puking all over the place because making out would probably be one of the last things on my mind if I was facing a huge fücking monster etc etc etc... Damn I'm circulating with no clue where the hell this post is going... oh well... Back to life...
I'll probably be going the weekend after it comes out. Or, if it comes out on a weekend, then. I don't see whats so OMGF GAYE!! about going to see the film whenever it comes out; its only a film. £5 for ticket, a good way to kill some hours while watching a action film, go with your freinds, have a laugh, I don't see the downside in that. Oh, wait, I could use that time to be posting on the internet about how rubbish the film is going to be before seeing it.
I will go and see it just so I can slag it off. :D

Alternatively it might be alright, in which case I can shout from rooftops of my mild and pleasant surprise.
TheBleeding said:
I'll probably be going the weekend after it comes out. Or, if it comes out on a weekend, then. I don't see whats so OMGF GAYE!! about going to see the film whenever it comes out; its only a film. £5 for ticket, a good way to kill some hours while watching a action film, go with your freinds, have a laugh, I don't see the downside in that. Oh, wait, I could use that time to be posting on the internet about how rubbish the film is going to be before seeing it.

True, though I still don't expect much from it - though I hope it's super violent!
Mindless action has become... dull.

It's not very actiony, and not worth my time to watch it again.

Doom Movie will be crap, and everyone will go see it.
Pesmerga said:
...and everyone will go see it.
Idon't think so.I don't care what releases that weekend--I doubt it will be the top grossing film, but who knows? The Rock is a big draw for some people, though I think Vin Diesel would have been a slightly bigger mainstream draw. Gamers will see it anyway...well, some of them at least :).
Looks dumb to me. The first-person scenes seem way too House-of-the-Dead gimickey.
It's dumb, gimmicky, etc, but I'll see it anyway.
I'll go see it just because it's a video game movie.
Hell, the Resident Evil's were good.

mm. the actor who was Jill Valentine in the second one? Pure sechs.
Qonfused said:
I'll go see it just because it's a video game movie.
Hell, the Resident Evil's were good.

Meh the first one was ok the second one was worse "n*gga please, my shit is custom!"
I just wana see the wheelchair monster- that looks like the most halarious thing ove ever seen.
I'm not listening to you nay sayers. The movie has potential, it's made for one of the biggest franchises in gameland. Just because other game movies were crap doesn't mean this on will be as well.

Anyway I like sci-fi movies on mars (or any other planet) were hell breaks loose.
who knows... well probably not great, reviews will be harsh, but ya never know. might be a good time to see with friends at discount movie time, not good for a $10 date night movie :D
my reason to not be excited by the movie is that the style is not the same of the game(well doom3)

also is me or now I see that movies dont hav so cool props as before?
for example I remenber old movies where there was huge scenarios and cool clothes and stuff now it looks that moviemakers dont spend too much on that,for example the suits looks like tipical swats suits not like big metal armors like doom3,and the weapons look like from this age not like in doom3 that the weapons look more advanced and futuristic
AICN has a review up that says it's pretty good, it's certainly not gonna leave you scratching your head, but it's a fun bit of time
Doom Review