dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?

I am on no particular side in this discussion, but it strikes me that they would answer the emails saying "Does HL2 have it's own multiplayer?" with a no rather than ignoring them completely if this was the case.

It doesn't make sense for the to be secretive about something that is not there, because they HAVE to tell people before release, and disappointment is not good for sales.

Some people seem to have this idea that when the game is released Valve are just going to give us a nudge and wink and go "ahh, just buy it, you never know what might be in there ;) "

That's not how it works. Even if they keep it secret up til now, once everything starts gearing up for release they will explain what the big secret is (if there is one at all).

It's not like the back of the box will say "I can't comment right now on what is in the box, it's a surprise."
Neutrino said:
I'm not sure you're even really reading anything I wrote. But about that statement; he might have been referring to the people who were making distinctions between a "game" and a "game component" rather than than people saying CS:S was the only multiplayer. Frankly, his statement is a bit too vague to draw any substantial conclusions from imo.

OH so this statement is "too vague" and the other one is a 100% clear that there will be no MP? pffffft....
It's vague, but he sent an email saying he was talking about things like DoD:Source, and so on, not HL2's multiplayer component.
CB | Para said:
OH so this statement is "too vague" and the other one is a 100% clear that there will be no MP? pffffft....

I never said that at all. But in my opinion one statement was more vague than the other. That's just the way I saw things. I never came close to claiming that one "is a 100% clear" about anything. I've even fully admitted that I may indeed be wrong in my opinions. If you disagree then, as I've said before., please feel free to explain why.

For some reason you seem to be trying to be intentionally belligerent toward me more than anything else. If it annoys you that I disagree with you that's fine. But I see no reason for you to be so righteous in your manner and act as if what I say is somehow contemptible. I'm more than happy to discuss the manner, but sheesh lighten up a bit please.
My apologies Mr. Sensitive. Who knew a pffft would have offended someone.
I'm sure it was a hell of a lot of trouble to update the netcode to account for physics. I find it hard to believe that Valve wouldn't give this new tech the face of their flagship IP.

I'm guessing the ambiguous statements and secrecy is due to their own uncertainty. The mp component is something at least somewhat original, but they won't talk about it until they're sure what will make it into the shipped box and whether some of it (maybe a whole gamemode) will come later as a patch (or at all).

Hopefully Valve has learned to follow its (failed) total secrecy code more strictly and won't be announcing games or game features until they're near done.
My apologies Mr. Sensitive. Who knew a pffft would have offended someone.

I object to your Pfft Mr Para, please leave the premises :|

.... :laugh:
Pfffts have no place on any forum anywhere!!

I vote to outlaw the use of "pfffts"
Crusader said:
It's not like the back of the box will say "I can't comment right now on what is in the box, it's a surprise."

I did find it odd, though, that no mention of mp is on the box art we saw. Maybe those are SP edition boxes for Walmart?
What is a pfft even used for? Just makes you sound like you're full of hot air to me :D


Edit: I found that odd, too, but it said Rating Pending as well, so it's not like that is what we'll be seeing on shelves :imu:
CB | Para said:
My apologies Mr. Sensitive. Who knew a pffft would have offended someone.

Sigh. Don't even bother. It was more your blanketing statements implying that I'm completely wrong, while not actually saying anything about why that was that I was referring to. It just seems pointless. But please, continue with the mocking.

Seriously though, if you have a problem with me, then PM me.
Mr-Fusion said:
Pfffts have no place on any forum anywhere!!

I vote to outlaw the use of "pfffts"
"Pffft" is a perfectly legitimate and useful phrase. One integral to arguments of a flippant nature. As such it was relevant to such a thread which, may I remind the honourable Mr-Fusion, is started with "dude". Not only does this undermine the serious nature of any such discussion, the grammatical incorrectness of a misuse of lower case makes a mockery not only of this thread but of the entire English language.
Crusader said:
What arguments? There is no argument to be had, there is no proof for either side of the equation ^^

All knowledge is a posteriori, you say? But I want to make up ****! :(
Valve is famous for being tight lipped.. most people didn't even knew what was going on with HL1 in the beginning, same with HL², we only learned about that last year, they have kept it a secret for 5 years. Why would they ignore questions about HL² themed MP if there wasnt anything. They are hiding something, thats for sure and it aint CS:S and other Source ports. They can easely keep it a secret.
Doom 3 has MP DM with 4 players apparently. YES but the latest interview at the gamespy.com site said that the Moders can mod new maps with 16 and over players.
Meh. I'm gonna wait until HL2 goes Gold. I have a feeling we'll find out plenty of stuff at that time.
Im gonna lose all control of bowel movement on the way to the store, AND IM NOT GONNA TURN BACK!

I reckon it will have a vanilla multiplayer and if it dosent, there will be someone who mods it in.
ShadowFox said:
Bull. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't multiplayer. I am very much anticipating Doom 3's MP, as the low playercounts and inherent atmosphere promise to make it a intimate experience.

