dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?

ACLeroK212 said:
common sense seems more than enough proof too me.

valve has better buisiness sense than to make a 5 year old mod their exclusive HL2 multiplayer. especially when it's nothing more than a graphically enhanced conversion. after 6 years of production there's no doubt they can come up with something a little more innovative than some rehash that half the community doesn't even like.

That's a very good point.. I'd also like to believe that Valve has something more up it's/their/her sleeve...
But there's really not proof either way. We'll just have to see

that I agree with ;),

but alot of people like classic deathmatch, and Im sure valve know that, they want to make the coolest game ever... right.. its only sensible to assume that it is included in the HL2 package.

But primarily some think that the physics on servers would create stupidly high pings, and some serious lag... ok maybe it wont be for 56k users :P, but people forget , this game has some major breakthroughs, which could very well include the multiplayer program, so any technical difficulties that people worry about is here nor there, Its valve, im sure they have made some stunning breakthroughs, and through all sane thought. I see no sense in them cutting the themed multiplayer out.

it also could be there extra little 'Wow factor' which is probably why there keeping quiet on info and material... I assume its really good if thats the case,
The reason we probably havn't heard anything about HL2 multiplayer is either because it has nothing particularily revolutionanary about it aside from the use of physics and maybe facial expressions. Or it is revolutionary and they want to surprise us like they did when they first announced the development of HL2.
ACLeroK212 said:
common sense seems more than enough proof too me.

valve has better buisiness sense than to make a 5 year old mod their exclusive HL2 multiplayer. especially when it's nothing more than a graphically enhanced conversion. after 6 years of production there's no doubt they can come up with something a little more innovative than some rehash that half the community doesn't even like.

Half the community doesn't like? I would tend to disagree with that seeing at CS is still the most popular game on the net. Do you realize how many CS fans they're going to persuade to buy HL2 by having CS:S free with it? It's an awesome business decision.

The Mullinator said:
The reason we probably havn't heard anything about HL2 multiplayer is either because it has nothing particularily revolutionanary about it aside from the use of physics and maybe facial expressions. Or it is revolutionary and they want to surprise us like they did when they first announced the development of HL2.

I actually agree with you for the most part. However, why wouldn't they atleast say "yes we have MP"? That wouldn't give anything away, and would actually increase interest in the game in my opinion.
plus with all the innovations and technical achievements they keep announcing over the course of production for this game, your telling me the one thing they're holding back and have yet to clarify or confirm is freakin CS:S? they've already given us a bunch of info on CS:S, don't you think that if it was the exclusive multiplayer they would have come out and officially stated that by now?
Neutrino said:
Half the community doesn't like? I would tend to disagree with that seeing at CS is still the most popular game on the net. Do you realize how many CS fans they're going to persuade to buy HL2 by having CS:S free with it? It's an awesome business decision.

maybe not the online community, but i'm talking the overall HL2 community. and i'd still be willing to bet that out of the whole group of people that bought half-life, only about half of them like or at least play CS. personally, i know more people that don't like CS than those that do.

Neutrino said:
I actually agree with you for the most part. However, why wouldn't they atleast say "yes we have MP"? That wouldn't give anything away, and would actually increase interest in the game in my opinion.
You can turn the same thing around and say that since they've already announced CS:S why wouldn't they just say "yes, that's our official multiplayer".
Neutrino said:
I actually agree with you for the most part. However, why wouldn't they atleast say "yes we have MP"? That wouldn't give anything away, and would actually increase interest in the game in my opinion.
Yes everyone would prefer this, but Valve really doesn't seem to follow a normal marketing or business plan. I mean the exact same argument was made for the delay and it wasn't until months after that we actually got an explanation as to why it happened. So when it comes to Valve you really can't try to understand their reasoning for why they tell us or don't tell us certain things.

Like you said earlier, we'll just have to wait and see.
The Mullinator said:
Yes everyone would prefer this, but Valve really doesn't seem to follow a normal marketing or business plan. I mean the exact same argument was made for the delay and it wasn't until months after that we actually got an explanation as to why it happened. So when it comes to Valve you really can't try to understand their reasoning for why they tell us or don't tell us certain things.

