dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?

poseyjmac said:
i hope psychology isn't your profession, because you totally read me wrong. im not fond of CS. lol. but dont let your closemindeness keep you from comprehending what i said.

i want a hl2 mp based off the hl2 universe with the manipulator more than anyone. but im trying to put myself in valves shoes. CS:S appeals to more people than a hl2 MP mode would. thus would sell more, so it makes sense that valve could just have this as the MP, but work on the SP and make it really good.

remember 'assume' makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. but moreso of you in this case. :sniper: :dork:

sorry, I didnt know you hated CS, it was just the way you were talking about it, it made it sound like u did. ;)

Im sorry for assuming, but does it really make me look like an ass?, lol, its the internet, I just misunderstood you thats all.
poseyjmac said:
i want a hl2 mp based off the hl2 universe with the manipulator more than anyone. but im trying to put myself in valves shoes. CS:S appeals to more people than a hl2 MP mode would. thus would sell more, so it makes sense that valve could just have this as the MP, but work on the SP and make it really good.

thinking from valves shoes, it would make more sense to include CS:S and an HL2 based mp because you'd appeal to the people that do like CS and those that don't, thus selling even more, instead of just singling out the CS crowd.
ACLeroK212 said:
thinking from valves shoes, it would make more sense to include CS:S and an HL2 based mp because you'd appeal to the people that do like CS and those that don't, thus selling even more, instead of just singling out the CS crowd.

Actually, I think what he meant is that if valve were given a choice to make a HL2 themed MP or convert a well established mod like counterstrike to impress the already existing fan base - they'd choose the converting of cs, like they've done.
ACLeroK212 said:
thinking from valves shoes, it would make more sense to include CS:S and an HL2 based mp because you'd appeal to the people that do like CS and those that don't, thus selling even more, instead of just singling out the CS crowd.

I agree with this in theory. But your assuming they have the time to create to seperate multiplayers, which I doubt. Lans has a good point I think.
lans said:
Actually, I think what he meant is that if valve were given a choice to make a HL2 themed MP or convert a well established mod like counterstrike to impress the already existing fan base - they'd choose the converting of cs, like they've done.

Well that's kind of a pointless arguement to make, because we already know they are putting CS out there, so there'd be no point in arguing against making just CS:S the multiplayer over just an HL2 themed multiplayer.
clarky003 said:
sorry, I didnt know you hated CS, it was just the way you were talking about it, it made it sound like u did. ;)

Im sorry for assuming, but does it really make me look like an ass?, lol, its the internet, I just misunderstood you thats all.

i dont hate CS! im just not too fond of it, that doesn't mean i wont like CS:S. you're on a roll man! :cheers:
poseyjmac said:
i dont hate CS! im just not too fond of it, that doesn't mean i wont like CS:S. you're on a roll man! :cheers:

oops, lol, 'hated' ,, hehe, .. not fond of it then :D .
ACLeroK212 said:
thinking from valves shoes, it would make more sense to include CS:S and an HL2 based mp because you'd appeal to the people that do like CS and those that don't, thus selling even more, instead of just singling out the CS crowd.

thats thinking from the 'perfect company who has all the time in the world's shoes. :burp:

of course that would be an ideal situation. no doubt. but i think valve is doing all they can do deliver the best SP possible and a popular MP component at release.

if valve chooses to improve the SP instead of making a hl2dm for release(which is what i think is the case), i think thats great, its a smart move. they can ALWAYS release new MP content over steam later, but the SP is something that you dont just keep releasing content for(barring expansions). people buy the game, and play through the SP. IMO
poseyjmac said:
thats thinking from the 'perfect company who has all the time in the world's shoes. :burp:

of course that would be an ideal situation. no doubt. but i think valve is doing all they can do deliver the best SP possible and a popular MP component at release.

if valve chooses to improve the SP instead of making a hl2dm for release(which is what i think is the case), i think thats great, its a smart move. they can ALWAYS release new MP content over steam later, but the SP is something that you dont just keep releasing content for(barring expansions). people buy the game, and play through the SP. IMO

where do people suddenly get the idea that valve doesn't (or didn't already have) the time to create a new multiplayer? everyone's talking like they know valves schedule and what they're doing with their time, but we don't. and honestly, it seems to me that they've been pretty adament that they're not going to release the game until it's at the point that they feel it's ready to be released, so if an HL2 themed multiplayer was on their agenda they'd have no problem completing it, seeing as they're not putting any strict deadlines on themselves atm. hell, they could have even had the multiplayer done months ago, which seems more likely considering the game started beta testing long ago.
^^^ Amen!

