dumb ass Peta

I'm just posting because Belgium is mentioned in the article.
Hey Ericms, you know what, if you're right then we will slowly all turn into vegeterains as meat eaters die off, simple natural selection. Until then, I suggest you all shut up on whether meat is healthier or not, because I don't see it really causing any radical change.
Nat Turner said:
Ever hear of civilization pwning savages?

Aborigenes were found to have higher IQs than Europeans in a study conducted by Jared Diamond (author of that one book about lateral and horizontal movement in history, can't remember the name).
TheSomeone said:
Aborigenes were found to have higher IQs than Europeans in a study conducted by Jared Diamond (author of that one book about lateral and horizontal movement in history, can't remember the name).

Didn't help them in making anything more advanced than a bow and arrow.
And if you try to assert that they still live happy lives without all the great things that we have or take for granted, keep in mind that crack addicts can be happy too.
Nat Turner said:
Didn't help them in making anything more advanced than a bow and arrow.

:shrugs: they survived in their environment, isn't that what nature is all about?
Haha I love this debate, you both have very strong points (that are hilarious at the same time) :laugh:
TheSomeone said:
:shrugs: they survived in their environment, isn't that what nature is all about?

Yeah, they had to actually care about survival.

We don't have to worry about that. We don't have to depend on random weather to see if we'll be well fed or not, or have water. Many of us can live however we want and not be held down working to survive on a daily basis.

In fact, we can support a population over 1,000 times greater than aboriginals due to modern farming.
Nat Turner said:
And if you try to assert that they still live happy lives without all the great things that we have or take for granted, keep in mind that crack addicts can be happy too.

You're comparing crack addicts and tribes people?

Nat Turner said:
We don't have to worry about that. We don't have to depend on random weather to see if we'll be well fed or not, or have water. Many of us can live however we want and not be held down working to survive on a daily basis.

What about the pressures we get to have good educations, jobs? Why do people worry so much when they get fired? Why is outsourcing such a huge problem? Why do gangs and dealers hustle and kill for money? How are we not sturggling everyday to survive?
SimonomiS said:
You're comparing crack addicts and tribes people?


Let's see:

Crack addicts are unhealthy.

Indians did not have modern medicine, and therefore are less healthy compared to us because of this.
Yes, it's true that Europeans also had poor medicine and probably shorter lifespans up until recently, but they were able to support a larger population and also cared enough to work towards developing the great stuff we have today.
TheSomeone said:
What about the pressures we get to have good educations, jobs? Why do people worry so much when they get fired?

Are you forced to care about this? No. You decide to, society isn't forcing you to do anything. We're free.
Why is outsourcing such a huge problem? Why do gangs and dealers hustle and kill for money? How are we not sturggling everyday to survive?

It's not a huge problem, the media just hypes up the problem of the day to make profits. We are not struggling everyday to survive, because you can make enough money to get food and then live in the wilderness for years, if you wanted to.
Nat Turner said:
Indians did not have modern medicine, and therefore are less healthy compared to us because of this.
Can't agree, I'm afraid :(
(Read my previous post)

Btw wtf is outsourcing, sounds like some kind of office slang to seduce people to work harder
Nat Turner said:
Let's see:

Crack addicts are unhealthy.

Indians did not have modern medicine, and therefore are less healthy compared to us because of this.
Yes, it's true that Europeans also had poor medicine and probably shorter lifespans up until recently, but they were able to support a larger population and also cared enough to work towards developing the great stuff we have today.

I'm not going to bother with someone who defends an analogy concerning Red Indians and drug addicts.

That, and I'm too goddamn lazy.
Beerdude26 said:
Can't agree, I'm afraid :(
(Read my previous post)

Btw wtf is outsourcing, sounds like some kind of office slang to seduce people to work harder

Woodland period people were slightly taller than their Archaic Period ancestors. The average height of Woodland males was 5' 6" tall, and the average height of Woodland females was 5' 3" tall. The life span of Woodland period people was also longer than their Archaic Period ancestors. On average, Archaic people lived about 30 years. In contrast, Woodland people lived between 36 and 40 years. The difference in life span may be attributed to better food supplies and a decrease in the number of times groups moved during the year. Woodland period people lived in villages, often for more than a year before moving to another location.


36 to 40 years! Imagine that! So incredibly better than 70. Wow, they must have been extremely healthy.
That's lifespan. I was talking about health.
Yes, lifespan has a lot to do with health, but what I meant was, was that woodland people have more stamina, are in better shape, etc...
But they get shredded to bits by a bear. That's a problem. :/
Beerdude26 said:
That's lifespan. I was talking about health.
Yes, lifespan has a lot to do with health, but what I meant was, was that woodland people have more stamina, are in better shape, etc...
But they get shredded to bits by a bear. That's a problem. :/

Actually, they weighed much less than us, were shorter, and were much weaker because of this. This is a common misconception.


