E3 2004 HL2 Demonstration

KagePrototype said:
So you're saying you got Eli to open the door, got past the beam in the control room, loaded the next map, jumped past the headcrab, dodged the lasers, got the crowbar, and then went all the way back to kill him? :p


sv_cheats 1

sv_cheats changed to "1"


godmode ON

impulse 101

So funny when he picks up the grenade with the manipulator. I just saw the shadow of the magnet which someone else pointed out, yeh that is kind of worrying but good feedback is what valve needs to iron out the bugs its still not the final build.

Listen. Do you hear that? Thats the sound of an FPS revolution. Nothing will be the same ever again.

I've always had faith and I still cannot convey how amazing HL2 will be. I cant anticipate what I cant understand! It's so much to take in! That video was mind-blowing. It showed just how much potential this game has - probably more potential then all the AAA titles in the last 5 years combined.

Mmm. Cant wait. Please dont be buggy! Please dont be buggy! beta-testers...we are your friends...
Despite the fact I liked Counter-Strike.. A bit too much. I really HOPE Valve is not going to release Counter-Strike:Source as their main Half-Life2 MP. Something that highly doubt anyway. I would really like to see a CTF, Deathmatch type of game with the Half-Life2 Theme, With the manipulator, vehicles, City 17 maps and such...

One thing that would be very cool is Valve release Half-Life2 with his own MP like I said before but with Counter-Strike:Source as a mod that you can download for free via Steam (How old Counter-Strike is? ~5 Years old. Personally I don't see the point of selling the same exact game with updated graphic again)... And after awhile they could release Counter-Strike2 as a whole new game, not just a simple remake. And Valve could sell it as a Retail game, full priced :D

What do you think?
G0rgon said:
Ok people, Look at the vid again between:

5:08 to 5:14

Look at the shadows below the container. Tell me what do you think ? is it a problem or not ?

their projected shadows arnt they..? yeh it looks a bit funny overlapping shadows :p, but Gorgon im really not too bothered to be honest. and If they clean that up somehow great, if not, its no big deal dude.
G0rgon said:
Ok people, Look at the vid again between:

5:08 to 5:14

Look at the shadows below the container. Tell me what do you think ? is it a problem or not ?
Yes. And did you notice the shadow problem in the teaser video (from 0:43 to 0:46) when the combine soldier knocks on the door?
Tyl3n0L said:
Despite the fact I liked Counter-Strike.. A bit too much. I really HOPE Valve is not going to release Counter-Strike:Source as their main Half-Life2 MP. Something that highly doubt anyway. I would really like to see a CTF, Deathmatch type of game with the Half-Life2 Theme, With the manipulator, vehicles, City 17 maps and such...

One thing that would be very cool is Valve release Half-Life2 with his own MP like I said before but with Counter-Strike:Source as a mod that you can download for free via Steam (How old Counter-Strike is? ~5 Years old. Personally I don't see the point of selling the same exact game with updated graphic again)... And after awhile they could release Counter-Strike2 as a whole new game, not just a simple remake. And Valve could sell it as a Retail game, full priced :D

What do you think?


no actually i dont but thats waht came to mind 97% done on the cs and hl2 shaky cam :smoking:
dscowboy said:
Sorry, but if you think what they showed in the demo is not the multiplayer that will come with HL2, you're nuts. Having it's own menu/launcher doesn't change that. We already know from eurogamer that HL2 and CS-Source will come out at the same time, I think it's pretty crazy to assume there's some kind of secret, unmentioned additional, original HL2MP.

You are such a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks that Valve will not release HL2 with its own multiplayer is a retard. It would be so stupid of Valve to Include any other game as HL2 MP. People will freak out if they don't get to play HL2 multiplayer after they beat the game.

If Valve is any good at business and marketing, (and we know they are) then they will release CS Source and all other Source updates seperately. Being seperated = more money. People having to buy CS Source = more money. CS Source being HL2 multiplayer = disappointed fans and less $.

