dumb ass Peta

Ok. Settled. Anyone want some tea?
And if you want I'll bake some T-bone :p
whats everyone's problem with peta this time? i mean there are plenty of stupid things they have said and done but this isnt one of them
neptuneuk said:
whats everyone's problem with peta this time? i mean there are plenty of stupid things they have said and done but this isnt one of them

Everything peta does is retarded.
SimonomiS said:
3rd mention of it so far in this thread. :P

So do you all just disregard animal life and see yourselves as superior and better?

Yes, but I don't really see animals as entirely for eating or their skin. I mean, the vast majority are beautiful, and should stay free and numerous. There's animals like cats, dogs and parrots who make excellent pets who're affectionate and comforting.

I know for a fact that humans completely dominate animals because we're vastly more intelligent (and, if the animal is intelligent, like a dolphin, better equipped) but it certainly doesn't mean we can treat them like objects.
Nat Turner said:
Any animal that is not endangered is fine to kill IMO.

But thats working toward making them endangered. Wouldn't it be better to avoid endangering them in the first place?
SimonomiS said:
But thats working toward making them endangered. Wouldn't it be better to avoid endangering them in the first place?

I guess it depends on the situation. Some animals can easily sustain their population, while other species may be almost permanently affected if you start offing them.
Look, theres a nice little thing called "Moderation in all things." I try to follow it. Am I gonna go out, shoot every animal I see, then stuff'em and shove'em up on my wall? No. Do I wear Fur? Nope. But ill use leather gloves when I work. Am I gonna go torture an animal for fun? Heck no, thats disgusting. But am I gonna go bomb a research center for animal's sake? Never.

I believe that animals should be the subject of certain drugs, testing, etc if it has the potential to save a life (human life). Would I sacrifice the life's of a thousand monkeys for my little sisters life? Yes, thats not even a difficult question. But I do not support torturing animals for needless purposes, such as hairspray, facewashes, etc.

Like I said, theres a happy medium.

I do not think Animals and Humans are on the same level. Thats just asinine thinking that way. People Love, Animals Do not........ cept maybe Coco the Monkey.
All I'm asking is for some of you to have an open mind about this. I basically believed everything you guys once did. I argued with my brother when he first went raw. I was determined to prove him wrong but I just couldn't. I searched online and dug up articles and looked forward to the next time we got into an argument about his diet just so I could bring up what I read. It's like all of that information just didn't apply to him. Everything about him changed for the better. I along with my parents got sick every with a cold or flu, but he remained fine.

Don't you think that is just weird? I ate what you guys probably think was a balanced and good diet too. Well prepared meat, with cooked vegetables, some milk for building "strong bones" and some fruit and nuts occasionly. It didn't work and I started getting sick for longer periods of time and I even began having breathing problems. I had a short asthma attack one day when playing soccer and I got pretty upset about that. NO DIET WORKED BUT RAW FOOD. Is it honestly just magic that I no longer get sick and never will?
ericms - I'm lazy, that's the one problem with a raw diet for me. In effect, I guess I'm paying for my laziness.

If a raw diet was easy and to my taste, I'd do it. No reason not to really.

And I find it hard to say how different humans and animals are, if you say an animal isn't as smart, or can't feel emotions, that's judging it by human standards, with human words. In their own way, animals could be smarter and feel stronger emotions, yet we have no idea.
ericms said:
Well then I guess I'll just say have fun with cancer. It's funny how you associate raw-food as a primitive style of living. Well I guess you're all too addicted to that mutant you're stuffing down your throat. No one here has anything to say about why raw vegans don't get sick? You people are relying on information that came from a diseased man himself. Probably balding, fat and suffering from diabetes himself. Sorry but you're not gonna beat mother nature.

You guys won't realize how much of a mistake you've made in your diet until your lying on a hospital bed about to undergo surgery to get a tumour out of your brain. That's what happens when you don't follow the simple rules of mother nature. Also it isn't even so much about how long you'll live (yes raw vegans live longer) but about how much suffering you will go through.

Raw vegans do get sick. I read about it all the time. I'm a subscriber to veggieboards.com but i'm in secret posing as a vegetarian. ROFL.

You seem to be under the conception that eating raw makes people immune to all the dangers in life. This is simply not true, and it sounds like you'be been brainwashed. Don't shove your misinformation on other people as fact.
EveryBody is different <---------------------------- PUN
Raziaar you're probably confusing that with detoxifying. It take time to overcome that but after you will be sick no more. Pretty much you're body has to expel all the built up toxins that you've absorbed over the years. You'll start going to the bathroom ALOT and you feel pretty sick. Most people immediatly quit and say the raw vegan diet doesen't work. How wrong they are, you just have to give it time.

Also you DO have to balance your diet even if you're a raw vegan.
ericms said:
Raziaar you're probably confusing that with detoxifying. It take time to overcome that but after you will be sick no more. Pretty much you're body has to expel all the built up toxins that you've absorbed over the years. You'll start going to the bathroom ALOT and you feel pretty sick. Most people immediatly quit and say the raw vegan diet doesen't work. How wrong they are, you just have to give it time.

raw = raw meat only or raw plants only?
ericms said:
Raziaar you're probably confusing that with detoxifying. It take time to overcome that but after you will be sick no more. Pretty much you're body has to expel all the built up toxins that you've absorbed over the years. You'll start going to the bathroom ALOT and you feel pretty sick. Most people immediatly quit and say the raw vegan diet doesen't work. How wrong they are, you just have to give it time.

