Doom movie

If you mean an excuse to eat popcorn, sure.


God damn.

IGN said:
Those who have played Doom are likely to understand what makes the film cool, and those who have not might miss the boat.


I'm seeing it.
Looks like it'll be fun to watch, tbh.
another review on AICN -
So, is "Doom" the best movie ever made? Nah. I mean, it's like any of the Space Marines vs. Alien enemy movies: there comes a point where you're just waiting for the plot to roll out, kill of the second-tier players and get to the big ol' end fight with good vs. evil. So, yeah, on that level, it wasn't anything new or revolutionary. Just big, messy, loud fun. Think "Aliens" meets "The Thing" meets "Terminator 2" meets "Dawn of the Dead" on the "Total Recall" set and you'll get the idea. Not a bad bunch of movies to hybrid from, though, eh?
Yeah - Im thinking if its like aliens 2 then it will be really entertaining.
I might but the fact that they butchered the actual story, and stuff, actually deters me.

Game: Hell/ demons take over Mars Base.

Movie: Gay ass, overused "virus transforms people" plot= CRAP ****ING-TASTIC! Hell, the Imp doesn't even LOOK anything like it's game counterpart.

But hey, we get to see the BFG-9000 in action! And the characters name.... don't ask........
I definately want to go see it opening night, not that itll be a good movie. The experience of being at the doom movie surrounded by total nerds sounds like fun. during the FPS segment, im going to scream "TAKE THE KNIFE OUT! YOULL RUN FASTER WITH THE KNIFE OUT!!" and see if anyone laughs.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I think it will be good, going to go see it opening day and i cant wait!

Me too, I absolutely cant wait to see this movie.:thumbs:
Mattigus said:
I definately want to go see it opening night, not that itll be a good movie. The experience of being at the doom movie surrounded by total nerds sounds like fun. during the FPS segment, im going to scream "TAKE THE KNIFE OUT! YOULL RUN FASTER WITH THE KNIFE OUT!!" and see if anyone laughs.

FPS Doug :D

But. If you scream that... they'll laugh due to your idiocy, there's no knives in Doom x.o' :p
I heard that some main actor in it (the woman, dont know her name) had to go to see real human dissections at a hospital for the role... I mean wtf, how can that possibly add to anything apart from scarring her for life, how pointless :x
Crushenator 500 said:
I heard that some main actor in it (the woman, dont know her name) had to go to see real human dissections at a hospital for the role... I mean wtf, how can that possibly add to anything apart from scarring her for life, how pointless :x

dunno, many actors/actresses put themselves through ridiculous (seemingly) things like that to get closer to the role. I know that for military films, many actors go through a boot-camp like dealy, and train with real armed forces, or shadow the person they will be playing if its a biopic. acting is a serious business, and preparing for a role is directly related to the outcome. not being an actor, i dont exactly know how it affects a role, but Im sure its important, or else they wouldnt do it.

hopefully acting in Doom will be ok (im not expecting Oscar nods obviously). If they suck too bad, it will distract from the plot and destroy any shred of credibility the film could have.

i still cant wait to see it :sniper:
Kmack said:
dunno, many actors/actresses put themselves through ridiculous (seemingly) things like that to get closer to the role. I know that for military films, many actors go through a boot-camp like dealy, and train with real armed forces, or shadow the person they will be playing if its a biopic. acting is a serious business, and preparing for a role is directly related to the outcome. not being an actor, i dont exactly know how it affects a role, but Im sure its important, or else they wouldnt do it.

hopefully acting in Doom will be ok (im not expecting Oscar nods obviously). If they suck too bad, it will distract from the plot and destroy any shred of credibility the film could have.

i still cant wait to see it :sniper:
Yeah, but that makes sense... for an army role they go to a boot camp-esque thing so that they know what they're doing, how the real soldiers move and think, it makes them look better on the screen, but how the hell does witnessing a human dissection help, apart from giving the poor woman nightmares for the rest of her life? :x

