E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

How are you at 48%? We're all at ~43.3% right now.
Got about 4 hours left downloading at 1kb/s
SubKamran said:
I am still downloading since 2:30. It's at 48% w00t!

I'll leave it on all night. :)
I dont quite understand how ur at 48% either (edit: nvm). ahem.. bs?
well i've got 11 hours at 9kb and im 44% of the way through...don't know how that adds up on yours Lep.
Eta doesn't really change when the speed changes, only downside to using bit tornado.
7.8% & going strong @ 10kB/s... with a upload of 0.1kB/s! wtf? I have 0.5Mbit in both directions.
Torrents need time and loving care Alec_85. It'll kick in eventually and you'll be like the rest of us, waiting around at 44% soon.
Hmmmm all these posts of percentages...does it actually matter/does anyone care?
Murray_H said:
Hmmmm all these posts of percentages...does it actually matter/does anyone care?

The topic should just be closed so no more 'HEY GUYS LOOK!!! I'M DOWNLOADING AT 500 KBPS!!!! OH YEAH I'M ONLY AT .00000000000001% OF THE WAY DONE!!!!!". Spam filled topic, gotta love it. They shouldn't even pay attention to the % because it will take a day no matter what.
Thats interesting Ded. You can choose to not be subscribed to this thread you know? Its a handy option to have.

Besides I check up in here to make sure everythings going ok. The only way I will know this is if someone posts up their percentage.
I don't want to think the connections dead only to find out the next day that it wasn't and I've got to waste yet longer to download it.
Alec_85 said:
7.8% & going strong @ 10kB/s... with a upload of 0.1kB/s! wtf? I have 0.5Mbit in both directions.

forward ports 6881-6889 to your ip on your router.
well the precentages help show what the community should be at

so yes, some do care. now stop whining.
How come he hasn't sent the file to someone with a server so we can just dl it from a server....alot faster that way...
Time2Choose said:
How come he hasn't sent the file to someone with a server so we can just dl it from a server....alot faster that way...

The bandwidth would die very quickly. A better option would be if he sent the file to like 5 to 10 people and they all started to seed together. Then speeds would increase dramatically.
Bicka said:
Thats interesting Ded. You can choose to not be subscribed to this thread you know? Its a handy option to have.

Besides I check up in here to make sure everythings going ok. The only way I will know this is if someone posts up their percentage.
I don't want to think the connections dead only to find out the next day that it wasn't and I've got to waste yet longer to download it.

I check this thread every so often to find IF someone posted something intellectual. Everysingle time I've gone to it I haven't seen anything. 90% of this thread is either "Look I'm at 2.3%!!! THIS IS SO SWEET!!!!" or "WTF THIS IS SO GHEY WHY R MY SPEEDS SLO!??!?GHEY!!!!!" or "Whats this thing called Bit Torrent? I'm too lazy and stupid to bother trying to google for it so I might as well add to the spam in this topic".

Everyone should be using Azureus, that way you can check other people's percentage complete and so this topic won't become "HEY WHATS EVERYONE's PERCENTAGE?!?!?" Also if you are gonna be mad that your computer wasted it's idle time downloading something to only realize it didn't finish, just stop downloading now and wait til there are plenty of seeds.
it would take just as long, if not longer to DL it off of the server, as opposed to where we all are right now. He would have to upload the entire thing to the site, and ONCE he's finished, we can all download it, which would clog the server up so bad, you'd need 5 tubs of Drain-o.

We're near half-way finished, and it's working enough for me.
Well, I think that he is asleep right now for one thing.

edit: whoops, 4 posts too late
Dedatorv said:
I check this thread every so often to find IF someone posted something intellectual. Everysingle time I've gone to it I haven't seen anything. 90% of this thread is either "Look I'm at 2.3%!!! THIS IS SO SWEET!!!!" or "WTF THIS IS SO GHEY WHY R MY SPEEDS SLO!??!?GHEY!!!!!" or "Whats this thing called Bit Torrent? I'm too lazy and stupid to bother trying to google for it so I might as well add to the spam in this topic".

Everyone should be using Azureus, that way you can check other people's percentage complete and so this topic won't become "HEY WHATS EVERYONE's PERCENTAGE?!?!?" Also if you are gonna be mad that your computer wasted it's idle time downloading something to only realize it didn't finish, just stop downloading now and wait til there are plenty of seeds.

will you stfu, you arn't going to stop everyone so just stop trying christ!

46.1% .. done 0 / 0
Dedatorv said:
I check this thread every so often to find IF someone posted something intellectual. Everysingle time I've gone to it I haven't seen anything. 90% of this thread is either "Look I'm at 2.3%!!! THIS IS SO SWEET!!!!" or "WTF THIS IS SO GHEY WHY R MY SPEEDS SLO!??!?GHEY!!!!!" or "Whats this thing called Bit Torrent? I'm too lazy and stupid to bother trying to google for it so I might as well add to the spam in this topic".

I've been guilty of complaining, and often praising my connection and download speeds. I'm just too curious to see whether or not this video is as high quality as Burning Fish describes. Plus I want it first. :D
Dedatorv said:
I check this thread every so often to find IF someone posted something intellectual. Everysingle time I've gone to it I haven't seen anything. 90% of this thread is either "Look I'm at 2.3%!!! THIS IS SO SWEET!!!!" or "WTF THIS IS SO GHEY WHY R MY SPEEDS SLO!??!?GHEY!!!!!" or "Whats this thing called Bit Torrent? I'm too lazy and stupid to bother trying to google for it so I might as well add to the spam in this topic".

Everyone should be using Azureus, that way you can check other people's percentage complete and so this topic won't become "HEY WHATS EVERYONE's PERCENTAGE?!?!?" Also if you are gonna be mad that your computer wasted it's idle time downloading something to only realize it didn't finish, just stop downloading now and wait til there are plenty of seeds.

Woop woop! Out comes the troll. Begin evasive flaming manouvers!

Seriously though. If spam is all your finding in here then do as I suggested and unsubscribe. Theres no point complaining about the matter because its only gone and made things worse.

BTW 46.8%
I am download at 93kb a sec... not to shabby :-D

after i get it i am gonna leave it up for a few hours to help you guys out... i hope that this is a DVD quality one and i'm not wasting my time....
mine is very jumpy its from like 6kib to 40

im running on a firewall

could that be the problem
Aw sweet is it the one where he arrives in City 17 and he like goes through a detector and like it beeps and they take him down a hall and inside rooms were horrorifying things? If it is it has that easter egg of the person in the trash bin everyone is talking bout'
Right now my Azureus health status is yellow. Does anyone have green?
hero said:
mine is very jumpy its from like 6kib to 40

im running on a firewall

could that be the problem

Not if you are forwarding ports 6881-6889 to your ip.
Half way there, i'm starting to question if this is really worth it.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are half way!
If this was the actual movie file, we'd be able to watch the video without it being finished using Videolan to see how good the quality is.
Were pretty much all at the same place. so stop reminding us...
Most of the people are using bittornado. I prefer Azureus though.