Dude. I'm not talking about immediately onset sickness from eating raw. I'm talking about the fact that vegetarians and strict vegans succumb to the same daily health problems as we all do. They're not immune to cancer. They're not immune to viruses and diseases. They may not succumb to the same effects by eating certain foods that have unhealthy chemicals in them. But still, those are not the only sicknesses that plague man, and no amount of healthful pure eating will make the body immune to nature's smackdown.
Raw vegan as in fruit, vegetables and nuts/seeds :)

Raziaar vegetarians and even vegans are different then what I am. Yes they can and do get sick. No matter how much you say I can get disease I can't. Just live with it!
ericms said:
Raw vegan as in fruit, vegetables and nuts/seeds :)

Raziaar vegetarians and even vegans are different then what I am. Yes they can and do get sick. No matter how much you say I can get disease I can't. Just live with it!

See my signature.
ericms said:
Raziaar vegetarians and even vegans are different then what I am. Yes they can and do get sick. No matter how much you say I can get disease I can't. Just live with it!
You are sooooo not going to pull a Short Recoil here.
ericms said:
Raw vegan as in fruit, vegetables and nuts/seeds :)

Raziaar vegetarians and even vegans are different then what I am. Yes they can and do get sick. No matter how much you say I can get disease I can't. Just live with it!

You're full of vegetable bile, man.

How are vegetarians and vegans different from you? Strict vegans eat nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, anything that doesn't contain animal byproduct. Tell me, please, how they are not eating exactly the same as you?

You can't, because its bullshit. They're eating the exact same things as you. Nuts, berries, seeds, fruits, vegetables, propoganda, babies. Its all the same!
Haha. Hey Nat, how does raw meat taste good? It doesen't look too good. Oh that's right you have to cook it, mutate its molecular structure and deprive it of its nutrients before you even think about putting it in your mouth.

Oh yeah, I'm immune to diseases... prove me wrong :imu:

Raziaar many vegans cook their food. I do not. I leave it as it was meant to be eaten.
ericms said:
Haha. Hey Nat, how does raw meat taste good? It doesen't look too good. Oh that's right you have to cook it, mutate its molecular structure and deprive it of its nutrients before you even think about putting it in your mouth.

Oh yeah, I'm immune to diseases... prove me wrong :imu:

Raziaar many vegans cook their food. I do not. I leave it as it was meant to be eaten.

That's a stupid thing to ask someone to prove.

I'm immune to death... prove me wrong.

Take heed people. The second coming of Jesus has arrived! This man is a god! He's immune to evreything the world can throw at him!

P.S. Sorry, I don't mean to be so confrontive with you, but it just seems to me like you're spouting opinion as fact... and very far stretched opinions as a matter of fact.
ericms said:
Haha. Hey Nat, how does raw meat taste good? It doesen't look too good. Oh that's right you have to cook it, mutate its molecular structure and deprive it of its nutrients before you even think about putting it in your mouth.

Oh yeah, I'm immune to diseases... prove me wrong :imu:

Raziaar many vegans cook their food. I do not. I leave it as it was meant to be eaten.

my sig implies cooked meat
ROFL... ericms is INVINCIBLE. one day youre going to finish a hearty bowl of ice cold tomato soup, grass, seeds, and worshipping the sun and youre going to walk across the street feeling so ****ing full of yourself and your self righteous diet and just get nailed by a 18 wheeler. why dont you just get it over with. the burdon of your invincibility to disease claim is on you, not us. go roll around in some toxic sludge and lick a strippers ass and we will see if your amazing shitty diet is as good as you say.
You can live. But these days how many people die of disease instead of age (young at that)?

lol at gh0st, good read. So angry aren't chya?
In an hour or so I'm gonna go down to the dining hall and get some nice steak. Can't wait.
Hey. Nature dude.

Did you know, that its a proven fact that carrots are more beneficial to the body when cooked, than when eaten raw? The body can absorb more of its carotene, much more, once the hard cellular walls of the carrot have been broken down by cooking.

Although, to get the most benefit, the carrot needs to be juiced.
ericms said:
Hey Raziaar! Then why was I still sick when I was just vegan?

Answer the question. Certain vegetables need to be cooked in order to achieve most of their benefits. GRanted, many of them lose nutrient value when cooked, but things like carrots are benefitted by cooking.
Actually, I believe that people are dying older as we advance in society. The average life expectancy 200 years ago was probably about 45. Our diet might have something to do with it, but those people who goto macdonalds everyday are obviously shortening their lives. Those of us who eat balanced diets, cooking ourselves will go on to lead healthy and long lives.

Generally raw carrots aren't included in a balanced diet, but I guess it couldn't hurt. You should probably speak to Short Recoil about a balanced diet, he is awesome.
So I'm sacrificing nutritional value for some more beta-carotene (which apparently you still get)?

Uh ok. If I feel better when I don't cook carrots then I'm going to do that.
Short Recoil is the reason why America wins every war. Although he dozed off in the Vietnam war, but he didn't get the blame so it's okay :D
ericms said:
So I'm sacrificing nutritional value for some more beta-carotene (which apparently you still get)?

Uh ok. If I feel better when I don't cook carrots then I'm going to do that.

Granted, Bugs Bunny will outlive us all.


But I doubt your average wabbit will.
ericms said:
So I'm sacrificing nutritional value for some more beta-carotene (which apparently you still get)?

Uh ok. If I feel better when I don't cook carrots then I'm going to do that.

No dude, you're not sacrificing the nutritional value for more beta-carotene. Go and study up on carrots, and read how vital beta-carotene is to the human body, as well as all the other antioxidants that are released for the body to digest from the carrots when you cook and eat them. You recieve such a small, small percentage of beta-carotene when you eat them raw. You recieve more than double that when you cook them.

Ah, bah. No point in arguing about this, you're a nutritional nutjob! I do not for one moment deny the health benefits of raw fruits and vegetables, but I do deny its magical cure-all properties. That part is a load of crap.

One more thing, does your poop stink? :eek: