Dream Jobs

My dream job would entail a cottage on a rocky cliff, preferably on the coast of Maine (or in the UK or Ireland... because well, y'all have some pretty cliffs there), a large window.. and a giant desk for writing.

Writing the next "Great American Novel" is the biggest of my pipe dreams, while minor dreams include being a princess and playing Maria from "The Sound of Music" on Broadway.


Instead, my real job forces me to answer questions like "Should I click the button that says "Download Spyware, and lots of it" or not...?" :|
Dream Job - The one I've got now :D Working as a software developer at a company that is fun, well managed, pays well, treats employees well, etc, etc.

Uber Dream Job - Working for Valve, or a company like Valve - I could probably swing this since they're looking for a web developer - if I could convince my wife to move to the area - but I think the closest we'll get, at least for now, will be Portland. I'd love to start as a web dev and maybe try and get into game development from there. Web dev is what I do now, but what I really seem to enjoy and excel at is architecture and framework kind of stuff. By the way, I mention Valve specifically because from everything I've read about them leads me to believe they'd be a great company to work for, not because of Half-Life/TF2-related fanboyism ;) Well, maybe just a little.
Porno star. :naughty:

Someone had to say it.
Porno star. :naughty:

Someone had to say it.

You want to **** skanky women who have been ****ed by equally skanky men hundreds of times, while 20 people look on, and when you fail to get wood they don't pay you? Not to mention having to be tested for all STDS including AIDS every 2-3 months, how dignified.

I want to own a comic book store. I want to have people come in and ask me if Publication-X just came out, or maybe if I carry that rare back issue they've been looking for to complete a gap in their collection--to which I'd point them to the stacks of nondescript white boxes and say, "If I do, it's in there."

I want to shoot the shit with people, telling awesome nerd stories and debating on why Batman could totally whoop Spider-Man's ass unless they were naked in a cage, because that's the only way the wallcrawler could win.

I want to have some tables set up for perusing the books, but this isn't a library--unless you're a regular, and I like you. Also, don't use my tables for that CCG shit; take your Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and what-have-you elsewhere because this is a COMIC BOOK STORE, not a HAVE YOUR MOTHER DROP YOU OFF WITH YOUR BINDER FULL OF LEVEL 4 1800 ATK MONSTERS TO TRADE STORE.

I want to sell awesome figures to people and see their eyes light up like Christmas trees because I carry the rare variants at market price, not jacked up to high heaven because I want to exploit you. But I won't sell those figures behind the glass, guys--that's my personal collection. You may "oooh" and "aaah" at your leisure.

I want to get up every day, flip the neon sign to "Open" and turn on the batsignal light in the window, and enjoy the hell out of my job. I swear I'd be content for the rest of my life.
Illustrating for 2000AD and/or at the writing hands of Robert Kirkman, continuing The Walking Dead as it inevitably reaches beyond Charlie Adlards drawing reaches. Though if Adlard stops for reasons like death or old age, it'd probably mean Kirkland would of stopped.


But seriously, a freelance illustrator of album art and gig promotions, much like that of what Aaron Turner of Isis does in his spare time. Really abstract stuff that best defines the post-rock/metal/Hydra Head scene. I'd love to be working in America doing that sort of stuff because most of the great unique music talent has been from that patch o' the earth for the last 15 years. This is all stuff I've been doing over the last year anyway but it's all amatuer small-time stuff, but yeah.

I really wanted to go into concept work for games but now it's really not something I want to do. If anything, I'm going to carry on learning architecture from my dad and then maybe put it to some use in the future designing environments for either movies or games, but thats a real distant kind of dream that isn't that high on my priorities list.

Right now, the things I want to break into the most is the comic book world and doing illustrations for musicians, but who knows what the future holds. :D
I want to own a comic book store. I want to have people come in and ask me if Publication-X just came out, or maybe if I carry that rare back issue they've been looking for to complete a gap in their collection--to which I'd point them to the stacks of nondescript white boxes and say, "If I do, it's in there."

I want to shoot the shit with people, telling awesome nerd stories and debating on why Batman could totally whoop Spider-Man's ass unless they were naked in a cage, because that's the only way the wallcrawler could win.