Yeah seriously. What the hell is wrong with only 4 players in multiplayer? Goldeneye had some of the best multiplayer EVER and it was only 4 players, not to mention a console FPS at that. This whole "bigger is better" attitidue when it comes to amount of players in mp is ridiculous, especially considering even at 32 players alot of TFC servers boil down to chaotic fragfests where there's even less teamwork than normal and everyone's just running around like it's deathmatch mode.
lans said:
Splinter cell isn't a FPS.


Ummmmmm... A FPS is where you're looking from the perspective of you characters eyes/head and you have guns/projectiles that you try to kill people with, right? Of course I'm right, it was a rhetorical question. The question is since when is this NOT included in splinter cell's MP?

Here are some pics to help you out with planting your foot firmly in your mouth.





Now, please let me know how this ISN'T considered a FPS senario.

/don't be such an ass when you have no clue what the hell you're talking about.
LOL! :laugh:

Still, we shouldn't be mean to each other, should we? :|
Did someone say that HL2 could support up to 128 or 256 players?..How is that possible?
I think it was 128, and that's definately possible.
Who cares, Deathmatch always sucks. Teamplay with resistance versus Combines with a strider in City-17 on the other hand? Whoopiee!
A-Train said:
Did someone say that HL2 could support up to 128 or 256 players?..How is that possible?

Well, Call of Duty has a theoretical limit of 999 players. Buit have you ever seen a server with even 128 players? I haven't
Imagine CS with 128 people, that would be funny as hell...throw a grenade in a hallway and take out 14 terrorists...yayaa!!..or waiting around for someone to kill the last 42 afks with a knife..hehe
Seppo said:
Well, Call of Duty has a theoretical limit of 999 players. Buit have you ever seen a server with even 128 players? I haven't

I've been on a server with a bit over 3000. It was the biggest fight in Planetside history.
that's totally different though... planetside is a cluster of servers
FISKER_Q said:
I've been on a server with a bit over 3000. It was the biggest fight in Planetside history.

No way...I can't imagine 3000 people would ever be able to play in that server even if they were all on gigabit switches and the server was bad ass and 5 feet away...I don't think that is possible
DiSTuRbEd said:
You're always wrong, JUST GIVE IT UP. :rolleyes:

rofl...this comming from a guy who told me integra beats corvette and 800xt > 6800u for Opengl..... Sure dude. whatever.
64 on 64 in CS would rock though...A-Train purchases Para and mows down 12 cts in dust hallway...*pats para as he speaks* "She keeps on firin and the enemy keeps on dyin"
i want my vanilla hl2 DEATHMATCH with buggies .....DO YOU HEAR ME GABE!!!!!!
A-Train said:
No way...I can't imagine 3000 people would ever be able to play in that server even if they were all on gigabit switches and the server was bad ass and 5 feet away...I don't think that is possible

Actually they submitted those statistics, to the same that had joined 160 players in joint operations in the record book.

I was playing on that same night, and it was huge. i could remember we were tons of people.

We had like 3 mobile spawns around our base, we had a lot of people running the walls, another lot guarding the 3 entrances, even more people being down at the generator level.

I could easily believe we were atleast 500 players on the same team in that base. And a whole zone has like 12 bases or something.

The event was spoken of the following days. We even made crew pictures and shit, because of all the new leaders and friends we found in that battle. Which were aiding us in our victory.

Subz said:
i want my vanilla hl2 DEATHMATCH with buggies .....DO YOU HEAR ME GABE!!!!!!

What's that, you want HL2 DM with bugs? :)
You can be justified and mean at the same time, they're not mutually exclusive :P
I posted this in the last big thread on this whole subject. Really I am tired of re-posting my opinion on this same subject so I will just quote myself.
The Mullinator said:
All I can say is that maybe Valve has a proper MP other than CS or maybe it doesn't. All I know is that Valve likes to surprise people and that it is good at keeping things secret. For the five years they were developing HL2 none of us had any idea that the game was in development, they were simply so good at keeping it under wraps and hoping to surprise us that we knew absolutely nothing.

I don't see why Valve should be incapable of doing the same thing again on a smaller scale for multiplayer, as for them lying? Well I wouldn't be surprised if Valve outright lied about whether they were developing HL2 five years ago, and we all know how much we enjoyed that lie right?
A-Train said:
No way...I can't imagine 3000 people would ever be able to play in that server even if they were all on gigabit switches and the server was bad ass and 5 feet away...I don't think that is possible
Do you not know planetside is a MMOG

Well i hope there are more with me that think its a joke that CS:S is the first Source remake to come with HL2 i would have picked TFC:S over that without a shadow of a doubt. Just the style of TFC would give a much better Source experiance than CS. i cant see CS having much apart from the better graphics and a few barrels thrown about the maps just to play with. Maybe if they put full bullet physics in an a whole revamp on the accuracy then it would come close.

TFC would be cool and if they had it where you have to pay for the other source remakes when there done id be well pissed that CS was free (with HL2) and TFC or DoD even bloody HL for the singleplayer wasnt. Although it wouldnt make sense to make CS:S free with HL2 as they would most likely get more sales from CS:S as standalone than any other.