Think it through. Seriously...any 7th grader could have the ability to know how business works in this sense. Everyone wants money Dscowboy, that's how the world goes 'round. People have to make money. Money is good, isn't it?

Ask yourself again: Why would they include CS Source as HL2's multiplayer and blow millions of dollars off of people not having the option to purchase it seperately? Why would they risk disappointing their fans and having people bash their game just because it never had original multiplayer?

It's completely stupid from a business standpoint.

If they do release HL2 with these Source versions of old games and no original MP, I will be shocked. That would be completely rediculous.
Wow, my video ended up being ultra-compressed. Pixels the size of a chicklet.
Is there a better version?

Still, that was the best set of media released yet!
Striders have laser sights! Antlions are spotted! The manipulator actually put something down without killing someone!
Mechagodzilla said:
Wow, my video ended up being ultra-compressed. Pixels the size of a chicklet.
Is there a better version?

Still, that was the best set of media released yet!
Striders have laser sights! Antlions are spotted! The manipulator actually put something down without killing someone!

Try filerush, http://www.filerush.com/download.php?target=e3-half-life-2-fr.avi

Also, just my opinion, but I think your going to end up eating your words, Moto-x_Pat. ;)
The crowbar's animations still look kinda weak :(

The rest is incredible!
what i noticed is how the the animation for when the crowbar hits wood is done soo much better than how it was last year
i tried to post this during the rush and huge slowdown on this site. don't think it made it:

Can someone please explain - the vid we've all been watching - will gabe be presenting that to a larger audience at e3 as that was behind closed doors?

Also please post a higher res v. of that vid asap. I only just realised there are 2 striders in the final scene! great the way one of them rampages much lower.

And how come those guys blasted by strider die in a ut2k3 kinda way?
G0rgon said:
Ok people, Look at the vid again between:

5:08 to 5:14

Look at the shadows below the container. Tell me what do you think ? is it a problem or not ?

I recently played FarCry and noticed it has sorta the same problem sometimes I'm guessing its because of the way both games do shadows I'm not too bothered by it.
Hey all, the link seems to be broken for the shakey cam vid, anyone have another one?

Am I looking at the same one? It's FRICKING pixelated! WAY TOO MUCH. :( It's 13 minutes but it's too pixelated.
does that one by chance have better quality?
Is it just me or is the PDW firing grenades? I thought the MP5 in HL1 was stretching it (underslung GL's are a bit big for sticking on submachineguns) a bit but a PDW has virtually no room at all... Wonder if it was just a placeholder for the OICW.

Don't know why there's so much whinging over CS being little more than a straight port to the new engine either... if you could cast your mind back to the beta days and wince at the memory of the endless complaints over even the slightest, most minute, changes made to the gameplay back then -- "You canna whore wid da p90 from long range anymore. Da barstewerds!" -- you'd realise why Valve won't alter 'teh CS exp3rienX0r' too much.
My thoughts.

I felt the animations brought the realism down a few notches. The real-time lip-synching is off at a few points, and there is a lot of jerking and sliding on the floor during the animations. When the lady in the white sweater goes to leave, I couldn't help but to laugh at the animation.

Even though the facial animation has it's embarrassing moments VALVe gets props for doing it in realtime, though it would look better if it was animated by an animator.

The realism of the indoor areas is very good, but the outdoor areas are lacking in the texture department. It really detracts from the realism when a buiding in the background has a texture that is just a flat earth tone colour with black squares for windows, as seen in the demonstration. Things like that bug me.

I also wish the shadows were more accurate. Some objects casting shadows, some not casting shadows, some objects casting shadows through other objects.

Overall I feel VALVe did a great job with creating a believable environment, but it is clear that Source is their first attempt at building an engine. Hopefully they will learn from this experience and the next iteration of Source will be better for it. It will be interesting to see how this engine will stack up in liscensees compared to other top notch engines.
Still caryying on with your shenanigans Shuzer, I'm sure your buddy will be here promptly to back you up. =\

Get over your paranoia.
Whatever, to each his own. I won't carry it on any further, but I do agree on the shadow thing.. that much disappoints me
No doubt at all on this one. Or his twin pal. Oh crap, I said I'd never say anything more... :)
You mean giantbeam Apos? We were discussing your very rude behaviour and accusations in PMs. But then I suppose I was talking to myself then, huh? Something really needs to be done about you. The way you treat new members should not be tolerated.
Inquisitor said:
My thoughts.