Where the hell do people get this no multiplayer crap from, we haven't seen every level they've produced so presumably, by your logic, there are no other levels. There are only the 8 or so enemy we have seen and for some reason Father Gregory is only there to say a couple of words and die....or maybe they haven't shown us every little detail yet...
And I hope that ends the "HL2 doesn't/can't/won't have any MP!" discussion.
Dead-Inside said:
And I hope that ends the "HL2 doesn't/can't/won't have any MP!" discussion.

Nope. I haven't read anything to convince me yet. Sure there are arguments both ways. Nothing is proven though.
Dead-Inside said:
And I hope that ends the "HL2 doesn't/can't/won't have any MP!" discussion.

haha, we can only wish, but i think we all know there's never an easy end to an arguement on these forums.
Exactly, so why argue? Seeing as how VALVe are, well, VALVe and how they work, there'll be a *lot* more appealing HL2 MP then "DM". They're not stupid, at the very least we'll get either Manipulator wars (Apart from DM) and/or Combine VS. Resistance.

Anyway, stop debating over something you know so very little about. Everything speaks for MP, and they've already HAD time for it.

Im sure at E3 it was said that CS:S would be seperate but obviously that has changed. So if it didnt change were they going to release HL2 without a multiplayer but it can support it through updates and mods. I dont think so some how.

Arnt they releasing multiple packages as well some of which are the SP only, which is cheaper and SP+MP. This was stated a while ago, unless i have just some how thought this up and think it happened. At this point as CS:S wasnt officially announced people obviously thought MP was DM but then if its not. What a let down, we find out we're stuck with the crap old CS that has been tarted up just too look better.

Also i think i read an interview a long time ago that stated DM will be in. This was the time when they were asked about multiplayer but they kept it all hush hush but im sure one time they said "well we have DM and thats all im gonner say" well along those lines. Not that anyone would have been bothered by that statement as its obvious its gonner have DM.
ACLeroK212 said:
where do people suddenly get the idea that valve doesn't (or didn't already have) the time to create a new multiplayer? everyone's talking like they know valves schedule and what they're doing with their time, but we don't. and honestly, it seems to me that they've been pretty adament that they're not going to release the game until it's at the point that they feel it's ready to be released, so if an HL2 themed multiplayer was on their agenda they'd have no problem completing it, seeing as they're not putting any strict deadlines on themselves atm. hell, they could have even had the multiplayer done months ago, which seems more likely considering the game started beta testing long ago.

yes. IF it was on their agenda im sure it would be completed. and like i said if you read my post, IMO. none of us know 100%. even if valve did have the time to make a hl2 MP, maybe they CHOSE to use that time to work on the SP more instead because they knew CS:S was a strong MP part that would be more than sufficient for launch. fact is, hl2 MP is going to come sooner or later.
Doug Lombardi: "Only that at this point we're not releasing too many details about the gameplay modes. Valve is very committed to online gaming. Our Source engine was built to support a number of online gameplay modes, and Half-Life 2 will ship with full multiplayer gameplay for at least 32 players. • "

That was taken from a Gamespy Interview in July of last year (2003). Now we can assume they had no idea what they were doing for MP yet or had an idea or Doug actually meant that it's coming with DM/CTF. However, I always find it strange how the valve team beats arond the bush and says how their engine can do this and that but don't want to say anything about the MP. That's where the speculation about the secretecy comes in about valve never having an ORIGINAL MULITPLAYER MODE BASED ON THE HL2 SP.
it would be a first if it shipped with only CS:S. i mean what other PC game shipped with a MP that takes place in a universe not of the SP?
I am sure it didnt take very long to make CS:S. They said them selves it is easy to port HL mods over to HL2. Id be suprised if valve couldnt be arsed to make somin new. They say source is all ground breaking and that but what do we get to play on multiplayer. sodding CS. That is if its just CS but i dont think valve are that dumb.

The whole point in these source remakes is probably just to show how easy it is to put somin from HL into HL2 (source).
ViolenceJack said:
I am sure it didnt take very long to make CS:S. They said them selves it is easy to port HL mods over to HL2.

Just one note. Yes porting an hl1 mod to hl2 is very easy. But that's not all of what they've done with CS:S. They've rebuilt all the models, maps, and textures from the ground up. That takes a lot longer.
They already said, in the very next post, that the "we can't do 5 games at once" statement (#659 in Valve Info thread) was referring to the other Source conversions like DoD:S... not HL2 multiplayer!

