E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

I'm at 109 % everybody!

Ok, that was supposed to be a joke
in all seriousness

DeltaBlast said:

...not :p

got you looking! ;)

I just love doing that ^_^
If you want to do that, it's best not to put 'not' where someone might look for links. ;)
Actual Question: Once this file is completed, will anyone be hosting it in its zipped form on a server? I have it downloading through bittorrent at home, but I'm at work right now and can't use bittorrent. So if anyone can host it when they get it, I would love to watch it!!!!! THANK YOU! :afro:
if someone hosted on their server it would rape their bandwidth.
pvtlon said:
Actual Question: Once this file is completed, will anyone be hosting it in its zipped form on a server? I have it downloading through bittorrent at home, but I'm at work right now and can't use bittorrent. So if anyone can host it when they get it, I would love to watch it!!!!! THANK YOU! :afro:

If anyone else volunteers then I will not host it, but I think I'll do it right when it's done and post the link :) After all, I have the low quality video hosted.
Yes, i'm sure there will be 100s of ftp and http servers you can get it at...
I will be providing personal ftp service to whoever sucks up to me the most...
Synthos said:
I'm at 109 % everybody!

Ok, that was supposed to be a joke
in all seriousness


Well, I AM at 102%
FISKER_Q said:
There is no such thing.

Ah hah, but my host doesn't bother you about it. They say Unlimited on their hosting, so I can claim that if they bother me.
Sorry if this has been said before. But it says the zip file is 317MB, I now have 320!

Why isn't it done!?
songwriter said:
Sorry if this has been said before. But it says the zip file is 317MB, I now have 320!

Why isn't it done!?

Discarded information.
Just to add to the noise - 92.3%, and yes I will leave it open. :)
SubKamran said:
Ah hah, but my host doesn't bother you about it. They say Unlimited on their hosting, so I can claim that if they bother me.

Oh officially your contract will be broken on the clause that gives them the right to terminate, no questions asked.

A lot of hosts have those, and i couldn't imagine one which didn't have it.

I've dealed with this kind for ages, i've not seen a SINGLE host actually promising what is adversitised. There is always a clause that makes them able to stop the contract with you.

They can either be "fair use" policies, or just normal "If we feel like it" policies.

I remember a host claiming ½TB bandwitdh max, i used 20GB halfway through the month and the same day i got an email from the saying that i would turn down the usage or the contract would be broken.

I haven't even used 1/20th of the deal. And it continued up until 30GB or something and we got terminated from the deal.
Thanks SubKamran,

Of course I could just wait till I get home... WHAt am I saying!?!? Let me at that link ASAP!! :naughty:

*EDIT* Once he has the file to host it, so will everybody else, so the raping won't be quite so bad. Be sly with the link and there should be no prob.
92.8% also seeing 0.928 distributed copies. Guess I'm at the top of the line :p
Wolf said:
Just to add to the noise - 92.3%, and yes I will leave it open. :)

92.3% here too but I am stuck at 0.0 kb/s :eek:
Our Unlimited Plan is designed for customers who do not want the hassle and uncertainity attached with metered traffic in/out of their sites. However, we have put up some simple rules to prevent abuse of our Unlimited Plan. These rules are put up essentially to protect the majority of our customers from the few that might take advantage of the plan at everyone else's expense.

1. Customer may not resell or give away any Web space under a domain name, nor may Customer build Web sites that house "sub domain" Web sites on behalf of other companies, groups or individuals.

2. Customer may not use the Web space to store any files eg. Web pages, images, sound, movie files for other IP addresses or domain names, nor may Customer use the site as a storage medium for file, data or Warez download transfers. The Company reserves the right to make this determination in its sole and absolute discretions.

3. Customer may not use the Web space as a storage area for files not related(linked) to Customer's Web pages. Basically this includes non Site related files or Customer's personal files.

4. The Company's "Unlimited Traffic" is to provide the Company's customers with space and bandwidth for active Web pages and cannot be used as a storage area for electronic files. An example of such sites are sites housing large archives of images, sound, movie or compressed files.

5. The Company does not permit sites in the Unlimited Plan where 30% of the monthly traffic is from file downloads, or sites that uses more than 10% of system resources as it is detrimental to the enjoyment of the Company services by the Company's other clients. The Company reserve the sole and absolute discretions in exercising the judgement. An example of such sites are sites running CGI/PERL, JAVA chat scripts or any scripts that consume large amount of CPU usage or memory.

Now I am going to read it :D

EDIT: I'll link to it :D Hopefully not too many people will download it :p That's why I like BT.
SubKamran said:
I'm not sure you even read the first post...

It's near DVD quality and includes the same as the Gamespy video.

Does it incluce the as the gamespy video? My gamespy video is 708mb
Goddamnit, 56k gets left behind again, i have bit torrent installed, how the hell do i get on the train for downloading this thing?
FISKER_Q said:
Don't even have to read 10 lines, before you can see something is wrong :p

Oh who cares :p I'll take it down if they email me.
Sound like you'd get boned SubKamran, if you started maxing out their bandwidth on a big HL2 vid... As FISKER_Q said, there's always fine print. :D
Wolf said:
Sound like you'd get boned SubKamran, if you started maxing out their bandwidth on a big HL2 vid... As FISKER_Q said, there's always fine print. :D

Eh...I don't care, it's for the good of the community :D

I can't wait till we get our dedicated T1 line for our server :smoking:

EDIT: Who runs hl2.third-core.org? He will host it. He has all the HL2 videos.
Ok, my file IS 408 mb, but is says that it is only 317 mb. Does this happens to everyboby?
How is this video half the size of the gamespy video and yet still brighter and higher quality? :0
The_Monkey said:
Ok, my file IS 408 mb, but is says that it is only 317 mb. Does this happens to everyboby?

Yes. It's because sometimes (for some unknown reason) you get sent extra bytes which we call discarded information. Now, you aren't using Azureus because otherwise it'd tell you how much you have downloaded and how much you've discarded. If you download this, it will restart your download, I think.


Cyber$nake said:
How is this video half the size of the gamespy video and yet still brighter and higher quality? :0

Ah, the wonders of DivX, no?
I'm getting the message 'Problem Connecting to Tracker - <urlopen error (10060, 'operation timed out')>

I'm using the basic bittorrent client.

btw, the link for azureus is broken
Hazar Dakiri said:
I'm getting the message 'Problem Connecting to Tracker - <urlopen error (10060, 'operation timed out')>

I'm using the basic bittorrent client.

btw, the link for azureus is broken

try ABC torrent client

much better, then you don't get those errors
94.5% entering the last hour :D

21hours and 15minutes lol! Must be others with the full day of downloading now?

So who reckons Gabe will release the binks when this finishes?
lol that would really suck. Is it possible to combine all the Binks into one HUGE movie from both E3 presentations?