E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

The guy in the chair and the glass look soooo real, i can't wait for HL2 to some out![how many times have you heard that lol]
Me gets ready to re-surrect jason to kill the hackers
Who has uploaded the most data so far? I've only done about a gig worth, anyone have like 10 gigs worth?
a whole gig, im only on just under 200megs... ! it is only going at about 3kbs tho :(
I took my BitTorrent down cause i left that comp. Ill have it back up later today.
Wow !

106 seeds for the BT right now !
(More seeds than peers)
Thanks you all !
It really took off once people got the whole thing.

Wow! 65 pages!

Is this the biggest thread ever?
i dont think this will be the biggest thread ever, i think the one that'll be the biggest will be 20 mins after the game is either released (or a firm date given) or gone 'gold'. in which people will go mad in such threads, posting away like happy bunnys and making useless but fulfilling posts, such as this one here, just to increased the thread post number past one thousand. thanks.
The biggest thread on the Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow forums was a thread a guy made .00001 seconds after the game released he had bought it and brought it home and people asked him questions, within 1 hour there were about 112 pages.


that pretty impressive.
Had to post here. Better quality only and it has this much response. If they released the game the internet would crash.
Wow... I for one am excited with the idea of getting on this thread on release day and seeing 100 omg i did ________ with the fiziks omfg! topics... that'll be good for a laugh.
I'm more interested in all the videos peeps will make!

Dalamari said:
The biggest thread on the Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow forums was a thread a guy made .00001 seconds after the game released he had bought it and brought it home and people asked him questions, within 1 hour there were about 112 pages.

I will be that person only for HL2!
I just downloaded Azurues. but when i go to download a torrent. my smily only stays on red... never goes to green... help?
Well .. my server kicked the bucket, or at least the power supply did.

If anyone knows where to get an ATX-GES power supply for a resonable price ... this thing ain't going nowhere without it :(

RIP Enermax EG465P-VE FM your warmth, power and years (well .. one year and 3 months goddamn 1 year warranty :( )shall be missed

Yours for ever until all warranty,

AMD 2000 MP and AMD 2000 MP
Holy christ, 116??! Let's keep this bad-mo'fugga' goin' strong >:D
We'd have threads bigger than that planetdoom thread if the mods weren't so lock happy!
BitTorrent: People don't have enough bandwidth. Good idea at the wrong time. HTTP all the way, at least until everyone in the world can upload at 1 mB/s
wicked, 140 KB/sec and rising on the torrent
I'll keep it open until my brother comes down to play SWG :|

I'd downloaded the file twice by Shareaza, but those zip files were showing bad crc errors. I tried to use Advance Zip repair to fix the problem. However the avi file still couldn't be readed ><

try avipreview to watch the .avi.. and next time don't use shareaza ;)
I'll keep uploading for a few more hours, I really need to reboot the pc though hehe.
I have a torrent going now. I will keep it open for as long as I can. I have limited my upload speed to 20 kbps, though.
tommie said:
BitTorrent: People don't have enough bandwidth. Good idea at the wrong time. HTTP all the way, at least until everyone in the world can upload at 1 mB/s

I have had mine on all night, I capped it at 20KB/sec. I still get laggy multiplayer gaming. My share ratio is 11 :D
Yeah Doom 3's one hundred something topic is better because it's not spam or those stupid WHO CAN POST THE MOST things.
im going at a 250-300 kbs on the torrent .. . 19 seeds 23 peers ... not that many but ive rarely seen such a fast torrent. I'm getting this 316Mb file in like 20 min. woot for all of you guys.
when the hell is someone gonna upload it so that we can all download the movie without using this stupid bit torrent?