A long time ago they said they had an "original" multiplayer game working (I believe they mentioned vehicles, as someone else in this thread said). They even said they were playing it almost every day. If it was working back then and it was fun why would they tell all of their employees to scrap what they had and work on CS:S? They have the original HL team, they have the TF team, they have the CS team, they have the DoD team, (the latter two are working on CS:S, according to Valve) and probably some miscellaneous new people. Even if the TF guys are still working hard on TF2 that would leave almost the entire HL team (since most of them are finished working on HL2 except for some bug fixing) to work on a quick HL2-themed DM/TDM multiplayer mode that reuses a lot of HL2 material to toss in before they ship it (or more likely to polish off what they already have, assuming the one they mentioned a while back wasn't a lie).

They said that HL2 will come in three boxed versions: SP, SP+MP, CE. They said CS:S comes with all versions of HL2. Unless they lied in one of those two statements HL2 has its own multiplayer (and CS:S might have bots because it would come with the SP-only version of HL2).

Am I missing something? Where is the information saying that HL2 multiplayer doesn't exist? Everything I see points to HL2 having a multiplayer mode and them not wanting to ruin the suprise by telling everyone exactly what it is. Stop trying to read between the lines.
OCybrManO said:
......Everything I see points to HL2 having a multiplayer mode....

Keep telling yourself that.... :P

You might very well be right. We'll just have to see. I'm not going to reiterate my arguments against there being a MP mode as I've already posted them in this thread and others.
OCybrManO said:
They said that HL2 will come in three boxed versions: SP, SP+MP, CE. They said CS:S comes with all versions of HL2.

That's exactly why i still think there will be some sort of HL2 themed multiplayer
Neutrino said:
Just one note. Yes porting an hl1 mod to hl2 is very easy. But that's not all of what they've done with CS:S. They've rebuilt all the models, maps, and textures from the ground up. That takes a lot longer.

yeah that part was kind of obvious. why would some one port there HL mod over to HL2 and not bother making better models and maps and ofcourse a few things to show the physics (barrels in CS:S). If they didnt it be pointless. They could have probably done that and said "hey we put CS on Source, take a look" but it looks exactly the same as the normal CS. Thats all its gonner be, just its tarted up with better looking models, maps and a few barrels placed on the maps. I wonder if its all gonner be, barrels, i mean CS is already kind of famous for its excessive ammount of crates. How often do you walk down your street and see like a few crates placed on each side of it. Plus they arnt redoing all the maps as well are they. at least not straight away.
Sparta said:
That's exactly why i still think there will be some sort of HL2 themed multiplayer

I'm hopeful... I'll be dissappointed greatly if there isn't one.
With any luck it's a surprise
OCybrManO said:
They said that HL2 will come in three boxed versions: SP, SP+MP, CE. They said CS:S comes with all versions of HL2. Unless they lied in one of those two statements HL2 has its own multiplayer (and CS:S might have bots because it would come with the SP-only version of HL2)

Took the words right outta my mouth! :cheers:
I really don't know why but I have recently been thinking that Valves secret about MP has been a publicity stunt, its probably completely wrong but when I think about in the past how Valve left the community subtle clues that ended up leading to finding out neat information about the game (anyone remember the coordinates leading to what we suspected was the location of City-17?) maybe they have somehow hidden the MP information in much the same way and no one has really tried to begin searching for it.

Its a very crazy idea but it does seem like something Valve would do, and plus it would be a really cool publicity stunt. It would be nice if that is what they have done but I doubt it.
hmm... i'd rather play counterstrike, but with half life characters.
Oh, and in some interview with Doug, I think, he said that CS:S would not ship with bots. This would seem to make the inclusion of CS:S with the SP package superfluous (yes, I said it). I always thought the SP edition was geared towards those with narrowband or no interest in MP gaming, so what would be the point of packaging a game that would require you to play online? I don't know either. I just wish they would all reading the same talking points memo.
ViolenceJack said:
CS is already kind of famous for its excessive ammount of crates. How often do you walk down your street and see like a few crates placed on each side of it.

It's the "crate world" syndrome :laugh:
I think another reason why there may be HL2 themed MP is because if there wasn't dont you think they would of finished up their box art like in this picture and had either on the front or the back say "CS:S INCLUDED!" just like HALF LIFE said TFC included. So i think those boxes are the main formats but just waiting to add the CS:S and HL2 MP text in...it's gotta be. http://valve.hl2-files.co.uk/images/IMG_0191.jpg
The CS:S included will probably be just slaped on as a sticker. It wouldnt be printed on and i hope the sticker comes off easy dont want no CS related thing destroying the art on my box.

I think its abit daft really to even think there wouldnt be some form of HL2 related Multiplayer. CS:S is technically an extra, Valve arnt going to release HL2 without a multiplayer. We may not have even got CS:S if HL2 wasnt delayed just got it through steam later on, assuming the source remakes are free if there not some heads are gonner role unless i can trade in CS for TFC