dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Doom3 has a good d3 themed deatmatch and a remake of the classic level "THE EDGE" from quake2.

hl2 has...............cs?
the interview said that no other mp GAMES would be shipped with hl2...there is still hope
I could see this working as a line of chat in IRC, but it'll probably be a pretty short-lived forum thread. C'est la vie.
ok ill be seriouse now. Doom3 does indeed have doom3 flavoered old-school 4 player tight deatmatch. hell they threw in a classic "THE EDGE".

does hl2 have hl2 themed deatmatch/ctf/etc. with any classics? NO.

we get a 5 year old mod :(


Sorry, it had to be said with caps. I'm getting tired of reading this over and over.
Well its harder 2 make a good dm for hl2 because its different from other games. D3 is a pretty basic dm im guessing. Its just demons vs humans dm. Atleast thats wat im thinking. Either way I dont think many people are going 2 mind whether or not hl2 is gonna have a good mp or not. Most people want hl2 for its sp mode. Thats why everyone is so hyped for it. Overall I think valve will come up with a decent mp, they wouldnt want 2 let there fans down.
ive seen in too many interviews and stuff that its only CS:S.

can you prove me wrong i'd appreciate it.
*Imagines playing MP as a Trigen in a future mod in Far Cry*
*Imagines playing as a demon in Doom 3*
*Imagines playing as a scientist with nothing to lose in a power-equiped HEV suit in HL2*

CS:Source will be one facet of the mutiplayer of HL2, and we don't know crap about anything else. CS:S is PART of the HL2 multiplayer, therefore it could be stated as being the HL2 MP, though other MP options are sure to exist (hopefully) at release.
Subz said:
ive seen in too many interviews and stuff that its only CS:S.

can you prove me wrong i'd appreciate it.

I'm going to be lazy and point you at the Counter-Strike: Source forums. You should find something in there. :)
fine. we'll see if i was wrong in a few months. im willing to say im right.
4 player deathmatch doesn't exactly yank my crank.

In fact neither does deathmatch.

CS:S will be a lot more fun that Doom 3's multiplayer.
IT IS! me and gabezilla have a good bet going on.

Until anyone says otherwise, give it a break.
Subz said:
yah...only CS:S unfortunatly.

Heh, I actually agree with you. But time will tell of course. Hopefully we're both wrong.
Y are we even discussing this? Nobody has any proof of what valve is going 2 offer us. Even if cs:s is the hl2 mp I think people are going 2 be happy with that decision. If you look at hl1 mp theres not 2 many people who play it now, or when it came out also. Either way I think valve will give out a dm mp whether or not they think its up 2 standard. They will give you the good old hl dm feel. I bet my life on that.
i dont mind that much> CS:S is looking insanely good. and so are several mod projects.

but i really loved HL:DM. Just imagine popping manipulator and buggy(car) combat as son as gettin the game in a new "CROSSFIRE" or "BUNKER" right after gettin game not waiting months for some half-assed mod.
Subz said:
yah...only CS:S unfortunatly.

No. CS:S is not the same as HL2. Do you see a freakin gravity gun in CS? Do you see a 10 mile high black building in CS? They are not one and the same.

And even if there wasn't a HL2 multiplayer, you're still wrong since there will also be TFC:Source and DOD:Source.
Can someone explain how a simple "Yes we have mp in HL2" spoils ANY kind of secret regarding the actual modes?
Subz said:
IT IS! me and gabezilla have a good bet going on.

That's Mechagabezilla to you! :p

And a bet, eh? How's about if I win, you put "Mechagodzilla is my new god!" in your sig. In bold, orange font.
I pledge to do the same in the unlikely event of my loss. :)
TFC:SOURCE DOD:SOURCE do not come with hl2 at luanch.
wtf. gabezilla = gabe newell dude. dont yo know?
BTW, what I'm referring to in this email thread with you is the lack of
DoD: Source information we've been putting out. Most everybody from the
DoD team is busy jamming on CS:S right now. We'll release new DoD:S info
sometime later. A couple people on the hl2.net forums are reading too
far into my statements...
- jess cliffe, to me in an email. this thread is pwned. har.
Subz said:
wtf. gabezilla = gabe newell dude. dont yo know?

Ah, I thought that I was for some reason being compared to Grand Master G-New. Or perhaps a strange typo. :x

Still, my betting offer stands, should you choose to accept it. :D
ok lets put it like this.

well. even if it doesnt include a HL2 multiplayer content, there would be a mad rush of mod teams raceing to make the best HL2 style mod for it.. atleast I would hope.. i prefer it comes with a hL2 multiplayer though so we dont have to create it..
I just pictured HL2 like FC for a moment. Not gameplay wise, but on the numerous delays of the SDK..
/me cries
Hehe, it's Valve. You can be sure as shit they'll delay the SDK for months and months after the release of the game.
i really don't know why im suprised seeing another HL2 MP thread seeing as its been discussed so many times.. i don't think anyone can count that high.. :|

i guess this won't be the last time a thread on this will be created.. but really.. i just hope pple stop reading too much into the comments Valve makes about HL2, CS:Source and MP until they outright say what the MP will be..
ShadowFox said:
No. CS:S is not the same as HL2. Do you see a freakin gravity gun in CS? Do you see a 10 mile high black building in CS? They are not one and the same.

And even if there wasn't a HL2 multiplayer, you're still wrong since there will also be TFC:Source and DOD:Source.

You forgot Ricochet: Source!
B3@$T said:
Well its harder 2 make a good dm for hl2 because its different from other games. D3 is a pretty basic dm im guessing. Its just demons vs humans dm. Atleast thats wat im thinking [snip] ...

haha... you sound really young... did you ever play doom dm?
I would like to believe that there is going to be some kind of multiplayer other than CS. However I am losing hope. Valve have had plenty of opportunities to clearly say "There will be a Half-Life flavoured multiplayer aspect to Half Life 2 in addition to CS:S", instead all we've had have been some somewhat vague and cryptic comments that neither confirm nor deny that CS:S is the only multiplayer.

I'm hoping there will be some kind of multiplayer, but at this stage, I'm not expecting it.