Average lifespan = average health.
Nat Turner said:
Actually, they weighed much less than us, were shorter, and were much weaker because of this. This is a common misconception.
Really? Never knew that :p
Give some links, so I don't get wrong info :p

edit :

Nat Turner said:
Average lifespan = average health.
In most cases, yes, but in cases of cancer, AIDS and other uncurable diseases, health deteriorates, but the person keeps on living because he takes loads of medicines.
Nat Turner said:
Are you forced to care about this? No. You decide to, society isn't forcing you to do anything. We're free.

Okay, we're free to be succesful and feed our families or to plunge into poverty and drugs and die, just like the indians were free to hunt buffalo or starve to death.

No matter how much we evolve or devolve, there will always be the same amount of unhappiness and happiness in the world. Sure, you may be enjoying life more than a tribe of aborigenes during a drought, but you can't forget the concept of 3rd world country didn't exist back then. Just ask drug companies like prozac and then consult historians, people aren't happier now than they were 1000 years ago
Beerdude26 said:
Really? Never knew that :p
Give some links, so I don't get wrong info :p

Nevermind, the argument about height was mostly false, sorry. After some research, I learned it depends on the people and where they live. Can't find any sources about strength.
TheSomeone said:
Okay, we're free to be succesful and feed our families or to plunge into poverty and drugs and die, just like the indians were free to hunt buffalo or starve to death.
Indians lived in a constant state of poverty, by our standards. But almost anyone can make enough money after a year to buy a lot of canned foods, some equipment, and live out in the woods for years. At least then it's poverty without hard work.

No matter how much we evolve or devolve, there will always be the same amount of unhappiness and happiness in the world. Sure, you may be enjoying life more than a tribe of aborigenes during a drought, but you can't forget the concept of 3rd world country didn't exist back then. Just ask drug companies like prozac and then consult historians, people aren't happier now than they were 1000 years ago

It's your problem if you aren't happy with the great gifts of modern life. Society isn't here to make your life a rush, it's you who decides to concede and do that.
Beerdude26 said:
Ok, let's break this down...
Ericms : "The human body is aimed to digest non-meat products"
Wrong. Look at other herbivores. They have a MUCH longer bowel system than us. Why? Because extracting nutrients from plant-like food is HARD, dammit! And that appendix? You know what it is? It's a gland that helps digest plant-like food. Do we have it? NO. Our bowel system is much shorter and we don't have an appendix. I rest my case.

Second :
Ericms : "Native Americans were eating mostly uncooked food, not to mention they had no need for medication."
We have to go back to the Stone Age for this (as you suggested) : When Man was a simple monkey-like creature, it lived of seeds, berries and edible plants. (Sounds familiar, eh?) Then, as it evolved, it began walking upright. It gained speed. Sometimes it found some raw meat. It ate it and probably got sick. Evolution caused us to have stronger bacteria and digestion systems for raw meat. After some time, Man discovered fire. The parabola went down again : We got weaker bacteria and weaker digestion systems. Indians didn't follow this step. While everyone else was adapting to diseases in their own places ((Parts of) Europe, America, Antarctica,...), Indians stayed behind, adapting to their own diseases. Everyone was happy. But then, OMG, the EVIL WHITE MAN arrived!!! He threw about cooked meat and everyone DIED! JUST LIKE THAT! Just kidding. What actually happened, was that the white man brought rats and other rodents with him, that had certain diseases in them (the white man had some too). The white man was immune to these puny bacteria, but all the Indians died. Ever heard how white people erradicated some Indian camps? They gave them blankets that were sneezed and coughed upon.

First off our digestive tract is much longer then carnivores and we match up just like other herbivores. I'm not sure why you think ours is the length of carnivores.

Second of all the human body can adapt but it can NOT completely change it's body to adapt to food it was not meant to eat. Myself, well while all you cooked people are getting sick BECAUSE OF ALLERGIES AND THE FLU. I'm sitting here perfectly healthy eating my raw food and laughing at how ridicoulous the term "healthy" is thrown around now.

Take a look at the comparative chart below please:


We are omnivores. We have teeth that evolved for eating both meat and plants.
some, in fact, I'd say most, poeple have an appendix. don't they?
ericms said:
than carnivores and we match up just like other herbivores
Que-Ever said:
some, in fact, I'd say most, poeple have an appendix. don't they?