Not like she's gonna be cutting up people on the screen, and if she is and I'm wrong, then I doubt it's gonna have to be with surgical precision at any rate
Crushenator 500 said:
Yeah, but that makes sense... for an army role they go to a boot camp-esque thing so that they know what they're doing, how the real soldiers move and think, it makes them look better on the screen, but how the hell does witnessing a human dissection help, apart from giving the poor woman nightmares for the rest of her life? :x

Not like she's gonna be cutting up people on the screen, and if she is and I'm wrong, then I doubt it's gonna have to be with surgical precision at any rate
Actually, it would be surgical if she cut a huge ass incision in a demons stomach!
TollBooth Willie said:
Actually, it would be surgical if she cut a huge ass incision in a demons stomach!
But she wouldn't need a degree in biology to do that, just a big knife ;)
Crushenator 500 said:
But she wouldn't need a degree in biology to do that, just a big knife ;)

or a chainsaw maybe :cool:

i bet it was to help her to deal with gore, or practice and perfect her reaction to a gruesome being that she can't actually see while acting because its CG. need something real like a human dissection to practice emotions and acting on since there are no "real" baddies in the movie. even a guy in costume without movie magic proabbaly doesnt look real enough to inspire fear acting.
dunno if i can trust early reviews from these guys. its probably safe for them to pan the movie. i could easily write a shit review on the movie, and hope it holds up and gets some hits.
Way to ruin the Doom franchise Hollywood. Let's hope they don't make one about HL.

Andrzej Bartkowiak is the WORST director out there today.
Crisis King said:
Andrzej Bartkowiak is the WORST director out there today.
you, my friend, are horribly wrong.. you must not have seen a single Uwe Boll film
Crisis King said:
Andrzej Bartkowiak is the WORST director out there today.

two words

Uwe Boll

lol, didnt see your post icarus
i think i'll pay to see Stay, then later on sneak into Doom so i get to see the movie but don't end up supporting it.

Despite all of her chromosome counting, Dr. Grimm says at another point, "Ten percent of the human genome has not yet been mapped. Some say it's the soul." Whoa! The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, something you would think a scientist like Dr. Grimm should know. I am reminded of the astronauts in "Stealth" reminding each other what a prime number is.

I love it when Ebert hates a movie, hehe. :D
operative x said:
i think i'll pay to see Stay, then later on sneak into Doom so i get to see the movie but don't end up supporting it.
ummm... definitely been hearing Stay sucks hardcore, why not go see Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, instead? I mean, it's got Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer... it can;t go wrong
going to see it, further updates as events warrent :smoking:
I wanna see it just for the sake of the fact that it's Doom. I don't really care what critics say, it's prob a decent action flick or it could be uber bad, we shall find out later today/tonight when ppl go see it
Just seen the DOOM movie and I can tell you that it is as bad as I expected. It just sucks. There are a couple of good jokes but that's about it. The Rock is just terrible imo. The first person scene(it was only one at the end) were actually fun though :) Some spoilers(don't read them!):
The Rock calls BFG a Big Fu*king Gun.
The Sarge ir actually a bad guy.
The pinky demon is a mutated guy in a wheelchair.
There are no Hell Knights(at least no normal ones).
There is Dr.Carmack.
The BFG-9000 was only fired two times.
I know that hollywood has a knack for slaughtering games with a cheesey movie followup. Im going to see it anyway but from what I hear it wont be as creepy as the game. Damn and i was looking foward to this for like 2 weeks
Geez i bet they screwed this movie up. Infected humanoids? Its about demons from hell breaking loose on Mars! Not once have I heard hell mentioned...
Did The Rock lay the smackdown on the demon's candy asses if you smell what the rock is cooking?
madog said:
Geez i bet they screwed this movie up. Infected humanoids? Its about demons from hell breaking loose on Mars! Not once have I heard hell mentioned...

I just saw it....your right infected people...not hell at all..the tagline is all wrong...but it was ok...but not great.
I thought the movie was great and so did my girlfriend. I read reviews before seeing the movie and I thought it was going to suck because of all the bad reviews....well the movie didn't suck at all.