Dreams about Half Life 2 anyone?? POST 'EM HERE!


Jun 28, 2004
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I was wondering if anyone here has had any dreams about HL2. If so , tell us about them. I dont know, maybe I'm the only one but ... If I'm wierd and the only one who has had a dream about HL2 then you can flame me I wont be offended. If not, then explain them. I think some may be humorous ... From banging that alyx chick to burning the combines ... tell ... Anyway ... heres my story

i had a dream last night that hl2 was released ... i've had probably 5 already but i dont remember them that well ... teh one last night : i got out of school and somehow i knew HL2 was released and i was like ... dude , YES! its about ****ing time ... so i speed walk over to find my car and i couldnt find it ... im like WHAT THE FUCUUCUCCKK1!!!?!?!? WHERE IS MY CAR?!?!!?1 Then I thought I had parked in a no parking zone and i thought my car was towed , but i was wrong it was really just beyond the no parking zone so it was cool ... so i got in my car , and i couldnt remember how to get to best buy , or comp usa , or the mall or anything ... which are places i know like the back of my hand ... anyway ... i drove around frustrated ... thats it ... anyone else have dreams of releases? ADMIT IT ... hehe ... peace <3 :cheers:
Sorry, but I don't have nightmares. I have wet dreams all the time which make me feel good.
However, that is kindof funny.

PS... I need to get hooked with a hot chick between the ages of 19-22. Must be between 5'10-6 feet talk. Must be fit. Must be blonde. Must be hot. Must have a hot mother. Must not have any brothers that get in her way every five seconds.
johnyksjdf324 said:
Sorry, but I don't have nightmares. I have wet dreams all the time which make me feel good.
walking around this gooy area. gordon walks past in slow motion ... looks at me and goes.. i m being delayed..

i reply its okay i can help you fight the good fight.
and he changes into the gman grinning and says to me

Your Dead Mr. Freeman.
The dream: I was at a lanparty with me friends and I had just finished developing HL2 there and I had the gold disc in my hands.. yeah. My friends congratulated on it being done. One of my friends was the publisher, one of them was the one who was going to reproduce all the HL2 discs etc. :|

Just for the record, I have no desire to be in the game industry.

EDIT: I THINK the point of this dream was that should we start playing it right away or release it to the public.
"I have a dream!"
"What is your dream?!"
"To have a dream!"


Yup, I've had a dream about HL2. I had the collectors edition.. I opened it.. And.. Then.. I put the DVD in my DVD-drive.. Then my computer exploded! :D
And I've dreamed something 'bout Alyx.. I don't want so anything more about that.. :naughty:
some people have way too much time on their hands...
I had some kind of DOOM3 dream this night :D
you dont have time to dream? you have a sad life :(
i have dreams, but not about HL2 lol. When i was little, i used to dream about scary stuff ( nightmares )

Now i dream about hot chicks and about loving a girl :p Thats better
I used to dream shitloads about HL2 back in last year, that have stopped now because I'm not that fanatic about the game anymore. :D
Same here, for the most of the time. When I'm not dreaming 'bout killing zombies with my shotgun..
If the shadow move.. I kills it.. I kills it dead..
(from ctrl+alt+del cartoon)

Half-Life 2 was released and it turned out to be some kind of theme park. With everything.

And I rode this huge rollercoaster, but there was a bug and the car disappeared as I was going down this huge dip, and I slid down it and burnt my arse on the rail.

There was more but it got too crazy to put into words. :p
Crusader said:

Half-Life 2 was released and it turned out to be some kind of theme park. With everything.

And I rode this huge rollercoaster, but there was a bug and the car disappeared as I was going down this huge dip, and I slid down it and burnt my arse on the rail.