Teeth have an obvious utility, the appendix does not. You think they evolved that way by accident? Doesn't happen that way.
umm i dont know what you guys are talking about, north american indians didnt live off fruits or nuts, meat was a consistent and primary source of food.

im not going to eat "raw" foods. im not a rabbit. i'm not a peacock. i eat huge pieces of beef chicken fish or any other ****ing animal i feel like. if its bad for me, well id ont give a shit. ill bet both my withered, meat infused testicles that ill live exactly as long as someone who lives in misery subsisting off of seeds and cabbage.
gh0st said:
umm i dont know what you guys are talking about, north american indians didnt live off fruits or nuts, meat was a consistent and primary source of food.

im not going to eat "raw" foods. im not a rabbit. i'm not a peacock. i eat huge pieces of beef chicken fish or any other ****ing animal i feel like. if its bad for me, well id ont give a shit. ill bet both my withered, meat infused testicles that ill live exactly as long as someone who lives in misery subsisting off of seeds and cabbage.
Did I mention I love you Gh0st? (In a non-gay way?)
gh0st said:
umm i dont know what you guys are talking about, north american indians didnt live off fruits or nuts, meat was a consistent and primary source of food.

im not going to eat "raw" foods. im not a rabbit. i'm not a peacock. i eat huge pieces of beef chicken fish or any other ****ing animal i feel like. if its bad for me, well id ont give a shit. ill bet both my withered, meat infused testicles that ill live exactly as long as someone who lives in misery subsisting off of seeds and cabbage.


And meat and vegetables (AKA balanced) is actually healthier than a pure plant diet. Kids that grow up only eating vegan foods are underdeveloped and malnourished. I saw articles on it before, can dig up links if I have to.
I'm with gh0st. I'll eat whatever the heck I feel like, and nobody will enforce some crappy rules based on their own perceptions on me and the majority of the population. Meat != disease origin, but poorly prepared meat does, yes. Which is why I ensure I'm eating something that's been properly prepared. And if it hasn't, and I get ill, I call the authorities on the place that served me the incorrectly prepared food. I don't agree with some animal holding conditions, but as long as they're not excessively cruel, I'm not too fussed.

And for a start, animals are entirely different to people in my eyes. When the pig that makes my bacon starts communicating complex ideas as if to another being with a mental capacity, then I suppose I won't start eating it. If fur actually looked good and had a function in modern society, I'd wear that without any bad feelings too. Fur for fashion kinda sucks, as does hunting for sport, but whatever.
Nat Turner said:
And meat and vegetables (AKA balanced) is actually healthier than a pure plant diet. Kids that grow up only eating vegan foods are underdeveloped and malnourished. I saw articles on it before, can dig up links if I have to.
For example, 100 grams of meat has the same amounts of proteins as 10 cucumbers do.
Kangy said:
If fur actually looked good and had a function in modern society, I'd wear that without any bad feelings too. Fur for fashion kinda sucks, as does hunting for sport, but whatever.

Yah but leather pwns.

I kinda want to buy a peta shirt to wear around with my leather jacket. :)
Well then I guess I'll just say have fun with cancer. It's funny how you associate raw-food as a primitive style of living. Well I guess you're all too addicted to that mutant you're stuffing down your throat. No one here has anything to say about why raw vegans don't get sick? You people are relying on information that came from a diseased man himself. Probably balding, fat and suffering from diabetes himself. Sorry but you're not gonna beat mother nature.

You guys won't realize how much of a mistake you've made in your diet until your lying on a hospital bed about to undergo surgery to get a tumour out of your brain. That's what happens when you don't follow the simple rules of mother nature. Also it isn't even so much about how long you'll live (yes raw vegans live longer) but about how much suffering you will go through.
ericms said:
Well then I guess I'll just say have fun with cancer. It's funny how you associate raw-food as a primitive style of living. Well I guess you're all too addicted to that mutant you're stuffing down your throat. No one here has anything to say about why raw vegans don't get sick? You people are relying on information that came from a diseased man himself. Probably balding, fat and suffering from diabetes himself. Sorry but you're not gonna beat mother nature.

You guys won't realize how much of a mistake you've made in your diet until your lying on a hospital bed about to undergo surgery to get a tumour out of your brain. That's what happens when you don't follow the simple rules of mother nature. Also it isn't even so much about how long you'll live (yes raw vegans live longer) but about how much suffering you will go through.

The funny thing is, we aren't the ones that started spewing propaganda about their life style. It's someone else.
Beerdude26 said:
No, you should wear this shirt :D

3rd mention of it so far in this thread. :P

So do you all just disregard animal life and see yourselves as superior and better?
SimonomiS said:
3rd mention of it so far in this thread. :P

So do you all just disregard animal life and see yourselves as superior and better?


edit: I don't just disregard it, because that can be mean, but I'm definitely superior and better.
SimonomiS said:
So do you all just disregard animal life and see yourselves as superior and better?
No, I can't stand people that think it's OK to stuff animals in small cages and let them rot and die. But I'm not going to sympathize with a bird if it got run over by a car.
And I also hate people that come around and yell "MEAT IS BAD SWITCH TO VEGGY OR YOU WILL DIE IN SEVEN DECADES" :frown:

Yes, I wrote seven decades on purpos
Beerdude26 said:
No, I can't stand people that think it's OK to stuff animals in small cages and let them rot and die.

Yeah, I agree. It's a pretty horrible thing to do.