Doom3 vs HL2

The "quake" thing is kinda funny: they originally were going to have a game where you had this hammer that could cause quakes and surface deformation. But they scrapped that to do, basically, a Doom remake with a new name. Only, they'd already picked the name, so they just changed the name of the badguy to "Quake" which is just about the stupiest bad-guy name ever (especially since you never fight "Quake." Still, cool for its time.

People say that D3 has great graphics, and you can't disagree there. But in some senses its really a one-trick pony. They have dynamic lighting, but fairly low-res textures (almost celshaded in some cases). And I dunno abou the poly counts: HL2 may well have many more polys per area.
I agree... D3 LOOKS nice, but what I'm wondering about are the character animations and the physics. Now that I've seen just the e3 vid of HL2, I'm beginning to think that even with all that lighting and such, D3 will not impress the way HL2 does. Anyone know if D3 is using musculater (sorry for spelling lol) or modelling eyes the way Valve is doing it? I,personally, have my doubts, but still, only time will tell. *On a side note, I believe the poly counts in D3 are lower than those in HL2. D3 is using polybumb or something, which reduces high poly models to low poly in game models, and still retains alot of the same quality. (im not sure...plz correct me cuz im probably wrong at least once here).

Some interesting stuff there Prince Of Space, thanks for the info!
I believe that D3 got a lower poly-count...the level and character polys are rather low, but all surfaces are bump-mapped which means they look detailed(also low polys are sort of needed when bumpmapping all textures)
Doom 3 looks good but the thing that kills it for me is the level design as seen in the trailer. They look so plain. There's nothing I hate more than smallish, boxy level design. That and a game where everything is so damn dark you can barely see 2 feet in front of your face. Graphic-wise, the only thing D3 has going for it are the models, 'cause it sure isnt the level-design thats going to sell this game.

I mean, come on. The claustrophobic, miniscule corridor design has been done a million times before; its become one of the biggest cliches in FPS games. Can't id come up with anything original??

This is another area where HL shines. Every level in a Half-Life game looks like a grand, magnificent work of art. I could play through HL again and again just to enjoy the amazing architecture of the levels.
Lol another game vs. game thread, at the end of the day it comes down to personal choices, if you like a game buy it, if you dont...well you get the picture.
Me I'll be buying both titles, and s.t.a.l.k.e.r. too, but as for comparing d3 with hl2, thats like comparing chalk an cheese, the only thing they have in common is the fact that they're from the same genre, as someone else has already said it would be more constructive to compare hl2 with s.t.a.l.k.e.r., but I'm not into pitting games against eachother, if I like the look of something I'll try the demo if there's one available, an if I like the demo I'll buy the game, and then judge it on its own merits not against another title.
And as for whether a game is scarey or not, well that's down to you, if you play a game with the mind set and blinkered attitude of this game aint gonna scare me, then of course it wont, but if you go into a game with an open mind and allow yourself to become immersed inside the new world it sets out to envelop you in, well you might just get the experience the programmers had in mind for you when they made it.
I watched this demo of doom3 at the release of the gforce 3. They were saying how smooth it will run on it and stuff with all details. BS.

After seeing that again, and comparing the faces on halflife2, the doom ones look way to sharp edged and CG. No way are they main characters as detailed in facial animation and eye movment and shape as half life 2.

If ID didnt know about half life2 like we didnt, i can imagine john "i got my head flushed at school alot" carmaks reaction.

(first movies of half life2 shown)

"Umm, how many facial muscles did they say?!?"

"Our models have realistic eye reflection rite? NO?!!"

"When is this game due out? 2 MONTHS!!???? OH MY GOD! Well have to cut muliplayer to get this game out before the return of christ. DAM YOU GABE!!!!"

"Well, at least well make money by not suporting mods. Thats always worked in the past for games like jedi knight 2."
What is all this about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I keep hearing? I mean, from everything I can see, it's a game with a dumb name made by a company who's only other game sucked. It seems to have good graphics, but they're fairly gritty and blocky at points, with things really looking their best from a distance. And you march around in a huge, huge area... but everything happening where you aren't might as well be frozen, according to the game designers. So what's the big deal? Why is THIS game spoken about with hushed tones, when no one has even played it?
Stalker looked pretty cool when I saw it :D but so did Devastation :dozey: and Red Faction ;(

It's supposed to have some pretty nice technology though, all those wide-open areas look really nice, much better than Battlefield, I guess we'll hafta wait and see.
stalker looks ok, but if you ask me I thought far cry was looking nicer... that is until I saw the e3 video, man what the hell were they thinking with that music? and the main character's design... ICK. anywhoo it still looks nice albeit a lil cartoony.
Stalker does look cool too, just shoddy in the animation and models dept. at this stage in dev., although this could change (hopefuly).
The Doom ]|[ fanatics won't see Half-Life 2 greatness because of the graphics!