There was more but it got too crazy to put into words. :p

Ive always wanted a theme park mod for hl ;(, where you can ride loads of kewl stuff with your m8s :D
yes Simmo that would be great fun... 5 minutes and u'd be as bored as Gabe Newell is fat!
Wow Dance you are a jerk, and not just a jerk like me, but a really really big jerk. Shenanigans!
DanceMag said:
yes Simmo that would be great fun... 5 minutes and u'd be as bored as Gabe Newell is fat!
gabe bashers should be banned
simmo said:
Ive always wanted a theme park mod for hl ;(, where you can ride loads of kewl stuff with your m8s :D

If I knew anything about modding. This is what I'd make b/c I love theme parks more than anything. Someone should teach me so we could do this thing!

mutt said:
Gabe bashers should be banned

Gabe bashers should should be forced to eat food non stop for the rest of their life--and then banned.
Gabe bashers should should be forced to eat food non stop for the rest of their life--and then banned.

What's the point in banning them after they're dead? :p

I agree with the general idea though ;)
I've never dreamed of Hl2, or any game for that matter, but if I did, would'nt of remembered anyways, never can remmeber my dreams. So I guess that means I might of dreamed about it, who knows.

edit: Oh oh.. I dream a ton, like Gabe is fat! lolololol. Geez... stupid Gabe bashers.
I had a dream of a time when the game was out, that's for sure, but I don't remember the details. I had several dreams about videogames in the past, and *all* of them still had to reach the shelves.
The sad part of these dreams comes when I wake up... AAARGH, the damn game isn't out at all!
I've had two.

The first one was focused on the fact that the game was out, and I was having the time of my life playing it. I remember walking the what looked like the apartments, and then some courtyard in a traptown-like area.

The second was me playing a "demo" of HL2. I was in a buggy, riding around this cliffside area, but it was grassy and stuff, with trees. It didn't look like hl2 graphics, it looked like real life. Except for the monsters. The game really felt "complete" with sounds that were missing from the.. *ahem* beta *cough*

Very nice experiences. But waking up is the worst.
I dreamt of buying HL² and installing it but it got stuck @ 99.9%, everytime I tried to install it. It was horrible, at that point I never wanted to dream again

I've had a dream or two about half-life2 but i can't remember them...

although i DID have a dream about doom3 a few days before it came out (cause i was psyched about playing it)

and all i remember was sitting in this dimly lit room with this guy talking about how they have really tried to put the player would go through different levels of fear.

The first would be absolute terror (then i felt something jump at me and a big red scratch mark appeared on my vision, and it felt really really scary and helpless)

The second would be this feeling of nervous fear wanting to inflict the pain back on these things for the absolute terror they have put on you. (then it just felt like a really nervous scared fear but not helpless... if that makes sense...)

hehe the funny thing is my g/f woke me up and said i "gasped" and wasn't breathing, then a second or two later said "NO!" loudly and my mouth was gaped open

i apparantly did it twice

haha i thought i was still there when i woke up, but them i was like "oh, god damn't i never ever want to feel "real terror" like that again"

Its funny how in dreams you feel the purest form of emotions unlike when your awake and you have all kinds of defense mechanisms and your senses that "dull" the experience down a little.......................
i dream about motocross a lot, and the dreaded double jump that i can never quite make...AHH! what a bastard of a dream
Intamin said:
This is what I'd make b/c I love theme parks more than anything.
You'd do that before christ??! + 1

Nah.. Just being sarcastic and stupid.. :p
it was the only way back to my computer and my boyfriend.(i am not a girl)(iam not gay)(it was a ****ed up dream)
this is what my dream looked like.
I had a dream about bangin' Alex.... DOH I MEAN ALYX. :burp:
I had ne of those dreams where i thought i had made like 3000 dollers over night and i could buy the best gaming computer, then i also got hl2 i was so excited when i woke up....then i cryed myself back to sleep.
I'm sorry but if you've had a dream about a game you really are a sad bastard and need to get out more. Get a girlfriend, go to the pub, have a wank for christ's sake but don't have wet dreams about a fecking game. Geesh!!!!!!!
B.Calhoun said:
why are you still smiling when your on fire?
He laughs at his bad luck.

In 2104, there will be somebody who will laugh at this post and say: "I can play Half-Life 23 and you can't!".
Like i said, now i only dream about hot girls and stuff :p But like 4 or 5 years ago I dreamed about 1 game, the only time i dreamed about a game.. And that game is my most favorite game and in my eyes its the best game in the world:

Final Fantasy VII.........

I dreamed that i got the game and that i was playing it before i got the game.