I want to have some tables set up for perusing the books, but this isn't a library--unless you're a regular, and I like you. Also, don't use my tables for that CCG shit; take your Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and what-have-you elsewhere because this is a COMIC BOOK STORE, not a HAVE YOUR MOTHER DROP YOU OFF WITH YOUR BINDER FULL OF LEVEL 4 1800 ATK MONSTERS TO TRADE STORE.

I want to sell awesome figures to people and see their eyes light up like Christmas trees because I carry the rare variants at market price, not jacked up to high heaven because I want to exploit you. But I won't sell those figures behind the glass, guys--that's my personal collection. You may "oooh" and "aaah" at your leisure.

I want to get up every day, flip the neon sign to "Open" and turn on the batsignal light in the window, and enjoy the hell out of my job. I swear I'd be content for the rest of my life.

would you only sell north american comics?
I want to own a comic book store. I want to have people come in and ask me if Publication-X just came out, or maybe if I carry that rare back issue they've been looking for to complete a gap in their collection--to which I'd point them to the stacks of nondescript white boxes and say, "If I do, it's in there."

I want to shoot the shit with people, telling awesome nerd stories and debating on why Batman could totally whoop Spider-Man's ass unless they were naked in a cage, because that's the only way the wallcrawler could win.

I want to have some tables set up for perusing the books, but this isn't a library--unless you're a regular, and I like you. Also, don't use my tables for that CCG shit; take your Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and what-have-you elsewhere because this is a COMIC BOOK STORE, not a HAVE YOUR MOTHER DROP YOU OFF WITH YOUR BINDER FULL OF LEVEL 4 1800 ATK MONSTERS TO TRADE STORE.

I want to sell awesome figures to people and see their eyes light up like Christmas trees because I carry the rare variants at market price, not jacked up to high heaven because I want to exploit you. But I won't sell those figures behind the glass, guys--that's my personal collection. You may "oooh" and "aaah" at your leisure.

I want to get up every day, flip the neon sign to "Open" and turn on the batsignal light in the window, and enjoy the hell out of my job. I swear I'd be content for the rest of my life.

My uncle used to have a comic book store. It wasn't nearly that awesome. Now he does boring accounting.
Dream job: being funny on TV or some other form of media. And not MadTV funny, because that's actually kind of not funny.

Simple but elegant.
I have had several dream jobs...

Comedian/Actor: I've gotten numerous compliments about my ability to act, and my ability to make people laugh, but i don't ever think i'd make it with the professionals.

Professional Skateboarder: I wish, if i had the skill. I know a lot of skaters, i grew up with many of them, however, i never garnered enough skill to even come close to good.

Running an "herb" dispensary: lol, i wish i wish, chillest job on the planet, plus loads of...herbs, and friendly people.

Realistically speaking, working at a zoo, or out on the field with animals. Lets see what my zoology major can do.
Comedian/Actor: I've gotten numerous compliments about my ability to act, and my ability to make people laugh, but i don't ever think i'd make it with the professionals.

Running an "herb" dispensary: lol, i wish i wish, chillest job on the planet, plus loads of...herbs, and friendly people.

Let's join forces.
Did someone delete my post?

Anyway, I wanted to design sports-cars & now I do design sports-cars! Sometimes you actually can have your dream job!
Dream Job: 3D Artist for a game developer.

Realistic Job: 3D Artist for a independent, Massively Multiplayer On-Line RPG game developer.

More info on that to come soon.
Hmmm dream job... Well, I always wanted to be in the army (but for reasons that the government went black and wont go back, i decided to ditch that dream), now im chasing after my dream job I had when i got my first golden china tv-games console back in the 90's lol to create my own game, and now with the evolution of games its not a 1man effort as it use to be, so now my dream job is to be a game designer and producer, and the only way I can prove to myself I can get there is to make my own mod, so thats what im doing...

I want to sign my titles and have people know who Shea Martin is (please dont burst my bubble, let me have my moment)
I have had several dream jobs...

Comedian/Actor: I've gotten numerous compliments about my ability to act, and my ability to make people laugh, but i don't ever think i'd make it with the professionals.