The Half-Life 2 fanatics won't see Doom ]|[ greatness because of the graphics and physics!
I worry about Doom 3 because I think it is more geared toward corporate politics than what gamers want.

Think about what you like in the PC games you play then look at what Doom 3 is going to offer and see if it measures up.

Doom 3 =
1. No Multiplayer
2. Short Single Player (per John Carmack who says he favors the current trend of shorter games with more quality such as Unreal 2, Max Payne, ect)
3. Some sort of limited save system. (I would assume not letting the players save when they want and have to replay large portions of the game if they die is a way to artificially make a short game seem long)
4. Trent Reznor backing out of the project (dunno what is going on at iD if the game is so almost complete why Trent would back out because the game is taking too long)
I don't get the Reznor stuff either. His sounds were, or so I've heard, fantastic. And now he's apparently getting rid of all of them. Suck ass.
yup trent was like THE reason I wanted doom3, as I have said before I dont give a flyin' shite when the hell doom3 is released now (or even if it is released) who cares? :)
btw NIN own you
well at least he is working on a new album now (one reason he dropped D3), man thats ad for ID, realllly sad, now they gonna have shit sound, shit music, they have shit for a story, and the graphics are "tame", anyone up for a corridore romp? I think not.
oh for the love of god ..

HL2 is much, much more engine-wise advanced and looks much, much better. HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THE D3 SNAPSHOTS?!

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS ON?! take one good look on the characters' models and you'll realize it's just plain and ugly. who the hell wants to fight a class B zombie?

also take a look at that infamous "har har, I am a monster eating someone in the bathroom" image. it looks like a begginer's photoshop job, LAYERS OVER LAYERS. they have a background, walls, blood, and a monster. YAY FOR SUPERIOR GRAPHICS AND SHADING.

some of the people here live in a D3 bubble and are blinded by those big words used in articles of D3. spend a friggin minute of your life and take a look at HL2.
lol your ranting on the wrong boards
this is the HL2 Forums :p
I dont think anyone here is gonna put down HL2 (unless they are lost), some people are just standing up for doom3, since they are gonna buy it too... and to be honest I might end up doing the same, even though I dont have much love for the game. I will but it years and years later when Im tired of Hl2 and it's mods... oh .. wait nm :)
Sin said it the end it all comes down to personal prefferences wether or not you like the game....

we won't get a definitive answers(especially not at this point) as which will own which...since people have different prefferences.

but I do believe(and that's the reason why HL2 in my eyes are the winner) that Halflife2 will bring much more to the fps genre than D3 will. and will move the benchmark for fps games, not only graphic wise but gameplay wise.
well.. to be honest ,im really looking forward for Both games . :)
you cant go wrong with either one .HL2 probably will sell more ,thanks to its great gameplay,great graphics and excelent support for the Mod community .but in my opinion D3 have the edge when it comes to graphics.

actual game screenshots..

Doom3 main character is VERy detailed ,and weapons very detailed too :)
i have seen the E3 high quality video of Doom3 ,and cant complain about the facial animations neither. both game HL2 and D3 have great technology when it comes to animations ,however something that should not be ignored is that Doom3 (humans) characters (according to Idsoftware) use the latest techniques for simulating real life motion in HUman models .(monters use more traditional animations techniques used in games).
but it is true that in the end everything is a matter of preferences ..
i will pick both games.. :)

dont miss this scanned HQ screenshots of Doom3.
I'm not sure all the shots in that movie were real in game shots in the sense that this will be featured in the game. The scene with the marine running out of ammo and tossing a grenade looked very different from the other in game shots in the movie.
Why do people type "Doom ]|[" when they can just type "Doom 3", easier and quicker. :p
I'm not sure all the shots in that movie were real in game shots in the sense that this will be featured in the game. The scene with the marine running out of ammo and tossing a grenade looked very different from the other in game shots in the movie.

