Draw the forum

Heh, you're right when you said you needed better quotes.
ComradeBadger said:
Artistic talent be damned!




I'm going to make more stuff soon, hang tight.

We should have a proper thread of these, just the TDE/Crazy style, then leave this thread for the other style forum drawings.

Maybe a gallery section, constantly being updated with more sillyness hehe.

Yeah, if we just can be arsed to keep up with making more stuff, I'm up for it :P
CrazyHarij said:

I'm going to make more stuff soon, hang tight.

Yeah, if we just can be arsed to keep up with making more stuff, I'm up for it :P
I'm already losing interest, people seem to prefer the MS Paint ones, wtf? lol
Give me some quotes and i'll do some in paint, never will I draw in flash again :|

TDE, don't worry. I admire your pitcures for thier amount of detail and colour.
Danimal said:
Give me some quotes and i'll do some in paint, never will I draw in flash again :|

TDE, don't worry. I admire your pitcures for thier amount of detail and colour.
I can't find any decent quotes for myself, what makes you think I'll have better luck finding someone else any?? :p
With the power of faking or quoting myself (Just use the quote you sigged god dang it :p)
Danimal said:
heh, Comrade ain't gonna like that. :D
He won't have time to not like it - he's about to have his neck snapped. The poor dear.
Hurray, Dark Elf did me :), even if he did do me in a pink skirt :(.

i was bored :/ also not clever or old enough(forum age that is) to make up my own idea

re: the cage match poster, i remem,ber seeing something like that in one persons sig, couldn't remember the names in it so i thought i'd not embarass myself by getting them wrong
ahahaha it's great.

i like shippi's comraderabbit one, but really all of them are excellent. i loved the one (i think by danimal) with the turtle and the snail fighting :D
I drew the forum.

Sketch 1
Sketch 2



You get a cookie if you can name at least 55 of the 64 forumites shown in the picture.
:eek: Thats amazing!!!!! :thumbs: Although I don't see me in there. :P How long did it take to finish?
that's awesome suicide :D

I can get quite a few of them :D
Datrix said:
:eek: Thats amazing!!!!! :thumbs: Although I don't see me in there. :P How long did it take to finish?

Actually you are in there.... but you just look like some random flash lol :D

and thanks, it's taken me ages to do :]
I can only name 30 ;(

Fat Tony!
el Chi
The Dark Elf
Cpt Stern
Brian Damage

I need to stay in more :D
Starting from top row, in order from left to right.

Row 1: Suicide42, Munro, CrazyHarij

Row 2: dunno(mask), simmo, Pendragon, Crushenator500, Chris_D, bliink, ComradeBadger, Shippi, Spud, Zerimski, Pi Mo Rho(?)

Row 3: Razor, Gorgon, Dedalus, Sulkdodds, dunno(barbedsquid), The Dark Elf, dunno(scaredbag), Hot Soup, Fat Tony!, el chi, Dalamari, He_Who_is_Steve, Shens

Row 4: Tr0n, dunno(guymiddlefinger), Pressure, MaxiKana, dunno(creepedoutguy), dunno(sun), dunno(guy), Mechagodzilla, lil timmy, dunno(skull), Brian Damage, Farrowlesparrow, Cpt Stern

Row 5: dunno(jesus), dunno(penishat), Danimal, dunno(logo), dunno(combine), Raziaar, Feath, dunno(girl), cybersh33p, dunno(chainsawdude), MarksmanHL2 :), dunno(flame), dunno(pig)

Row 6: dunno(hand) Ritz, Frank, The_Monkey, Varg|Hund, dunno(robot), dunno(littleguyonrobot), dunno(bunny), Cr0m, dunno(slickguy), nw909

Yarr, thats all that I could get, but keep in mind that I did not check around the forums at al, just stuck to this threadl. Think I did pretty good :) I didn't notice me, though, but I wouldn't know how to draw me anyways :P

I didn't get Datrix because I wouldn't have known if it were him :P
That's a really good list Erestheux! I'll post the answers tomorrow :P

and I intended to put you in, I even put you in "sketch 2" (see if you can find yourself - you're a squiggle below Crushenator), but then I couldn't be bothered to draw hannibal... sowwy :]
Thats a cool pic Suicide :thumbs:

I did some "renderings" of various forum sections in garrysmod while I was feeling artistic...
Awesome pic Suicide, but I simply had to change my avatar, sorry :D
Brilliant work suicide......didn't spot myself, but didn't expect to either.

And bliink, lol @ the politics pic.

CrazyHarij said:
Awesome pic Suicide, but I simply had to change my avatar, sorry :D

Craztharij... you can not... and never will... escape the fact that...

you are...

a cloud.

Now go and fluff off, you lovely bundle of fluffy cuddleness you.