dumb ass Peta

They feel some animals deserve the same rights as people...
I fail to see the problem :/
You know, the sad thing is... PEta doesn't care about slavery, or the sufering of native americans, or any human atrocoties at all.

Its just something in their brain that doesn't click. They just use them as vocal tools to compare the stuff to animals.

I'm VERY much under the belief that PETA would rather a million humans suffer and die, than a million chickens.

In their midsts they have some CRAZY extremists.
gawd man they are animals we eat animals END OF STORY
I agree on the fur issue but comparing the slaughter of animals to black slavery
is going 2 far.

and that they think sex with animals is okay...whats there left 2 say about those dumb people?

btw Im going out 2 dinner 2 eat BEEF TERIKAY
Raziaar said:
You know, the sad thing is... PEta doesn't care about slavery, or the sufering of native americans, or any human atrocoties at all.
gh0st said:
people > animals
Spicy Tuna said:
gawd man they are animals we eat animals END OF STORY
I have a feeling that if I stay in this thread, I just might have an aneurism.
As with every large organization, there are the crazy extremists, the people who barely even care about the cause, and everyone in between.
As the saying goes, for every animal they don't eat...I eat three. :D

pile of poop>better than aminals.

as much as he doesn't like it...ikerous>aminals

unless they are completely sentient (like maybe dolphins), animals should NOT get any rights like the same as humans do. jsut as long as nothing really cruel or mean is done to them, like skinning them alive (which I have seen. bleaurgh)
Animals should have 0 rights. Animal cruelty should not be a crime.
Now THAT is a stupid thing to say, and it's shit like that that makes people join PETA. But they really do take it too far. I have next-to no tolerance for vegetarians who abstain eating the glorious flesh of beasts because it's "cruel". There's a reason I eat free-range meat.
I don't agree with these stupid animal protesting homo's, but I'm sorry to say, the earth needs them, If there were no vegitarians then EVERYONE would eat animals, making the animals extict faster, they kind of keep the animal population up enough so we can eat them.

P.S. What were you doing on the PETA website anyways?
Dog-- said:
I don't agree with these stupid animal protesting homo's, but I'm sorry to say, the earth needs them, If there were no vegitarians then EVERYONE would eat animals, making the animals extict faster, they kind of keep the animal population up enough so we can eat them.

You can't make cows and chickens and most of the generic animals that people eat instinct by eating them, because they just breed more.
this organization should go to protect animals in danger of extinction no the cows that people eat everyday

also the farmers allways breed cows so there is no way they will go in extinction,but are other animals that are really suffering of extinction and they are doing something?

cuz seriously we are onivorous, we eat vegetables and meat just like animals like bears,why they dont go to the forest to protest against bears?
Nat Turner said:
Animals should have 0 rights. Animal cruelty should not be a crime.

wtf...well Ill just say thats a really...interesting opinion and Ill leave it at that...
Raziaar said:
You know, the sad thing is... PEta doesn't care about slavery, or the sufering of native americans, or any human atrocoties at all.

Its just something in their brain that doesn't click. They just use them as vocal tools to compare the stuff to animals.

I'm VERY much under the belief that PETA would rather a million humans suffer and die, than a million chickens.

In their midsts they have some CRAZY extremists.

:upstare: ...we've had this discussion before raziaar. did you even read the article? they're comparing it to slavery because according to laws in north america animals are property. That loophole allows corporate farms free reign to maximise profit by minimizing overhead ..meaning the animals are kept in very small cages where a staggeringly high number of them are diseased or dying ..this is what is served on your plate. You're most likely eating an animal that spent it's short life stuck in a small cage unable to move, lying in it's and other's shit, urine, and blood (they often kill each other).

this is what you stand to contract from animals that live in those kind of conditions:

Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Bacillus cereus, and Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli

and that just translates as food poisoning ..there's no long term research on other additives such as growth hormones, antibiotics, anti-microbials. Disease in particular is favourable in these types of conditions:

partial list

Ascarid Worms
Cage Layer Fatigue
Cecal Worms
E. coli
Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome
Fowl Cholera
Fowl Pox
Fowl Typhoid
Infectious Bronchitis
Infectious Bursal Disease
Infectious Coryza
Lymphoid Leucosis
Marek's Disease
Necrotic Enteritis
Newcastle Disease
Quail Bronchitis
Ulcerative Enteritis

if you people would wake up for a minute and ignore the tenor of the message and ignore the assumptions you have about peta you'd realise that fundamentally they are in it for the welfare of animals ..their methodolgy may be questionable but at least they're doing something

non-biased source

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) now account for 74 percent of the world's poultry products; 68 percent of eggs; 50 percent of pork products; and 43 percent of beef.
Well, if I don't die...**** it. I'm gonna eat me a burger.
CptStern said:
:upstare: ...we've had this discussion before raziaar. did you even read the article? they're comparing it to slavery because according to laws in north america animals are property. That loophole allows corporate farms free reign to maximise profit by minimizing overhead ..meaning the animals are kept in very small cages where a staggeringly high number of them are diseased or dying ..this is what is served on your plate. You're most likely eating an animal that spent it's short life stuck in a small cage unable to move, lying in it's and other's shit, urine, and blood (they often kill each other).

