Draw the forum

SHIPPI said:
no, i found it and posted one pic, but I've been busy with other stuff :)

Ok, i missed your one first time round :).



Are my favorites teeheehee :p
If I had something other than MS Paint I could make better pictures lol.
:laugh: Keep it up Harij, I just read that thread hehe :D

Not actual quotes, but based on actual events!

Birth of the politics forum:

By the way, el chi's is ma favorite, but these are all hilarious! :P
Looks like Suicide42 in a moment of madness...
Where is Suicide these days anyway, haven't seen him in ages.
I decided to give it a try. :D I'm new to the forums so I didn't have much to work with. :E

HL2 Forum
I woke up and found about 3 pages of awsome drawings, keep it up!
CREMATOR666 said:
We demand more! ( I am too lazy to make any :p )
We should have a proper thread of these, just the TDE/Crazy style, then leave this thread for the other style forum drawings.

Maybe a gallery section, constantly being updated with more sillyness hehe.

Officially = I'd do more but im not currently in the mood
Unofficially = Haven't found anymore decent quotes yet ;)
Argh, i'll be better to draw my quotes on paper, scan it then photoshop it.