I felt the animations brought the realism down a few notches. The real-time lip-synching is off at a few points, and there is a lot of jerking and sliding on the floor during the animations. When the lady in the white sweater goes to leave, I couldn't help but to laugh at the animation.

Even though the facial animation has it's embarrassing moments VALVe gets props for doing it in realtime, though it would look better if it was animated by an animator.

The realism of the indoor areas is very good, but the outdoor areas are lacking in the texture department. It really detracts from the realism when a buiding in the background has a texture that is just a flat earth tone colour with black squares for windows, as seen in the demonstration. Things like that bug me.

That's being really picky. You are the only person so far to complain about Valve's job after seeing the E3 2004 demo's. You sir, are nigh-impossible to impress.
I don't feel it is being picky. I feel it would be far too forgiving if we ignored these errors the way most people are. I only have high standards because it is VALVe we are talking about.

I gave props where they were due, but I didn't overlook the mistakes. Some of it impressed me, some didn't.

I feel our expectations were drastically lowered by the recent lowquality screenshots(this might have been Valve's intention) and people are being far too forgiving of the flaws in the game.
You mean giantbeam Apos?

Man, you caught that one quick... too quick.

You mean giantbeam Apos? We were discussing your very rude behaviour and accusations in PMs.

Oh, I'm sure. I'm glad you've been able to bond over this, and I hold that as one of my greatest accomplishments yet: bringing people together and helping them make new friends.

You are aware, right, that it's possible to track more than just your IP, right? :)
This is from the Shacknews site:


- Half-Life 2 multiplayer is Counter-Strike on the Source engine and will be available at the same time as when Half-Life 2 ships. Counter-Strike gameplay doesn't seem to have changed much, if at all. Graphics of course, are much improved.

Is this true?? I couldn't find reference to it on this site yet. I thought Counter-Strike was just being redone in Source. Is it actually HL2 multiplayer???
You are aware, right, that it's possible to track more than just your IP, right?

What are you saying? Sorry, I'm not good with technical speach. What do you mean by track my IP?
Ok I signed up just to correct people... theres afew of you thinking hl2 multiplayer will be that CS that was shown, im glad afew people have pointed out its not, but I felt I will too.

What that showed of CS, was THE ORIGINAL MOD changed slightly with the new HL2 Engine, THIS IS KNOWN as they said it was going to be sold as a stand alone game, as will Half life, Op force etc etc. THIS IS NOT HL2 MUTLIPLAYER. I belive someone quoted Gabe saying it is, WRONG, that quote said they will be showing CS on the new hl2 engine, they did NOT say it was the multiplayer for hl2... Also on the same note, its also NOT CS2, as afew of you seem to belive it is.

God... anyways, the video was good, alot more inpressive then last years, and the Gman at the start was just..wow, very realistic.

Anyone seen the "E3 2004 trailer" That was made, its very small, 30 or so megs and it shows very old footage and some footage with the lighting on the defult 255.. very odd.
Inquisitor said:
What are you saying? Sorry, I'm not good with technical speach. What do you mean by track my IP?

What is your hidden agenda, mister troll?
yeah its kinda odd that they showed alright graphics in a trailer, and then awesome graphics in the demo's
Thanks for straightening that out. But do we know what will be the multi?
I feel that Valve releasing counterstrike on source as a retail product will hurt the community. What makes the counterstrike community so unique(other than the imaginative language) is that it is so large and undevided. But with the release of cs on source and cs2, it will unquestionably devide the counterstrike community.

But Valve is clearly looking to cash in in every possible way, so we will just have to live with it.
no not really. If CS2 comes out with more maps and more abilities and shit, thrown together in Source with new graphics and physics. I'd buy it and i don't play CS any more