you mean this scene ?


perhaps the diferences ,you see is that videos done in low resolutions not only decrease the image quality of the game ,but also compress the data .decreasing the Image quality even more. and if that were not enough the shots above are Jpeg ,medium quality :) ,to save space and help dialup modem users.

also Idsoftware have been polishing the game Graphics and performance to a new level ,since the first doom3 presentation made 2 years ago in the Mac Show . by so much that ,looks like he droped all the monsters and marines .also something i have noticed is that the MArine in the alpha of Doom3 use always a helmet ,but not anymore in the latest Doom3 trailer. its easy to see that Idsoftware is Tweaking the game in many ways ,to enhance the experience of Doom3 even more.

Hl2 and Doom3 will keep busy the MOd comunnity for many many years . :)
personally...... I doubt Doom III will do well, becuase it is elitest (i have sed this b4) a doubt it will run on my machine... whereas Hl2 will run on really old pcs, badly, but still playable :)
Originally posted by alehm
I worry about Doom 3 because I think it is more geared toward corporate politics than what gamers want.

Think about what you like in the PC games you play then look at what Doom 3 is going to offer and see if it measures up.

Doom 3 =
1. No Multiplayer
2. Short Single Player (per John Carmack who says he favors the current trend of shorter games with more quality such as Unreal 2, Max Payne, ect)
3. Some sort of limited save system. (I would assume not letting the players save when they want and have to replay large portions of the game if they die is a way to artificially make a short game seem long)
4. Trent Reznor backing out of the project (dunno what is going on at iD if the game is so almost complete why Trent would back out because the game is taking too long)

Wont have multiplayer? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is that serious? I mean not having multiplayer in todays world of FPS's is like signing your own death warrent. Why not just say "shoot me now!"
Limited saving system isnt too bad really. I mean its annoying at times but it challenges you alot more. You cant just be reckless because you might have to go back quite a way.

From what i remember, multi-player won't be a primary aspect, although it may still exist in a simple deathmatch form. Either way, not having multiplayer is not a kiss of death neccesarily (sp?).

Max Payne was a very good game and it didn't have multiplayer, and it wasn't obscenely short either. I think a long high quality game is preferable, but making a game longer to play then its quality can hold out is poor practice.

There are plenty of single player games out there that are worth buying and playing through, what multi-player does is add replayability to the game, and help keep intrest longer. Or add a new aspect to playing the game. But from a marketing perspective, once the game is sold it doesn't matter wether its played for a day or years.

I suppose all the banter is leading up to that a game doesn't have to have multiplayer support to be good, it just helps. I'd rather play a good game without it then get a crappy one with it.
Yeah thats kinda what i meant only i was being a bit more dramatic about it. I have max payne and it was a very good game indeed. Infact i just downloaded the "Kung Fu" mod. Basically all the moves out of the matrix, like running on walls etc. Its really well done.
There were some pretty sweet screenshots of doom3... like the chainsaw baddie in a room with blood everywhere, in huge resolution, pretty damn clear.....

And there was one cool bit in the doom 3 leaked alpha, you have to jump down from this ledge right, then you walk up to this huge door, and you try open it, but it's locked and ayways
then you see this huge shadow on the door in the shape of a huge monster, then you turn around and it's like AAARHG and that's a pretty nifty lighting effect.

But the gay thing was the zombies kept getting up after you shot them dead (so lame)
I can't see your pic, but I still don't think that's a shot that's part of the actual game. id has done cinematics before, and that looks distinctly like a cinematic.

d3 WILL have multiplayer: but it will be a slower, smaller # of players befiting the dark, shadowy locales.
The Doom 3 screenshots look so good because they were taken on a high resolution with full AA turned on. I seriously don't think it would be playable with those settings on the current hardware.
Originally posted by Apos
I can't see your pic, but I still don't think that's a shot that's part of the actual game. id has done cinematics before, and that looks distinctly like a cinematic.