Like you said earlier, we'll just have to wait and see.

Yup. You may even have a point about Valve's marketing. I still maintain that it would be smarter for them to come out and say that had MP if they do. But based on some of the rather strange marketing decisions they've made in the past, perhaps they think there's some reason not to. I'm doubting it, but maybe.

Hopefully I'm proved wrong in the near future.
Well, the fact that there's a lot of people giving much more thought to the idea of multiplayer now that we're not sure what it is might have something to do with it...

I reckon it's a form of marketing...
if counterstrike werent so popular, id more likely have faith in valve to release a HL2 themed MP. BUT its a fact that there are more counterstrike fans than half-life fans. valve would just be appealing to the bigger crowd, and there are plenty of halflife fans that like CS as well.

its not the same situation as when HL1 was released so no parallels should be drawn. valve made hl1dm because they had nothing else(dont get me wrong i really liked it). now they have a recipe for MP success while making HL2, so they put it in the improved engine, possibly so they can improve the SP experience for us + have a guaranteed selling point for MP? instead of working on a simple hl2dm that appeals to a small percentage of valve gamers.
poseyjmac said:
if counterstrike werent so popular, id more likely have faith in valve to release a HL2 themed MP. BUT its a fact that there are more counterstrike fans than half-life fans. valve would just be appealing to the bigger crowd, and there are plenty of halflife fans that like CS as well.

its not the same situation as when HL1 was released so no parallels should be drawn. valve made hl1dm because they had nothing else(dont get me wrong i really liked it). now they have a recipe for MP success while making HL2, so they put it in the improved engine, possibly so they can improve the SP experience for us + have a guaranteed selling point for MP? instead of working on a simple hl2dm that appeals to a small percentage of valve gamers.

dont forget it was the only thing that appealed for a time before CounterStrike came along.

HLDM was way more enjoyable at the time it came out, (yes it got old fast.. but thats cause of redundant features) and it was more popular than Counterstrike for a time. Alot of people want it, dont doubt Valve not including it, or otherwise the HL2 package will be just, well HL2 singleplayer on disc.. :dozey: which is good, but it just wouldnt feel complete, and that would suck valve.... YOU HEAR ME,, :P.

besides , (as with many) yours is a typical 'couldnt care, I love playing Army on CS', but you forget one thing... CS doesnt have the HL2 arsenal. ;) or the extension of a particular weapon to interact with physics in the enviroment... which I think would make Own over CS .
Mechagodzilla said:


Sorry, it had to be said with caps. I'm getting tired of reading this over and over.

WHats so secret about HL 2 MP? Isnt it a plain deathmatch? Ehh?
HLDM was better than Quake DM but that was about all it had going for it. Then the released TFC which became far more popular. Then Counterstrike gained a huge following (I started playing at b4 and it already had a big following by then). Nothing has even come close since then, but I'm sure eventually something else will upset it.

However, the loss of a remake of HLDM doesn't bother me at all. Simple DM just isn't as much fun for a lot of people.
Gronoken said:
WHats so secret about HL 2 MP? Isnt it a plain deathmatch? Ehh?

nopers,, it would have all the single player weapons :naughty: , and introduce pretty much every chaotic Physics interacting feature in the engine.

it adds a whole new dimension with the manipulator. and perhaps the Physgun.

you wouldnt just beable to intently cause damage with projectiles from a gun or grenade.. you could blast metal, manipulate the enviroment to create barriers, shields.. and fire pieces of metal , barrels, paint pots, and pretty much everything you can get your hands on , at your opponents.
We don't know if thats what it is, that is why its a secret.

Really it will probably just be deathmatch but use the physics to make alot of maps a much different play experience then if they were just the usual straight deathmatch. Having matches with only the manipulator as a weapon will probably feel and play about as differently as an entirely new type of MP scenerio.
The Mullinator said:
Having matches with only the manipulator only as a weapon will probably feel and play about as differently as an entirely new type of MP scenerio.

There's sadly an e-mail in the info from valve thread which seems to say that's it's unlikely that the manipulator would be used in any MP games.
The Mullinator said:
We don't know if thats what it is, that is why its a secret.