Professional Skateboarder: I wish, if i had the skill. I know a lot of skaters, i grew up with many of them, however, i never garnered enough skill to even come close to good.

Running an "herb" dispensary: lol, i wish i wish, chillest job on the planet, plus loads of...herbs, and friendly people.

Realistically speaking, working at a zoo, or out on the field with animals. Lets see what my zoology major can do.

Something to be confident about ;)
I always wanted to be in the army (but for reasons that the government went black and wont go back, i decided to ditch that dream),

What does that mean? They won't recruit whites? Seriously?
What does that mean? They won't recruit whites? Seriously?

No no, just here in SA its called reverse racism, since its not descriminating against black people but infact white people it sortof doesnt qualify as "racism"... For instance you get a job based on the colour of your skin, if your black you get the job, if your white, go f**k yourself... anyhow as for the army, i dont want to join coz of the army being black mainly, and in this time, not good... oh and if guys can get raped pretty much in the view of public, then hell what do think happens in the army and prisons??? You should come to south africa, its like disney world, youre guarenteed getting mugged, raped, shot at, maybe even shot, attacked by 12 year olds with michettis, or shot at from 16 year olds who get AK47's for the price of 3 chickens (kill them and and you get 25 to life, even tho they get 3months for murder, maybe a month for rape... no death penalty so prisons are overwhelmed, they commit crime to get into prison where they get food and shelter and spend our tax money in leisure coz the government that promised them that, stabs them in the back and uses all that money for donations to Zimbabwe, in other words to mugabe... eh, so much to experiance here, only in south africa, where ur own home feels like a prison, and they still break in to your house, twist their ancle and sue you for injuries on your own property and win... its all facts... South africa... BTW i cant wait for Farcry2 :) killing locals "legally" lol
I want to get up every day, flip the neon sign to "Open" and turn on the batsignal light in the window, and enjoy the hell out of my job. I swear I'd be content for the rest of my life.
This truly would be lovely.

If you ever do actually set up a comic shop, I don't suppose you will ever be needing assistants for a time?
No no, just here in SA its called reverse racism, since its not descriminating against black people but infact white people it sortof doesnt qualify as "racism"... For instance you get a job based on the colour of your skin, if your black you get the job, if your white, go f**k yourself... anyhow as for the army, i dont want to join coz of the army being black mainly, and in this time, not good... oh and if guys can get raped pretty much in the view of public, then hell what do think happens in the army and prisons??? You should come to south africa, its like disney world, youre guarenteed getting mugged, raped, shot at, maybe even shot, attacked by 12 year olds with michettis, or shot at from 16 year olds who get AK47's for the price of 3 chickens (kill them and and you get 25 to life, even tho they get 3months for murder, maybe a month for rape... no death penalty so prisons are overwhelmed, they commit crime to get into prison where they get food and shelter and spend our tax money in leisure coz the government that promised them that, stabs them in the back and uses all that money for donations to Zimbabwe, in other words to mugabe... eh, so much to experiance here, only in south africa, where ur own home feels like a prison, and they still break in to your house, twist their ancle and sue you for injuries on your own property and win... its all facts... South africa... BTW i cant wait for Farcry2 :) killing locals "legally" lol

Are you white or black?

A game designer. Either a 3-D modeler for a larger company, or a multitasker of a tiny indy development company.

An astronaut. Would be a lot of work but man it would be so cool to go up in space.

Fighter pilot. I love flying, and I would be smart enough to qualify, but its a dream that will sadly never be realized ;(
I honestly don't know what my dream job would be. There's no occupation that jumps out at me right now and would be something I would enjoy every day. Being a photojournalist would be as close as I can think to a dream job, but that's what I'm going to uni for. Can your dream job be something that you're currently chasing?
I hate all these 'I wanna help ppl' posts.. That's so lame..

If you guys had a chance to do anything, from astronaut, to millionaire, to sexiest man/woman alive, you ****ing help people? **** that.
I hate all these 'I wanna help ppl' posts.. That's so lame..

If you guys had a chance to do anything, from astronaut, to millionaire, to sexiest man/woman alive, you ****ing help people? **** that.

Dog-- "The photographer in Georgia was a total ****ing dick for not helping people."