this is what you stand to contract from animals that live in those kind of conditions:

Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Bacillus cereus, and Entero-pathogenic Escherichia coli

and that just translates as food poisoning ..there's no long term research on other additives such as growth hormones, antibiotics, anti-microbials. Disease in particular is favourable in these types of conditions:

partial list

Ascarid Worms
Cage Layer Fatigue
Cecal Worms
E. coli
Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome
Fowl Cholera
Fowl Pox
Fowl Typhoid
Infectious Bronchitis
Infectious Bursal Disease
Infectious Coryza
Lymphoid Leucosis
Marek's Disease
Necrotic Enteritis
Newcastle Disease
Quail Bronchitis
Ulcerative Enteritis

if you people would wake up for a minute and ignore the tenor of the message and ignore the assumptions you have about peta you'd realise that fundamentally they are in it for the welfare of animals ..their methodolgy may be questionable but at least they're doing something

non-biased source

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) now account for 74 percent of the world's poultry products; 68 percent of eggs; 50 percent of pork products; and 43 percent of beef.

What does ANY of what you said have to do with my post? Why are you singling me out? I didn't see you post anything refuting the fact that PETA doesn't care about humans. They're more concerned about animal deaths in situations like Katrina, and wars abroad. Remember the famous donkey quote?

Its good that they care for animals... somebody needs to, but PETA is the wrong organization to do it. They support militant extremist organizations that firebomb research clinics and the like.

We'd be nowhere near where we are today with cures, and vaccines and other medical breakthroughs, without the animals that we have tested on. And PETA wants to put a stop to all that with firebombs.
Rather than argue, I'll leave this one to the almighty Maddox

Raziaar said:
What does ANY of what you said have to do with my post? Why are you singling me out?

because of this:

"I'm VERY much under the belief that PETA would rather a million humans suffer and die, than a million chickens"

I wanted to make sure you understood the issue

Raziaar said:
I didn't see you post anything refuting the fact that PETA doesn't care about humans. They're more concerned about animal deaths in situations like Katrina, and wars abroad. Remember the famous donkey quote?

Its good that they care for animals... somebody needs to, but PETA is the wrong organization to do it. They support militant extremist organizations that firebomb research clinics and the like.

We'd be nowhere near where we are today with cures, and vaccines and other medical breakthroughs, without the animals that we have tested on. And PETA wants to put a stop to all that with firebombs.

you're just not hearing to the overall message ..who cares if it's peta or not just read into the bigger picture. Dont think about the animals for a minute just think of the potential for disease spread to humans such as the avian flu ..it originates in poultry.
CptStern said:
because of this:

"I'm VERY much under the belief that PETA would rather a million humans suffer and die, than a million chickens"

I wanted to make sure you understood the issue

you're just not hearing to the overall message ..who cares if it's peta or not just read into the bigger picture. Dont think about the animals for a minute just think of the potential for disease spread to humans such as the avian flu ..it originates in poultry.

Dude. I'm WELL aware of all that stuff, okay? You don't have to feel the need to lecture me on it like I don't know.

Am I showing ignorance somewhere regarding this issue or something? eh?
Raziaar said:
Dude. I'm WELL aware of all that stuff, okay? You don't have to feel the need to lecture me on it like I don't know.

Am I showing ignorance somewhere regarding this issue or something? eh?

no it just seemed to me that you couldnt get past the fact that it was peta and missed the message all together
PETA is a bunch of idiots, mainly because - although supposedly every side has it's extremists, people who don't care, everybody in between - PETA seems to be composed almost entirely of extremists.

That's the impression i get from anything that PETA has ever done, though. And the Animal Liberation Front - classified as a Domestic Terrorist Threat in the US of A, i believe.
Reaktor4 said:
youre SO hardcore

It's just completely hypocritical to think that we should be able to kill animals and eat them, but only humanely. Might as well take away all their rights. Doesn't mean you should go around hurting animals(I never would). I'm just saying.
I didn't work all the way up to the top of the ****ing food chain to eat carrots!
lol I just liked the we are all animals remark.
We may be animals, but have any other animals built rockets and gone to the moon?

Nope, didn't think so. We clearly can pwn them all.
I'm a Pig...why do you guys try to eat me so?
CyberPitz said:
I'm a Pig...why do you guys try to eat me so?

Because you are DAMN TASTY! Come here, get in mah belly!
All this talk makes me wanna go grab a bucket of KFC. WAIT A MINUTE, I LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, KFC IS NONE EXSISTANT!