Really it will probably just be deathmatch but use the physics to make alot of maps a much different play experience then if they were just the usual straight deathmatch. Having matches with only the manipulator only as a weapon will probably feel and play about as differently as an entirely new type of MP scenerio.

exactley, ;) that would make it very special,, it adds a load more depth into fps multiplayer gaming. It would have totally Ownage, and be the cherry on the cake.

Gabe: yeh... we can do that why not :) :).
Eric: Im on it Boss,, keep it a secret, get some banta going in the community? then let them see it when they buy it?
Gabe: OmgZors, great Idea :), that will totally make our game OWNZ!
Ah, I found the quote I was looking for. I'm doubting your going to be seeing a Valve MP game with a manipulator. Sure it would be possible, but based on the info in this e-mail and the fact that they would want to minimize physics lag I'm not seeing it happening. Though I'm sure a mod would be made for it, if it can be done.

Yahn said:
Things like the manipulator will probably work okay (but be lagged of
course) if they run on the server side. Trying to predict the physics
locally to the client to truly predict that particular weapon...that
would be pretty tough.
Neutrino said:
Ah, I found the quote I was looking for. I'm doubting your going to be seeing a Valve MP game with a manipulator. Sure it would be possible, but based on the info in this e-mail and the fact that they would want to minimize physics lag I'm not seeing it happening. Though I'm sure a mod would be made for it, if it can be done.

yup, :), doesnt change my thoughts one bit. Yahn seems very skilled. Besides on a LAN it works excellently,, as leak players found out, Im sure since he said that, he's refined his coding for the net. :), I have no doubts.

Though I'm sure a mod would be made for it, if it can be done

lol, you have no faith sir. Why let others mod a weapon they made, into multiplayer later on, when it already works in MP, Im sorry about the leak references, but they are more evidentual than any chit chat,, no matter how old the material is, infact it serves as proof that if they could make it work then, surely improving is the only way to go upto now.

(besides I thought they used keyframe capture in MP for physically simulated objects in motion, which dramatically minimises lag, cleaning up that code would minimise it further)


minimise physics lag.. they can code around that, Keyframe optimise, all different stuff. (althought on LAN this wont be as big a deal)

getting rid of a multiplayer changing cool weapon... :x not the greatest move if they can get around making it work great, which I dont doubt valve have the programming ability to do.

but if it works great at the end of the day... CS:S will be Pwn'd , for DM, and TDM, possibly CTF. IMO
Fact is CS:S is technically old, HL2 DM and TDM is new. One of the reasons CS is more popular than HL is that its a later game. The most part, it looks and plays better than HL which apeals to the younger audience which explains the massive number of "kids" that swarmed CS. If you look at it like that HL2 will be better than CS unless it is actually crap. Who knows HL2 may actually be crap i mean its technically valves second game, they may have just been lucky with HL.

For me CS is crap CS:S is crap its just CS with better looks, wow. the game its self is still crap. That is the same for alot of the fans of HL, not everyone likes CS and everyone knows that. Valve arnt going to leave them out in the multiplayer aspect. There will be DM and TDM otherwise valve would have shot them selves in the foot as a large portion of the online community will be left out and go elsewere unless some mods come out fast. DM may not be everyones cup of tea but its something new to play for a while till more interesting stuff is made. That keeps people interested in HL2. CS is old, even if some old players go back to the game the graphics will wear off fast. Its CS after all its crap.

The only next big multiplayer thing i can think of for HL2 would be TF2. Well its either that or an unsuspecting mod.
clarky003 said:
dont forget it was the only thing that appealed for a time before CounterStrike came along.