It is a ingame cynematic. the engine goives the possebillity off taking something fromm the game, putting it in maya.. animating it and putting it back into the game seamless. see the pinkydemon bursting trough the pipes. this part is animated in maya and renderd in the engine.
That's always been a possibility in almost every game. But the cinematic sequence looks to be of a much higher quality than the rest of the movie, higher poly models, etc.
It is a ingame cynematic. the engine goives the possebillity off taking something fromm the game, putting it in maya.. animating it and putting it back into the game seamless. see the pinkydemon bursting trough the pipes. this part is animated in maya and renderd in the engine.

yes Maya and Lightwave and even 3dmax have been used ,in Doom3 to speed things ..but this is in no way diferent to HL2 .which use SOftimage XSI 3 for character animations and most probably for the landscapes design. there is no point to do everything in the editor ,when you have other tools that can speed with your work..dont you think?
Doom3 short "Cinematics" are rendered in real time ,(not prerecorded) using the Doom3 engine. so what you see in Doom3 whether is "CInematic" or "actual game play" is using the same technology ,the same graphics ,the same stuff. how i know? :)

because in the D3 alpha i have been able to "play" or better a TOur with the "cinematics" of Doom3 trailer presented at E3 last year.
the big planet is a 2dbackgound,but the Idlogo is an actual Room made in doom3 , and every other "cinematic" scenes can be played. too. like th bathroom scene. if you know how ,with the editor ,you can tour to the scientist Room , The guards post ,and even travel around the small mars city. so in short.. whether is cinematic or actual game play ,there are no diferences. what you can see ,you can play ,is the same thing ,the capabilities ->all was made with the Doom3 editor. i just cant wait to see the custom models and custom levels people are going to do with Doom3 radiant. :)
There's a couple of things yet to be said for doom3. I remember when Doom came out and the impact it had on the world of gaming. It practicly launched the FPS genre. Maybe some of you are too young to remember (it was released in 1993, almost a dacade ago) but Doom played a large part of my teenage years. People would talk about it at school, perants would try to ban it at home, it was so much better than it's predecessors it redefined PC gaming.

This is not the same game id are releasing now, but it is in the same spirit. It will feature simplified, old school retro zombie blasting, midless gameplay that made the original so great. There are also many other refreneces to the original (read the Tim Willits interview, can't remember the link). It may not have strong character developement or an excellent story, at the end of the day it's a game not a Dickens Novel!

The graphics may not look as realistic as HL2, but this is because HL2 is trying to recreate planet earth whilst doom3 has it's own sci-fi feel. Some of the features supported will look really great. The lighting and shaows will incredibly atmospheric and dare I say, scary. I also look forward to perfect reflections (which HL2 doesn't support, read the roundtable discussion) and many other features doom3 has (read Carmack's .plan file for details).

Of course this is a HL2 forum, a lot of people are pathalogically brand loyal (kinda like ma owners) so a definitive answer to which game will be better is bound to be biased. On yop of than niether game has been released, so people are making up so much shit (who said doom3 will not have multiplayer? Id seem to think it will.....). If you don't like doom3 that's ok, I wont make you buy it. Just stop trying to stick up for HL2 but slagging doom3 off, there's plenty of room for two excellent games.

Oh, and HL2 will rock. Due to great artwork, realistic physics and great mod supoort.
Half-Life² VS DooM³ is a dumb thread anyway.. you can compare 2 unreleased games.
Originally posted by vann7
Doom3 short "Cinematics" are rendered in real time ,(not prerecorded) using the Doom3 engine. so what you see in Doom3 whether is "CInematic" or "actual game play" is using the same technology ,the same graphics ,the same stuff.

That is true. However take a look at the portion of the E3 video where a marine is being thrown around the room. I believe all those movements have been animated in great detail, while in HL2 it could all be animated in real-time, with the physics engine calculating the body's movements and interations with the environment.
more importantly, how can 33 people review and rate doom 3 when it's not out yet? and, for that matter, how can *80* people review and rate a game that isn't due out until Q4 (CS: CZ)?? at least nobody's "reviewed" half-life 2 yet, though it's certainly going to happen well before it's released, like about a thousand other games there.
No, that just shows that you cannot trust Amazon's rating system because a bunch of n00bs went there and reviewed the game after they saw 3 screenshots. :)
For those of you whom said that Doom's story sucks, which makes Valve even worse since it borrowed Doom's idea and edited it for Half Life... ALSO, Doom III's story WON'T be ENTIRELY the SAME as the original, it will just use the same idea as the first game.