Dog-- "you ****ing help people? **** that."


Some people like to help people. Doctors, nurses, volunteers, guidance counselors, prostitutes, the list goes on.
would you only sell north american comics?
No, but since most manga is sold as book-sized volumes you realize that a bookstore is more apt to selling all the publications that come out of the east. It's a lot of shelf space.

My uncle used to have a comic book store. It wasn't nearly that awesome. Now he does boring accounting.
What you don't know is that your uncle is a mild-mannered accountant by day, secret comic book merchant by night!

Also all my accounting professors told me to become an accountant. I refused. I'll be accounting for the store, so that's enough.

If you ever do actually set up a comic shop, I don't suppose you will ever be needing assistants for a time?
What I need is for you to work on your witch detectives comic so I can stock it.

Something to do with video games, maybe even someone that can help people.
Take my old job, where I helped people by writing video game strategies and cheats.
I would love to help people in a way that is true to who I am. If that means spending my life lifting people's moods and increasing their hand-eye co-ordination through video games, then so be it :p
I want to own a comic book store. I want to have people come in and ask me if Publication-X just came out, or maybe if I carry that rare back issue they've been looking for to complete a gap in their collection--to which I'd point them to the stacks of nondescript white boxes and say, "If I do, it's in there."

I want to shoot the shit with people, telling awesome nerd stories and debating on why Batman could totally whoop Spider-Man's ass unless they were naked in a cage, because that's the only way the wallcrawler could win.

I want to have some tables set up for perusing the books, but this isn't a library--unless you're a regular, and I like you. Also, don't use my tables for that CCG shit; take your Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and what-have-you elsewhere because this is a COMIC BOOK STORE, not a HAVE YOUR MOTHER DROP YOU OFF WITH YOUR BINDER FULL OF LEVEL 4 1800 ATK MONSTERS TO TRADE STORE.

I want to sell awesome figures to people and see their eyes light up like Christmas trees because I carry the rare variants at market price, not jacked up to high heaven because I want to exploit you. But I won't sell those figures behind the glass, guys--that's my personal collection. You may "oooh" and "aaah" at your leisure.

I want to get up every day, flip the neon sign to "Open" and turn on the batsignal light in the window, and enjoy the hell out of my job. I swear I'd be content for the rest of my life.

I want to go to your comic book store. Will you have memberships?
No need for memberships, but if you really want one I'll make you a membership card out of construction paper and some crayons, and sell it to you for $5. ;)
Current Job: Auditor (20% OMG coolness, 80% OMG iwannastabmyeyesoutboringness)

Realistic (Future) Job: Consultant or Liaison (fancy words for getting paid good money to sit on one's ass)

Unrealistic Dream Job: Winning the lottery and sitting on my ass playing video games and traveling the world
No need for memberships, but if you really want one I'll make you a membership card out of construction paper and some crayons, and sell it to you for $5. ;)

I'd still take it. :D
How dare you put those two words together!
They design networks don't they? :p

Well ok, "IT technician".

It's what I have the most credentials for so far as well as the most experience, though my real passion is a videogame magazine journalist.

I love science, computers, robotics etc. and even wish to design, build, and program a bot of my own one day, but there's no living to be made with it here in America unless you plan to work for NASA, or become a professor. I'll probably choose a uni in the near future where I can minor in these fields.

EDIT> Also one of major Integrated chip manufacturers Like Intel, but that's asking too much really. I doubt that'll ever happen for me. No matter how much experience I have. :p
Dog-- "The photographer in Georgia was a total ****ing dick for not helping people."

Dog-- "you ****ing help people? **** that."


Some people like to help people. Doctors, nurses, volunteers, guidance counselors, prostitutes, the list goes on.

Well, you got a point, but I mean like, you have a chance to do anything in the world, ANYTHING as a job, why would you help people? I mean, if you become an astronaut and one of your buddies starts floating into space, you're going to try to save him, right? Just like in Georgia, a woman is trapped in razor wire, are you going to help or take some pictures?
Some people enjoy helping others? Why would anyone go into the Peace Corps? I mean, c'mon, you could be stuck behind a desk doing absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.