HLDM was way more enjoyable at the time it came out, (yes it got old fast.. but thats cause of redundant features) and it was more popular than Counterstrike for a time. Alot of people want it, dont doubt Valve not including it, or otherwise the HL2 package will be just, well HL2 singleplayer on disc.. :dozey: which is good, but it just wouldnt feel complete, and that would suck valve.... YOU HEAR ME,, :P.

besides , (as with many) yours is a typical 'couldnt care, I love playing Army on CS', but you forget one thing... CS doesnt have the HL2 arsenal. ;) or the extension of a particular weapon to interact with physics in the enviroment... which I think would make Own over CS .

i hope psychology isn't your profession, because you totally read me wrong. im not fond of CS. lol. but dont let your closemindeness keep you from comprehending what i said.

i want a hl2 mp based off the hl2 universe with the manipulator more than anyone. but im trying to put myself in valves shoes. CS:S appeals to more people than a hl2 MP mode would. thus would sell more, so it makes sense that valve could just have this as the MP, but work on the SP and make it really good.

remember 'assume' makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. but moreso of you in this case. :sniper: :dork:
i refuse to respond in a thread were some guy thinks an integra can beat a corvette z06(which are compared against skylines/nsx/and vipers..... and even has beaten those mentioned )

mods delete this thread for something as stupid as that being mentioned.
Subz said:
i refuse to respond in a thread were some guy thinks an integra can beat a corvette z06(which are compared against skylines/nsx/and vipers..... and even has beaten those mentioned )

mods delete this thread for something as stupid as that being mentioned.

Laff, you are so ignorant Subz, you really are, they aren't unbeatable...Nor are they the fastest thing ever made. The Carrara GT owns it with no problems..... :rolleyes:
they are beatable by several cars. Esepcially porche and ferrari and lamboourghini

(all which cost 2-6x more than it ....)

but saying a stock integra even touches a vette z06 in any category other than gas mileage or passanger space..your being super ignorant.
i never said they were unbeatable. they just happend to blow away most rice cars.
Bah, you guys should have a debate about this in off-topic. I don't care much for cars so I wouldn't join in but it would be fun to see the debate happen. :E
Subz said:
they are beatable by several cars. Esepcially porche and ferrari and lamboourghini

(all which cost 2-6x more than it ....)

but saying a stock integra even touches a vette z06 in any category other than gas mileage or passanger space..your being super ignorant.

Did I ever say stock??? No....Read between the lines, I know for a fact the integra would be about 3 or 4 football fields back...so stop being so stupid.
Subz said:
i never said they were unbeatable. they just happend to blow away most rice cars.

Yeah, your definition of a "rice" car is probably a stock civic or integra :rolleyes: Just like how everyone else sees them, its a tad pathetic.
since were not talkin about stock the arguement is pointless. Almost anything can be done to any car. i have seen a lingenfelter vette pull 0-60 in 1.2 seconds.

Let the arguement die in that case.
Well, this topic just went from mildly entertaining to completely pointless.
Subz said:
since were not talkin about stock the arguement is pointless. Almost anything can be done to any car. i have seen a lingenfelter vette pull 0-60 in 1.2 seconds.

Let the arguement die in that case.

Yeah let the arguement die, due to you still have to pay $40,000 more than the integra, and you could put $10,000 and it would spank the z06...
Im not even gonna respond to that disturbed.

i can say the same thing about z06 and ferrari/porche/lambo/viper.
HALFlifE 2 BETTER HAVE halflife2 theemed MP OR ILL HUNT YOU GABE!!!!!!!!!!!

GAbE YOU HEAR ME@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poseyjmac said:
i hope psychology isn't your profession, because you totally read me wrong. im not fond of CS. lol. but dont let your closemindeness keep you from comprehending what i said.

i want a hl2 mp based off the hl2 universe with the manipulator more than anyone. but im trying to put myself in valves shoes. CS:S appeals to more people than a hl2 MP mode would. thus would sell more, so it makes sense that valve could just have this as the MP, but work on the SP and make it really good.

remember 'assume' makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. but moreso of you in this case. :sniper: :dork:

Like i said it be dumb of valve to release HL2 with just pleasing the CS portion of the multiplayer community. Just because CS has a larger player base doesnt mean that it is going to be the only multiplayer they package with the game. It would mean that it would be the highest priority to remake in source. Lets say some company releases a game with a DM, TDM and CTF multiplayer. CTF becomes the most popular out of the 3. Then if they make a sequal there not gonner just put CTF in and leave out the DM and TDM just because CTF was more popular you would lose loads of people.
In an interview i remember gabe saying vehicles were in MP. its obviously not CS:S

so i hope there is something good.